Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 4, 1952, p. 9

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larjgeht ijnkr thr empress of scotland 28300 ton flagship of the canadian pacific fleet is shown here passing under the jacques carticr br id ffe at the entrance to montreal harbour to make history- ui h largest vessel ever to arrive in tlic worlds largest inland iort the big luxury liner and cruise ship which had to have her musts ahortentd by almost 45 feet to clear undtr the bridge and jower lint on the way up river front qutbcc will make montreal her cutiddun te rmlii tl for the remalndc r of the 1 1152 m uwrcnrt nvlatlon jm ason tht tifhjfoot long vessel carries 663 i as ftnifcrs und will make one trip iviry three wuki between liver hm1 t niflund greenock scotland und montr 41 ttu inset jiovs cupt c t ixihgan in uniform master of uit uirkal and fullest vt hik 1 on tlic st li r net rouli b hi we i coined to montr al by cupt j i dijfour second from rihht montrtil hartxhjrmastrr while lookltik on are a t mh donald u ft manukltik dlrtitor of c v and andre gaudier riwr pilot wlio wua aboard tin m 1 fur the 1j0 mllr run up rlw r from qui i mx ff lvw reot- s the house of j seagram men who think of tomonnow pnactise modeiiation today oddfellow rtbelnlu worship at st john last sunday wav wwtsunday the religious significance of which la that it is the commemoration of the day of pentecost that great day in the life of the christian church which changed its whole outlook and attitude rev john m smith chose as his theme the challenge of pentecost and bated his medi tation on the facts of pentecost as lecordod in the second chapter of acts showing what bewildered and dilouramd christian mm arjd women wtn uble to do when the powir of ifce holy spirit was re v t a led to tht in causing them to lost their ft ar re it a in tht ir conf i d net und lu out and tell otturs what uity knew uf jtsui slarluit scum tiling xhlth fuunded kit chris tjan clturth as we know it today with all us tiowr tnd inauentu for kd i our world jtsu in his lift in tt the arly christian at i tntttol- john wrslty in tils day raw iis ft tht ouiii n tit and worm ii of tod3y who utt hieing oiiiimivis to full tllllt oltllll ministry tht netd of a siefc world for a uit and tx 1 it thai iuit i ihc irjdht uf tht it tililnii of jt mis at il tht ll wini of hi wuy of lift hit holy suli h still lu lug inn tin in tht inspiration and tttt thalun1 to do some uiliic about it in d tin ii tht owir to act ompllah at uas1 u great part of their task ii thalltttjcta us to in rtallktlt liitiliiis nut just tliuali flirts llai to bt tunfldtnt in vtluil wt hit to klvt to tilt world und to le t iithuslustlc in passlns out know ltrig of jesus on to ulhtr tount litg the cost wlmly tin n lltmj uurw kii to tht work without looking back th4t hoir anthem tusti nnd m how gracious the iord is tlic juniors olfi rtory oilldrt n pr iy this ixivp to cherish in tht c tiling st johns vus prlviltktd to have worshipping with tin m uit oddfellow mil he im kuhs uf town with uniting lodg ant ii unkii of tht girls iip hand tht lurgi numtx r pre nt bt ink an inspiration for siim t re wor ship hi v john m smith s mibjcct v in wlmc e er vou w ulk ex liortinj lho prt m nt to walk ml i v t sn tnji otldfthown and ltitxk shn livlnt up to tht christian prln 1 hs of your order true to uic ouyou haw taki n knowing that othi r- art tukinj notice of how you llvi and do t xpectln noble things from you our ordtn wtrt prob jhly founded through the vklon of nouli universal idt als of some per son or small group with great zeal und a capacity for leadership lu solrtng others to become faithful followers and now the needs are the same if you are to survive and accomplish worthwhile tisks a vision of universal ideals zealous it adership and faithful followers a kood oddfellow or t bckah should be a good churthman a good chris wednesday evening june 4tb 1052 the georgetown iieeald page t lftctl 0mand ier six envelopes nancy no longer uses this old fashioned system in fact nowadays her husband calls her a finitiiial whir that i becauss she followed the advice of friends by opening a current account at the commerce to day nancy writes cheques and keeps track of every penny paid out from the statement given to her hy the dank tuth month she started her banking off on the right foot too by reading it s simple when you know how it s the handy purse sue booklet giving helpful tips on day to day hanking and prepared especially for women by the commerce ask for your copy at your local branch or write to franc terry head office tha canadian bank of commerce toronto- the canadian bank of commerce you get more for your money with a mccormick farmall cub do neovy ffld worlt 3 fartootl touch control lihs plow j aires heavy m up to tift uuhtv deep in j day on ltss than a dollar of fuel to the at re 1 ikhl job retpjirc niuih lt lowers iniptcrncnis caiily anylkitly can operate it vou ijvc on llor costs plant ultivatm do mvmty ofa thi larniaii ub is fit sihle with 26 matt lied mi urniick unpumcnis iu save money imtuusc you din uvi your cub on all your jobs you tav on tint coif foo 1 he prite is only down delivered to our farm prove to yourself that the farmsiu ub is your best tractor buy see us today wc 11 show you an your farm how the rarm all ub docs all your worlt at the lowest possible cost ken mcmillan phone 40 georgetown tlan and a kod citizen making thiir tharacttr ft it in thi cotmnun ity practicing tht urothcrtiootj of man under the r atiierhood of god and obeying the two commandments to iue god anl uiy neighbour as thyself tht junior choir aank two pjeai inj numbers let us rrmotilx r our task no easy hopes or lies shall bring us to our koal hut iron sucrlf lei of body will and soul and if we have any doubt about a higher power ready and able lo help us atcompllsh our task let us read again the editorial in last vvctks herald and learn what the j inch mushroom was able to do to our tarvla pavement robert r hamilton optometrist vks examined classes fitted new location it 8l cnn bqwre guelph formerly occupied by e p held optomelrut myth ot eight articles on the history of assessment and municipal taxation in ontario tht proper assessment of farm i rop rty to help bring about not only it ti ctiiluliuittou of assessment i ul ilso of tixitlon in om of the nuiln protltnut w tilth rur il ac- hot s hivt to contind with ttnlay while it will cost ocr j0tkh to t reel the buildings including the tlwelllnk on a 1h acre general purmie furm tt the farm will only stll for on an average of from s7 000 to loouo if the soil on a farm is jkmtr h trd to work or too wet to work until i tuljn the spring this lessens the alue of the farm no matter the cost of the buildings the same would apply to a farm in an aren where the climatic con dittons caused a uhort growing sea son ror instance while the soil texture uf northern ontario is aim ilar to that of some of the southern ontario count lea yet the short grow ing bcason prevents the raising of certain crops this is an cxumlpe of how location affects the farm al ue not only due to climatic condi hon but also due to lack of mar kets then wc have farms which arc termed overbuilt or utidei built where in the the first case there arc too ninny buildings or the build ings have too larue an orcu for the amount of acreage available for- production and in the sjxrond case where there arc too few buildings or the buildings have too small un arcu to proper y stock the- produoo stock or machinery study soil value for these reasons assessors have in the past few years been devoting more study to the value of the soil from the productivity angle ami less to the elaborate spread of buildings they believe that if soil cannot produce the buildings do not great ly increase the value of the 4 and becauso no farm has value except as a means of production this of course does not include the farms which because of thou proximity to urban centres have a potential value as future industrial sites or for subdivision purposes undoubtedly the biggest head ache that rural assessors face today is tha problem crested by the in flux of urban dwellers into the formerly rural townships this en try wade possible by the develop ment of motor transportation and kood roads has resulted in the krowth of urban hamlets unfortpnitely the natur il dtslrc of these new rtldt nti to enjoy sonic ul the amenities uicy enjoyed in the urban municipalities from whence they moved has created school problems and the installa hon of municipal services which win formerly not prov ided for by the farming community tills has caused sonu distress to uic firm irrrts 1 ixauon has risen but it really is a taxation problem and not an amssmcnt problem for as sukkislcd 1m fore tht same rules of isscssment and cquilization which koi cm urban municipalities also apply to rural areas in other words if n dwelling in in urban municipality has an actual value of 15 000 and is assessed at 0 per cent of value or 7 500 then a farm which has an actunl value of 15 000 must also be assessed lor 700 industrial itulldlncs industrial property is in some what the same category as farm properly it has its greatest value when it is enjoying its best use if the buildings are not suitable for the type of manufacturing being carried on the cost of production is naturally higher and therefore the industry finds it difficult to meet competitive prices this factor creates n loss in actual value which is reflected in the assessment industrial machinery changes rapidly and industrial buil dings are generally designed to fit the machinery and not the reverse so if the value of farm land is les sened because it cannot produce then it follows that if industrial buildings ere outmoded part of their value la lost the flame of course would apply to retail stores etc where the trend of population has changed or where modern shop ping centres which ha vo been op ened up in a nearby area have at tracted the trade fortunately these conditions are not nearly as applic able to residential property in the next article you will be told the steps you may take to adjust what you consider an unfair assessment harolds hare realtor farms suburban homes w cromar resident salesman georgetown 98 r 4 no tire is blowout nrnol but only the goodyear lifeguard safety tube gives you twstttre protection against blowout dangers and lifcguards arc re usable rood for 100 000 miles or more of blowout safe driving out last jl sets of tires figure the savings yourself see uatoday for goodvear lifeguard safety tubes big tradein allowance e your eld tubal saxe motors weun street wtptaonb 1uw

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