Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 28, 1953, p. 8

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laaavatt wjjfciwa jigfgjsssitmsmssita sftttt toe oeobqktown hekald wednesday evening jan 28 1b9s faoe s bruce harding hpi pianist jhmib bfc teacher studio main st south phone 358k varied program for hxdton leadership training school hn e a ellenton for some time farm people rec ognizing the need for more effic iency in conducting their meetings t have asked for some assistance in group leadership training u was their hope to improve the quality of the work to be done by their or- ganlzaiinnwhiih have- an important- contribution to make to our cana dian life r fn order to meet this need and request the ontario federation of agriculture ont farm radio for um in cooperation with community programmes branch of the tepl or endment to the amendment all must be moved seconded before the dis cussion and the latter comes first the amendment next and the mot ion last reports of conveners of committees are brought in merely as recommendations duties of officers was our next discussion topic a loader of a group must first know and have knowledge of his subject before at tempting tq lead the group in dis cussion he should acquire a liking for people and have respect for the other persons opinions as well as the courage of his convictions he early communion for st georges men thirty men of st georges church attended eight oclock communion on sunday morning and met after wards in the church basement for toast and coffee slmilav services are planned once a moth by members of the men s lub officers elected for the year are sam penrlce president fred chapman past president irwin n vice presiden cecil david son secretary- treasurer harry ad ams walter blehn stan finlay exeuctive committee margaret bradley i harding pianist teacher stadia main st south phone 43 the value o oanadas production of ski poles and fittings in 19o0 amounted to 487 142 and should be eduon aicut- mitaut on theeiimpitton of 6vn dnring the u53 sea- ture sponsored a leadership train- bosslp and see that all participants l becoming evcr keep to the topic it takes many an hour and many a dollar to build an automobile but in one tragic mom ent it can be destroyed and worsestill your sav ings may be lost too in a lawsmi let us provide you with complete automobile in surance 4 elmer c thompson insurance service john r barber f kersey e c thompson mill street phone 119 -seeot-news- the ladies auxiliary of the boy scouts held their reorgnmzation meeting in the st john s church pailour on men lay evening jinu ary 19th the following officers were elected for 195j honorary president mrs r hardman president mn d kidd secretary mrs g mcothray trcas urer mrs j emmirson social con encr mrs a tost sick convener mrs p g ribbons membership c6n encr mrs r eason plans are well under way for the annual father and son barfquet which is to be held on thursday february 26th dads and lads re serve the date scouts and cubs look better ir they are wearing the full uniform our aim is tohae every cub and scout in full uniform at the father and son banquet wcjwere sorry to hear that one a tolijw v suffered concussion while playing hockey on saturday we are happy however that bob toy kidd is- making a quick recov ery and will be back in hockey and scouts very soon senior scouts and the regular troop are combining forces and will meet together in the future balunafad the sympathy of the community u extended to ihr gibb in the loss of his father mr a glbb of gait who passed away friday morning mr a tjdgan a student at em manuel college had charge of the service sunday morning the theme tor his senoon was off anted more prophets he look as his text nuwecs cfc 11 vers 25 and mn the spirit rested upon them they prophesied and did not cease ing- school in hal ton county at the united church sunday school audi torium milton immediately after registering we formed a circle and by means of singing games we were duly intro duced to each other wiich broke the barrier of stranger to stranger and instead we were a group of friends we then assembled for community singing led by george atkins bronte with mrs r coulter at the piano this also proved very helpful as a means of promoting good fellowship among the students our group leader mrs eleanor sim was introduced asbeing the wife of our first provincial farm radio forum secretary and as an experienced leader in group work and adult educational methods mrs im briefly outlined the purposes and aims of this- training school by taking the parable of the apple tree which needs to be fed and nourish ed in the right type of soil with proper amount of moisture and fer tilizer in order to bear fijilt so we as members of an organization must see to the needs and requirements of our organization that t is kept alive and flourishing if we expect to have it continuing to bear fruit we then divided into groups for our first discussion period with the topic difficulties in organization some of these were as follows a lack of members assuming their fair share of the responsibility to ward the welfare of the organlza- lion as well as towards the officers whom we appoint as leaders b members not speaking openly at the meeting but afts the meeting has adjourned c regular and punctual attendance at all meetings d selecting your executive care fully and with consideration for the welfare of your organization the next topic for discussion who is your leader and what are his re- sponsbiltes a his first interest must be the success of the organ i zation and the question box was a means suggested to find out the wishes of the members as regards the type of programme b leader in a discussion group must know his subject and must endeavor to keep the members on the topic for the allotted time o keep the topic for discussion s the theme for the meeting d do not allow one per ion to accept more tlian one office e in the election of officers an outsider can be called in to pae the way by giving a short talk on members responsibility to their organization at 12 noon we adjourned io an adjoining room where lunch was prepared in bjnuuel stjlc ind with mr atkins plinmng a ho id t ible with mister of ceremonies truest speaker introduction of hi id t illc miosis toists to thctqucm jit lid res the gentlimiir with prop spon ses wore ill enacted whuh 110 cd highly chu itional ind infonn- itivc at the conclusion mr clif ford wdile provincial frarni radi foi urn socretacjfoud his torn mcnt and con5ructie crituism of this procedure giing kind criti cism where necessary as well as praise where it was deserving the afternoon session in small group discussion of programme planning proved interesting and we concluded some of the basic principles were a purpose of our programme must reflect the needs a nd interest of our people b planning of our programme before during and after the meeting to meet the needs of the organization c enthusiasm cannot be bought we must be sure all have a speclficjb to create interest d budget or finances of our organization need careful planning and in conclusion shared leadership parliamentary procedure being our next topic fordjjjcussion prov ed helpful as we considered the proper pr uf i a m mg to order with an agenda tin hand previously prepared by chairman and secretary all business conducted by each person who wishes to voice his opinion rising and addressing the chair after which chairman an nounces the name of the person speaking and advises the meeting this person now has the floor speakerstates his motion clearly and distinctly while secretary rec ords same chairman asks for a sec onder before the question is open for discussion after which the chairman asks if they are ready for the question and with assent he puts the question vote is carried lost or defeated and recorded an am endment eaniun0change a motion but can add to the motion omit part or substitute a part in case of a motion an amendment or an am- he must prac tice well as preach punctuality meetingsxhoula be well planned by either dramatizing demonstration films debates mock parliament there are many avenues of enter tainment which give interest and enthusiasm to meetings everyone in a community is a potential lea der films were shown introducing dif ferent meeting procedure followed by the report of the committee in charge of registration 37 people re gistered with 7 church groups 6 farm forums b women s institutes 1 folk school 3 township fedefa tions 2 jnr farmers junior in stitute 1 agricultural society each representing their own organization this concluded the first day s pro gramme a on tuesday we assembled and en joyed a film on parliamentary pro cedure which depicted the findings of our discussion of the previous day after our sing song and plans for the day were made we divided into our customary groups for the discussion topic discussion meth ods we decided a definition for discussion was a sharing of our op inion and receiving of communica tion of ideas each participant brings to a discussion an attitude of give and take a tolerance and respert of other people s opinions a spirit of harmony and loyalty ex per ience is a better teacher than a college education as we learn to do by doing at the conclusion of lunch we had an active demonstration on the con- more popular ducting of a business meeting con ducted according to parliamentary procedure with chairman presiding secretaries minutes read and adop ted as well as the treasurers fin ancial statement meeting concluded with motion for adjournment a group discussion was next de monstrated taking as their topic what is a community centre and do we need one miss ann pellet- teno was group 1 leader and carried out her duties quite efficiently not allowing one person to do all the talking and yetseeingthat alipar- ticrpatcd in the discussion mrs coulter gave a short talk on the social part of a meeting empha sizing the fact recreation at a meet ing tends to make participants out of spectators recreation is known by the three fs fun fellowship and friendship do not be afraid to try as one does not know what they can do until they try mr clifford walt delivered com ments on these demonstrations which proved our short comings as well as pointing out our stronger and commendable points we were again divided into groups of six for a panel summary of what we had gleaned and thereby could take back to our organization as a means of improvement and benefit various answers were brought forth when we reassembled to compare our notes for the evaluation of our training school a the method of you now where to get me janie you can go out with an easier mind when you know the telephone is right there soinanxtunes in so many ways your telephone contributes to your sensedr and more pleasant living for you and your family no price can measure its usefulness the bell telephone 1 company of canada riers at our firt meeting b know ledge gained as to where we stood as leaders of our organizations c more publicity should be given by a report being sent to local press it was unanimously agreed to fol low up with another school in the near future with the following corn- procedure for breaking down bar- mittee to take charge of organiza tion of the school county federation of agriculture mr marshall campbell junior mers mr max sprawl womens stitute mrs elierby church groupi rev win lake milton uvea mr smellle folic miss euen chapman farm forums mrs buenton ment and quality itioi rl ttocks cictlt i1ucm why take less thttantanmlbmrtlaaariia vl atom bram lam k aa kfaw iitorowcwula prtdacts rfferyob power ford of canada

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