Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 19, 1952, p. 11

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be ocurrowr mwij wednesday evening nov 1 1051 pagec 1lo sfc to btor qum imbor camditumi ofead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed prom ptly for sanitary diapoaal talephoiia collect toronto em 33636 georgetown 1 1 fordoa yeans ltd hove youi ssso on mftitfi instsalud now i laatall low limit aauastst to maltv- tala twktt la raoutoaa lft us lesrs your pr oil bu snctaary wtut a cos ut rua- anaa varaum4 and compltaly owffttauami electric chpjaolkarsm and bamaa inatallalad rmrr estihatth w bill sproule elizabeth st 8 rilone 1111 brampton high tales published by students of georgetown high school voi i no 4 georgetown ontario wednesday nov lmh ittt jaul hvtaf ataadara can a te ahiias at aaua cku- draa use the yeaagstsr battered asaa wart keaaaialle uu lataraallaaal laker orgaalssuaai im a un laacuuud gear eases la tuaalaata harasfal brattles threat tateraatleaal arllaa at at anal rsaag aaaala ara aw aald far their atrrtcaa ar given ever la eenlracter aa a langlena ladaatara aataa raaalrie will aaaa asset aadtr ilo aasaiea te dliraai aniim to aaeusa each breeedara aad lapnn aaaalaraaaat ina far yeaag warmers travel notes the coronation in comfort cunard line announces the ipecial cruise ahlp i c a rom a i sailing from new york about i may 4th 1053 i ship can be used as a hotel in southampton with trans- j porta t ion to london and a grandstand seat included i ask us about it i john r barber travel advisor klmkm c thompson insurance service jj phone llfl mu1 street 2 notice to creditors in the bule f herbert bardeue grahtm late ef the tewa ef georgetown in the county ef ilajten deceased the creditors of herbert burdrtte graham late of the town of geor getown in the county of ifalton machinist deceased who died pn or about the 10th day of july 1dm and all other having claims against his estate are hereby notified to send by post prepaid or otherwise to deliver to kenneth m georgetown ontario solicitor for the undersigned administratrix of the estate of the said herbert bur drtte graham machinist deceased on or before the 10th day oi dec ember 1032 their names addresses descriptions and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities if any held by them and that immediately after the 10th of december 1052 the administratrix will proceed to distribute the ctit of the aald deceased amongst the par ties entitled thereto ha v rag rejrarj only to the claims of which live ad ministratrix shall then have nottrc eva graham administratrix by kenneth m langdon her aollcltor georgetown ont ii 26 the dominion of canada has 25300 mormons notice to creditors la the estate of wullass may bamaa uu ef tee towsi ef gnus in the taunt- af hajua la-baar- er 4eaaac4l the creditors of william may- bank late of the town of george town 1n the county of hal ton lab ourer deceased who died on or about the 23th of september 032 and all others having claims against his estate ara hereby notified to send by post prepaid or otherwise to deliver to kenneth m langdon georgetown ontario solicitor for the undersigned administratrix of the estate of the said william may- banks labourcr deceased on or before the 10th day of december 1052 their names addresses des criptions and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the sec urities if any held by them and that immediately after the tenth day of december 1052 the admin istratrix will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased am ongst the parties rntltled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the administratrix shall ihen ha c notice uly may ruth maybanks administratrix b kenneth m langdon her solicitor gt ortjt tow n ontario 11 26 at loaf last new ghs coming up after many years of hard fight in the councils of these municipal ities fchey have a proved the building program of the north halton lftsh school board it was through the hard work of the school board it other prominent cltlisriis that vn desperate necessity was shown to live councils the next step after the tk of the council is to have meetings of the school board the next step is for the school boad to receive the ok on thegencral plana of ue school from the dept of ed ura i ion this may take sev eral weeks after the ok of ahe ept of education la received an architect wll be engaged to draw up the specific plans for the new school krom here one or several contractors will be granted the con tracts after all this preliminary work the actual building will start the new school shooftd be ready by beptensuerof itrm the school at georgetown will probably have 4 standard class rooms 1 commercial room 1 acleitce laboratory 1 library class room i auditoriumgymnasium and 1 either household economics or shop class the household economics will pro bably be in one auhool and the hop in another the a torts scene will be enlightened with the ad dition of gymnasiums at all the schools there is a big amlle on our be loved principal s face since the an nouncement was made this mill not ease the acute immediate shor tage but will give the teachers and principal a brighter future the new school will have only the min imum requirements and it will not provide the fcs and frills of edu cation for the students the coun cil finally agreed that they could get nowhere on the old policy and so they apoted a new policy which waa very successful it is a real break for the students of george town acton and milton jftne jfflemorials monuments markers and inscriptions catalogue on requeat gordon strain phone i 58 r 32 r r i milton dedjwtwowr year after year youre faced with the tame big decision and only you can make it thla year before you decide to buy any fuel ftet all the facts learn how blue coal colored blue to guarantee the quality assures you of better family health more fuel economy steadier warmth day and right make the right decision phone us today mffttll5gll ecee191 i blue coal editorial as you ajl know we arc going to have a new high schobl built in georgetou n tlere is no excite ment as yot at glfs over this fact beta use the councils have been so close to getting the majority vote on the subject tliat wticn they fin ally did there was no real excite ment the excitement will come when the structure is actually standing as credit to georgetown kor several yrars there has been talk of new schools and at first lhre was groat interest shown by the residents of the towns but sl ier several of these false alarms the interest faded and hope for the new school fell there has been much aald and written about this subject some facta bitter and some of k sweet actually it has been a real camssign little interest was shown in the lateat promising meet ings every person thought it was just another meeting it waa a happy surprise for the students we tin ultnk the first form largely in all of the three overcrowded schools for brfhglng it about had there not betm large first forms this year the whole idea would have been shelved again it was the absolute necessity for more rooms that brought the ok from the councils ttt a a w h kemtner son phone 12 georgetown concert pianist aodrey bishop it vi as such an lmoslng build liui thought frederick curleton is he itouil in tsf autunrn dusk try- in ti u si rtw up rnoiikh count ur to t itlrr what made it m irnhinlnr vt re the words inscrilxd over the doorway new ork julliard school r muili he hail lnn here once or twice infore but the huilding still held hini 111 awe i mum o in he thought the audition will tw vtartini soon he picked his w ay through the mavsiv v t w ivtnu cor ridors to the waiting room outside the grand concert hall in his eagerness he had come too early and was alone in the room from the opposite wall a iplcturc of beethoven stared grimly down at him as he sat there absent minded- ly playing with his fingers he lost himself in thought his mind wandered back over the circum stances leading up to this allim portant occasion he had come to new york four years ago when he was nineteen there was an ap palling number of strukjjlmg young pianists in the big city but because of an exceptional talent frederick did not find it too hard to become associated with one of the better known pianists in new york his name was antony pastronl a fi ner and fairer man the young i- pll had never known he was or- haps a little bit too withdrawn and uncommunicative but he was also sincere and thoroughly dev o- ted to his music tle was connec ted with the music school but pre ferred lo teach at his home which was in the north end of the city in those four ycors frederick hnd ate and slept music driving him self unmercifully hli career as a pianist was all that had mnttered there was only one thing which was holding him back- when playing for his teacher he waa completely at ease but when playing for an aud ience his confidence completely left him ills ringers became ley and stiff his body just wouldnt relax this was the only thing poslronl had been worried about this audition was- extremely im- portant it meant a scholarship to ihb prague conservatory- hf only he wasnt so nervous he would have an- excellent chance of winning the prize he jerkedlmseu back to the present the roam hod filled up by now the oudttionj uere about to begin one by one the contestants filed in and out it fin- ally came his turn was ner vous but wftun he tmtered the hall his nervousness disappeared hie room vajrr ctold end uninviting- but warm and friendly looldnf mnd the examiners were smiling in stead of cold and pompous look- intf this boosted his morale he played better than he ever hadb9 tor r a wek later the latter earn from grade ten reports eaas mccllvray a junior rugby team has been formed from four teams from the school the gsmes are to pick like ly prospects for next yeur s team most of the players came from grade 0 and 10 with a few excep tions and the coaohes were d ford j tlmleck s mackenzie and t norton the olayers were picked for their skill and the junior team will play a game with milton in the near future everyone is looking forward to a new high school soon spirits are high a new modern school could have surprising effects on some of the students rugby team unbeaten cop cup from milton ghs may claim the title oiamps now in rug by they played to a sroreleas tie at milton in a hard excitjng game ghs won every other game by de feating acton twice and milton once in the last game w had a mar gin and had milton boxed in their own end for the first half in the second half milton bounded back with some long passes and carried the play into our territory tha defensive team held them off and ghs worked down the field geor getown went over for a touchdown but there was holding on the line and the play waa called back ev eryone liafluding coach lambert was happy at taking home the tro phy our cheerleaders deserve a great deal of credit cheering and yell ing in freezing temperature their variety of yells and their technique u surprisingly well done especial ly when none of them had prev ious cxxjcrlenre congratulations to the coaoh team and assistant coach mr armstrong final htanhnoj w l t georgetown 3 0 1 milton 2 i 1 acton 0 4 0 a the girls soft ball team defeated milton 103 in a decisive victory with baiketball it was a dif ferent story milton beat them twice 28 13 and 18- 111 come on gals a junior lesgue in rugby has commenced t the school with four teams forming the league the jun ior fellows tire getting important fundamentals and look good in a few years to come out for the sen ior team question can you make an egg bounce answer sure drop it in a pan of water and it will hit the bottom and bounce up again ghs well represented at royal square dance hon souther at the muarc dajice competition in tot onto at the llojal winter kiir ghs was well represented by 1 tc am made up of the best square dancers in the school for weeks scfore last saturday there has beet suare dam nig practice under the able supervision of miss hose plenty and mr george glassford a lare audience was always pres ent at these practices finally af- le rmuch ararnging the four couples were chosen to represent george town at the competition sponsored by canada packers at 2 30 saturday afternoon on a platform in the west annex of the coliseum the four sets went on they were beverley hyde gall wheeler leona conn and leeann darou and their partners were paul prust harry grelg gerald scott and wayne pries perhaps were prejudiced but wc think the costumes chosen by miss piercey for ghs square dancers were the smartest there the girls wore white nylon blouses black full tafletu skirts and scarlet belts whioh exactly matched the scarlet shirts worn by the boys mus pier cey introduced the square dance at ghs and has done a tremendous amount of work to promote it gear- getow n was 3rd in order of appear ance each group was required to do dances one with a straight caller and one with their own cal ler who tn our case was mr george g lassford yours truly was going to take some flash pictures of our group but the flash did not fire 00 i of the 3 pictures so only one flash picture of our group was taken unfortunately georgetown did not make the finals but were bea ten narrowly by two other groups however they gave a very credit able performance before the large group watching the interesting ev ent we would all like to thank the group who represented ghs so wonderfully well and wish them better luck next year the prague scholarship we arc nnupy to inform you 9b report terry llsrlry most of the cadets who turned out for the armistice day parade were first formers and r really was a lovely da tor the eskimos when the marshal of the parade called attention you could hear the icicles dropping oh our chins grade eteht has challenged first form to a hockey game unfortun ately wc had to tell them to wait until the football season is over the first midget football game was played on wednesday the un iforms were about ten sizes too big for example i saw a helmet and a pair of shoulder pads run over the goal line nndji player climbed out with the ball touchdown when passing through the dressing rooms after the game i noticed too boys get out of the same uniform and shake hands result five to one was the outcome ber 22nd at the fireside service af ter church the double trio which will slag at st johns is not blending so very w ell so if one or another part slicks out like a sore thumb you have of least been warned thats all the news for this week and if i havent been expelled by next issue you will hear from me then choir report bav iltda believe me this is coins to be a short report of course they uy that jood thins come in small package our choir ha increased tremen dously this year and we even have enough altos we have a brilliant rendition of nursery rhymes and i de bona you can hear it the choir has been invited to suit st johns united church sunday evening novem intergrade sports j t on thursday after four t par- tons football team played against sandy mackenzies in an inter- gradc game tsie final score was 156 for mackenzie the game was featured hyt the playing of cook mackenzie hardman king and darby cook scored two touch downs and mackenzie one for the winning team hardman playing a great game scored the only ona for nortons team it was conver ted by f hulme on an end run the best play waa mackenzie run back of a kick tor about so yards for a touch down the allstar picked will play muton in a junior game thla weak slides shown on literary subject grade ii students enjoyed eome llde on borneo on vrlday tb class had just ttnlshad reading a composition on borneo and the places mentioned were shown b the slides tbey were about thirty minutes lone dialojtoa ms

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