Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 21, 1952, p. 10

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bm ocokgetown hesald wednesday evnlne may list 1953 page m a lovely norval farm bruce harding hr kanitt ikn 9bej teacher italia hub gl beet phone s88r- margaret bradley harding pianist teacher statu lfslb 8l smlh plionz 43 mans best friend youll be the fellow in the doghouse if fire or other disaster catches you without dependable up- todate insurance better call on this agency today when disaster strikes a mans best fnend is his insurance agent i elmer c thompson insurance service joint f kersey e c themdsen 1u11 street phone 110 highest prices psld for scrap iran steel metals batteries miscellaneous fun sens delivered to our yard its carolina st n bamllton lwaxmanasons phone hamilton 27061 and 33811 road and cement gravel general trucking barclays haulage phone 723 r 21 hartt in fleerf etown exclusively at s i l v e r s lw deadstock deadand crippled farm anlrnailrenovd promp tly for sanitary dipoial tdephooe collect toronto em 33636 i georgetown 1 1 jm- fi 5 hi that mature earlier vj the lucky farmer picture in the may 7th issue of the herald is the home of mr and mrs u guy wilson norval the farm la situated on lot 7 on the 10th xjne esqueelna- and con ibta of 140 acrca it u bcllrvrd that the crown deed for 100 scree of this farm was secured by uie james early family mr will camp bell npw of georgetown bought it in 1000 and sold ten years later to the late james fiddler who retired ryim rr to georgetown when mr wilson bought it in 1023 he purchased 48 era from the walter drain estate in ibm to complete the 150 acre mr wilson botsgbt 4 acres which jaa n nixon had sold to if ugh mcannaly in ism guy la the aon of th lata mr and mrs william georve wilson of ashgrove ills wife jennie is the daughter of the late mr and mrs john mcmeekln of mount pleasant they have two children earl and huth the wilsons are members of nor val united churoh where guy is an elder mrs wilson works in the wa w ms and sunday school while the children are in the choir young peopled society snd sunday school earl is interested in arm injc and junior farmer activities while huth oee to milton iflgh school and la a junior homrmakrr i- fourt1i op eight articles on the history of assessment and municipal taxation in ontario section 33 of the assessment act defines the rules of valuation to be used by ail assessors whether it be in our largest cities or our small est villages or townships this section provides that land which includes any buldlrgs cr ected on such land is to be- osscs sed at its actual value that is not 50 per cent or 75 per cent of tht value as is sometimes assumed but 100 per cent of vslue this section also states that when assessing land without buildings erected thereon consideration is to be given to the following factors location pres ent use normal rental value nor mal sale value and any other clr cumstance affecting the value the amount to be placed for assessment purposes on the buildings is u be the amount by which they increase the value of the land assessment example an example of this reasoning might be of two brothers who crcc ted identically similar houses in the city of drantford in 1m7 one bro ther purchased a 1000 00 lot in a good residential section while the other purchased a 100 00 lot a poor section the replacement cost of either of the houses at 1m0 val ues was 6000 jn the good residential area the assessor was justified in placing the total replacement cost of the house 0o00 for assessment purposes as the house by reason of its location rental value and soles value increa sed the value of the land by that amount however while the house on the poor lot cost just as much to erect its poor location lower ren tal and sales values lessened its actual appreciation of the land so the assessor was quite justified in placing only 3500 00 on the build ing for assessment purposes the same situation would deve lop where two similar value houses were erected one in a city and one in a village a good brick house would cost as much to erect in the town of bala as in the city of tor onto but due to its location lower rental and talcs value the property would not be as valuable to overcome thl assessors use various methods to bring the ass essment value more in line with its actual vnluo some of these meth ods are by allowing depreciation or location obsolescence or by using rental capitalization etc while ob- jections moy be found to any oi these methods still it the system is applied fairly over the whole municipality there will be some de cree of equity not only between properties of the same type and class but also between different types of property the fact that a building is old does not necessarily mean a loss in value residences kept in a fair state of repair and in areas which have not gone down are worth in most coses many times their original cost of erection more jarge old homes loso value because of their oversize and their present um as single res idences when their better use would be apartments than on account of their age alono use normal value yearj present day replacement costs and sales values ere possibly very poor guides todayin establishing assessment values for this reason the majority of nwnrs take the- yeor 1040 as the normal value year when catauatlritfftlhel assessment values this ensures that even if ral estate values decline- in the fu ture that propert 4f hot usesseo at over 100 pwteettt 6 vsltisv 300 per cent over 1040 values while building costs generally huvi risen about a00 per cent it will be read lly icen from these figures that a person assessed on 1040 values has not much complaint unless he is inequitably assessed with his neighbour or other property in the assessing area the provisions of section 33 of the act detailed at the beginning of this article governs the method of making the assrsment for all types and classes of property in all parts of ontario with excepuon of rail way telephone and telegraph pro pertles etc and buildings used in connection with the production or storage of minerals mining buildings used for this purpose are not assessable as a ah arc of the pro fits of the mine is paid to the mun icipalities in lieu thereof next week i article will detail more about your local assessment nnd its application a realization of the great need there is that others everywhere stiould know of him and have a share in his love and massing if we want to preserve our world and our christianity we must not be afraid to launrh out into the deep and tf nec even to forsske all and follow him the anthem was o uve that will not let me go with mrs illshop taking the solo part the junior choir singing savlour teach me day by day with sandra scott taking the solo verse in the afternoon infant baptism was observed for judith ann john william james robert and janet lee children o mr ond mrs wil llam isley and for robert dale knight son of mr and mrs u knight at the evening service the sound film thy word glveth light was shown telling quite graphically of the bible society through its work with the scripture in braille let us remember brotherhood is not a dream it is a law as yet unfulfilled wjlatevtb your crop it can be improved with a complete plant food swifts vigoro for commercial growers is s complete plant food teited by scientific research proved by cxpcricnrc vigoro com men is grower goes to work immediately you introduce it to your soil it gives to your soil every vital nutrient tsscotial to crop growth and development die rciults appear 10 your harvest early maturity higher yields top quality of in your pru6ts so plso for s bumper crop this year order vigoro for com me re i si glowers rom your authorized swift dealer todsr swift canadian co limited plant food division po st mw tmm om gef your vigoro cgat georgetown farmers coop farm news eliminate boarders in cattle herds last week we suggested that this ihould be a good time to replace some of our boarder dairy cattle with some well bred types in calf heifers that we have some boar ders even in halton is substantia ted by some figures which came to our attention today in our three dairy herd improvement groups in halton there are 78 herds enrolled these represent better than average herds in halton yet we will find even in these herds that 32 per cent failed to qualify the standards jet for qualification in our opinion arc low here they are for the 305 day milking period 2 yra old 200 lbs butterfat 3 yr olds 230 lbs butter fat 4 yr olds 300 lbs butter fat mature 350 lbs butter fat halton dh1a groups rate high in ontario and yet 32 per cent of the cattle enrolled in halton failed to qualify what must the picture be over ontario more than ever we feel that it would be good business to send some of the boarders to the stock yards and replace with good fall freshening heifers such heifers of top blood lines can now be purchased for 100 per head less than a few months ago she awkward doncer this dance floor is certainly slippery lie it ian t just the the dance floor i just had my shoes shined increased costs mean more insurance protection needed make sure you are fully insured walter t evans co insurance real estate travel its the service that counts i sunday service at st johns church at st johns united church on sunday morning the theme of the service was the pattern of our stewardship rev john m smith used as his scripture lesson the parable of jesus retarding the use of our talents the right use bringing the rewards of greater opportunity the nonuse resulting in them being taken away from us his text was launch out into the deep and as uie fishermen obeyed this command of jesus they not only received a great catch of fish but greater still they discerned that here was some- one- greater than man recognised his dlvlnaauthority with the final results that they forsook all and followed him sown throigh the ages from the example of jesus and peter to the present time the pattern has been the same notjust the giving up of tills snd that hut also trs launching out into greater things giving mora anymore of our ability tlmoj talfnts uulpossesslon jar god wid tilt pu fa on appeal to all citizens to keep may 24th weekend free of accidents holiday weekends bring unusfial traffic hazards to ontario more drivers and pedestrians use the streets and highways mora miles en travelled more time is spent out of doors and thousands of children ore re leased from school all these factors swell the normal traffic volume and increase the danger of accidents i earnestly urge all citizens and all leaders in com munity and municipal life to encourage widespread awareness of the need for safer driving and safer walking the traffic accident record can be kept down if each of u does his port j the department of highways is conducting a planned attack on accidents let us all work together tq keep the approaching holiday period free of accidents geo h doucett minister- 7totmtev

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