Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1953, p. 1

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the georgetown herald ten pages georgetown ont wednesday april 15th 1953 ten pages what council did on monday april 13th approved preliminary ipians lor a new- 28 000 fire hall which will be erected on lot at the chapel streethighway corner architect r w hall of bramp ton has been engaged to plan the building and he explained the pro- iposed layout the building will have a 38 foot frontage onh high way and extend 67 feet back along chapel it will contain three bays for fire trucks a clubroom and up stairs a 2 bedroom apartment com plete plans will be ready for the may council meeting and it is ex pected that tenders will be called shortly after that date council discussed the disposition of the bell on the old town hall there is a possibility that it might be mounted on the new building or placed on the lawn outside mayor armstrong wants it preserved as an historical relic which will also have a practical use should hydro power the weather mr editor the bright sunshine of the last few days togetner w ith he maxi mum temperature reading in the high 50 s makes us think it must be spring em batkin date max mm rain appil 6 47 31 april 7 55 29 april 8 58 30 april 9 59 35 aipril 10 38 28 april 11 52 35 april 12 50 30 average 54 32 57 28 service sports entertainment highlight coronation plans dinner marks i0de 14th anniversary be off at the time of a fire call for the present the bell will be taken r down from the building which has been purchased by sid silver and will be stored until the new struc dure is built told building inspector george adams to take all measures neces eary to see that the building by law is enforced in connection with e house that a toronto lady is er ectlng on john street councillors had all been contac ted by property owners in the dis- trict who do not think the build dng in its present form conforms with the by law a recorded vote was taken on a motion by goodlet and norton to have the building permit withdrawn until house plans are available for council but only the two council lors voted for it the mayor was particularly critical of the motion which he said was out of order and which if passed would put council in the gxwition of receiving many more he said too that council does not want to penalize anyone who might build a house in lnstal merits and the bylaw was drawn with this in mind however he ex pects the building inspector to en force the law t granted permission for a house to be built on a lot on king street with 41 foot frontage owned by jim brandford will engage the firm of dineen philips and roberts as consulting engineers to make a survey of water storage possible new sources of supply sale of pumps in the municipal building and length of time involved in getting repair parts for the pumping station the firm will also be consulted on a proposed 8 main on john st from victoria to the 9th line esti mated to cost o900 and a 6 main on albert st from union to mur clock which would cost 1200 will provide water service for houses planned by w f bradley on an extension of water street replaced a number of by laws for borrowing of money for road paving with a new set the first bylaws drawn last year were in accurate and would not be accepted by the municipal board were of the opinion that a sug gestion by j p coombes hired by the county as advisor for the 1953 equalization by law could not be conformed with in the time period involved mr coombe lias suggested that blanket obsolescence be dropped and that each municipality in the county review theirproperties be fore september council felt that it fe impossible for the assessor to do so in this short time manslaughter case remanded till fall charges rangin from motfir man- brigade called to glen garage fire 1 serious damage was averted when georgetown fire brigade sped to a fire in glen williams yesterday af ternoon in a garage owned by ro land haines the fire was kept in check with garden hose until the brigade ar jived sanitary inspector glasgow it rad 7 the hamon county health unit j announces that mr john rofoson lias joined the staff as sanitary in spector mr robson has recently gome to canada from scotland he as a graduate of stow technical college glasgow and has done ex- iriensive extramural work with slaigow university mr robson has bed a wide ex- iperience in public health work in dumfries scotland and dr bull director of the health unit is con ifident that mr robson wftl make f very real contribution to public th in halton county slaughter to causing a disturbance made a full agenda in magistrate s court friday and led to an all day session before magistrate t f moorehead a georgetown man was commit ted for trial at the fill assizes on the manslaughter charge charges of dangerous anving and leaving the scene of an accident jjere ad journed sine die involved in a collision on queen street a week ago another map was remanded till next friday char ged with driving while impaired one hundred dollars and costs was assessed an erin resident on a sim ilar charge five men were convicted on char ges under the liquor control act three were nicked for speeding and two men were fined for causing a disturbance assistant to the general manager of smith stone wilfrid b ford right is one of the fj5 men and women who became charter members in a 25 year club of duplate and associated companies here he is congratulated by col w e phillips another charter member and president of duplate canada ltd fiberglas ltd and smith stone club members include personnel of the companies h uitice and stall members of plant in windsor georgetown guelph and oshawa social and personal nokval notes tractor car collide but no one injured julian reed bruce van vliet was rounding the turn at the 5th line corner on his fathers tractor drawing a wagon load of gravel when a car sped over the knoll towards him the driver applied the brakes and bruce froze at the wheel but the attempts of both were useless as the car careened into the rear of the wagon when the dust settled it was found that the back of the car was severely damaged fortun ately neither driver was injured talks on jury duty sybil bennett qc spoke at a spring tea on thursday in the uni ted church under auspices of the church w a her subject jury duty as it apolies to women was of great interest to the ladies pres ent mrs jack may sang two solos mrs john doanc was in charge of the tea which was well attended decorations were in keeping with the spring season some errors it has bten brought to our itten tion that a few errors made their way into last weeks column our only excuse s that not being a lady we don t attend institute meetings ind i lust let our news second hand well try a more re liable source next time bowling party the united church ypu had a bowling party in brampton mon day evening afterwards they came back to the church for a welcome cup of cocoa and any other injurs they found when the pantry was raided scouts see slides the scout slide show went off with a bang with all four groups represented guides cubs and brownies sang songs but the scouts weren t asked to do anything how lucky can you get commissioner john sn6w showed the slides which took everyone to the jamboree in jamaica the guides are undertaking a ci vie clean up as a coronation tribute to the queen everyone can help out in this good work the local association met on monday night antf after some deli deration we were able to squeeze ten dollars out of them to be used to buy food at the camporee the scout fair was also discussed visitor mrs gowland of muion spent the easter week with mr and mrs m guy wilson softball teams attention your correspondent has received word that the annual meeting of the girls and boys softball league will be held in the court house at milton friday april 24th at 8 30 pm all those interested in enter ing norval teams in the league are asked to attend mrs r w robb returned home monday from h lorida where she spent a month at siesta key tnear sarasota mr and mrs roy parrott for mcr residents here who now live in barne called on friends in the district last week end airs- marshall noble anne and david of guelph were visitors on thursday with mr and mrs d dunk and family miss helen cleave who is em ployed with the bank of commerce in victoria b c is home for three weeks holidays with her parents mr and mrs wilbert cleave misses sharin harley and heather arnold with their grandparents mr and mrs george arnold spent last week at tfcalmar lodge bre chin celebrating then- 41st wedding anniversary mj- and mrs albert dolson spent the week end inbuf falo n y mr and mrs herb dol son were with them mrs charles dickeson returned home last week after spending sev eral weeks as a patient in guelph general hospital where she under went a series of ulcer operation mrs f l thompson and miss dorothy thompson flew to pierce ton indiana last week to visit with mrs fre1 thompson and col and mrs l a pulling two georgetown men are pat lents in guelph general hospital leigh bradbury had an ipptndix operation on friday bruce mcni ven home again after treatments foi a recurrence of stomach ulcers mr and mrs elmer h itthinson former proprietors of i it empire lunch in town who now live in i farm near markdale were visitois in town one day 1 ist week with mr and mr a p tui i i returning to school in the city after spending easier vt iti n with their father kenneth m lmtrl i ire kenneth lr who is a stu li t at upper can i h c llee u d bn in w ho attends crescent school constable colin cousens station ed with the ontario provincial pol ice at temagami is spending three weeks leave with his parents lt col and mrs gordon cousens w t craig reid returned from mexico this week where he deltv ered a consignment of holsteins the first since the lifting of the embargo caused by the hoof and mouth disease outbreak in canada last year mr and mrs j a wuloughby and their daughter mrs herbert mcguire recently returned from a vacation cruise to south america they sailed from new york city on the empress of scotland mrs stuart young with her children neil and gail will be among the local coronation visi tors in england they flew from malton on saturday and will visit fofthree months in leeds with her parents mr and mrs j v scott mr and mrs jack young were visitors last week with her par ents mr and mrs alex kean and w ith his brother stuart young and mrs young they are living at red rock near port arthur where mr young is employed with a construction company mr and mrs bob goldham and fn nily were visit rs in town this week with his parents mr and mrs harry goldham bob has fin i shed his season with the detroit hid w i hls who w c re ousted by it si n in the league pi iyots and is bick at work with the cirruth i s michinery com piny in toronto m s v a sit in and her sister mi s f m wostbr k of hi tut f 1 wtte hcsl is it a shower it mis steins home on queen street s i ird iy in si f h nour w is tl cir cousii miss june ci lbme of c msiillt ttli will imrry ross m atli of hin lltoi su in wit sorvi i t a turkey dinner at the yellow briar inn bra tipton marked the 14th anniversary of the founding of countess of strathmore chapter iode on monday an unique fashion show what the housewife wears in the morn ing with comment by mrs john inglis was included in the program as well as a quiz show conducted by mrs sam pennce mrs h c wrig glesworth sang two solos and miss ruth evans led a singsong a toast proposed by mr walter biehn was replied to by mrs wallace thomp son mrs v stem was welcomed as a new member a fifty dollar burs student charter members who attended were jean mackenzie mrs arthur beaumont mrs norman herbert mrs fred chapman mrs r h jones mrs edwin wilson mrs w a mcgowan mrs- john 9 hughes mrs robert hoare mrs richard crichton ruth evans mrs v stein mrs john frost mrs john inglis mrs thomas hdwson mrs james f evans mrs walter biehn mrs wallace thompson hilda er win mrs william hamilton mrs james alcorn mrs sam penrice mrs robert nicol mrs robert reichardt mrs h h rugg mrs dcnney charles mrs james lin ton mrs ivan hay mrs robert stew ardson mrs w c reynolds mrs j gillis mrs percy leslie ann hickey mrs bruce mackenzie mrs garfield mcgilvray marjorie goult helen macdonald and mrs h c wrigglesworth licata heads local committee i dick licata will head a commit- tee to plan for georgetown s coro- j nation celebration on tuesday i june 2nd tentative plans were made at a meeting in the council chambers on i thursday to which mayor arm- strong had invited representatives of all men s and ladies organiza- tion in town t the meeting appointed a com- mittee to serve with mr licata which includes mrs alex taylor j and harold henry vice presidents i garfield mcgilvray treasurer and mrs trevor williams secretary suggestions for a fitting form of celebration were fully discussed f the day will begin with a relig- t ious service possibly in the arena which has been turned over to the mht association to a receive trophies at bowling banquet winner of the inter county bowl ing league a group of georgetown men received their molson trophies at a dinner at the legion hall on thursday h 9 nixon molson representa tive presented the trophies and the legion ladies catered for a turkey dinner for entertainment the molson company showed comedy and sports films then cards were played the evening was ended with a singsong led by joe lorusso high average in the league which comprised teams from georgetown streetswlle milton oakvrlle ac ton and brampton was held by f rogers bnmpton 232 closely fol lowed by jim carney george town with 230 geci getov n and milton ended the seison with a first place tie and georgetown was declared the win ner lycciusc of a higher pinfal i to br ii tr d buffet quests fiom mu bene and auroia fng gfmfnts mr ind mrs victor hizell an noui e the engngement of their diuemcr doret n blinche to arthur hcnrj wood r of mr and mrs art uir w od of inglewood the mirn ilc will tike plice on satur dn m iy tie n nth in st paula ai jinn churth norval at three o lot k a talent show winners roberta hawas young daughter of mr and mrs ralph hawea and joe wagner accordionist were winners at the roxy talent show on thurs day tea testin la on art which require years of practise a demonstration of it fasclnatesr guests who attended the recent building of the new 5a3ada tea company building in montreal j l gilmore the saluda tea tester has practised his trade for 36 years the taster determines each day what proportion of the teas received from various gardens in ceylon ana india should be used to make upa parti cular blend next to mr gilmore is s fayaz alum commercial- attache from pakistan in the insert at leftt is shown one of the most valuable plecesin the famed salada collection of oriental art displayed in the new building a tea pot in the form of the chinese ood luck symbol which dates from en ancient imperial dynasty school children will assemble in their classrooms in the early after noon to receive the medals being supplied by the dominion govern ment to commemorate the day and will join a parade to the park the home and school association will be asked to arranged the par ade with the chamber of commerce in charge of procuring decorated floats the unions have offered to prepare the arena for the service and the lions club will take charge of a sports day at the park various ladies groups will have charge of refreshment booths and the firemen will aid in erecting these booths there is some pos sibility that the executive might arrange some small memento for each child in addition to the coro nation medals an evening garden party will bo arranged by the legion suggested too was a display in the armoury of historical material and things having a bearing on royalty and the coronation vandals damage park building officials of esquesing agricultural society are concerned about vandal ism at the park during recent weeks a large sheet of metal was torn from the build ing which was erected to house livestock on fair day and as a stor age shed during the year and en try has been made to the building the damage adds to the cost of the building which is still not com pletely paid for and is a discour agement to society officials who hive done a lot of good work in creating a building which is help ful to the fair and an asset to geor getow n s park the police have been alerted to keep an eye on the building and patents are warned that further tiiriili will lead to chirges be- iiu 1 nd igiinst the jueniles re- sp nsible for the damage lady curlers attend horace heidt show scaontetn members of the lad its curling club had an outing in 1 run i on mondiy the attended the horace hcidt show it maple leaf gardens then had dinner at the new nanking those who mide the trip were mrs lriiu curry mrs- sam macken zie mrs harold hutchinson mrs robei t reeve mrs norman dev- ereau mrs leslie clark mrs- hirolri wheeler mrs wray bessey mrs jack mcgibbon mrs walker cleave mrs ken richardson mrs thorn is beer mrs harold mcclure join ruddell mary english evelyn attwood and audrey griee restaurant business sold to stan wade sale of the corner cupboard res taurant will be completed when the new owner stan wade assumes the managership next monday mr and mrs wade not long out from england have purchased the business from edward pop holmes who came here from newmarket a year ago after buying the business from jim coleman he changed the narrfc from rose bar restaurant to the corner cupboard under which he had previdusry operated busi nesses in other towns mr and mrs holmes will be moving to cayugajwhere they have purchased a tourist business with boats and cabins for rent their niece mrs jim bayserovitch and her husband who have been asso ciated with them in the business are planning to move to british columbia

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