tdk oeokgetown iieftald wednesday evening july isth paqe z ontario poultry and livestock conference georgetown lions club garden party georgetown park m m h thursday july 17 i theroyal city four guelph male quartette vince mountforp jovial emcee and fun inakcri anything etin hap tn1 usually does joey hollingsworth g sensational young dunce stylist always a favourite sj the royal heads amninc magicians and ventriloquists a treat for the whole funiily j paul bros and shirley s songb comedy and jokei galore willis mcneilly j piano stylist and accordionist hon thos kennedy ontario minljtrr of agriculture will ojton the ihuw g lucky draw for peterborough boat refreshment booths 830 pm admission 50c and 25c i ob 8peedvale ave east at northern clt ilmlu tonnt a thursday quicksand mickey hooncy friday la ft nitk always leave them laughing mr tv milton derlc saturday july ii dallas gary cooper colour mon tue8 july 21 m drums raymond massey colour wed ttluks july 11 jungle book 8a bu colour 14 2 shows nightly child n uidit ii r free loaded with worries you should be if you have a great many dol lars worth ot personal property without com- plete insurance protec- tionfotthatirrve increase is made in unemployment benefit two of the recent amendments to the unemployment insurance act those increasing rale of benefit and reducing the waiting krlod have come into force by proclamation on july hth this was announced by the unemployment insurance com mission the top rote of benefit paid to a person entitled to the dependency rate will then be moo a day and far a tingle person 2 85 a day at present these are 3 50 and 2 70 respectively the increased rates and the re duction in waiting days will apply only to days of unemployment that occur on or after july 14th these amendments were recommended to the government by the unemploy ment insurance commission and the unemployment insurance advisory committee another amendment extends un til april 13th of each year the per iod during which supplementary benefits will be paid of interest also is an amendment providing that there will be no discrimination in the selection of applicants for place ment because of racial origin col our religious belief or political af filiation the com m us ion through mts national chain of employment of fices has been following the prac tice legalized in this amendment the principle now la given statutory recognition in the amendment it has for some time been recog nized that the unemployment in surance act is one of the most im portant pieces of social legislation in canada from time to time national bodies in different fields make rec ommendations to the commission which if implemented would in volve amending the act the great labour organizations have for some time been uriflng an increase in benefits and also a reduction in the number of waiting dnys the act j list passed goes nt least part way in the direction of implementing their requests before the amending bill was passed the maximum benefit which could be paid to n person with n dependent was 2100 this is in creased to 2400 on n dally basis the lncrcase is from 350 to 4 00 the other classes of benefit except the two lower classes show com parable increases it was felt that in the cane of the two lower classes benefit was is high as possible without resulting in the danger of over insurance under the unemployment insur ance act there is what is known ns u waiting period this waiting cr iod follows ah application for bene- fh and occurs at the beginning of teach benefit year it has in the conblt durin the anifual ontario poultry and live stock conference was held at the ontario agricultural college guelph july 7th to 10th inclusive judging by what we saw and heard on the one afternoon we were in i tendance more of our i hal ton pro ducers should have been present in cluded in the programme were not tidy leading authorities from many parts of canada but also from var ious points in the us the whole programme would appear to have un so outstanding that from our vwwpouit it u most unfortunate hat it should jiave been held at so lusy a season no doubt there are wry tfiod reasons why the con- fcrnuce is held at this um of year but in the final analysis it means most of us will have to get the high lights from the farm pros on the wednesday afternoon we were present the poultry people were in session in massey hall and the addresses centred around the turkey situation turkey nutrition and new developments in turkey prod uction and marketing all of which no doubt was very much worthwhilo but we attended the session in memorial hall which incidentally was filled almost to capacity for the addrcms of dr w g kammlade of the university of illinois who ilioht on some aspeeli of grass land animal agriculture ii li ad dress centred around some of the experiences and experiments in the development of socalled marginal or sub marginal lands in the south ern part of illinois it is in this area that the olson springs kter- imrnt station i orated this sta tion contains approximately b400 acres varying in topography from level to slopes of more than 13 per rent according to the speaker no ef fort is made to crop slope that are slevprr than 0 per cent which means a nine foot rise in one hundred feet slopes over 0 percent are in their opinion best suited or forest use we were interested in the ipenk- rt statement there are no marg inal or submarkinal lands if they are put to the use for which they are best adopted erosion control their studies of soil and water losses have shown that the lnt land usr for erosion control relates tt ome tye of grassland agriculture under their conditions of tono graphy and rainfall in southern illi nois the speaker stated a plow layer of soil would be lost in from 20 to 23 years under the usual till age methods under grassland type of agriculture it would take from three to eight thousand years to lose that same amount or soil importance of crop residue according to dr kammlade when crop residues were removed on a 5 percent slope soil losses were 48 tons per acre with corn and b7 tons per acre with winter wheat where the residues were returned the soil losses were lcij and 4 1 tons re spectively inese arc but a few of remember this property may be lost or stolen ruined by fire explosion windstorm flood you need the at home or away coverage of the pjeirsonil fvopdrty ploa- ter ask us about it to day tu4rc thompson ihamh aitvice of what to us were most interesting comments in this outstanding two hour address the uvealosk situation we had rather looked forwardto hearing an old friend in the person of u w jearsallchief of the mar keting service for die canada de partment of agriculture j low ever important matters elsewhere prev ented mr jvamall being in attend ance and his paper was very ably bundled jjy s c hurry his as sociate in introducing the subject it was pointed out that for the first lime- in canadas history we have no ex port outlet for our beef and pork until the uast lew yours ahe great bulk of oua livestock products went 4o great britain since 1150 sixty- live mrrent jf our export lutve gone to the us and only 10 per rent 16 great lirluiln moot of us liave been under the imprcsslun that the loss of the llrltlsh market was due to a shortage of dollars with whloh to buy our products in part that may be true but wc per sonally were surprise to learn that during che past five years britain has been spending 630 million dol lars a year in canada in contrast to 330 million dollars a year during the five year period prior to iu3u our lnioruint factor responsible fur the loss of the british market is the high price of canadian agricul tural products in re lu hon to the price of the same products in other parts of the world the real crux of the situation is that britain must have raw products for her reunna- mciit programme iarft surpluses pork bef our hog marketings to the end if june are one third higher than a year ago some 37 million pounds of ork have been canned and to date is in storage not sold in ad dition some 13 million pounds of pork is being held in storage in the form of wiltshire as a result of the fcur way agreement recently made between canada geat britain new zealand and us a market was ar ranged for 60 million pounds of leej of this amount neurly 40 million poundi would be on the way to britain by the end of last week with heavy runs of both hugs and beef anticipated this fall it wuuld seem that wc art far from being out of the woods yet fool and mouth outbreak the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in saskatchewan last feb ruary involved only 20 premises and some 1200 head of stock that in itself doesnt amount to very much but the consequent loss of the us market is the serious factor coming as it does at a time when wc have little other export outlet jiavc you seen the attractive new wedding statjoncry now avail able at the herald office come in and see it holidays barrageri cleaning plant will be closed fjogn july 26th to august 4th inclusive but our office will remain open for your convenience barragers cleaners and dyers phone 233w main street which no benefit was paid alio at tho beginning of each period of un employment there is what is known aa one noncompensablo day this made a total of nine days the xc- suit of the amendment will belul no benefits arc payable for the first week- after a parson files a claim rathor than for the first nine days as at present a benefit yoar sometimes term inates u4ille a person is unomploy- od it was found that hardship re- suited when a waiting period oc curred during period of continue unemployment the claimant may be able to qualify immediately for second benefit year hinder the act as h formerly stooovhe would flowers for every ioccasion design work- a specialty bonded member tds telegraph delivery service flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral kinsmen wrestling brampton arena zs saturday july 19 845 pm lord athol layton vs bobo brazil ray vtllmer v roberto pico johnny barend vs tiger tasker admission 75c children under 12 35c we are prepared to do all types of plumbing new bathrooms installed or remodelled water systems repairs of all kinds ken nash phone 239r kind street georgetown insurance travel real estate walter t evans co mill street phone i83w georgetown ontario serving your community for over 30 years new provision will permit the com mission to postpone this waiting period it will be recalled that supplem entary benefits which were first payable in february 1050 termina ted at the end of march of each year it has been found that this period is not sufficiently long to take care of seasonal unemployment during the winter consequently an amendment extends the period dur ing which supplementary benefit may be paid to certain classes of people who cannot qualify for rc- ular benefit until april imh it is unnecessary to claborato on the 5th major amendment to which reference hns already been made the commission docs not dlscrlmy inale on grounds of racial origin colour religious belief or political affiliation of course the commis sion is to a certain extent in tin hands of the employer in filling his ordejs it is performing a voluntary service both for workers and em ployers it cannot dictate to ntr employer tho nature of the worker or workers whom he will employ on the other hand inclusion of this provision in the unemployment in surance act gtvc formal approval and force to the principal of non discrimination do you want stable prices price stability depends on many things but principally upon the relationship between wages and production if wages go u without a corresponding rise in the vol ume of manhour production then prices are bound to go up too so it is really up to the canadian people whether or not we have stable prices if we canadians want the cost of living to stabilize then we must see that manhour production keeps pace with wages listen te hamilton album over station croc list every week nlfht published as a public serviceby thi steel company of can ad a limited plants at hamilton brantrordsvransea gananoque -ntteal-