tot obokobtown herald wadaaiday v faqb 1 bvanlnx dae it ims coming events 9 1 i mtmtmmmmtemmmmmmtmti youve never seen ewin6 machine like hecchi bef0re1 tt b amohtom m svwlka an bvmeml bminditikklna kemtl making bvttankoui fatbrelaerlngl miagrofnntlngl apptlquelitgl vlttt tbe touting necchi du cumou kxluee ell tour sewtog i el beautiful sf pen tuodwork yet you do everything fetter mure etui from stn to saiah end wrmotn att achmimtv sm nv jj ru iiitt jto ioo ru mu punmiict comper tfc fmmrm el h prcffl prvcuioo built narchi datum modal fuh ny oebst mviaj e rino eautr torua ir to class ii ew cm sarwi til fabrics tnm imc ulk to tmalvt iwlkawa larrio naccaj bttadv saaati for u spedsj t tag assda inrladad te tw itutal ttadcimt call pot rtit demonstration l oorfs sunday scfaool christmas concert this prfeuy cspber lvth n tha cfaurch at 7 jo pjn remember tho fowl bingo in holy cross church hai uonday december 22nd at 8 30 pm every body welcome knoj prtwbytertun sunday school concert friday december id it 8 pm erryotfc welcome bjp r will be trnfld member o the sun day school at 6 13 chrulnus euchre and danre auspuea st pauls outld mu paals partah hall nerval monday dae- ember zllh euchre at sharp doris hull orchestra charlie campbell floor manager suincb prises adaalaalou 74c 12zs mjis behnick gowljnd atcm teacher of piano and theory beginner and advanced prepared or examination write brampton h it 1 or phone ur 3411 w 12 available saturday only at knox church georgetown holiday beaton dancing to the modern alr at thr hoar room georgetown arrna saturday dec ember 20th christmas eve dec ember 24th ie iitl dance 75c per person salurduy december 27th annual new yrjr a dance with iiolsrmakrra fa our etc admls- alon si 00 calling ill cars to clear the decks or a complete remodel imp of our store all xmas lines mid ininy other will bo swept from our ihel- c in a five day clearing sale commencing rrlduy morning dec ember llth at 0 a m you canno ultord o mlu this glgjntii aab und annot beul our prices shop ulalu i hardware and 5c store jhoik s 104 and 105 hlghleen well trained clei k to jmt e ou hrumpton the flow cr town of canada 8 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 votm uaftro nationwidi sibvioi and paw ernies radio l phone 465 l roxy theatre building 1 turkey dinner whist for knox yla party twentyfive member of the young lad lei auxiliary of knox preaby- tertan church ettended a chrlitmai b party on weajneaday at the mcglb- bon house following turkey dinner in the dining room the group adjourned to the party room u pi tain for o gift etx change and an evening of court whlat a guest at the dinner wit mlaa pat donaldson of new zealand who la making an extended stay with her alater mra jamea linton mlu donaldson told the ladles ab out her trip to england where sine apent some time before coming to canada maple leaf tendersweet ham buffet style cooked glazed ready to serve average 1214 lba maple leaf picnic style pork shoulders boneless buffet style average 35 lba featured at special pricea place your orders now i 3 movrrre price apeldorn wafers 9 oz pk89c 3 lb tin 325 huntley paumkrb fancy roses drum assorted biscuits 2 lb 8 oz each 225 peek fbeans r playbox biscuits 14 oz tin 95c kenxbr dundee shortbread v tin 139 mackenzie news why not upend your christ mas bonus on something that will last the rest of the year a combination atorm and screen door with hinges and lock would cost 20 35 insula tion for a house 24x30 would coat 3120 a sood way to spend boxing day and tho day after would be to coat your cellar walls with cop r ox as a sealer against dampness cop- rox cost s3 05 per gallon see you surrounded by par cel j n mackfn7jk a son bulldng supplies lumber coal tfxwctgvicwci w s christmas holiday dancing ryans auditorium guelph i christmas e december 24th 91 dalt gibson orcheatra admission 100 person farnellsj is mm nmaftj fraw delivaey llaaimismwwailiaamas christmas night dec 25th 912 the cbuistuenc orcheatra admission 100 person v hlhmkknktaifaai miw mens station wagon coats doublebreasted fullmouton pro cessed lamb collarfine quality gabar dine extra quality quilted lining 2950 e mens housecoats an excellent selection of robes in wool flannel rayon eiderdown and tie sik 595 d up tatisarear mens ties a tremendous assortment 55c nn up mmtete mens sox pcnmnns monarch mercury and bonnington 55c ork u mens pajamas warrendalc flansuede 450 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i t mens scarves lightweight wool mufflers 195 w mens gloves all wool knitted gloves 150 mens handkerchiefs lovely selections of initialled handker chiefs 35c nnd up hhx boys station wagon coats made of sturdy gabardine mouton processed lamb collars 1295 ccwetciciewciewitvmcicwcicitwcweie ladies housecoats tiesillc quilted crepes all wool flan- and up nels lovely chenilles and others 595 teumexmt and up ladies slips nylon slips with dainty nylon 398 ladies nightgowns flannelette gowns in lovely floral designs 249 u ladies pajamas tom girl pajamas in broadcloth and heavy flannelette 398 ladies gowns pajamas the cosy snuggledown gowns and pajamas 398 and up boys parkas sizes up to 16 years 995 vwirwwwvvritxcehcvciwfieccccii boys sweaters monarch allwool pullovers 298 wcctlcwriemicwciewiwi1wewwekwetrin boys crash helmets truly every boys delight 249 ladies hosiery fullfashioned nylons in many styles and weights 99c up stex flannelettb blankets 70x90 flannel- 595 p first quality ibex ette blankets 79c 8 1 1 t 8 ladies handkerchiefs fine quality irish ljnen lacetrimmed 8 ladies panties an excellent assortment of novel styles in nylon panties 59 c girls pajamas sleeper pajamas up to 6 years 1 qq wk girls blouses fine broadcloth with eyelet trim 169 ond u n girls skirts allwool tartans in pleated styles 298 bnd u 1 8 8 iyrac because silvers is considered one of the finest apparel stores in rural ontario lastminute christinas shoppers will turn to silvers 8 8 i 8- 8 8 for bigger selections for bigger values georgetownera attend army christmaa party severe members from town and their friends attended the christ mas party tor otueers of the lome scots regiment in the oftloers mass at brampton armouries on friday scottish dances were enjoyed whh a trio ol pipers trom the regi mental pipe band playing- and lajer served door pfl a turkey was won by a georgetown man norrls wuson among thoio present fromtown were ltcol and mrs john r barber major and mrs paul bar- bar hcpl ind mrs alex calder lt and mrs bob hoare it and mrs bob stavardson lt and mrs slok crtehton ur s w orr mr and mrs wuter blehn mr and utt norrls wuson and mr and ajjpm tfwuhuiabuatbuepr mrs stawatt vaubirr mrs taylor elected east york deputy mrs walter taylor frequently visitor with miss dorothy stone at her home on the check una was again successful in the xsst york elections on saturdsy stepping up after aervlna two terms aa a councillor mrs taylor was elected deputy reeve by tub stantm majority