Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 25, 1953, p. 2

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the georgetown hkkald wednesday evening feb 25 1053 aok b bitot twt fh4 tditmt dlsaasts doctors in the near future may have a new blood test that will de tect the presence of various dis- eases and also measure the effec tiveness of different methods of medical treatment the basis for the new blood test known as the universal reaction conies from 5 years of continuous effort by dr reuben l kahn de veloper of the kahn test and chief of the serology laboratory at the university of michigan the following is a simplified ex pjanation of how dr kahn s uni versal reaction works 1 in a normal healthy individual there is daily tissue wear and tear re suiting in the death of certain bod tissue cells 2 whin ic cells are thus destroyed they break up and release their contents into body fluids including the blood stream q certain fat like substances called lipids arc part of the released cell contents 4 some of these lipids become foreign to the body tissues and call forth the production of antibodies presumably to neutral ize or destroy the lipids and 5 presence of these antibodies is meas ured by the universal reaction ontario womens institutes active in health programmes beine a little grimy is fun to youngster bathing regularly may be a cus- torn in the united stifles but it s hard to make a little bo believe it children between the acos of three and twelve seem almost to prefer being a little grimy it helps if parents remember that the dislike of dirtiness is a taste that is de eloped slowly the voun sttr shx uld be given fair warnmg of the impending bath so tt at he will have time to finish what he is doing and gc t adjusted to the idea parents should compromise on the umber of baths jun or is to take we kiy in order to enlist his cheerful cooperation bv the time tiey reach junior hilh scho 1 b js hcgin to take an interest in ce nine s and appeal ance and are prfbbly reid to accept d ulj ba bin as a matter cf course ted by agency in one p rt of 195j s vn id men s ef ots h d cons derable success in tender n thousands of children h jme e and orphaned but tn other ireas at least ther mm were minister ng to the yout ful etirrs o past vars ard c 1 wars on an urdrccedentd scale t tn re than 2 400 000 children in greere yugoslav a and the midd e y ist agents of the un ted nat ons inter national children s emergency fund last jear doled out one g od meal a day elsewhere tl cv set up dairy machinery capable of supply tng safe milk to 4 000 000 youngsters vaccinated over 11000 000 kids against tuberculosis provided enough cotton wool and leather to give 5 000 003 chidren on article of clothing or a pair of s ices some times bo h the women s institutes of on tario are taking an active part in a wide variety of enterprises for the health oi the people wherever a hospital is being built we find the women s inslt tutcs of the district furnishing a room or a ward or providing some special piece of equipment for example even before the site was chosen forr the south waterloo mem orial hospital the institutes of the district were holding bake sales and quhting bees and in al the ingen ious wayi known to women rais ing money for their hospital fund we hear such reports as that pres ton and south dumfries each have contributed 900 to furnish a one- bed room in this hospital and that gait has given 1350 for a two bed room similar contributions are coming from about every branch in the district we know that the institutes of south temiskaming last summer presented the hospital board with a cheque lor s2150 for the new hospital and promised 00 more toward the furnishings hoyal institute near guelph has gi en 600 to furnish a room in the new general hospital in their area louth dufterin institutes gave their local hospital 2500 and a promise of 500 more neatleton put on a party and raised 200 for the port perry hospital and the institutes of county in addition to fur nishmg a room gae the stratford hospital an orthopedic cart for carrying casts pulleys weights and other equipment for orthopedic cases these reports tell only a little of what women s institutes here and there all over the prov ince are don g to meet the pressing need for more hospital accommoda tion j health study and health projects have an important place on many ontario womep s institutes pro grammes lin wood arranged a youiu moth crs night with twenty eight young mothers as guests and had a doctor talk on the care and i- ceding of the pre school child mono road had a nurse from the county health unit speak on pre natal care and the child s first year brooks dale and scotch block had talks and a film on the early diagnosis of cancer lucan arranged a series of new insecticide a new insecticide heptachlor looks so promising that more than a mill on pounds of it will be made be it is announced to the public a close relative of chlordane it has the advantage of be ng an ef feclive insect killer outd ors with out remaining poisonous as ion as chlordane at a concentration of 110 pound cf actual heptieh r per acre grasshoppers were kille i health lectures for women by a spe cialist in gynaecology and obstet rics this institute also had health films on the eye and teaching the blind to read richards tend ing had a talk on preventive den tistry hoath head and ridgeville report addresses by a doctor and a nurse on medicine of today and medicine past and present tav istock recently had a talk on heart disease with a film guard your heart at a meeting of the busy bees institute in walton county the district nurse spoke on the bh blood factor from institutes all over the province there is a grow ing demand jor health education and extension service courses and conferences on home nursing the prevention of accidents in the home protecting the health of the family and the community in the way of practical health service many ontario women s in stitutes are working with the can adlan cancer society canvassing the community m advance of travelling clinics and doing general publicity work in the fight against tuber culosis institutes are assisting their county health unit by holding edu cational meetings to prepare the people to take advantage of xhe chest x ray clinics coming to the district a very popular project with the local branches is the sponsoring of a child health clinic elora institute is responsible for a pre school child clinic which is held in elora once a month the institute bought baby scales pads table covers and baskets a doctor and three nurses come from the wellington county health unit and lour institute members help with the weighing ind registering and act as general assistants the tern too served covers four townships ind at the firs clinic there were 69 children other institutes known to be sponsorinj child climes or assrsf nit with them are walkerton bee to i mount orest southampton t iv istock chesley rock wood alii ston richmond hill a great manv institutes have ta ken their members into pre paid hospitalisation plans fishers cor ncis and probably many other bran ches had the secretary of their county co operative medical ser vices come to a meeting to discuss their new plan of surgical benefits the institutes of lincoln county had a part in securing the services of a victorian order nurse for the rural people of the county the only rural von service in the pro vince east pearson institute in thunder bay district is trying to get a school nurse for their area 1orty years ago the women s instt tutes of ontario were doing the pioneer work to secure medical school inspection for rural children and were agitating for more health education the institutes of today seem to be carrying on this tradi tion high tales published by students of georgetown high school volume 1 no 10 rgetptfii wednesday feb 25th 1953 captain prouse cadet corps leader captain a prouse leader of the georgetown cadet corps- has been doing- a marvelous joh of building our cadet corps to what it is today he has spent many extra hours helping the cadet corps and deserves a good deal of credit for its pros cnt high standing he recently awarded diplomas to several top cadets 9b report by terry harley lately many of our english per tods have been spent in practising a pliy for commencement it was suclested that we have a few un derstudies in case the actors don t how up at the ceremonies we won cltr what happens if the undcrstu dies don t show up in vcj period we discussed the differences between 1h70 advertise ments and those of today in one of the old ads the satisfied custo mcr put it this way i used your soap five years ago and have not used any other since an accom panying picture proved that he was tilling the truth editorial don souther in talking to many ghs students one will find that the general out look is that as soon as they are 16 they wlllquit and get a job in a manufacturing plant this outlook is very detrimental to the school record on the other hand stud ents will say i m going right thro if i don t have to work for it these two extremes are un dermining the school as a body there aje exceptions to the rule in each case but the general idea of school is to have a good time at the expense of those who would like to get their year if at the begin ning of third form students were asked whether they wished to con tin o andwork 1hen the ones who wanted to go places could be given a chance and those who were just along for the ride coujd be en couraged to work or get out in the recent reports several vital facts wcreiqund one -is- that- most sa the high ranking students did not engage in a large number of other after school activities it is not the one or two school parties that do the harm it is the extra curricu lar activities that are the real basis ior low marks school parties are a must to encourage school spirit apd they should not be cancelled but the after school jobs should be discouraged aypa valentine party gay time for students bev hyde- the valentine party sponsored by the aypa friday feb 13th was a tremendous success the party did not really get started until after nine o clock when the students who had to work be gan to fill the hall the entertainment was supplied by the aypa members who imita ted some popular singers etc the music for the round and square dancing was played by the glass- fords the group served sandwiches and cookies and pop and candy could be bought at a booth later they had a lucky draw the numbers being given with the can dy the winners were rhoda dick son and jean muckart who both re ceived a nice prize as i said before the party vtas a complete success and we all had wo time lad a 1 1 c while 4 ounce -to-4r- acre kil ed such tough peels as cot tji bo i weevil and thrips behind the news fires accidents rob beries windstorms disasters are constantly in the news behind these headlines are thousands oi financia s paint then aad now lien sad 1 r of the i ng room was known in c mal days is the keep ng rom or sit ting room its paneled and painted alls beamed ceiling and wide boird floor scrubbed while or painted has set the stvle for many a living room today the keeping rflum was sometimes the great kitchen but generally it was the best room in the house placed ih front of the kitchen property owners will you be a headline next never can tell bet ter call on us for com plete insurance protec tion now elmer c th0mps0h insurance service john r barber f kersey e c thompson mill street phone 119 hammurabi had h although the average man today seems to regard inflation as a rel atively current problem dcsig d deliberately for his perst nal har awment research experts point nut that the prob em of inflation has been with us for almost four th u sand years in fact it started way back in the days of k ng hammur abi literally the moment money was introduced as a common me dium of exchange in the babyh man marts of trade glev williams i present silver tray to retiring organist a very enjoyable evening was spent last wednesday in the unl ted church in honour of mrs jack addy who has retired as organist of the church she has spont thirty ymmm gnnnt tid hlwr membors of the present congrcga tion as well as former members were able to attend which brought back pleasant memories of church activities hi years gone by rev c c gilbert was chairman for the evening an entertaining programme or pnno selections ind redins interspersed with mr gil bert s good humour was brought to a close with i slug song led t y the minister and mrs addy at the piano mrs albert presswood read the presentation address and with a few well chosen words william schenk presented mrs addy with a silver tray suitably engraved and a purse basketball introduced hutchinson coaching a start has been made in basket ball in georgetown on february 11th the first practice was held with don hutchinson as coach for the first night 15 cadet players tur ned out and they were taught run ning and standing shots by coach hutchinson don gave a very good job of coaching and said later that the players did a very good job for their first try teams were cho sen and the practice lasted about 2 hours there will be another prac tice the following wednesday we hope thit georgetown can produce a gootcam and wish them lots of luck r its bigger than you think two weeks ago was georgetowns industrial week this idea which was devised by the chamber of commerce was considered to be very successful some well dis played store fronts were to be seen while w ilkinc tlon our fair towns main street there was another thinl that aroused u terest and that was the plant visits many people did not realize how big some of tlie plants in georgetown really are take the paper mill for ex ample the writer did not realise how large scale the plant was the huge calenders and mixers were enough to strike amazement to many people these tours were very well conducted by men who really knew their bu4css it is nice to know just how big georgetown is and the past industrial week really gave many a chance to find out don seddon returns to ghs from winnipeg ross mcgtlvra don seddon a grade ten student who had left to live in winnipeg manitoba last fall is now back with us to try for his year at ghs he is staying in georgetown and is an old friend to most of us he liked winnipeg very much and is an active cadet and boy scout- grade ten girls now have the use of the public school gymnasium once a week for their exercises and games a new ping pong table has been installed in the hall for the boys use only and those that eat at school will be allowed to use it at the noon hour inter room ho ckey games on alternative tuesdays are in full swing and another game for grade ten boys should be com ing up soon a gentleman w 1th mr prouse asked him if he was trainng the champion soccer team to go to flor ida for spring training and asked if we were gelling a head start by playing m the snow canadian naval aviation has two squadrons of fighters two of anti submarine aircraft a training air group and a helicopter flight lots of jobs for engineers federal labour minister milton f gregg said that university atten dance had risen 175 per cent and high school attendance by 150 per cent over the past 33 years despite this a survey of 417 canadian firms indicated that the supply of graduates particularly engineers would not keep pace with the industrial growth if the present levels of hirings and university en rolment continued choir report plans tor commencement are underway the choir has been go ing over prospective songs for the lastjew weeks we dont know what we are singing at commencement and w hether anyone else hoes j don t know a mixed quartet has been picked and aounds wonder ful i m sure you d all like to hear it at commencement t we have also started thinking about the festivals the duets and the solos are now being picked we hope to have a successful year at the festival again this year and we plan to work very hard thats all the news this week so long mr addy on behalf of his wife c thei t in appreciation of her work with the choir mane gibbs gave her a brooch and earring set lunch wis served after which a bouquet of spring flowers was pre sented by gail wheeler from the sunday school a very pleasant social evening wis brought to i close w ith the presentation or a bouquet by olive i ogan to mrs j hepburn sr an old friend of the cmirch whom everyone was aelighted to see and who had been mrs addy s sundiy school teacher monuments markers and inscriptions catalogue on request gordon strain phone 1 58 r 32 r r 1 miltoh hockey font r is this a goal cz way back when the anglosaxons held the month of april sacred to eostre goddtss of the teeming life that bio mcd anew in the spring her great festi val was celebrated by the exch nge of colored eggs wheh wer the heathen smbol for the beginn ng of life with ue advent of christ in ity the pagajt custom evlvcd in england into the beautiful fesi val of christian significance obsjved with the gladness of a new solcm nity and called easter owls bstc tslents owls have other talents beside theit ability to see in thedark they are as swift as swallows in flight to sound as a a defending player tnes to shoot the puck out of his zone it hits the referee and deflects to an attacking player who shoots and scores would you allow this goal yes the goal cvwmts only wbe tht pmck a deflected nto the mt dtntttly from mi officio a th goml mot mthtved okefes brevtng company limited

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