Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1953, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fourteen pages georgetown ontario wednesday evening may 6th 1953 first section what council did legion gets new flag on monday may 4th called for tenders for construc tion of the new fire hall on guelph street tenders will be received by the town clerk until may 25th when council will decide on the contrac tor for the job it is stressed that the fire hall must be completed by september 1st as the old fire hall must be vacated by that time and the change to dial telephone system wrill make h necessary for a care taker tb be in the building to an swer fire calls viewed a display of street signs shown by mr huddlcjfon o klas sen bronze new h imbue his signs he claimed ai e rust proof and will last indefinitely with an added advantage of being easily seen at mcht because of the lumin ous quality of the lettering coun ctl will go into the mvler further at a later meeting refciied to the property commit tee an offer by elmer hill to pur chase for 50 land behind mrs ii waldie s property on mcnabb st discussed at some length hospi tal account for indigent patient when a number of these were re ceived clerk j d kelly said he had discussed tbe matter w ith county clerk william deans and found that a municipality may xiueslion the status of an indigent w3tflin 20 das of notification of hospitil ad mittance the hospitil then inves tigates the validity of the tl 11 i otherwise the countv pays the bill and the town recompenses them by 50 per cent the only way money can then be claimed from an indi gent is by legal action reeve macdooald said that coun ty council is much concerned about glowing hospital costs which at present are running about 5 000 a month sold the pumping equipment in the old water storage reservoir for 91200 to industrial sand and gravel cr hale voted against tne mot ion taking the stand that when town propert is sold it should be adertised for sale by tender will put a street light on bick street in front of mark clark res idence ree e macdonald said that the water committee had met with mr roberts of the dinecn philips and roberts firm to discuss the firm making a wncj of the present wa ter astern and guing suggestions for additions and improvements in future the firm is at work on the sun e and will make a complete report to council at a later date cr norton said that before an oerhead storage tank was adopted council should look into the possi bihtv of enlarging the sikercreek reservoir mayor armstrong said nothing has et been decided and a discussion on water would be use less at present until the engineer s report is received will instal a 6 inch water main on albert street from union to murdock 9t to take care of a new apartment house which dick grace is constructing behind his queen street home will send two firemen to the 5 day regional fire school in kitch ener may 11 to 15 with the town paying expenses up to 150 authorized the property commit tee to acquire the necessary proper ty to round the mcnabb st cor ner at the subway this entails a tricky point as land which might possibly have to be acquired is owned by cr allan norton who could not sell it to the town if any property is needed it will have to be expropriated by the town decision on the problem had to be made immediately because the bell telephone co is placing new wires for the dial system if the wires are placed on the pre sent poles and have to be moved later it will mean considerable ex pense for the town the motion authorizes the road committee to move the poll to any location they deem expedient will instltut payroll deductions for town employees for the blue cross insurance plan with the stip ulation that future employees mast join the plan as a condition of em ployment are preparing by laws to estab lish new names for cert streets mill road will become river drive the 9th line will be mountain view aoad and victoria street behind the chapel street school will victoria avezme the weather there have been so many rainy week ends lately so that the beau tiful weather on sunday was a welcome change probably the month of may will give us some better week ends april this year was not very far out of line from normal ihe nor mal average for maximum is 11 de grees and this year april had only 1 degree above average the mini mum average this e ir for aoril wag 31 decrees only 2 degrees below normal the i til iveiaje 1 jinfjll for api il is 4j uid thi yeir it was lesb ulan 1 moie thin noimil it wont be loiif now until we hive the me june davs e bitkin date mi mi i h in april 27 41 i 10 april 28 49 1 hll 9 50 jr april jo 57 34 67 miy 1 48 39 170 ma 1 46 16 75 may 3 62 34 average 52 34 3 22 panel adds interest to fall fair discussion a panel discussion headed by mrs j i elleiby was an interes tin feature of a bocial evening lasj night in stewarttown hall when a group of people interested in geor getown fair met for a social even ing answering many questions from the audience were mrs w j mc kinney brampton handicraft dir ector for the ontario fairs assoc lation mrs watson wiggins pres ident of brampton fair ladies divi sion mrs norman ackroyd bramp ton a judge at last year s fair charlotte mcculiough hall super intendent of georgetown fair mrs m h mckenna brampton who j udged domestic science last year and john f clarke mr clarke from the horticuuu ral branch of the dept of agricul ture talked on improving the fair grounds and on exhibiting flowers and showed coloured slides to illus tnte his points harding price was chairman arid a short program included recitations bv mrs wil inm cromar and t sing song led bv jein ruddell refreshments w ere serv ed afterwords sam walker retires mew brewers manager sam walker brewers retail manager of the store for several years retired the end of theunonth he has been succeeded by wally loudon who comes here from chat ham mr loudon has been wita the company eighteen years most of this time in his home town of toronto he worked n ctathdn for three years and for aanori time in windsor before his move to georgetown mrs loudon and their children sandra 13 and donna 10 are stay4 ing in chitham until school is overj and mr loudon hopes by then to find living accommodation for his fjmity here russ cooper photo a handsome new union jack was presented to branch 120 canadian legion by lt col gordon cousens first president at a dinner which marked the twenty fifth an niversary of the branch colonel cousena gave the branch its first standard when it was organized in march 1 928 and this will be preserved as a historic souvenir president leslie clark is receiving the flag from the colonel in the picture above with mayor jack armstrong left and provincial president t a hulse right are watching the ceremony mcmillan again director ontario hockey association ken mcmillan local farm imple ment dealer and horse showman w as elected to the execut iv e of the ontario hockey association for a secpnd term at the annual mee esqelsing olncil miss hume resi new three sthool two teachers hired to be built in norval veteran member of cha public school staff has another pel street resigned mis beatrice hume grade 1 tea chcr at the school for many jears will retire on pension in june one of the most valued members of the staff she will be replaced bv mrs walter sargent who has taught at stewarttown for the past year another new teacher has been hired bv the school board as an additipn to the staff of w nggles worth school where an extra class room will be formed in september she is mrs franklin cleave daugh ter of mr and mrs jack william son of town who is at present on the staff of palmerston ave school in toronto on saturday kathy boutetle daughter of mr and mrs c p boutelle king street had a party to celebrate her tenth birthday her guests were june lyon etonna and paula shankland barbara ftnlay sandra uoyd and joy barber plans are underway for the bull ding of a new 3 roo n school at norvjl definite location for the new building has not vet been decided but plans are being prepared bv irchitects and tenders will be cl led for sometime in the ncir fu ture esquesing council at their met ing on monday approved a school which would not exceed 65 000 in cost when approval was asked by the board of school area no 1 which administers this and several other schools the present 2 room school has become so crowded that this vear students from the three senior grades with senior students from stewarttown have been get ting their education in georgetown in a special class in the new wrig glesworth school sheep claim payments mounted by another 138 when horace bell was recompensed for 3 sheep kil led and a setback to 5 young lambs local couple celebrate 25th weddng anniversary ing in toronto on saturday torv gregg well known in geor ect v when he appears each year s em ee of the fill fair is the new prisdtit of the rcociatiori t t tl v-ilue- of 11t and dr h a m cullough was j aid 15 for a i nib killed a n stark received sb fees for tv trip is valuitor i i col cordoi brown was ap i o i ted a ncmbir ff the plaining boird for 3 vears george somer ville for 2 jer and fdwin harrop f r one salaries f the assessment commissioner ind the treasurer were i icr eased 200 eich retroactive to uit first of the jear the reeve signed a warrant for li iding a tix silo at which a l of ropcrties will be sold for lax trrears this will be fie first such sae in the township in several vears council engnged the matacasl company to si ny roads at a cost of 7 00 a nile on both sides- of the toad and the road superinten dent was ills ructed to purchase sufficient weed spray onlv one fox claim was paid 3 to stanley j brown road accounts were 3013 and relief 141 two fifty dollar pa ments were made to acton for at tendance of the fire brigade at fires at r h armstrongs on april bth and bert dodds on april 15th a ten dollar donation was made to georgetown legion branch for their 25th anniversary tenders will be called for 650 yards of nil on no 17 sideroad concession 1 descendant of early esquesing pioneers member of a pioneer esquesing fam iv edith nickell wilhenl was buried in greenwood cemetery on 1 n i iy morning following a fun era strvite in toronto the previous cvti inj mrs witheril was a descendant of william nickell who emigrated from ireland in 1b12 and was the third seuw r in esquesing tiku g up ljnd it dolly vtirdcn which re n a td ii the familv name until thi vcir a d mghter ff james nickel and s ir h woods she w s born at lin e house but had lived for many years in toronto she was trtdeceased bv her husbin 1 e r witheril and is survived bv a sister mrs minnie graham vancouver b c and a brother john nickch eden mills brothers and sisters who predecea scd her were mrs hugo bell tor onu william nickell sarnia dr robert nickell a veterinarian in ceorgetown and james nickell who died last october rev alex j calder conducted a service at the graveside on friday gibb leek receive graduate diplomas two district ministers will be one step nearer ordination as united church ilergymon when they will attend a eonvoe ttion service iri bloc r united church tonight and receive- their theological diplomas william gibb and i george leek have both taken their edu tdtion wl ile engaged i in the ictive ministry a busy life which has j not left much spare time for anything but work and study mr gibb has been student minister bulhbafad for four years where lus three churches are ball ma fad churchill and melville son of the late mr and mrs andrew gibb he was employed in his home town of gait before choosing a career as a minister his wife is the daughter of rev and mrs e w brearley formerly of st tho mas now of appelby they have three children bruce david and marion future plans will be deci ded for them in the next few weeks when mr gibb will be assigned to the home mission field following his ordination which will take place in hamilton his successor at bal- hnafad will be another student norman russ of hespeler mr leek was a hard rock miner in his home town of schumacker when he felt the call to the church he preached in a 4 church charge- at silver water manitoulin before cfimins to hornby last july since then ho has been minister at horn bv ashgrove ind bethel while continuing his studies at emman uel college mr and mrs leek hive f ur children george beth minlyn and leslie his ordination will take place in toronto bank accountant is promoted to guelph lawrence vollick accountant at the royal bank for some time has received a promotion on monday he began his new position in the guelph branch of the bankwhere he will be senior assistant accountant miss brenda robinson is acting accountant here now qeorgetown has many wins at music festival mr and mrs joseph campbell celebrated their 25th wedding an niversary in their new home on charles street in tbe orr subdivi sion when they held open house from seven to ten in tbe evening thirty friends attended coming from toronto caiedon orangeville and georgetown mrs james hw- yard lorangeville poured tea and congratulatory speeches were made by dr brydon smith toronto dr w e r stubbs caledon lue kesste cajedon and s- w orr of georgetown mr and mrs campbeu who came to georgetown from caledon re ceived a number of beautiful gifts of silver on the occbbhmrthey are pictured here with tbe attractive anniversary cake made and pres ented to dma by ikes x koaatfe men design dresses home school party georgetown home sohool as sociation held its final spring meet ing monday at the howard wrig glesworth school the program included a fashion show with four gentemen display ing their dress designing ability while lad members modelled for them harold henry showed sev eral filmstrip productions a pen n sale helped to create interest and added considerably to the treasury man of those present particips ted in a group of square dances with george glassford the dance announcer and a set from the local high school assisting refreshments were served by the ladies engagements mr and mrs charles mcnally terra cotta announce the engage ment of their daughter shirley is obei to harold ingus son of mr and mrs william lnglis glen wil liams theiooarriage wbi take place the latter part of may lacrosse definite for georgetown this year intermediate lacrosse will be re vived in georgetown this year a georgetown glen wluams combine team has been entered ta a seventeam intermediate league and all arrangements have been made with georgetown arena where games will be played practicing has already started witht 18 hopefuls turning out for the first practice last wteek in the arena where sand has been laid as a covering over the artificial ice pipes on friday night tom and roly haines and jack wilson who are promoting the team will attend a group meeting in dundas whare it is expected a schedule will be drawn up for the season georgetown will play in a league with brantford sarnia wallace- burg dundas streetsville and ac ton with several of the players members of last year s acton s b hives it is expected there will be keen rivalry sports fans will look forward to a renewal of the old days when georgetown acton ho ckey games always filled the arena and this summer should see some record crowds cheering on george towns first major lacroe team in half a o georgetown public and high s had a good share of gold medallists at halton music festival last week in milton the festival took place all day thursday and friday in knox pres byterian church with dr g roy fenwick provincial director of mu sic as adjudicatar it was the 22nd annual event sponsored by the as sociation of which miss ruth evan of georgetown is president thia year most outstanding for georgetown was the performance of high school entrants who won medals in every class in which they competed glen- na doherty was top soloist for se nior girls and anna spitxer and sae crabtree won first prize for duet michael armstrong and paul prust were gold medallists in the baritone and bass competitions three gold medals were won in the georgetown public schools shirley grasby wrigglesworth school was best soloist for girls 12 and over and diane hill for girls 11 and under a chapel st school pupil roberta hawes was first in the class for girls 7 and under closely followed by 5 yearold bar bara evans daughter of mr and mrs james f evans of the teach ing staff in the rural school secti a hornby girl karen brtgden was first in the 7 and under class while martha hay and bob stark of hornby were first in vocal doet johnny wilson pmegrove was best boy soloist 11 at

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