Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1953, p. 6

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w the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 15 1953 page 6 the georgetown herald serving the communities of georgetown glen whjjam8 norval umehouse hornby 8tewarttown baujnafad ashgrove tkkra cotta subscription rate 3 00 a year single copies 8c each advertising rates quoted on application walter c bh5hn publisher and editor staff garfield l iccguvray leslie m clark cony henington jr reg broomhead the herald is printed each wednesday in the office on main street georgetown authorized as second class mail post office dept ottawa member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec division of the cwba presentation to two lavoie ladies a surprise party was held last week by employees of wilfred la voie son knitting mill in honor of miss ethel lusty and mrs wil liam taylor presentation of a oollen blan ket and pillow cases was made to miss lusty in honour of her forth coming marriage mrs taylor who is leaving town to live in bramp ton was given a cup and saucer were in the swim we can t help being optimistic about the progress to date of georgetown s new swim ming pool only an idea a few weeks ago it has al ready caught the public fancy and wherever people congregate at private or public affairs the talk swings that way best of all is the news that a fact finding committee representative of a majority of town organizations is already at work they will investigate the cost of building a pool a location for it unofficially we understand t m is wii ling to donate a clul owned lot beside the post office and the most important factor how the money will be raised of course there are dissenters who for one reason or another think the scheme is impractical and no one can say with any authority that the swimming pool is here there are many who remember previous op- thoughtless vandalism as georgetown talks of a swimming poo we are reminded of some thoughtless vandalism which has been discovered in the park a public spirited group of men have ta ken a lot of time and raised a lot of money to erect a building which will be of much use in future and which will add to the accommoda tion for the fall fair it is discouraging for these fair board members to find that during the past few weeks children have gained entry to the but give firemen a chance this summer the chamber of commerce hopes to establish some decent sanitary facili ties in the park and here too children should be warned not to tamper with valuable prop erty on the subject of thoughtlessness fire chief bill hyde has asked us to refer to what can be a serious situation we re all guilty of jumping in the car when the siren rings and dashing to the scene of the fire but we should remember that our presence isn t hepful and that the car should pot pourri former georgetown ministers are in the news these days on saturday rev charles c cochrane minister attcnox church before rev alex calder and now at westmount quebec officiated at the wedding of cnr president donald gordon the daily papers had an item last week about rev qolhn toddi a niagara falls board of education member criticizing the niagara summer theatre for use of profane and blasphemous language mr todd former ministerial st john s here said he had attended oneplay and noted the language and had been told that the same type of language had been used in many pro ductions death of mrs w v grant was a particular shock to the editor because only a few hours before she suffered a stroke she had been in the office to submit her monthly writeup of the women s institute meeting mrs grant had done this reporting chore for timism a quarter of a century ago others point to sad experience in acton and other towns where a campaign fizzled out without anywhere near enough money contributed- but we do think that there are no diffi culties which cannot be overcome with the right leadership and enough groundwork at present the committee has its hands full to prepare a comprehensive report we as in dividuals can do little except to fix in our minds what we can give in a lump sum and in itglmntinr one ran h- expected to make too big a financial sacrifice but no one should figure that a dollar bill will see the job through its only elemental arithmetic to split many thousands of dollars among a pop ulation of 3500 and come up with the right answer meanwhile we shall be awaiting the com mittee report hopeful that they may find a swimming pool a definite possibility ding which houses fair supplies and have caused disorder there as well as damaging the exterior of the building itself these young people are thoughtless as we all were at one time and yet their actions cannot be allowed to continue it behooves every parent to find out if his child was in volved and to deal with the matter himself if such things continue there will eventually be police action which isnt a nice thing and shouldn t be necessary be parked well away and off the street to give the brigade a chance to arrive as fast as pos sible at an ontario street call saturday night the fire chief says that it was impossible for the truck to leave the scene without a long de tour down ontario st to the highway just supposing another fire had broken oit in town those lost minutes might have contnbu ted to a heavy fire loss and all because too many people took their cars to a fire several years and her writing ability has giv en the institute some most valuable publicity and provided herald readers with good read ing we will miss her ed wilson smith stone engineer will be resident in the house being built by mcnally construction across from the binkley home in the orr sub division an 1876 queen victoria penny was unearthed by roy baker when he was spading his garden an advertiser objects to us calling him an englishman and tells us he comes from wales with a name like tre vor and last name lloyd for good measure we should know better but isn t a welshman an englishman too another newfie has come to live in georgetown violet porter arrived here from st johns last weekend and will be living for a time with her brother and his wife mr and mrs graham porter ltmehouse leg fractured by falling gate we are sorry that little teddy clarke suffered a fractured leg when a gate fell on him one day last week the wms met at the home of mrs a w benton on thursday evening ten ladles attended answering text word woman scripture was read toy mrs a c patterson chapter 4 of the study on africa was read by mrs santord bllue sanford play ed piano solo and sang when mothers of salem mrs a w nor ton read a short item president mrs smethurat pronounced uie ben ed iction the hostess served lunch afterwards ieter glynn s cousins jimmy and sandy agnew of woodbridge were visitors with him during the easter holidays terry lane spent easter holidays with his aunt mrs h norton mr alex wright was home from toronto over sunday mr and mrs briggs and children visited relatives in toronto on sun day mr and mrs e hyland of tor onto and mrs w johnstone of niagara falls were recent visitors with the c a fosters two well known clergymen have recently been in the news our former minister rev c c coch rane officiated at the wedding of mr donald gordon and miss hobbs on saturday and our present min ister rev alex calder was quoted in april chatelaine regarding his opinion of jack powers article t won t raise my children in a small town we share your sentiments mr calder an hour s work by the average canadian worker bought in j 947 four times the goods and services got for an hour in 1847 directory authorities conflict must choose carefully j d g trev john m smith continued his discourses from the subject of the memorial windows at st johns united church on sunday morn ing the emblem of this window was the baptismal font with the scrip ture verse suffer the little chil dren toncome unto me in his meditation mr smith em phasized that baptism is one of the two very precious rites or sacra ments of the christian church a symbol of belief in and acknow ledgement of all that jesus did for us through his life his death on the cross and his resurrection all in accord with the will of hi fa ther in heaven revealing his fa thers great love for mankind and his desire for their love and fel lowship in return the act of bap tism is a witness to this belief of jesus to a desire to join this new community and fellowship of his albert j crandell chartered accountant main street georgetown office 654 res 176r open wed and frl evenings and all day saturday george mitchell chartered accountant 62 emma st guelpb phone guelph 511 nielsen the chiropractor diujlem therapist 88th year of practice lady attendant moil rues frl 25 pm wed sat 2 5 and 89 pjn fhane 1mw wm broughton masseur daily 10 ajn to 8 pin except wednesday r r 1 llmehouse pjo box 2fi georgetown 381rl2 r dr clifford reid uds dj3s dentist telephone 410 main street georgetown oeltcvcts and a promise to live in that faith and follow his teachings and commandments as closely as possible jesus words suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of god seem to show that god has a great desire that everyone should have a share in his blessings mr smith stressed the great re- sponsibihlity the sacrament of bap tism placed on all concerned indi viduals and churches alike to see fthat god s precepts are taught and practised and that a good example of true christian living is shown by all who profess christ s name mr smith told the girls and the boys about selim the persian boy who had a great desire to become a camel driver and how happy he was when his parents told him he could join the caravan and learn ito be a driver then came the day when the caravan was held up by robbers and they almost missed se lim because he was just a boy but one robber got hold of him and asked him boy have you got any money yes sir i have 3 gold pieces where arc they they are sewn in my tunic but why did you tell me i might never have found them the boy an suered when i left home my mother tol me to be kind to cv eryonc tp pray each day and to alwnys tell the truth the robber did n t take his i lonty but said 1 i had had i mother like that i would probably neer have been a robber choir diithim was o worship the kiril an alio and t nor lui t s ntlime somewhere is sung by mrs bishop and mr v stein at the evening servite mr smith s subjttt was conflicting authorities he drew attention to our greit ictivity in canada ind tlu unit i d st itcs ilwijs doing x methinj r seeking to or having others trying to persuade us to torn this or help pr imotc some othec so that wc are in danger of thinning out our time antl talent that very liltfe can be givftr to eieh this applies of course even u so many organizations and ob jcctives which are very much worthwhile and which should be encouraged and helped to our ut most yet so many that it behooves us to consider carefully where wo give our abilities this calls for selectivity in all our doings in our home life our employment in our after hours voluntary mork be cause all these require a faithful loyalty on our part if our efforts are to produce results which are worthwhile and which will give us the desired satisfaction from our labours and we must recognize too that our loyalty to en authority in each case to rules qr a cjde of conduct which unless adhered to destroys any usefulness from our efforts so many different activ i tics with their different rules and codes nre liable to bring us into votiflktink authorities so it is se if evident wisdom on our part to seek ind tram hie highest author ity in nil our rhokt s know where to seek that god s precepts and commandments jesus learnings and ex itnplc of living all give us the highest authority for our pro per use of the time and talent which has been given us so we should ask ourselves ere we promise our abilities to further tasks is it christian is it what jesus would wish me to do with my time does t fit in with his plan for the way i should live if wc fit in with these we should have no conflicting authorities no conflicting loyalties andfwhat we are doing should be at its highest level of usefulness end worth miss betty king was at the piano for the service of praise monuments pollock campbell 02 water st north o a l t designs on request phone 2048 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery dr j burns milne xray dental surgeon georfetown phone 88 dr john kerry practice of dentistry xray telephoi main street georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service 301- georgetown po box 13 c w sayers dvm veterinarian guelph street opposite armstrong garage phone 11 radio repairing we specialize in this work 38 years experienos j sanford son phone georgetown 34w s m fahush ro st- jewellers phone 836 leroy dale qc m sybil bennett qc barrjsteni and souctaars georgetown james f mcnab barrister solicitor notary public norton bldg main street telephone 656 norman gunn doctor of surgical chiropody foot specialist arch correction zl main st s brampton 1789 hours by appl tues sc thurs only j a willoughby sons complete real estate service head office toronto 366 bay st em 3 0604 city and country homes farms and small acreages industrial and business properties tour local representatives tom hewson georgetown 332w walter fidler brampton 395 r 4 kenneth m langdon barrister and solicitor notary public first mortgage money to loan roxy theatre building mill street pbone 88w lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1805 metropolitan bldg i victoria street toronto el 8131 m seven exclusive features on page seven 1 ottawa 2 london 3 washington 4 toronto 5 broadway 6 world 7 ontario the telegsam daily pius weekend dabtenr oltks tahftaai pfca caatact tie tv cvrfcjr- ea raa meat n tee tetaenaa bar sad mebaea sm tom i er 1 tm swh rtrf

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