Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 11, 1953, p. 8

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tam ttoottow hmtau wdnemy grgay wpvu imi 8 high tales publ4shep 9y students of georgetown high school volume 2 no 20 wednesday evening nov 11 1853 georgetown ontario acton wins 1953 football cup keeping in the theme to keep us happy ghs won a battle with mlltoa a scoreles first half kept the play close and tense in the 3rd quarter milton rouged mackenzie twice for 2 points and going into the 4th quarter milton lead 20 in the dying moments of the last quarter paul barber tallied for the touchdown and bill hardman ad ded the extra points to give ghs a 6f win the game was very fair nd both teams were evenly match ed the win over milton put us in a position to win the rugby trophy if we could defeat acton but to win a rugby game a team must feel like playing the confid ence must be running high and the spirit good with a determination to win despite any odds ghs un fortunately lacked these essentials to earn the big game through with acton acton obtained two touch downs simply because ghs did not feel like tackling the opposition ghs had the players but it lacked the ability to coordinate properly not from lack of practice but be cause they didn t care or lacked the spirit each player had a job but when the ball carrier started to run he was on his own in this game blocking tackling and the snaps were poor in general every thing wasnt what it should have been if ghs played that game over with the correct attitude or spirit i dare say acton would be the ab solute losers i guess the score should be men tioned acton won 1610 not cause they should have though paul bar ber and francis hulme were the point getters and to say the least they really earned them editorial sometimes its pretty hard to find material for editorials as past editorials hove shown it is hard to collect the thoughts 1m ghs and put them down the way everybody feels we have a few critics who do nothing bul critic our news paper and dont give any construc tive ways and ideas to improve it on the other hand there are many who willingly give their time to scribble out a report for the news paper these people ore to be com mended for their fine spirit and patience in helping to make some thing- to fill the space allotted to us in the herald a few people cannot represent ghs truly unlcis they have the support of all around them and thats what this paper needs support a newspaper needs critics but critics who can help to make it better doubtless ghs students have many brilliant ideas which would make high tales a better newspaper we hae lots of good writers but thty need ideas and inspirations which only the student can give them wed like to make high tdles a really out standing newspaper one you i in be proud of and we need your help and a little cooperation thanks make presentations to john evans at friday assembly john evans who retired as caretaker this fall was presented with tokens of their eteem by the staff and students he also received a cheque fromx the school board whch was represented at the assembly by dr j bjmilne and walter blehn tyr lambert said a few word about mr evans and then mr biehit gave him a warm sendoll and remarked on his 28 yeais of faithful service to the geneartion who have passed thro ghs eileen oates presented a gift from the students and mr lambert a gift from the teachers looney bin today sorrow hangs from the halls of ghs acton defeated us tuesday 1610 and won the football trophy it is the first time since ive been going to high school that they have won thursday a bus load is going up to preston for a game against pres ton they is even charging us poor players 75c to help pay for the bus after the acton game we is all broke and now they want more money sparky our good looking tea cher is sporting a new hairdo we still cant figure it out now after 2 days its something similar to a horses tail excepting on sparky it would be called a pony tail teachers have begun clamping down on us 5th formers miss in- man has had atealess tea party for two of our geometry students and she says there may be more if we dont learn our bookwork for the past couple of weeks we are having a new student drop in tor a period or so his name is sbnoky a little black hebitz 57 variety otherwise a dog it spent a very interesting french period but got expelled in english by our principal its favourite sub ject seems to be physics but mr baxter wont ask it any questions even though he knows the little brain box knows the answers eileen oates one of our scholar ship winners received a 30 check the other day so fifth form goes on a spree when she gets it cashed well thats enough for now see you in 2 weeks au revoir j ls note lay off sparky grade 11 report well folks chapter two of grade eleven capers is not as exciting as chapter one was in spite of our feverish attempts to start some mis chief we received no cooperation at all from the teachers a certain official clap was in troduced which had a certain ihythm which was repeated a cer tain number of times and finally ended with a very certain bang the class practiced hard to get the certain rhythm memorized the cer tain number ot times generally agreed upon and the certain final bang to be a bang not a rumble the first guinea pig we honour ed by presenting our clap refused to give any sign of noticing it at all the second abruptly told us to well we never had enough nerve to try it on the third thus our efforts were certainly fruitless another episode that was non- profitable we staged on the day of our triumphant rugby game with milton we were to a film at the howard wrigglesworth school and were getting impatient at the de lay in moving to the latter school so we expressed our feeling by singing a more appropriate word would be squawking here we sit like birds in the wilderness if you dont know the song you may safely consider yourself fortunate apparently our expression of feel ing was not appreciated because we were left in our unhappy condi tion until all other classes had left the building here we shall leave you hoping that in two weeks time we shall be able to have a more amusing tale to help defrost you from your bo red stiff state caused by this is sue well said father to little tom- my how did you like the circus it was good tommy replied moe why is it an after dinner f but i didnt think much of the speech is like a steers horns man who threw knives at the wo joe i don t know r man moe there is a point here and why a point there with a lot of bull in v he missed her every time between 10a report terrj harley ihe other dav while the cidcts wcie piacttcinf for the armistice day parade 1 heai d something which drew my attention a ser geant was putting the squad thro a sciici of mjnoemrti and when he came to th eyes- right half ol the heads inimedi ilcly snipped to the left now in a c ise- like this the inco who is ically a jok i deep down w iv deep down would usuall whine no no ymn olhei i ilnt thii one made i slip up ind came out w ith no no your other head in the 10a pt the football field o ei laps the baseball diamond in the southeast corner of he giounds you would imagine that it would be quite a mixup and it is for example it it the only football field where you can throw a long pass have it knocked down and get an extra base hit at the same time 1 have a poem ahem ahem cadets on parade as he marched along the street he sldeglanced at the crowd he saw that they were watching him this made him feel quite proud yet if he knew their reason would he lose or gain his pop for of all the fifty marching he was the one cadet in step green lawn turns to muddy carpet due to the recent destruction of the main sidewalk of ghs the lovely green lawn in front of ghs is fast turning into a muddy path with 190 students trampling over it four times a day k really gets a beating and it is beginning to show it but it seems it is just one of those things that have to be endur ed before we can get our new school entertaining bttsines friends a shory drivfc takes ydto pleasant surroundinqsj excellent food terra cotra inn open for luncheon and dinner kcaervatloui vloor jp r mrs betty j1arrar choir report it will be only a week or so now before we fill our engagement at st john s united church and we are going to try to do our very bestest best one things for sure theres ne ver a dull moment in choir period jwith everyone and i use the term loosely yelling screaming laugh ing and changing from seat to seat we have a pretty gay time any way it s something to laugh and talk about after the girls entering the kiwanis festival in guelph have their du ets up fairly well and they even have the timing right at long long last the tripletrio has a beauti ful blend and our hopes are pretty high as far as the kiwanis festi val in toronto it concerned we haven t started practicing the song were to sing yet but that will come in the very near future once again 1 11 say that i hope to sec a very large multitude at st john s church the night the choir are to sing airforce couple return to town mrs bob wystl and her tree children have returned to town and at present arc living with her par ents mr and mrs james muhol- land while looking for a house in the district they have been residents of trenton while mr wyatt was stat ioned there with the airforce he has recently been transferred to mount hope at present bob is re cuperating after an appendictis op eration in st joseph s hospital hamilton recently scoutnews plans are being made for another waste paper collection by the scouts and cubs the date set is novem ber 14th plead save your paper for the boys our waste paper and their work help to lower their i imp expenses the boy scout committee will meet on thursday evening m st john s church parlour at present the group has three cub packs and one scout troop in action under good leadership the leaders of all packs and the troop are planning to meet together on thursday one of the dependable and help ful branches of the group is the boy scout ladies auxiliary one phase of their work concerns boys ut the move men who are sick and under a doctors care or hospitali zed parents should telephone mrs i i ink sedrlon 1r 72607 when a scout or cub is sick the ladies auxiluiy will meet on monday ctnuih 1 1 eifiht o clock in st john s church parlour mothers of cults nut scouts are invited to at- u rid lhe enrolment in all wolf cub packs is incrcasi ig and uic leaders aie making a definite effort to pass as many cubs as possible in their btar work all cubs and scouts are urged to complete their uniforms as soon as possible there is still plenty of hiking weather left pucks might have another fall rambe before the snow blows an attempt will be made to in crease the boy scout committee in january the growing work de mands a larger committee and more cooperation from dads the scout motto is be prepared for plain and rock face concrete blocks also chimney blocks rrs oriole concrete block co w j mcgowan 9th line glen williams triangle 73471 outoftown callers please reverse charges plumbing new bathrooms installed or remodelled water systems repairs of all kinds ken charlie nash mcdowell 5 king street east tr 72842 bisy the coal that outsells all others discover for yourself why more people buy blue coal than any other hard coal for the worlds finest anthracite plus the towns best service call w h kentner son authorized blue coal iath and ouist towhs 30 shut ano piuow casis 00 value all wool iunrii matched solid ton in a var ay of colow stainless steel double tub washer gecutttfrd to puce t s4emtu hi gib indndu two camwll bath teonb two coldwll cum tomb two foe clollonetmadhotmddou sw two pillow cam and one aytn hompmauwool blank plus 5 or tradefa no money down 175 weekly all this with the most popular washer in canada for mom than 50 yeah tha leader mora told in canada every year than any other male matty washis clianift fotfwolrira cuonwmlrlm hi lavlwe hav bm the beotty cedalty far 50 yotu they fftve you cleaner whrhw cloth in holt the hm beatty wrings drier batty giant pitt wring hot iwvor been qualld or 9ttins water out of th cloth ha balloon roth atythift uvar qad or control beatty lasts longer sturdy tlmpu ballboarin mochanltm direct driv no btti rant mot smoothly and qvlotly and far outlast othtx typt xww ifcain perky shown above s an arttftt conception of how the hallways newly- ferry will appear when she goes into operation be tween vancouver and namimo in may 1955 william mansoti vice- president of the cprs pacific reg- ion at vancouver announced that a contract for building the ship has been let to alexander stephen and sons ltd of glasgow scotland richardsons hardware maintreet tr 73501

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