Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 16, 1953, p. 1

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4 s the georgetown herald first section georgetown ont wednesday eveg sept 16 1953 eight pages council sanction new water well and reservoir pass 113000 construction bylaw to assure adequate water supply meeting in special session on monday eveninggeorgetown town council accepted in full the report of the engineering firm of dineen phillips and robrts mapping out a program of extension to the pres ent waterworks system while the estimated cost of the water extension is 181 000 coun cil accepted only a part of the pro- posed program for this year which will cost in the neighbourhood of 113 000 the engineering firm was hired to make the survey when members of council felt that the present wa ter setup was not adequate for a ttown the size of grgetow n industry was asking for an addi tional supply of water with con stant pressures and failure of the one pump at the well could place the town in an embarrassing posi tion should there be a mechanical failure water storage was not ad equate and in keeping with a grow ing town under the proposed new exten sions a new somce of supply will be located and a second well drilled and pumphouse erected a reser voir will be located near the pres ent pumphouse which will store an adequate supply of water for dom estic and commercial use and fire protection it is hoped by council that the preliminary work of finding a new source of water supply and a well sunk will be done this fall or as soon as possible after approval has been given by th municipal board a full report of the engineer findings and the proposed new wa ter program will be dealt with in a future issue of this paper the weather mr editor quite an appreciable change in the weather this week and sundays high of only a makes one think summer may bt getting over ern batkln date max min rain sept 7 71 45 v 03 sept 8 81 45 sept 9 ts 41 sept 10 7 43 sept 1 1 7b 43 22 sept 12 71 54 68 sept 13 42 98 weiner roast for 50 50 club members members o ftht 50 50 club of st john s church commenced their fall activities on wednesday with a weiner roast at silvercreek rifleen coupltj attended and dur ing the evening a sing song around the fire was ltd by j imis evans blair armstrong introduced a new couple mr and mrs bob mccol- tan and spoke t regret of the club at the dc rture of mr and mrs albert hills from town wish infc them every sucicss in their new home in gait mrs ilillb who w is already in gait was not at the party and mr hills rlctivtd a tup and saucer presented by mr armstrong as a remembrance from the club third barn destroyed tractor catches fire kerne mber after sunday lial the herald t tr 7 2631 cadets escape serious injury bus plunge in norval ravine a chartered bus carrying mem bers of the stratford sea cadets corps to the canadian national ex hibition turned over on its side in a ditch on the western norval hill early saturday morning injuring one cadet and snaking up the others the accident occurred when the bus went out of control going down the long hill it plunged through a guard rail on the norval side of the ymca camp entrance and slid down a 15foot bank on its right side passing the scene on his way to town seconds after the accident sid morns norval apiarist was flagged down by one of the cadet officers blood streaming from a cut on his head and asked to speed and an ambulance to the scene mr morris did so and the injured were attended at the scene by a local doctor while the only cadet requiring hospitaliz ation was taken to hospital in guelph at first thought to have a broken shoulder 16 year old thomas mor- rice was found to have no bones broken when examined in hospital he was treated ior severe bruising to the neck and side and was able to return home to stratford yester day two other cadets received medi cal attention robert ditchburn 16 who had five stitches inserted in his head and ian monroe 17 who had wrist lacentions both retur ned to their homes saturday after noon with the rest of the party continued on page bell manager at esquesing council tuesday september 8th first and second readings were given for a boi rowing by law for a debenture issue for the new pub lic school bcins built at norval the debentures will bear 5 per cent interest the report irade by bowman black and shoemaker ontario land surveyors regarding the glen wil liams drainage sjstom was brought before council sizing specifications assessment schedules plan and pro files f l ferguson professor and di rector of drainage guelph 6 ac was appointed inspector for the t mcnabb and john mcnabb drainage scheme sheep claims totalled 50 donald lindsay kunb injured and died la ter 15 ralph denny lamb 4fed from fright 23 valuators fees 2 to a n stark and duncan waddle w o misener bell telephone manager for this area has been in the telphone business for 43 years he joined bell telephone at brant ford in january 1910 two years later he was transferred to hamil ton and from there went to toron to where he served until 1926 in thai year he becane bell telephone manager at owen sound and re mained there 14 jcars mr misener came to this area in 1940 and has oeen manager here ever since bi r georgetown and brampton he has jurisdiction over bell offices at streetsvllle and wootlbridge the bell mrager resides in brampton he organized the bramp ton rotary club is a past president of that organ iza ion ind has an 18- vear 100 per cent attendance record he is iko a member of the bramp ton hospital board wire chief harry lilly hirry a lilly bell telephones plant wire chief for this area has been with the company for 41 year hr supervises the men who main tain the miles o cable and wire and the complex exchange equip ment needed to provide george town with teleprone service mr lilly joint d the company at bramtjpon in 1912 and was trans ferred to weston the following year remaining there until he en listed in the armed forces in 1916 mr lilly returned to bell tele phone in 1919 and in that year went to lindsay as an inspector he also served the telephone com pany in peterborough and toronto before coming to this area as wire chief he was promoted to his present post in 1939 amusement aplenty avgeorgetown fair georgetown fall fair on october 3rd will have plenty of rides and amusements for the kiddies and those not so yojng stanger shows have nromised a large ferns wheel central canada amusement com pany will bring a merry go round swings and automobile ride and dawson shows will provide a chil dren s aeroplane ride it looks like a big day for the kiddies harness racing will once again be a feature of the fiir and entries are already being received a complete 1 st of special prizes for the domostic science hall exhi bit is published elsewhere in this paper watch next week s herald for a full fair di program tltting the c tkf at a reception after their recent marriage nre mr and mrs george claj ton wilwm n it j ccoretow n mrs wilson is the former ethel flortnce brown daugh er of mr and mrs i ester brown norval and the groom is the son of mr and mrs clayton wilson they were married in norval presbyterian church mill manager leaves for new us position mill manager at alliance paper mills ltd since 1948 clifton bout- elle has left the company for a new position in the states mr boutelle 1- ft town yesterday for cincinnatti ohio he will be general superintendent of the card tier boird and carton company which is lotited at lock land a sub urb of cincinnatti it is a large company emploing 2000 people no new mill manager has been appointed in georgetown and opcr ations at the georgetown mill will be divided between three of the present staff ji k crichton will be mill superintendent stan flnlay w ill be responsible for technical control and howard hillock is of fice manager other promotions which will come ibout in the man agement change include ronald mendham who oecomes assistant to mr crichton and robert footilt who assumes mi mendham s for mer job as a foreman mr boutelle came to georgetown from cumberland mills maine where he had been employed with the s d warren paper mills he succeeded j f gillis as manager here after mr gillis death he has been active in chamber of commerce work here and was first president when this organization was established last year success ful promotion of such activities as industrial week a brochure for po tential industries and park improve ments owe much of their success to his efforts a c of c member and his services on the organization will be missed what council did proceed at once with tyers sewers sewer extensions in the tcrs subdivision will be proceeded with at once the loft council agreed on monday cenn g the extensions will be done under a program that will eventutlly hook up the nor mitidy blvd system and do away with the present pumphouse in that district the sewers will be put in at an estimated cost of 9 200 00 and will include a trunk ower down maple avenue to the disposal plant another important decision made by council is that in future all sub- dividers must show satisfactory progress in the erection of new houses after three months have lapsed from the lime pproval has been received from the dept of x planning and development or the the dept ofqwn promises of services would w i purchased f the i at a cost of 95 00 slightly injured struck by car struck by a enr late yesterday af ternoon mrs h m stewart 24 durham street i m peel memor lal hospital brampton mis stewart s downtown shop pinj ind while crossing mill street from cotton 13ro corner she was struck by a car driven by hen drik bouwman which was turning olt mun street onto mill fortun ately she vas n t badly hurt after treitmcnt by dr c v williams ft i i bruised knee she was taken to hospital for examination and is today resting comfortably cpl joseph mcbain of the local opp investigated the iccidcnt a fire which 4s still burning at the farm of bill hyatt on the nor val town line destroyed the third district barn in less than two weeks the barn was fired by a freak accident shortly before noon today mr hyatt wa filling his tractor with gas in a small building near the barn when the tractor caught fire he steered it safely out of the building and into the yard where a high wind fanned the flames fearing the machine would explode he jumped off and the ti actor took a sudden turn and ran into the barn setting it on fire mrq hyatt wes able to rescue a mr hyatt was able to rescue a the building as well as much of the machinery although his plow and manure spreader were destroy ed a henhouse adjoining the barn also went up in flames georgetown fire brigade were called at noon hour and late this afternoon they were still at the scene rev griffin thompson death widely mourned a hamilton clergyman who serv ed mountain aru parishioners for m ears rev michael taylor grif fin thompson 79 died friday at milton private hospital bom near georgetown he was educated at brampton high school then graduated is an anglican min isler from trinmy college toronto he was stationed at erin for a few months then went to barlonillc and money creek tor the next five ears he ser d taplytown he retired in 1949 and since then had made his home in milton he first served the parishes of holy trinity and st pauls glan ford and after separation in 1933 he remained as rector of holy trin ity church alter his official re tirement h coninucd in church work as feetor oi all saints church milton heights and preached his last sermon there a few days before suffering a stroke mr thompson led a full and busy lite in addition to his church duties he was rural dean of wentworth for many years and for 10 years was ontario hospital chaplain he w is a past maser of buchanan masonic lodge and in 1932 was na med assistant grand chaplain of the grand lodge of canada in ontario he is survived by his wife aida ethel nixon a daughter mrs f w brett of toronto and one sis ter mrs w d johnston charles street georgetown two bishops and several district clergymen took part in the funeral service on monday in grace church milton bishop w e bagnall bishop i w b broughnh archdeacons w g o thompson and w f wallace and rev norman green a griveside service in greenwood cemetery georrttown was conduc ted by archdeacon thompson and mr green georgetown 1all fair october 3 music buffet supper at birthday party music and dancing and a buffet lunch were included in the birth day celebration of mrs george kel ly when she marked her 93rd birthday last week at the home of her daughter mrs mary morrow victoria street numbered in the orchestra were three toronto n en jerry mcken- zie who played the banjo jack mc- enzie and ronald harker electric guitars and jim hill glen williams on the fiddle mrs morrow well- known as a pianist played the pi ano friends and relatives were pres ent for the happy time from cleve land ohio orangeville toronto glen williams and georgetown brooklin wins opener lacrosse here tonight miss mabel chave retires oh pension in one of the roughest games of the year georgetown ngs lost the first game of their ontario cham pionship series in brooklin on fri day several members of the george town team were badly roughed up though fortunate y none of the in juries were serioas junior beau mont scored 2 and moddison one for the ngs who lost the game by a 7 3 score the boys will be trying hard to night to tie up the series when the teams meet in georgetown arena further games arc scheduled fviday in brookliit and back here next wednesday fire hall the matter of oil heal for the municipal buildi ig was discussed and thi propi rt committee will get pines ind submit them to the oc tober meet cog roy magloughkn addressed coun cil asking for permission to build a house on a lot 66x56 on park ave as the total are was on slight ly less than the 4 000 square feet required by the bylaw council saw jio reason to withold this re quest as a good type of house of brick construction will be built the cutover 10 dial service will not only mean a change in the type of telephone service in georgetown it will also mark the close of a long and successful telephone career when the voice with a smile fades from local telephone calling miss mabel cnave georgetown s chief operator will retire on pen sion after 47 years service with the bell telephone company miss crnvc has been chief open tor since coming to georgetown in she began her telephone career in toronto in 1906 when she became an open tor she remained in tor onto for 29 vears serving in sever al supervisory and instructional post in 1911 she hocame the tele phone company s manager at pene- tang and remained in that post un til her transfer to georgetown council petitioned hjaitwwys for an interim grant of be withdrawn 31499 from the first ot the year accougltote4 11333 to august 3lt a bickleseairove hose dryer or alex bruyns who is an in spector for the health of animals branch dept of agriculture at falrview alberta is visiting in town with mr and mrs a o m ibruyns a mrs mclean hostess for wa meeting mrs donald mclean was hostess for the september meeting of the wa the opening devotionals were led by mrs f smith hie theme being faith and trust in god the roll call was answered by tell- iiut some incident remembered from boy scout news this week the wolf cubs and boy scouts are resuming their reg ular meetings for the month of september all boys will meet with the game group as last year by the first of october promotions will lake place hie meeting times are as follows little beavers cubs 8 yearsoid monday at 6 30 pjn eagle cubs cubs years old monday at 7 pm leaping wolf cubs cubs 10 and 11 years old wednesday 7 00 pan boy scouts thursday 7 30 pan tlje ladies auxiliary of the boy scout group plan to have their op ening meeting of the fall on mon day evening in st johns church mothers of scouts and cubs are cor dially invited to attend and share in this imp6rtant work school days wnich brought back some happy memories several items of business wer discussed after which mrs f w shortlll conduc ted an oral contest and also gave a reading cards sent and visits made to sick and shutins were recorded by mrs perrymar lunch was ser ved by the committee and a social time enjoyed mr and mrs g sinclair wilrna ross and laurie of milton visited sunday with kirkwoods and atten ded the evening service cohgnatiflations to mr and mrs robert mfelll in jen swlii who were mamcd in baulnafad united church on saturday mr and mrs ken ridlerf judy and janice of islington were sun day visitors- with f w shortols mrs mcenery of guelph spent the weekend with mr and mrs jesse mcenery mrs a vannatter of georgetown was a weekend visitor with mra r shortux

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