Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1953, p. 1

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the georgetown herald ten pages georgetown ont wednesday march 11th 19s3 ten pages i 1 hat gouncil did qht monday march 9th accepted an offer of the cnr to supply 470 ft of 10 tile and instrfl a catch basin on the railway prop erty to take care of water leaking y from rthe storage tank which is a nuisance to properties adjpinlng the railway wu adopt a complaint form which councillors may use to convey re quests by ratepayers to the town foreman for action cr allen suggested rtihis to avoid cases where such complaints have been forgotten either by the coun cillor or 1he foreman there was a lengthy discussion of the su- jeqt with the foreman objecting mr hyde claimed that time would be wasted and that such matters could be more easily settled on the phone cr petch pointed out that britainholland flood relief fund the weather mr editor if this weeks summary docs not exactly indicate spring then per haps the flock of robins outside our windows the other morning were trying to tell us there were over a dozen of them and they were real noisy about it era bntkin date march 2 march 3 march 4 march 5 march 6 march 7 march 8 average max 20 40 35 min rain flurries flumes flurries acknowledged henry a smith balhnafad w i euchre and dance dr charles sayers georgetown fire brigade provincial paper ltd employees and slait local 474 papermakerg union and staff assoc alliance paper mills lome scots band concert roxy theatre harvey l mcdonald e w h thompson richardson s hardware richard hcata howard wrigglesworth public school georgetown creamery 5050 club the ay wou be compulsory and mayor armstrong said it would be a help to members who could not contact the foreman as often as he could iimotm 180034 2 00 39 00 10 00 25 00 77 50 38 43 5 00 25 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 25 00 wl a hall bo social personal mlssisobel thompson is leaving jtoday by plane for a two week trip to england fplends and schoolmates of ev elyn harris daughter of mr and mrs ken harris will be pleased to learn that she is home from peel memorial hospital convalescing af ter a severe appendix operation miss margaret sargent and mr andrew molozzi who will graduate this spring in the engineering course at the university of tor onto attended the graduation ball saturday at the royal york hotel showers were held at the homes of mrs gordon spcnce and mrs thomas doyle for a friday bride mamie herringiton who was mar ried to jack mellor of acton in st george s church members of the punch press department at smith and stone ltd presented her with fiveyearold drowns at sudbury euchre and dance lt col g b s cousens miss annie reynolds 33 50 10 00 5 00 will strike the tax rate at a spe clal march 30bh council meeting bruce little 5yearold son of mr and mrs ronald little former georgetown residents was drowned in sudbury on saturday bruce had been missing since he left his mother in a grocery store to go to an adjoining playground at noon saturday footsteps in the snow were traced to the edge of a creek and when police dynamited an ice jam sunday afternoon the body was recovered in six feet of waiter about a quarter mile from brought up the question of having w it believed he had fallen a competent town engineer who ln h water discussed a serious drainage pro- v diem at floyd varey s property on john street during a recent hea vy rain his cellar had flooded so badly that water was over the fur nace the situation has been caused by victoria crescent divert ing all surface water onto his prop erty cr allen said that such cases georgetown couple are fifty years married would have future interests of the town at heart the road committee will in vest i gate and make a recommendation will ask provincial police head quarters at dundas for some effec tive method of checking speeding in town suggesting a speed trap oi an equally effective method the matter came up for discus- sjon when a letter was received from jed peters pointing out that one fatality and a nearfatality on the fttth line called for action i allen i felt the answer we received from the police about this question last year warranted dis continuing the opp and getting our own force speeds are jusf as great oow asvthey were and there will be shore fatal accidents i would sug gest too that county councillors ee about eliminating a hump at the 9th linemill road corner as a safety measure mayor in talking with the pol ice last year we found they had real difficulty in clocking speed because the white police car is so prominent i am not prepar d to say that speeding was respon sible in either of these accidents jut complaints come in every diy and i want some action which will effectively check speeders will paint a no parking sign over the entrance to water street across from the post office in or der to allow an entranceway which often blocked by cars stopping businessat the post office cr goodlet reported that most the supplies in the old town hall en over when the recreation nlssion resigned have disap red bx cable has been remov- although there is still some left record player and records were he suggested that the hall boarded up before anything else taken cr sargent suggested a by law i to ensure future bdiv- in town providing roads sew- and water in order not to bur- the town rate excessively discussed reading water meters i the matter was brought up by ve macdonald the system has far not worked too successfully mayor armstrong believes a fee for each reading and 5c when card is left muld be satisfactory nent for a meter reader pos my a retired man who wishes to figment his pension cr goodlet ks the hydro men are quah to do the job and suggested the and hydro get together on the em in the water the little family moved to sud bury three years ago during their stay in town mr little was em ployed at smitn stone ltd and the family lived lh the clark ap artments on john street two couples honoured lorval junior funcbon a euchre party dance and pres entation featured a recent party promoted by norval junto farm ers in esquesing community hall at stewart town guests of honour for the evening were the former ruth barnes and her husband ivan talbert and mr and mrs john brownridge the for mer marion currie who received card tables as a wedding gift from the juniors twenty six tables of euchre plaj ers enjoyed a- game before lunch ind the presentation followed how son ruddell president of tic jun mr firmcrs tongratul ited lie two touplt and the p esentitions were reade by gordon giaham md gor don mcdonald doris hulls orchestra pi icd for dancing for the balance of the e ening good crowd attends chicken pattie supper a sell out crowd enjoyed the chicken pattie supper in knox church basement on friday the supper was planned by the park circle ladies group of the church under the convenership of mrs albert pattenden and the lad ies were very pleased to see such a good turnout mamie herrington weds racton contractor friday y curlers at ronto guelph ctwo groups of lady curlers com- in bonspiels last week wray bessey skipped for jack mcgibbon evelyn att- and mary english at guclph thursday and friday a team by mrs ernie curry com- of mrs don barrager mrs mackenzie and- mrs harold er were in toronto friday for iel sponsored by the royal club in st george s church of eng land friday evening at seventhir ty archdeacon w g o thompson officiated at the wedding of mar- jorlc estella mamie herrington tmd jack meilo of acton the bride an employee df smith and stone ltd is the daughter of mr and mrs corey herrington of shewarttown and the groom a mem ber of the mellor construction firm in acton is the sn of mr and mrs finlay mellor acton flowers were on the altir and standards of pink snapdragons and white chyrsan them urns decorated the church mrs w f bradley played the wedding music and sol oist was mrs donald hancock who sang my world and o perfect love during the signing of the register mr herrington gave his daugh ter in marriage she wore a long white satin gown u ith lace edged train caught up in front with ros ettes showing a lace underskirt nylon net yoke and long sleeves a crown of seed pearls held a fin ger tip veil with lace edging the bridalttouque was of red roses and bouvardla the bride 8 four sisters were her attendants matron of honour was mrs a robinson acton and brides maids mrs stanley mcoean stew- arkown miss doris herrington georegtown and mrs jack mcmul len acton mrs robinson was in mauve and the bridesmaids in yel low green and mauve taffeta all styled on princess lines with tuck ed bodices matching batwing bol eros hats and gloves they car ried nosegays of yellow roses and georgetown soldiers en route to korea pictured on their 50th wedding anniversary when they held open house at their 7th line farm are mr and mrs laurence burt mr burt and his wife alice mat ilda sovereign were married in burlington on february 18th 1903 and farmed in erin township for two years before purchasing ttieh- presem farm from an uncle of mr burt members of their family presen ted them with a chesterfield chair and they received a number of other lovely gifts from friends to mark the occasion over a hundred visitors including relatives from dundas burlington hillsburgh wcstover ficelton puslinch and mount sberf were present mr and mrs burt hive six children george roy ind elmer of george trwnjwrs km net h hamilton erin i lid burt md mrs willi im john ston acton injured trucker has fractured pelvis injured when his truck overt ur ned ind pinned him in the chilly waters of the river at glen wil liams last tuesday william hley wil be confined to guelph general hospital for three weeks at first believed to have suffered only minor injuries xrays taken fthe next day revealed a fractured pelvis other than this mr isley is quite okay and his half hour ducking had no ill effects np and cushion and the assem- bly staff blankets and a lamp many relatives from georgetown and district attended the funeral in stayner on saturday of bob gil lies tragically killed in a hockey game in collingwood among those at the funeral were his grandmoth er mrs r english of glen wil llams who flew from lakeworth florida after hearing tflc news mr and mrs j g gillies and daughter mrs annie stull harold and dan campbell mrs alex mit chell mrs a mcclure mr and mrs william sinclair and mrs george howett fergus on saturday jane bradley daughter of mr and mrs wilbert bradley had a party to celebrate her sixth birthday her guests in eluded paula s lankland judy nash mary mcnamara jill runham lynnc ritchie sharon allen judy gilchnsd maureen smith and her cousins lynne bradley sharon bradley of acton and beverley ann bradley of rock wood engagements mr and mrs raymond conn an nounce the engagement of then- daughter gwenn ella to david kemp boxford son of mr and mrs edgar boxford of clarkson the wedding will take place in st john s uni ted church georgetown at two o clock on saturday april the fourth anniversaries mr ind mrs stuirt smith nee irene sinclair will be at home to their friends ind neighbours on s it ird jy afternoon mirch 14 from two to fic it 142 mam street south weston on the occ ision of lluir 5th wedding annivirsiry mr ii i mrs gtorgc ii leslie will im tt home to thtir friinds ind in ithbours on 1 1 uiny march 20lh from two to fiv in snelgrove hall thi im ision of their fortieth widdm 1 universal all gifts jrittfull deilincd mi and mrslllcry brownridge will be at home to their friends on the occasion of their fortieth wed ding anniversary in the junior farmers building brampton on thursday evening march the nine teenth they will receive from seventhirty to nine followed by a social evening no presents please sgt bruce collins avro commuters reach the finals bruce glimmer last sunday at brampton mem onal arena the commuters downed the hard fighting canucks 5 to 4 to win the semi final round 9 4 in the first period ken adam son scored with dune baxter assist ing during thi second period cliff norton scored with adamson and bill muir assistin muir opened the scoring in the third period with jack hamilton assisting ojift norton scored the fourth goal assisted by bob mc candless and mel jordan ended the scoring assisted by j hamilton jordan adamson and joe louth were best for commuters charlie jones a evans and m duggan went well for the canucks the biltmores defeated the rov ers 12 to 8 on the round last sun day next sunday commuters and biltmores open a two game scries of goils to count the game starting at 3 00 p m the winner of the brampton group advances to the avro house league finals igamst the winners of the woodbridge house league twp district soldiers will be leaving soon for korea sgt bruce collins and cpl doug las browne arc en route to camp at wainwright alberta and from there will be leaving for the fan east sgt collins is a georgetown nat ive who joined the permanent army eight years ago ston of mr and mrs alf collins he attended st- margaret s cadet school in novar scotia and had a short spelt in the- merchant marine before joining the army he was with the first army de tachment at fort churchill nwt then spent several years at camp b m t t dlvlsi of the armoured corps last fall he transferred rto the lord strath- cona horse and has been at cal gary since then his fattier was a sergeant m world war 2 sgt collins was an apprentice at the herald after leaving school and worked at alliance paper and atr the a v roe co at malton before he joined the army his wife andl daughter patricia returned east with him last week and intend to live at barne while he is overseas l cpl browne who is the son of mrs g m caseley norval worked at provincial paper ltd before he enlisted in the army four years ago he was with the royal canadian dragoons for three years stationed at several camps including borden meaford petawawa wainwright and gordon head b c his wife is a toronto girl and will be living in the city during his absence joe martin stepdancer brampton minstrel show among well known district en tertainers in brampton lions min- strtel show presented for two nights in brampton this week were geor getown step dancer joe martin and vince mountford the interlocutor who has appeared so often as a gar den party entertainer sc ambitious project also feat- singers gwilym evans and bnvo hearn who have been heard locally brampton high school or chestra and a group of studen mod els from the high school as well as all the members of the brampton club four members join verdun rebekahs recently four new names were added as members of verdun re- bekah lodge no 184 s the follow ing were initiated at the regular meeting on february ivtn uie degree being conferred by the local degree team in a very creditable manner mrs leigh bradbury mrs d hurren mrs e simson and mrs d townsend visitors were present from mil ton and members were pleased to welcome back a member from buf falo mrs pearl lillico eyres fatally injured in hockey game many rel here injured when he hit the boards with his head in the closing min utes of a hockey game between col lingwood greenshirts ind aurora bears 17 year old bob gillies was fatally injured wednesday night at collingwood the young defenceman whose home was in stayner died en route to toronto general hospital of a fractured skull and hemmrhage playing his first year in junior hockey he was a fourthform stu dent at collingwood high school both parents are natives of this- district his father humphrey gil lies is a brother of mr goldie gillies who lives near georgetown and son of the late mr and mrs neil gillies who were district far mers his mother is the daughter of mrs robert english glen wil liams b hie p he is s vived by three sisters and a broth er betty mrs joha- bishop ot- midland mary billy and janet at home several relatives and friends of the family attended the funeral ser vice on saturday in stayner uni ted church which was followed by interment in stayner cemetery telegram photo bop gillies fred mellor was his brothers groomsman and ushers were corey herrington jr and george her rington brothers of the bride and george lee brotherm law of the groom at a rccerition in esquesing community hall stewarttown trrev bndes mother received wearing a navy dress- and accessories and a corsage of pink roses the groom s mother wore n navy suit navy and white accessories ind i corsage of ellow roses following the recep tion there was a dance for the guests leaving on a honeymoon trip through the states to maryland the bride wore a blue printed silk dress brown velvet hat and shoes a winter white coat wirth- velvet trim red gloves and a red rose corsage mr and mrs mellor w ill make their home in acton guests attended the wedding from wlngham acton lbnehouse and georgetown tcnttr bfef on move the lifting of the united states embargo on canadian meat exports to that country has stepped hip activities in stockyards and meat packing plants throughout the country then coin and steersbeiag unloaded at the cnr stockyaitlm montreal left will end up on the hook right and dripped m dressed beef during 4 951 canads exported 2725a bead of cattle and other livestock lo the united states and 107735416 pounds of dressed meat a larga rohtmeot meat traffic was aha earned bjtacnr tram chicago to new england through the niagara gateway in southern ontanovtb tjjb- embargo was imposa4 a year ago beeanw i cuadm it wssf bfted march 1 of a serious outbreak oi hoof and month dssasm ia wsatem

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