Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 22, 1952, p. 4

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tbx geotcefown hekjuld wadnaajay evcnlnc oct 22 1052 fagb f fajuf hews ojer eighteen courses at county night school iv nnounceaents relative to the third annual county nigkt school to be held in milton this coming fall and winter are now in the mail copies have been aent out to all box holders on rural routes in tile count in the event your copy went astray an application or enrolment form will be found ru where in thia issue the course open on tuesday evening novwn ber 23th and will cover a period of twelve nights three previoui to christmas and nine after the new year the fee for all of the course with the ex nation of the welding course la 2 50 per person in the welding course because of extra costs involved the fee has been set at 910 00 in all cases 91 00 must accompany the application incidentally all applications must be sent forward to the muum office of the ont dest of agriculture applications received by nov 1st will determine the courses to be held and furthermore all indlvi duals whose applications are in by this dale will have an equal oipor tunlty o securing the course of their first choice eighteen ruuicti arc being offer ed namely 1 clothing a wementary cloth ing b advanced clothing c tailoring d children s clothing which is further subdivided into boys garments and g iris garm en is e neefllecraft which in eludes one or more of the following needlepoint smocking crocheting and tatting 2 soils crops an improved course over that of a year ago 3 home gardening a practical course for the host ounes dealing with such topics as landscaping floriculture vegetable growing smal fruits and the growing of shrubs 4 farm management this will oe a general course involving lec tures and discussions on farm or ganlxation livestock coding and management health of livestock farm outlook etc 5 farm and ipome mechanics a ftodiehold median icsfestfcned for ladle b llome juudlng course for those interested in build ing their own house c shop work including woodworking lsthc work with wood and metal orge work d welding fl c raf u a leathers raft b ad anced ijcithcrcrafl c oil painting d metalirufl i cera mics or potu ry fj ik 1oom weaving 7 uratna ror further details toneern ing the rourws and die nlht school in general we would milgest that you nurt u copy of the announcement or tutiuicl tht agricultural oiticl in milton a year ago 4u6 appllcutiom were received and judging by intjulrln received to date interest in the programme for the coming season l keen that should bo sufficient warning to suggest that if in teres ted you would be wise to get your application in by november let saturday the 4 knights sensational sepia singers recording artists and stars of stage radio and tv zena cheevera outstanding dance stylist ray english that famous comic emcee who has just finished engagement at the palladium in london and the paramount theatre new york dalt gibsons orchestra for dancing sunday night concert featuring the same stars i paradise gardens kitchener highway njoar guelph raum nfcwh third in twenty for tractor team 1asi week we presented the high lights of ilalton plowmen at the big international match at carp which showed that ilalton s delegation of eight made an outstanding show ing the only thing missing was the standing of the inter county tractor team with some twenty odd counties in competition lfal torn team of barry archer and ar nold howden placed third a great showing for a pair of lads 13 and 16 years of age who were in competition with lads up to 20 years of age it was the best showing by a ilalton team in an inter county plowing event in the past ib years here it the standing of the first ten counties with tblr respective scores 1st ontario 176 4 2nd waterloo 174 7 3rd ilalton 1743 4th hal dim and 173 6 5th york 172 cth stormont 171 9 7th wcntworth brant 1713 9th peel 1684 10th victoria 164 7 ugion sponsors hoi kh junior juvenile midget bantam and peewec hockey will be spon sored this winter by the legion branch registration will tukc place at the legion hull saturday morning and all boys who wish to play are urged to register then there will be junior and puvenlle try out as foon as ice is available acton rotary club fun fair in acton tv draw gifts door prizes entertainment arena parade games monster bingo clowns fun for the family friday october 24 proceed for crippled children worlt nnd club projects rbttwfctem arthritis riii it prrilttoi a report by two pittsburgh physi cians on the combined uaa of acth and gold in the treatment of pa tient suifermg from rheumatoid arthrfus indicates that in some cases extended remission fif the disaase is possible acth has been widely used in recent months in the treatment of chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis re suiting in temporary relief from the disabling and painful aspects of the disease gold therapy has also been ued achieving remission of the activity of the disease in a limited number of cases drs iarr m margoljs endpuul s caplan of the university of pittsburgh school of medicine and st margaret memo rial and mxnlefiore hospitals report pn ute results uutunyd in their study of 23 patients who were given u th acth und bold sven of their patn nts to whom the administration tf the hormone has been dlstn tinued t ninety far wtimin ranging from 30 days to 7 m nths ore maintaining tht ir ruiiumi ti wilh ut rtlipm of ihi urthrttin ten of tht nurnl i i are muml i n n tl eir rt mis it ii but um ittill rum luj achi 1 ni with t 1 1 tt r i i in pt goodve ah road lug truck tires ballt to to i off the rasd brln out the laid utd build np plenty of mileage on the hlghwirl coin in cad tea bout thli l double duty tin ooa iiw m numiui btr tires nji iiinirik sis i i turtles once weighed a ton on the equator west of ecuador lies the galapagos islands group us name being spanish for its ginnt land tortoises now close to rx unction because of men s raids the or es of some hov c been is tmintcd to approach their weight ten more than 100 pounds son e 70 miles wist of key west florid i the stven dry tortugas islets hki vim hear a spantsh name meaning turtle when it comes to shec sie the leotherback leads living turtle species in 1923 a 1 2r6 pound leatherback eight feet long was c iptured off calif lrnm later vnn cuivir island waters produced a 1 40 pound specimen archrlon a shell tlweller f a million years ipr erew 12 fect long and weighed mi ic than uno ton a skeleton shell and all is on display in yale s pin bod museum the green sea turtle fuvorid for soup reaches a max mmum of about boo pounds high tales published by students of georgetown high school vol 1 no 2 georgetown ontario wednesday october 21 1052 nlu k 1 tmiilmtnt ft r vjti us nut ns th lm riant e f u t t iil nut 1 rt n s m n in tht kivin itn nth dt m iti d s nlir iiiim f al 11 it dtn x ti t 1m t tiiai tr i i f i 1 rr i f act ii givtn ul r mirall 1 it nly ni 1 n hi t h rn t nt i- t tki n it 1 i t li inj ilhr nmiu 1 alt 1 r u rt 1 aftt r i i tl n il lr in ml t t xj lain 1 carbon makti posslblt niw plant varittiis it idn ut tivi carbt n muv be list ful in producing new van tits f furm and g irden pluntt research on h t tnin reported by investlga l tn from the university of chicago uiirt the arxunm national lulxirn tor hive tlmtlmd john m hi al i roft tsi r t f b tuny and chuimuin if tht dtparlrnrnt at the unlvt rsity tf chicukti and norbert j stull miii r physiul gist with the arjonr nuti nal i abt rutory s divisu n f hi u iu il and nil 1 i il researt h huve it ihibonle 1 in a i earch pr liam the results it which nre dis t used in thi lurrent isue i i uotantcal gazette the m ok i d in this study were grown ins te one of the argonne labor itor plant grtwth chambers for three n onths kadiouctive carbon dioxide was mixed with ordinary carbon dioxide and the gase us mixture was in jected into the 360 cubic foot her metlcally sealed glis chnmber the phlnts breathed the gns and incorporated the carbon atoms ra dioartive and nam radioactive alike into the plant structure the r dioactivity interfered with t le growth of the plants and the long er the onions were maintained in the radioictive environment the ereiter was the amount of inter ference helps fldo a commai hut hard to control of fliction of dogs ear canker is he ini treated succt ssfully with hici trucin one of the niw antibiotic drills dogs are easy prey to cur infections with fleas mites and other parasitis plaving an inipor tant role in stirling up irritation in the car canal when such infictun art allowed to continue for extended periods veterinarians haye found them among the most difficult to clear up when bacitracin was op plied following prepwatory treat mints it was successful in 21 of 25 cases bacitracin also was found to be useful in treatment of wound in fections of dogs and in certain in tcrnal infections saxe motors phonbi 152 4seneral repairs v a some flour goes bfttir what clement is there in fine corn meal or ftour to cause an ix plosion such ns may occur in n flour mill such on explosion is not due to the presence in the grain or flour of any particular explosive material but it may occur with an finely divided inflammable mnte rial such as flour coal dust or saw dust which floats in the air as it cloud if u is piled on the ground nnd you poke a lighted match into it vhfwntch will bo out because there is not enough oxygen to sup port the burning process however if the same materia is floating in the air thcro is around each tiny grain n relatively largo amount of oxygen omplo to let it burn lower school report by trry usxlcy ib a nomination meeting was held in our room on friday october 10 the purpose was to pick represen- latwee from our room to be on the student council it resulted in win for claudia milne for the iru arid peter pomeroy taking the pos ition for the boys members from each room were chosen to represent the rooms in the council social studies period was skipped on lrlday morning in order to give ruruuig practice at the truik book review this was my cfcelce bj audrey bjsfcstp ihls tl an account of the danger fraught llfo of a man who now living in this country under u t t uvy ulicf gu ird in dtgulsc and with ail assumed fume jiu rrul iiamt u igor ouuifhku he was for luirt of his life a kumuuii spy in thi book he tells the complete truth court ruing the hujslan pto pie their hardships their poverty their jnmfortuiu s in kitort tht ir fttruifglt for xtstence ouuteiiku alu tells of his life in the soviet irmy win re no matter what post oik- held one wua always under tonstant survilllince it was a life win rt no one even trusted his best irlend tit rt adt r cant help but admin this man who aftt r coming to canada to take a job with tht c6m niunlst party risked tht li ti of himself and his family to brtuk his ties wltli the communist movtintnt it is a ktory that is not easily for gotu n one jkjlnt of inttrtst in this book 11 the gradual chant as the book progrcmrs of gouzenko s beliefs a man who at first had an abiding faith in his party finds that faith is slowly dwindling and finally nftt r considerable deliberation shakes himself entirely free of the hussion regime and brtrays his fellow party m mix n into the wait ing hands erf the canadian govern ment persons anywhere from sixteen on will find this a thoroughly en joyable book in some parts near the end there is a little too much detail but otherwise it is 9 ery absorbing book armouries decorated for held day here the gaily decorated armouries were done by a party heidetl by mary barber her party was made up of nuncy white olennn doht r ty and others the work party did a fine job in decorating the armor ies for the after held day donee a booth was alsx constructed by the art cliss in the school where refreshments were served on the held day gill wheeler and licv hyde also hclfd with tht refresh me nt h blli lrslje attends g ii s hill leslie son of the theitre manager is attending glib hill is living in hillsburgh and commutes eery day with his father illll has dug into his grade xi subjects with 7cst and is getting off to a fine start he has tikm a good interest in it nnd we all enjoy hiving dill along with us editorial lack of gymnasium school petrimemt everybody knows we need some thing done about our high school in georgetown but ho to go about getting the ball rolling is another question instead of going to the parents take the easier way and talk to she students we are the ones who know best what we need- don t jurt think beut it now and put it off co right at it and tell your jmirent about the overcrowdlug of our trfiool and the lack of futilities for sports ifov many of our patents realize that pt is compulsory aubjret and that when it is raining or rry bad weather we have no gym to take it 1ft your parents may ray that they mvir had m gym and tot slonjf alright but i rut wus in the old days we still 40 out in the bod weatht r ikxuum thai s all we rati do but w hy sliould w c be so ancient in our sehuol we u enough students to be a le aditig athool we should l set ting an e sample to other schools but we cant if we haunt tht fac llllles so think about it and till your parents that its time they were awakened to the fact tlist we need a better and bigger school here in georgetown library beeomes class use is how limited this year due to overcrowding in gifb the library has been restricted because hfth rorm is now occupy ing ii this has caused some agl titlon among the pupils as they ran not use the library freely it can only bt usud in once s week per wxla due to the la rye enrolment mh form had to be accommo dated in the library dlack boards have been installed where the book helves were and this prov ides a limited blackboard why all the fuss us students at g1is was wonder ing what s all the fuss about in toronto newspapers them fellas is always crabbln about our gram mar hut actually our grammar nlnt so bad we get by and nexer scorn to be caught up by it we have to study fer s hole year to find out what shakeswrc was talk- in about but we can express our sdfes in 1 sentence we aln t such bad grammarists because after all wc git some words write we done a lot of studyrin in publir school where we was taught everything wo know of we admit we don t know nothing about politics but we sure itsenls my refi rions on our gram in ir field day results jvmurjglris standing brood diane harrison running broad diane harrison basketball throw sandra scott softball throw sandra scott high jump sandra scott 50 yd dash leanne darou 75 yd dash leanne darou cjiamplmisandra scotu j polar bays it u lining broad calvin king high aimp wayne pries shot putt kran ru ifulme iole vault allen lleen- ey 100 yd r rancis hulme 220 vd t rancis hulme champion r rancis hulme iftursaedlste lrls standing bruad mary liutier itunnlng broad anne hyde ttaa- kelhall uirow gall wheeler soft ball throw betty alio v yd joyce dritluim 75 yd joyce den ham champion joyce dcnham intermediate hoys itunnlng broad terry norton high jump terry norton shot putt mlthard slrftko pole vault terry norton 100 yd hun itltchte 220 yd hun ltllchle champion terry norton senior iru standing broad julia dcvrles itunnlng broad neretta zilio bas ketball throw neretu zilio 50 yd 1 lleen oates 75 yd eileen oates champion neretta zlllo senior boys itunnlng broad paul liar ber high jump paul uarber shot putt george mcclure pole vault allen darby 100 yd paul barber champion paul barber boy open 440 yd paul barber hju yd paul barber french teacher plugs her subject miss iukr our favourite french teacher has really been plugging her subject gils looks more like a bll of france than georgetown on most of the available board there are some french posters we literally have french all day jb cause everywhere you look there is a poster this is a new twist 00 the old story it is a very good idea end is a good way of spreading the knowledge of french throughout the school local held day ends in goodtime mr prouse and miss piercey did a fine job of arranging the time table for our own field day most events were on schedule and the whole field day including track com petitions was over by 3 o clock gordon grelg ond dole tost oie the lucky winners of ihe hoxy prize for submitting the nntne of high tales for our newspaper both re ccived farnlly tickets to the hoxy through the kindness of the mana ger mr leslie don seddon gets rousing sendoff don seddon left ohs friday oc tober 10th in the morning at 30 t party was held for don there were 18 bottles of pop and chocolate bars and everybody hod a good time giving him o send off wc hope ho will get a good start in his new school in winnipeg it is hard to change schools in the centre of the term but we know don will get a food stort don recelv ed a beauti ful close grained wallet don left r ridny night for winnipeg momifc ill year after year youre faced with the same bin decision and orriy you can make it this year before you decide to buy any fuel get all the facts learn how blue coal colored blue to guarantee the quality assure you of better family health more fuel economy steadier warmth day and nlflht make the right decision phone us today bl hue coi buy an epple this saturday from tne io rioy soouu w h kentner sftnxtu jc eiiajtoahiyfeairi jt h

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