Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1953, p. 1

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the georgetown herald twelve pages georgetown ontario wednesday april 29th 1953 twelve pages grand legion banquet marks 25th anniversary rev noman jtawson speak pins presented to charter members col coosens gives legion new flag social and personal friday evening april 24th saw branch 120 canadian legion eel- brating their twentyfifth anniver sary the event took place in the auditorium of the legion hall and was what a good many people con sidered the outstanding event in the history of the branch punch was served in the televi sion room before dinner with one of the charter tnemberf cliff more- don presiding for the occasion the lome scots officers mess had loaned their silver punch bowl a gift of the british regiment with lltorv who kept his audience liter ally in a trance for well over an hour mr itawson one of the finest speakers to ever to come to georgetown gave a very moving and yet humorous address which delighted the audience at the end of the banquet part of the evening the president than ked everyone who had helped to make the evening a success he mentioned particularly the oddfel lows lodge who had decorated the head table as a gesture of their affection toward the branch he asked that the twenty five roses on the head table be sent to a charter member now nnrp mnri- hying in in the banquet hail grace opened the evening the singing of which was led by archdeacon w g o thompson legion padre dinner was served by the ladies of the auxiliary under the con- venership of mrs fred mc cartney after the excellent dinner the toast to the queen was proposed by district b7 zone commander hugh lamb the toast to our fallen comrades was proposed in a very fitting manner by fred mccartney major john t armstrong prop osed the toast to the canadian leg- jon and in doing so paid tribute to the work accomplished by branch 120 he mentioned in particu lar the great work in helping those servicemen in need accomplished by the poppy fund as well as the work done by the branch in help ing minor sport in georgetown and the host of other good works ac complished by the local legion mr armstrong said that one of the greatest sources of personal pride ito him was his honorary member ship in the canadian legion com t a ab hulse qc the provincial president answered this toast and in a very able and inter esting manner told of the work ac complished by the canadian legion especially mentioning the relief of all servicemen in distress by the poppy fund the varied sports pro gram carried on by the legion and the educational program sponsored by them which last year saw 26 children of exservicemen being given scholarships in the province he stressed that every member had certain duties and obligations to the legion and from records he had no doubt that branch 120 was fulfilling them and on their work in minor sports alone he felt that they were entitled to the legion s highest award a certificate of mer it and would see that they re ceived one forthwith comrade robert mcmenemy jr toasted the charter and original members in a very able and impres sive manner he spoke of the work accomplished by them over the years of the foresight and lsion of the group that conceived the idea of a legion buildings and earned it through to the fine edifice it is to day comrade gordon cousens m c replied to mr mcmenemys toast saying what an honour it was in deed a personal honour to answer for those who founded the legion korc he referred to himself and the group as the old contem t- ibles and said that he felt they had tried in their own humble way tn help wherever possible as a final gesture he said that at the legion s inauguration twenty five eaisag he had presented the branch with a union jack with the under- standing that if at any time the local legion did not live up to the ideals and aims of the parent group he could take it back mr cousens said that it was now his very great pleasure to replace it with a new flag and asked the president to ac cept it on behalf of the branch the president accepted with thanks saying that he knew every member would cherish it and what it stod for the presentation of tw entyf ive year pinswas made to the charter members by the president who town and who hasi been seriously ill bert parr mr clark thanked those who had helped decorate and the ladies who had catered for such a wonderful meal dancing to the music of babe russel and his orchestra concluded the evening head table guests were mr and mrs t a hulse q c mr and mrs hugh lamb rev norman rawson warden and mrs george leslie mayor and mrs john t armstrong mr and mrs leslie clark mr leroy dale qc lt col jphn r barber archdeacon and mrs w g o thompson mr and mrs robert mcmenemy jr charter member and guests in cluded mr and mrs fred mc cartney mr and mrs bill roney mr and mrs allan roncv lt col and mrs g b s cousens lt col gordon brown miss dorothy stone mr and mrs t f grieve mr and mis bert hurlev mi and mrs henry preston mi and mrs jack fry mr and mrs jim murphy mr and mrs henry shepherd mr and mrs george alcott mr and and mrs cliff stacey mr and mrs mrs cliff moreton branch members and their guests included mr and mrs charlie day mr and mrs vern kirby mr wilf hillis mr and mrs b mc cartney mr and mrs j hiddle- ston mr and mrs frank parmeter mr and mrs harry perkins mr george mcdonald mr and mrs gordon jamieson ralph hawes rene martin velma whaley mr and mrs william gibbs mr and mrs bill collier bill engleby m and mrs sam penrice mr and mrs fred armstrong clift hilts mr and mrs bill broughton mr and mrs john patterson lome cross mr and mrs bruce harley mr and mrs alex taylor mr and mrs bob martin mr and mrs jim crawford mr and mrs norm mc donald bud hill mr and mrs b duffy bob williams mr and mrs ed o bnen mr and mrs pat hee- lan mr and mrs frank ander son mr and mrs j bottomley mrs a hcmiov mr and mrs m timbers mr and mis jim sirgent stuart starr mr and mrs c cop land dr and mrs reid mr and mrs s allen mr and mis c taylor mr and mrs dave wood mr and mrs mike smith mr and mrs doug wilson mr and mrs g sargent mr and mrs don bar- ragcr mr and mrs iscilcummms mr and mrs walter biehn elmer bui t vcr i bo d mr and mrs pete tost mr and mrs sam gis- bv mr and mrs wallace thomp son mr and mrs him savings jim roberts andy hunter mr and mrs jack mutrkart mr and mrs dick scale percv clarke mr and mrs jack crawford- mr and mrs c taylor basil hadley mr and mrs stan hayward mr and mrs harry knight mr and mrs sam tennant mr and mrs j kcmshead sr mr and mrs m lorusso mr and mrs dave bowman mr and mrs perc chap lin mr and mrs godfrey collier william brown mrs a m jamie- son mr and mrs charles partpn mr and mrs gordon king mr and mrs fred armstrong jr mr and mrs ken richardson mr and mrs dennis wright mr and mrs alf sykes mr and mrs ted scarlett mr oliver whitmee of windsor is visiting in town with his sister mrs george hemngton mr and mrs ken mcmillan and miss joyce mcmillan motored to chicago for- a low days last week ken mcndham is in greenwood novo scotsa for a month where he is working with a party from the a v roe company at malton mr and mrs w a hoare of de troit michigan were here for the weekend and visited his uncle mr joseph hoaie who is a patient in private putients vpavilion toronto geneial hospital mrs florence cuitis left on mon day for a visit m chattanooga ten nessee with mr and mrs grier lloyd and expects to be away about a month she went by train to cmtinnatli and continued from there by plane sam pennce attended the knit- ting arts exhibition in atlantic city n j the first three days of the week and is returning home via montreal on a business trip for beaumont knitting mills mi and mis harold meclure had several visitors from the stales as their guests on sunday they were mi and mrs walter holu mr and mrs warren tutkci and mis ses lona and ethel riedcl all of buffalo and miss ev elyn schmidt of williamsvillc n y mr and mrs fred mtnally mi and mis william mtnally mr and mrs paul bai ber and misi lena mtnallv attended the funeral ser viie in detroit on monday for mis i ltd ml willy s sistcr mrs ei n bedell who d ed suddenly last thursday mi william hadley of glen wil liams who suffered a stioke a week ago fcriday was taken to sunnj- brouk hospital on monday ifc suf fered some paralysis on the left side but is able to talk with hia family and there is every hope that his stay in sunnybrook will restore him to health mr and mrs leslie ellis and son brian moved on monday to salem ohio where mr ellis a former smith stone ceramic engineer has had a new position for the past month their home on sarah street has been sold to mr and mrs william booth who are moving here from mono road celebrating her 5th birthday on saturday jane daughter of mr and mrs walker cleavc had a par ty at her home on normandy boul evard her guests were elizabeth and mary hay dennis wright jimmy walker kathy saxe geor- gie brown bob mcmenemy chris tine and jody sargent susan col lier kathy 9pcnce judy connely shirley king david presswood and jane s sister barbara members of mrs florence curtis family had a party in her honour thursday night at the home of mrs walker cleave mrs curtis left oh monday to spend a month w ith fi u nds in chattanooga tennessee picint it the pirly wire hi r sis- ti is mis truest mu ami miss ellin simms toronto her daugh ters mrs david saxe mrs george wnlkct mis douglas sargent mis david willnms ind mrs cleave and mrs william lainiy visitors with mi and mrs ted arnold lasrt vvc kf nd win mr and mrs l l mckmnon of cal- raiv alberti the mikinmms in ed in town a few vears ago while he was a tca pilot at malton he now flies an imperial oil co plane and has his base in calgiry gail mtgiivrav daughter or mr and mrs garfield mcgilvrav had a birthday supper and theatre party last night to mark her 13th birth- dav an honoured guest was gil lian chapman who also was cele brating her 1 ith birthday that da other guests iniluded gail thomp son gloria bain barbara alcott judy mccumber marilyn souther jean penrice dorothj scott vir ginia barber joan cummins helen muckart mary and barbara fvans and gail s sister carol called on bill roney t accept itas bu koivack alvagrieve audrey sharpe mr and mrs frank conn ely mr and mrs herb harlow mr and mrs gordon harley mr and mrs robert early harvey garvin mr and mrs charles chap man mr and mrs jack kerr mr and mrs jim yates mr and mrs ray harley mr and mrs roy mc- gill mr and mrs harry hale i slignt token of appreciation from the branch mr clark said that it was a great source of personal pride to him to have the honour of pres enting them to a group who had helped and guided him so much and boweu during his three years of office he said his major hope of the evening was that a divine providence might see fit to allow mr mm g marchment mr good many of them to receive their am mrs mark stufko mr and both year pins in his reply mr m orval raynor tage christtan- roney said he apppectated receiving sen m harold schenk fred- it for the other original members weaver miss fannie weaver mr that they had all wojked and tried and mrs charles allen mr and to make the legion a success and mrs ed francis mr and mrs al- finally that he just wanted to say bert presswood mr and mrs jim thank to everyone present bell brock harley mr and mrs the vueat speaker of the evening art stamp- mr and mrs reg was rev norman rairaon of fifcm- celebrated painter hornyansky speaks announce new scholarships for georgetown high school ha ton led province in tb seal donations with over 11000 donated to the chnstmas seal campnfcn halton county led the province last year said donald stevens president of halton tb health association at the annual meeting monday in mil ton last year donations in the cam paign increased 37 per cent over the previous year a total of 10 090 letters were mailed to halton resi dents and 40 per cent of the peo ple contacted made contributions an average of 2 87 per contributoi was received to make an average of 1 14 per letter sent the courltywide xray campaign was the blgtdjcht of the years work for the association over the weather mr editor we have just had another wet weekend and the weatherman had better not make any flowery comment about it cither ero batkin max nicholas hornyansky everyone likes pictures it is a taste developed in early childhood while pounngover storbook illus trations and grows with age even as 1 1 lustration has grow n with the ages for today nearly everything is desci i bed to us in pictorial form bui what of the artist who do this work what are they like how do they go about making these pic tures nicholas htrnansky is one of the foremost painteretchers in can ada and has done much to bung canada into the limelight of world ar he i nit- nds giving a practical dcmonstiit ion of colour printing which will take the audience behind the scenes into an ai lists studio a dozen of his nrmtjj arc being sent in advance of his thursday visit and will hang in the school for the week and possibly will be display ed at the public library next wed nesday since 1 945 he has been helping young artists as an instructor of etching at the ontario college of art the arts and crafts organiza tion feel especially honoured in having such a famous man come to georgetown and are hopeful that a large audience will attend the demonstration in wrigglesworth school bus car almost collide cause chain of accidents a nearcoil ision betw een a car and a gray coach bus late satur day afternoon caused 1 000 damage to two cars and a minor damage to three others in a series of three ac cidents at the spot a car driven b robert cutting guelph was travelling west on no 7 mar the 6th line crossing a griv coach bus travelling east dri- vn by weslev viekery r r 7 uelph is alleged in have pulled out to pus a iii and siting the cutting vehuli ippronching drew iiik in its own lane mr cutting fning i ht id ini collision swer- vd on the shouldci of the road and hi tar rolled over into the ditch ijured but damage lo his rnittd at in hile with trittic slowing in tin fot on tlu fireasv high an unknown ir bumped ihe dt three puked cirs all pro- idin mu dai age i used lo ars duven bj ieonard dtung acton louis lnlumbo of loionto and ross britton aden seconds liu r another iir travel ling cast skidded and went off the road into the north ditch the driver richard davis lucan his wife and voting son all suffered minor in juries and their car was damaged to the extent of 00 golf course accident on sunday afternoon on maple avenue opposite the golf course a car driven by harold wilson r r 2 georgetown stalled on the hill and rolled back into a car injmed- inlely behind driven by roy brad ley r r 1 milton mrs bradley was treated for a cut forehead by dr j h chamberlain and their j v earold son thomas suffered shock and was taken to guelph general hnsjntal for observation provincial constable howard gunn of milton detachment inves tigated the accidents date april 20 april 21 april 22 april 23 april 24 april 2 april 26 average 47 51 m 28 28 rain mrs gilmer dies after long illness 17 000 people were xrayed in the travelling clinic and this led to the discovery of 24 case of active tb and 5 suspects a secondary benefit of the clinic was diagnosis of 524 other disabilities or abnorm alities the association made a donation of 2 000 to mountain sanatorium hamilton and spent 1100 on chest xrays mr stevens resigned after serv ing as president for two terms and was replaced by h c morris oak- ville a resident of georgetown for six ty years mrs samuel gilmer died at her home on edith street last wednesday following a long illness she was born in dorking eng land and was the former harriet peters a daughter of james peters and louisa young she was mar ried lo mr gilmer in georgetown in 1895 mrs gilmer was a member of knox pilsbjtcnan church she lived a quiet life and devoted her time to her home her flowers and garden mr gilmer died in 1929 and she leaves a family of three children ethel of brantford fred and ik 1 1 of georgetown two grandsons george gilmer toronto and harold gilmer georgetown and three greatgrandchildren also surviving arc two sisters mrs wess oslrinder ojen alberta and mrs john shortill gcopgetow n she was predeceased by tw o brothers and two sisters james and william peters mrs louisa clayton and mary ann peters all of dorking on friday the funeral service was held at the meclure funeral home with rev alex j calder conducting the service pallbear ers were orwell johnston acton fred armstrong kenneth r mac- donald fred mcnally everett cole and william t sinclair interment was in greenwood cemetery geor gctow n two valuable scholarships are now available to students at gebrr gctown high school donors of the scholarships arfc sid silver who has established the hyntan silver memorial award ia memory of his farther one of th tow ns leading businessmen and smith stone ltd georgetown largest industry which stipulate that the bursary must be used ift the faculty of applied science an4 engineering at the univ ersrty o toronto mr silvers award is for annual presentation to senior students wne are continuing their studies toward a recognized profession or career the 150 award may be presented to one student only or divided be tween two or more if there is no suitable candidate the award wit not be made but may be used to provide additional scholarships the following year smith slorte is pr6vttftng six bursaries each with a total possible value of 600 payable in annual in stalments of 150 in each of the fdur college years a student must meet the admission requirements of ihe faculty and first class hon- ours is not a requirement for the bursary to be continued after a student enters college satisfactory academic standing must be main tained btit not necessarily honour standing announcement of the scholarships was made to high school students in assembly at the school this week and the complete context of the award will appear in the herald at a later date parishioners give rector a trip to the coronation among guests at the coronation garden party at buckingham pal ace may 28th will be rev canon a c mccollum rector of st johns anglican church york mills and mrs mccollum and it is interesting to know that through the mccollums george town will have some representation at the garden party for he claims georgetown as his birthplace and spent his boyhood years here originally canon mccollum had arranged an exchange of pulpits with an fnglish rector these plans ft 11 through when the other couple received word that their son was returning from korea however pinshioners at st johns wanted to show appreciation lo the rector who has served them o r 26 vears they formed a travil club and soon plans for the tiip were going forward again only on a nuuh more elaborate scale thev presented them with their passage and when thev land in glasgow from the empress of scot land i chauftcred car will meet them and drive them through scot land and england luggage a color imcra and purse were some of the other gifts they received the attempt to make this a mem orable trip has gone beyond denom- i national lines upon learning that the mccollums are going to rome their neighbour his eminence james cardinal mcguigan gave them a letter to the vatican and it is possible they may have an aud ience with the pope while there rebekahs have annual unknown friend dinner a happy yearly event for mem bers of verdun rebekah lodge is the unknown friend banquet and last tuesday one hundred lodge members were served a salad sup- iper in the oddfellows hau u mr s jack presswood was toast- master and called on mrs dick riddall for a toast to the lodge to which mrs bert tuck replied mrs gordon king toasted the unknown friend with mrs aileen bi ad ley replying during the year each lodge mem bers has an unknown friend who sends cards and presents at appropriate times each lady found w ho her friend w as at the dinner then new names were cho sen for the coming year a regular lodge meeting was held afterwards among visitors present were mrs edgar eyres buffalo n y and mrs jack kaiser seaforth pax bible class will conduct church service principals oil painting given to milton school a handsome oil painting of j e marcel 1 us principal of mitlon high school for over forty years was prcnatcd to the school last night atwf school open night mr marcellus retires this june and as a tribute to his service the school board decided to honour him in this fashion the portrait was painted by dorothy stone check line artist and art teacher in geor getown high school an attractive feature of the painting is a delicate background of student faces visible only on close scrutiny of the patnt- in north halton high school board was given a preview of her work at their meeting in huton on mon day gordon alcott bringing his pax bible class to georgetown this sunda is gor don alcott a georgetown nativ e who will preach the sermon at an evening serice in knox presbjter- ian church it is the second visit of the class which last year conducted a simi lar service in si john s church the enthusiastic group from wes ton presbyterian church will bring their own orchestra and choir to lead the service anglican clergymen dine at estaminet anglican clcrgyrocn of malton deanery were guests of rev c f heathcote at dinner at the estam- inot yesterday during a deanery meeting in burlington holy communion was celebrated- in st lukes church in the morn ing and at an afternoon meeting in the rectory rev t bailey o beamsvlue discussal the theology of the bible members joined in a discussion on proposed revisions in the communion service archdeacon w g o thompson and rev j e maxwell were amonc those who attended

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