Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 22, 1953, p. 10

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 22 1953 pace ii legion notes visityour rc af career counsellor at georgetown municipal office tuesday august 4 1 2 noon to 7 p m this is your opportunity to get complete informa tion on wriat the air force can offer you as an aircrew officer or aa a skilled airman or airwo man technician in a mod ern aviation trade large crowd attends annual legion picnic last sunday was the day of the branch picnic and a good crowd at tended the locale was as in for mer years stanley park erin and this year was held in midsummer instead of the former september date the park management claim ed there were 9h sat down for sup per in the two pavilions hpw- ever we really don t think there were that many probably about the same as last year jim mudie asphalt roofing new roofs and repairs phone 709 r 14 dancing every saturday sing song movies amateurs sunday nites huttonville park brampton 357 j 13 j woods milk coolers featuring woods exclusive pos itive circulation method which cools milk faster more econ omically and efficiently than any other method known portable and drop in models write or phone robert cooper phone 1311 adjoining brampton golf club box 67 brampton travel notes flytca new york 4 flights daily from toronto 4080 an air trip to new york combined with an all expense freedom tour u an idem holiday combination tours from to 7 dats consult john r barber travel advtao- c thompson insttkance service t u mul street tainment chairman gord jamleson jim murphy iorne cross jack kerr dutch and bruce- mccartney jim bell bill collier and many oth ers whose contribution was equally important but whoa names jusf don t come to mind don t come to mind thanks to frank king jim bell and bruce mccart ney for supplying trucks saw a number of former legion the day consisted of races for the presidents of other branches van- hildren and members a ball game between hespeier and the branch horseshoe and dart tournaments races were won by fie follow ing boys 67 jim bowman michael cummins girls b 7 roberta haves beverly handy j and under prizes for everyone running in race 4 and 5 years prues for every one running in race boys 8 9 larry dewhurst keith wood girls 8 9 shirley engleby sharon handy boys 10 11 charles davis john cummins girls 1011 sharin harley marltno kemshead boys 1213 bob kidd norm lockhurst girls 12 1j charlene d iv barbara may allen boys balloon race norm lock hurst vic miller boys and girlb comic race jane mcphedran grant caseley ladies kick the shoe mrs bruce mccartney mis stan allen ladies running race mrs john patterson ladies spot race mrs jim davenport ladies accurate throw mrs stan allen oldest woman in attendance mrs t f grieve mens running race jim sar gent mens spot race bill hansen men s accurjf throw ralph hawes men and women s pie plate race ethel cuthbert jack kern shead egg race m irried couples mr and mrs jim brown mystery man and woman race mrs charlie laws earl waller the horseshoe tournament was won by a team composed of bud and gord james the supper supplied by the mem bers did not run as smoothly thi3 year as others due mainly to the fict that the whole outdoor pail- lon vas not available to us due to mother picnic and we ate in the dance ipavihon which while hold ing more people tended to scatter the cvrjnvd in opposite ends of the park however that is the penalty of a large picnic which no one pavilion will seat we were seriously annoyed about the milk situation for the kiddies v hich arrived all right but not nearly enough the best makeshift that we could do was a few caacs of soft drinks sent over the ice crean given to the chil dren was donated by our honorary president leroj andy dale who wanted to do something for the picnic thanks from the entire branch for the gesture mr dale and we were glad to see you at the picnic our very deep thanks goes to sam tennant for his help to marsh tim bers for looking after the p a sys tem sports chairmen herb arnold and gord king for the swell job on the races and to their helpers alf sykes and dave bowman also to the boys who worked so hard during the day helping the enter- qupi stack the s s unitfo states new speed queen of the atlantic boasts the largest stacks ever built the forward stack is 55 feet high 60 feet long made of alu minum they are assembled with 65 000 aluminum rivets reputed to be the safest vessel ever built the liner contains more aluminum than any other single structure on lana or sea this light strong fireand weatherreststant metal is used for lifeboats and bulkheads decks and elevator doors and a hundred other items in naval vessels too such as the fourteen minesweepers now bong built for the canadian navy aluminum is being used more extensively than ever before aluminum company of canada udakn dering around the park on sunday among them were two from tor onto whose names unfortunately es- taped us ina the acton past presi dent bill maddox as well as one who attended the picnic with mr dale p ist president of port col- borne and their first president arnold bennet one of the lads from toronto tot our name and intends to arnngo a ball game with the branch if possible joe martin brother of rene recently moved to town is also a past president hav ing headed callander legion for a couple of years the swimming bij attraction on i well as the boati med to be a hot day wonder if scotty is joing to sign 11 tilth hawu up ai a ball player m lybe he should after ralph man- ajt i to put the ball in the barrel speaking of scotty too bad the fat mans race fell through under stand he d hive been eligible this ye ir now being in the heavyweight over 200 class speaking of bnatuu heard a re mark passed when one of our pro minent member took i members wife for a bo it ride the person passing the remark said they arc jure taking no hances on any scan dal with the bo it loaded down with their kids the ball gam went over very well ind the hespeier boys are to be congr itulatcd for coming over to add this feature to the picnic incidentally how did you boys like the individual trophies we were telling you abouf with the picnic over next feature will be the trio to the exhibition ind then the corn roast how the time does fly big chillcnge from the branch in the neighbouring hamlet doesthat describe it adeauately of acton algy varey former georgetowncr now in business in acton wants to meet a georgetown team in the zone golf tournament his partner none other than the one and only alderman eudc lindsay they want to take any branch golf play ers on for a side bet of 10 00 how about it ken nash and harv chap- money ballinafad st addon newlywfds honoured by friends friends and neighbors gathered in the hall friday night to make a presentation of a wejl filled purse to mr and mrs james staddon a recent bride and groom dancing was enjoyed throughout the even ing after which refreshments were served mrs f w hortill was hostess for the july meeting of the w a wednesday afternoon the theme of the scripture reading was obe dience and was taken from john the 14th chapter our lord never insists on obedience he makes it quite plain what he wants us to do but never takes means to make us do it if our relationship to him is that of love wc will do what he says without any hesitation a true halton centennial marked this year one cannot help but be tremen dously impressed with the vision and foresight of those who 100 years ago with faith in thi future assembled to bring into being what is now the banner county of the province of ontario just 100 years ago today the first county council of halton met in thompsons inn in milton and laid the foundation on which our pres et nt prosperity rests today as we look back we real- lie that they the fathers of our iq- cal government builded better than they knew they had that pioneer blood in their veins that urged them on in their endeavours to establish d firm and prosperous county not so much for th as for those that were to follow in their foot steps as we look about the county to day and see our wide fertile fields our increased population and ex panding industrialization one can not have other than a sense of pride in the accomplishments of the past century that which has passed in the last 100 years represents a challenge to us who carry o 1 in the present we must dcurmiru by all means in our power to contribute our share to the further idvancement of the county in order that we may pass on our heritage to those that follow one of the smallest counties in the province halton has always played a big part in the affairs of the province from its farm houses have come manv men who have contributed in 1rge measure to the economic welfare of the province and the tountry as a whole previous to 1853 halton and went worth coinprisw the gore distriet in 18al halton separated from wentwoith and was reduced to its present dimensions comprising the four townships esuuesing nas- sag iweya trafalgar and nelson the municipalities of the towns of milton and oak ihc were added in 1857 georgetown in 1865 and 111 1874 burlington and acton the two townships stretching back from the lake took the names of nelson and trafalgar from the period subsequent to the napoleon ic wars when they were first set tied the townships in the upper part of the county have indian names nassa tweya meaning the dividing o the waters from the watershed formed by the escarp mint ind fsqi estng the land of the tall pines from the lreal for ests that originally covered this section probably no county in ontario has a greater variety of soil and elevation than halton it possesses land suitable for all phases of ag riculture lyinj in the 43rd paral lel of latitude it has a most desir able climate the lake having its influence especially on the southern half great as our progress over these 100 years has been 1 am convinced that there are ven brighter days ahead ontario and canada gen erally is daily playing a bigger part in the affairs of the world hal ton county too will increase in stature industrial exi arsion now lie t g felt within the borders of the coun ty will stimulate our markets and provide employment for our people those who 100 years ago laid the cornerstone of our county had faith in the future let us see to it that we are not lacking vision and united go on to even better and brighter days halton county has always shown that both industry and agriculture can work hand in hand let us continue to set that example to all people not only in canada but in all parts of the world stanley l hall mpp farm news christian demonstrates obedience to more attractive country christ in daily living this was gi ven by mrs sncw who also led in prayer the roll oall was answer ed with a variety of safety hints for the home during the business period there was some discussion on having a booth at a local fall iiir the manse committee reported siv eral needi to be met as soon as pos sible mrs a starret gave a read ing by edna jiques describing her trip by boil to the coronation mrs starret also jcma doom relating the duties of a faithful housekcep er the meeting closed with re freshmenls being served ind a soe lal time enjoyed the young people s group met at churchill church sunday evening the topic for the evening was thoughts on prayer each per son was asked tocompostea prayer on such subjects as confession in tercession petition etc and these were used during the worship ser vice brock robinson has returned from a two week holiday at the boy scout camp near honey harbour visitors with mr and mrs russ at the manse on sunday were mr and mrs frank russ parents of our minister mr and mrs clarence cunningham mr and mrs walter holm all of heeler beth mcenerv sharon blacklock shirley mack elizabeth and mar jory gibson jjormy cotton are pending a tew day holidays at meaford as farm buildings painted as one motors through the coun ly it would seem that more farm buildings have been painted in rec cnt months than in any similar per lod in many yeirs and what an improvement one or two coals of paint make while a paint job costs real money these days the v iluc of the firm increises accordingly nnd what a lot of satisfaction the firm owner and his family must get otttoftlie face lifting farm nfws new canadian reports profitable litters a few days ago wc had an inter rstlng chat with klaas van tol w ho manages and operates the longstaft farm near campbell- ville mr van tol reports that their two sows farrowed and raised 25 pigs last winter with weanling pigs a drug on the market at that ijime it was decided to buy the feed and finish the 25 pigs for mar ket the gross returns amounted to 1375 the feed bill for the two sows and the 25 pigs amounted to 735 incidentally the two sows have farrowed again and have 10 pigs eight weeks old the cost of the feed for the bows and the young utters is included in tw above fig ure lacrosse georgetown ng ohsweken indians intermediate lacrosse at its best georgetown arena this friday admission 50c and 25c 8 45 p m sl jtfce inferrmtjonal limited n montreal- toronto chic ago on business or pleasure travel the fast and comfortable way on canadian nationals international limited put usable time to yout advantage as the engineer does the driving workior relax in modern coaches duplex roomettes or luxurious bedroom buffet lounge cars overnight enjoy the wide variety of restful sleeping accommodations from berths to drawing rooms dine well in bright uptcktheminute dining cars for more than fifty years the international limited has served montreal toronto windsor detroit chicago on dependable all weather schedules pool serv ice montreal toronto only go by the international limited and arrive refreshed matveuous meals for r rvo and infor mo tion regarding your buiini and plaaiuro traval consult your local canadian national rattongor agnt aik about train travel gift cartibcatok canadian v national railways tht omit ai1way sehving all ten fsovjncis fctateftc it hist what the doctor orders to rest your nerves and to give you new pep and vigour after a strenu ous year on the job make your vacation completely restful leave your cares behind and travel by bus asic tour iocu agent about highway rows ro au fait of the uia round trip fares hunts ville tjravenhurst bala 985 795 895 subject to change tickets snd brfmmmuon corner cupboard phone 89

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