Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1953, p. 13

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high tales published by students of georgetown high school volume 1 no 15 georgetown ontario 1kednesdaymay 6 1953 9 cadets participate exercise damp feet ross mcguvray two weeks ago cadets from the corps took part in a huge game of hide and seek named exercise damp feet the hiders were 1000 enemy alrforce personnel kcaf who were downed staging a raid on the toronto area the sdejkers were soldiers cadets and civilians trie area in which this operation took place was bounded by port credit orangeville aurora and oshawa with toronto included plackout buses proceeded through out the area dropping off parties of three and four airmen these men were equipped w ith white coveralls flying boots and rations when we arrived at our hq in schomberg a few airmen had pre viously been caught and one was shown to us crews were required to meet at a rendezvous where in theory helicopters would pick them up but in reality cars were used to make things tougher for these men no hitchhiking was allowed and they could not carry more than one thin dime the army and ca dets crisscrossed the country in trucks and on foot and were in fast contact with each other by means adios when the enemy were captured interrogation and intelli gence units examined them the airmen had to walk 36 miles in 36 hours all the cadets received a better kn6wledge of this type of work and the expedition proved to be a profitable one the georgetown cadets took an active part in pat rolling and gained some useful in formation on activities which will be used on the schools annual scheme which is coming up soon study study is a five letter word which means the apphcaon of the mind to the acquisition of know ledge any particular branch of learning sketched ideas of a pain- ter etc for his future instruction or improvement a room set apart for study v 1 to apply the mind closely to a subject endeavour dil igently vt to examine closely in order to learn thoroughly con over devote ones thoughts there are many ways to study among the most predominant meth ods is the anderson method to set the scene the tv is tuned to the fights the radio is tuned to johnny dollar a light lunch consisting of a pile of sandwiches about a foot high one quart of milk and some potato chips a dog and cat arc fighting in the next room ander son has his nose burjed in a book the book he is studying is quite a bit above his level it is donald duck another wellknown method is the zilio method it is very simple just like spike for there is noth- b there there also is the herkimer me thod not quite so popular she ac- tually studies j- y mcgill method is even worse to quote i study al dont you worry these are mcgllls own words darbys theory concerning study is very simple and would cause a minor revolution in educational fields due to conditions present in the modern educational system i believe that under no clrcumstan- ces would k be accepted his theory i in plain english is as follows in the beginning there was nothing and in the end there is a lot this situation should be immediately re medied to keep the standards of fourth form prevalent throughout the storms of life this can be done only by completely abolishing study this movement must start immediately if not sooner in order to save the valiant fourth form from a horrible disease known as ifoam on the dome which is highly contagious among better students especially those intelli gent ones making up the class known as the looney bin with this glonous innovation- i conclude my brilliant wonderful marvelous splendid and wholly meaningless thesis it is also my opinion that this paper should be preserved la for- editorial don souther in high school students must de cide what occupation they are go ing to follow as anybody knows it is very hard for some to decide what theyre going to do it is even harder when one cannot find out about the different occupations easily some school attenders know from childhood what trade they are going to follow but most of u3 have a hard time deciding for this reason many students leave high school early because they have not been adequately informed about the multitude of great opportuni ties that await them the guidance courses in first form are only a start and it is too bad that they are not carried on thro the different forms those w ho leave school always find too late the great opportunities that awai ted them if they had stayed on if the guidance courses were step ped up with more movies explain ing the different opportunities for each student more literature in the library concerning all types of jobs and their present day pay rates it would give many of us something to work for it has happened that some have not known of opportun ities and have dropped certain sub jects and found out too late that they cannot take many of the cour ses the future of canada is being decided now and if canada wants more trained men and women the schools should be adequately equip ped with literature movies and talks about the many opportunities that await the school pupil 9b report terry harley baseball is creeping back into our sports llneup th f has been exposed to the spring air once or twice but soccer still holds as first choice i noticed some of the boys standing around m pt while the girls dug the jumping pits of course this is understandable if they happen to be cadets taking a rest after that operation damp also muddy frozen and aching feet speaking of this exercise i would like to tell those who did not take part in the scheme that they really missed something the joy of walk ing miles through mud and water the fun of lying in wet grass till 12 30 am and the thrill of jumping off army trucks into small lakes we had all the comforts of homo sleeping i- blankets sand ground- sheets sand pillows and sand be cause of cramped quarters we vtere forced to sleep three deep you wonder why the georgetown cad- els didn t catch any paratroopers well 1 11 give you the facts we were so busy being chased by cows hunting wildcats and rounding up a few stray cadets that we had no time for minor things like the en emy when we picked up those lost cadets they would look surprised and say we know where we were it was headquarters that was lost the food was nothing to com plain about in fact it was very good the fellow next to me on taking one bite of his cherry pie said mmmm just like mother used to try to make maldehyde in the archives of tor onto for future references of the feelings toward study by this gen eration copyright no part of the material covered by this copyright may be repro duced in anyform without written permission of the publisher publisher a darby and cohorts president a darby vice pres allen darby secretary treasurer al darby superintendent allen r darby janitot donald anderson sub- janitor moose assist sub janitor paul sub assist sub janitor spike jmted written on the 27th day of april in the year of the lord nineteen hundred and fifty three in the hal lowed halls of ghs the travelling salesman sylvia lambert mr doolittle was a small unob- struslve person whose chief ambi tion in life was to knock on a door boldly and speak forcefully to the inhabitant thereby making a sale this afternoon had been a particularly dismal one but he de cided to go to just one more house before calling it a day slowly he pushed open the gate which clicked behind him as he shuffled up the walk he felt very miserable it seemed to him as though he were intruding as though he were doing something for which he would soon be severely punished after trav elling the short distance between gate and door which had been miles to mr doolittle he timidly lifted the knocker and let it fall it resounded hollowly within the house and was soon taken up in a much greater refrain the barking of a loud deepvoiced dog a sudden note of terror swept over the little man as he turned on his heel to put himself on the other side of the gate as quickly as he could just as he swung around the gate flew open and a big burly man stepped through and started towards the house mr doolittle was suddenly at a loss and felt very 111 at ease ii m terribly sorry sir he blurted out oh ho my little man roared the other and just what are you sorry for eh what have you been up to speak up man there was a moment s pause in w hich neither spoke finally mr doolittle spoke up in a small trem ulous voice i trod in the cat s saucer why you blundering idiot thundered the big man just what arc you trying to sell anyway whwhy nothing roily i mean what are you selling dr catchum s cat food mr doolittle quavered in a matter of seconds the would be salesman was cautiously picking himself up from the middle of the road like so many people in this world mr doolittle had chosen a vocation for which he was but poorly adapted we are prepared to do all types of plumbing new bathrooms installed or remodelled water systems repairs of all kinds ken nash phone 239r ring street dead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed prom ptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect toronto em 33636 georgetown 1 1 your li our spellbound children jack cluett in womans day fortyodd years ago when i ope my first- grade schoolspel- ler and discovered that the word dry was spelled dry cool was spelled coo1 and does was spel led dores there were no subver sive forces working to convince me that my spelling book was all cock eyed and that the word dry should be spelled dri cool must be spelled koo1 and does sounded the same but looked very much better when it was spelled duz in those formative years of my life george herrimans krazy kat in the funny paper was the only einistecinxluence i had to fight as far as spelling was concerned be cause of herrimans phonetic feline cat soon became kat in spite of repeated raps over the knuckles with a ruler otherwise spellings in my day was pretty clear sailing but modern moppets have to fight their way through a barrage of pho netic trademarks slogans and copy righted hieroglyphics so confusing its a wonder and to their credit that they don t give up in disgust and resort to antediluvian picture writing can i expect my eleven year old to spell school correctly when from the lime he was able to toddle or todl reg us pat off he was confronted with a series of wooden toys trademarked in big red let ters kideskoop i cannot can mcguffeys ireaders compete with countless fullpage ads and anima ted trademarks on the television screen that are a constant remin der to my eight yearold daughter thta she should spell the word cream creme the word tasty tays- tce and the word mighty myt mcguftey most assuredly cannot the teacher does not exist who is persuasive enough to compete ag ainst a million dollar advertising campaign designed to supplant the word obey with their own obay the textbook has yet to be written w hich can sell an elevenyearold on the correct spelling of the past tense of the word kiss when patent attorneys manufacturers ad ertls- ing managers layout men and tel evision producers are sitting up nights conspiring to change it to kist 9unklst star kist moonkit cheesekisl and dcwkist in the fate of this onslaught is it any wonder that a child writes i kist my daddy goodnight it would be a wonder if he didn t if you own an automobile or sgt evans is new cadet assistant sgt allan teeter who for sev eral years has helped train cadet for the annual inspection has been replaced by sgt evans sgt tee ter has done a fine job in past years in helping make the cadet corps what it is this year will be the biggest inspection ever staged and the date is not far iway sgt ev ans will tdke otr training of the enacts with a new disciplinary sys um whereby offenders will be tried in court martial in this way several officers hand out the penal ties instead of one officer we all hope that ghs cadet corps can capture first place this year and then be the best cadet corps in ontario students- teachers attend travelogue students and teachers alike en joyed the wonderful lecture india beyond the khyber presented by the w ilk ins brothers in the legion hall the two hour talk was very interesting as were the magnificent technicolor movies the wilkins brothers have become famous for their trips to many countries of the world in the last lecture they told of jialf of their trip around the world the other half being pre sented in another movie the mo vie set many minds thinking of starling out some day to work their way around the world flying saucers yet bob freestone and don seddon both members of georgetown high school saw a flying saucer don seddon spied the object first and thin bob freestone caught sight of it it was an exteptionally bright object that hung in the sky for about two minutes then the or ange coloured disc picked up speed and made an oval and then disap peared from sight this is not the first time these unknown objects hae been seen and the american air force definitely confirms re ports of flying saucers crying out loud i no shes not sorry for herself shes safe and she knows it shes cry ing about her lost furni ture and clothing it will cost plenty to buy those things all over again she knows that too moral insure adequate- iyl elmer c thompson insurance service john k barber f kersey k c thompson mill street phone 119 even a floor that needs polishing you might as well tell your chil dren right now before you bring home a single can of wax that the word glow will henceforth be spelled glo and that the garment they put on to keep warm during the winter is a cote or kote not coat just tell them that the wax people have decided that hence forth webster is to be considered a dunce you can hold out for light but me ive long since been bludgeon ed into accepting the more popular version lite or lyte electric is archaic dozens of manufacturers prefer lectrlc can i blame my son if i go along with them thanks to a certain cream liniment ive also accepted minit in place of the word minute so far as my children are concerned as a matter of fact they were in accord with the man ufacturers spelling long before they spied his product and i must confess so was their mother it was either making our bath room outofbounds for the three children or subjecting them to ar- rld hect and kleen none of whjich can be found in the dictionary but all of which are m our medicine cabinet b one form or another i ve finally been forced to compromise with the small fry and allow them to drop the c from coffee and re place it with k thus in addition to making a liar out of their spell ing teacher miss bell ive thrown in the towel and handed the victory to the makers of coffee substitutes howev er 1 m still in there punch- king to save the children from wansum biscut and justnuff quick of course went long ago it s now quik kwyk or kwik by the same process jiffy has become jifi without a struggle and easy gave way to e z at least twenty years ago what chance have the words corn and crisp when theyre lost on the pages of a firstgradespeller along with a couple of dozen other sig nificant nouns like cat rat hat and mat what chance have they that is against a phoneticallyminded company backed with a 6 000000 a year campaign designed to teach you and your little ones they re korn and krisp the answer to all that is none whatsoever if television is sincere in its de sire to enter the educational field with its own exclusive channels it might well begin with a series ot spelling lessons for tots they might huv e gene autry ride by on champion yelling hey kids if you want to grow up to be smart you 11 go long with noah webster and me and spell corn with a c instead of a k corn with a c is the rich muscle building range- ndin way to spell it yes rangers it s corn with a c for you and me to combat the endless list of phonetically spelled products that lead children into the orthnograph- ical graveyard i wish the patent otfice would let down the bars and allow one just one of the big breakfast cereal companies to for get the legal restrictions and come out with a giantsize package of stuff whose name slogans and t ride mirks arc in accord with sec ond gride usage oats the vitamin picked breakfast food that s spcl led correctly meantime i guess my three pre shus reg us pat off no 282 294 little students will continue to come home from kiass beg u s pat off no 535 314 with dminus in spelling the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 6 1953 page 5 woods the leading home freezer in canada 2 models to choose from model fb 165 combination freezer frig model 15 15 cubic foot freezfcr i write or phone for further details robert cooper phonk um a l 1 for expert eye care consult o t walker optometrist 3 main st north brampton over abells drug store phone office 599 res 830 hours 9 am to 6 pnx dally evenings by appointment top soi road cement travel general trucking barclays haulage phone 723 r 21 damage at school police are pn the lookout to dis cover the eulprtts who have done some damage at the high school both goal posts have been torn down at different times and one night a rock was heaved through an upstairs window overlooking the highway mortgage sale of house and property in glen williams under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction on wednesday may 20th 195s at the hour of two o clock in the afternoon at the village of glen williams in the county of halton by frank petch auctioneer the following properly namely all and singular that certain par- eel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the vil lage of glen williams in the town ship of esqucsing in the county of halton and being composed of part of the west half of lot num ber 22 in the 10th concession of tm said township of esqueslng more particularly known as part of lot 17 on northeasterly side of the given road which runs through said lot 22 and is known as main street in the said village of glen williams on which there is said to be located a two storey frame house terms w of the purchase price to be paid down at the time of the sale and the balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within fifteen days of the date of the sale for further particulars and condi tio of sal apply dale bennett barristers solicitors georgetown bill garbutt plumbing and heating all types of repair work water systems eavestroughing sarah st georgetown phone 505r highest prices paid for sefap iron steel metals batteries miscellaneous farm scrap delivered to our yard 175 caroline st n hamilton l waxman sons phone hamilton 27061 and 83611 flowers for every occasion design work a specialty bonded member tds telegraph delivery service flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral phone- 315w geor travel notes once again 5day cruises from owen sound aboard s s norgama very special 3 june sailings june 8 15 zt only 4000 allexpense cruise reirtalar summer sailings 65 now being booked consult john r barber mmto thokttmn in8ubanoe rtnca

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