Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 18, 1953, p. 1

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i the georgetown herald first section georgetown ont wednei jay eveg not 18th 1953 fourteen pages 1 what council did if consider traffic lights at three places in town social and personal fergus 109 winner in local hockey opener action on a request for a traffic light at the wrigglesworth school u crossing is progressing slowly no 1i1jiii16s iii at a council meeting last week a j the light requested by the school motof acciqonts board and a delegation representing the home school association came in for much discussion and was tied in to the possibility of irafflce lights also at the four cor- nenron main street and at the jqhn street highway crossing approval orthe schoolcrossing light has been asked from the dept of highways financing is also an important consideration as lights in all three locations would cost over 5 000 the money is not i- available at present and would either have to be found in next years budget or be raised by deb enture debenture method seems to find favour with council and several weeks time is necessary to gt approval for this two car accidents on the week end damaged vehicles to the ex tent of 650 but caused no injur ies just before 6 pin saturday a car approaching stewarttown from hornby missed the curve at the top of the hill and hit a hydro pole with 350 damage to a 1953 pon- tlac driver was linus noonan of trenton rcaf tatlon sunday afternoon two cars col lided at the 7th lineacton side- road intersection just off no 7 highway when damage totalled 300 the cars were driven by henry schneider brampton had was proceeding off the highway and alex reader georgetown travel ling north on the 7th line a majority of council members feel that if a traffic light is placed on the hlgway it should be at the durham street corner rather than memorial window for uurnam oxreet corner rainer man j fcj uf if at the present school crossing there mr flflu mf5 w llfdllt is a possibility that a permanent traffic light might be placed there rather than a manually operated one which was the first suggestion councillor goodlet expressed concern over hallowe en damage to the new toilets in the park where the door to the building had been smashed and some damage caused in the building he alsot reported street lights smashed ann a mail box damaged in the parlc district wc won t stop property destruc tion until there is a prosecution was deputy reeve petch s opinion we can t tell the police how to do their job said mayor arm strong if council wants we can ask the police chairman for a re port on these incidents the building inspector was noti fied to deal with situations where sidewalk damage is caused during construction of new houses the building bylaw places responsib ility for such damage on the equip ment being used reeve macdonald suggested that the 700 cost of moving a water line on elm street for the street extension be put on the road de benture and this will be done tests for a new water supply source have been made by the en gineer and two good sources lo cated one is on bob lane s prop- erty and another on townowned property below the sewage dispo sal plant but the engineer does not think the latter would be passed by the health dept the road committee was asked to make a recommendation about what to do in future when property own ers ask for tile in driveways geor getown has continued to supply this since a government subsidy was dropped a few years ago but most towns now require the property owner to be responsible for this himself in order to have next year s council in a- position to deal with highway resurfacing badly needed on no 7 council has notified the highways dept that the town in tends to proceed with repairs in 1954 a recommendation was made that sewerage be extended into the mc nally property on parkview blvd where several houses are being built and a bylaw is being pre pared for thjs enrolment 49 at j night schooraass a total of 49 new canadians are enrolled in the night school classes i which began last tuesday at the high school and will continue each tuesday through the- winter g months tfi f miss florence luke and prlnci- ikpal j l lambert of the school 1 staff are teaching the classes in basic english and citizenship as l they have done for the past three several races are represented in- i cfadg men and women from hoi land denmark germany poland jjjjjritzerland belgium china and the ukraine this year the ontario depart- ttent of education is paying the whole cost of the night school up- jtlll now the usual day school grants bd been paid and north halton fcfch school board has paid the bal- lnce of coat for the schools which u6 operated here and in acton and a memorial window was dedica ted in st george s anglican church on sunday morning by archdeacon w g o thompson the handsome stained glass win dow was presented to the church by mr and mrs elmer mccumber of toronto in memory of mrs mccumber s parents mr and mrs w v grant both of them had been prominent in church life mr grant as a warden and mrs grant as president of the woman s aux lliary for a number of years sunday marked the 101st anni ersao of the founding of the church and in the evening rev canon arthur mccollum rector of 9t john s church york mills whose home town is georgetown was the special preacher his son a student at wvchlte college who is studying to become a missionary among the eskimos and indians in canada s north accompanied him and read the lesson after church a social hour was spent when can on mccollum met old friends and was introduced to newer members of the church which he attended many years ago prior to the service mr thomp son entertained the churchwardens jack armstrong and edwin wilson and their wives at afternoon tea miss jessie quarrle of gait was a weekend guest in town with mrs j modexmid mrs j s rankin left this week for london where she will be the guest of her sister for several days mrs c e biehn of chesley was a weekend visitor in town with mr and mrs walter biehn among those present at the roy al winter fair horse show on sat urday evening were mr and mrs ernest ball mr and mrs aler lewis of mil- verton spent the weekend in town visiting at the home of mr and mrs fred mcnally mrs arthur herbert was in or- angeville for the weekend vis iting with her daughter mrs dun can tost mr and mrs jack makin tor onto were guests on sunday with mr and mrs bred armstrong and other friends in town mrs w t kirby glen williams is visiting with her daughter mrs alhin law at wellington on van eouver island she expects to stay in the west until january walter biehn reg broomhead and corey herrington jr attended a dinner meeting of the western ontario publishers association in harnston a week ago last satur day mrs a meers of london visited last week with her son and daugh ter in law mr and mrs ken meers and her new baby grandson anth ony kenneth mr and mrs henry isley mr and mrs johi holdcn and mrs clarence carey were in wingham on sundiy to altind the 50th wed dint anniversaiy celebration of mr and mrs albert martin sund ly isituis with mr and mrs j l lambert were mr and mrs si palmer and children judy larry and brenda of cooksville mrs palmer vho is the former jane beales was a teacher at the high school here before her mar riage last tuesday gail thompson daughter of mr and mrs ross thompson entertained at supper and u theatre party for her fifteenth birthday her guests were gail mcgilv ray judv mccumber jean pcnrice j ill chapman dorothy scott gloria bain and anne fid dler miss helen harrison of wood stock was a weekend visitor with her aitser mrs edwin wilson val- leyview road sgt bruce collins who was flown home from japan several weeks ago for treatment for an injury suffered in an accident in korea has been released from sunnybrook hospital and has joined his wife and daughter in barrie a knee operation was performed in hospi tal and he is now able to get around with a cane on saturday brenda sfiea daughter of mr and mrs george tizzard had a iparty to celebrate her fourth birthday guests were jimmy and ronny richardson michael harley paul and jimmy thompson mary and elizabeth hay versey chapman bonnie saunders ricky and douglas al corn and john penrice on saturday to celebrate her fifth birthday trudy daughter of mr and mrs joe emmerson had a party her guests were suzuanne kidd joanne barber doreen por ter cathy williams donna vivian vivian reynolds carol and bar bara deforest sandra and judy 1 crryman elliott klingbiel carol mcgilvray patricia tost and mich ael bludd on sunday afternoon archdea con w g o thompson officiated at two christening services in st alban s church glen williams charlotte ann daughter of mr and mrs leslie yfcung had as godpar- e itb mr and mrs rdf bourne cf hamilton and miss ruth allen toionto and the baby s maternal grandparents mr and mrs p w haines montreil attended the ser wee at a second service mr and mrs harry bill unions baby son yiuirt harr was christened for i tr berwick hali residents the b illusions now live near town in part of clifford cooks farm home engagements klr and mrs trygve wold an nounce the engagement of rigmor mona daughter of mrs larssen and the late mr l larssen of oslo norw ay to their nephew henri e ma ion jr son of mr and mrs henri malon of hovik norwa the marriage will take plicc on december the fifth at four o clock in the first lutheran church toronto mrs a rolfe dies in brampton hospital a georgetown resident who died in peel memorial hospital on mon day was buried here this afternoon if ol lowing a funeral service at the mcclure funeral home mrs alfred rolfe 57 had made good progress to recovery since suuffering a severe stroke five years ago and with great courage had overcome to a large extent the paralysis which resulted a week ago she took a turn for the worse and was taken to hospital for treat ment the former ethel stull she was the daughter nf the late mr and mrs john r stull and was born on the 8th line georgetown the family later moved to clarksburg and after her fathers death they returned to georgetown living on union street following their marriage in 1918 mr and mrs rolfe lived in hamilton and lowville then moved to georgetown several years ago where mr rolfe was employed at thompson s hardware until he ac cepted the posit on of caretaker at the post office she is survived by her husband one son frank of guelph and a brother cecil stull of hamilton anothef brother alfred died sev enteen years ago archdeacon w g o thompson conducted the funeral service to day pallbearers were garfield mcgilvray wes rutledge william mcdonald john dent and leonard rolfe hamilton and donald mac- donald toronto kid hockey night fills legion auditorium come from newfoundland for grandson christening visitors in town from newfound land for the past week are mr and mrs alex berzinsh who came to attend the christening of their grandson mr and mrs berzinsh are visit ing with their daughter mrs alex reader and mr reader temple road they live at cornerbrook nod where he is a paper com pany official on tuesday james guido alexander was christened in st johns united church with rev john m smith officiating at the the legion auditorium last mon day night was the scene of one of the largest gatherings of prospec itive hockey players and parents it georgetown in many years the occasion was the little nhl ifeht sponsored by the local leg ion branch where the lads and parents were urbed to come out and hear what the hockey program was for the coming winter the part most satisfying to the legion of ficials and hockey committee was the adult response and the promise of help given to the committee a point that has been lacking m past years by 8 00 o clock the hall was full and the president of the legion introduced the guests of the even ing gordon alcott onginnator of the little nhl pat patterson the well known hockey referee who is living at norval and bunny mor ga nson feature sports writer for the toronto telegram the chair man of the hockey committee bud james then took charge of the ev ening he called on gord alcott for a few words and gord said that he was very happy to see such a crowd out that he was proud that kid hockey had originated in his old home town and told some of his lences when he first tried o get it going and the subsequent interest shown in it he said that he hoped to see georgetown rep resented in the playoffs in the tor onto maple leaf gardens he than ked the legion for taking such a keen interest and hoped the boys would show their appreciation pat patterson spoke briefly asking the boys to cooperate with the men who were coachlrig them and to watch how they kept training and talked and acted he said he was awfully happy that georgetown had saw fit to let norval in the win ter sport program bunny morgason then gave the boys quite an inspiring talk tell ing them to play the game hard and cleanly and said that if they did that they would gain a great re ward in physica fitness and abil ity as they matured he urged them to keep to their training and to keep the rules laid down for the boys ontbd form they hy toabow their parents and ha e signed he promised to hel i in any way he could to create interest mayor jack armstrong made a few remarks ind expressed his jood wishes to the boys and the legion he hoped that they would brinv an ontario championship to lowiy again this year ytic chairmai then showed sam pies of the swciters that arc be n g provided by the legion this year being replicas of the nhl teams there will in all probabil lty be 18 teams 6 nhl 6 interna tional and 6 junior a he hoped that some of the fathers would se fit to come down on the occasional saturday morring and help out secretary marsh timbers then cal led on all interested adults to get out and help he read the rules of the league and forms were passed out an- insurance plan which wih be available later was explained in detail which will cost 1 00 and wilj cover the boys completely he cited a case of an injured juvenile last year whose hospital bills tot alled 270 and all it cost him was 1 00 the legion 10 and the rest was paid by the hockey insurance the teachers were thanked for the kitercst and cooperation they had shown a lunch consisting of sandwiches cike hot chocolate and tea was served to those present by ladies of the legion auxiliary as a final for the evening a stanley cup film was shown by courtesy of the nhl film associa tion it is hoped that in future other evenings will be held such as this in view of the outstanding success of this one the opening little nhl hockey wll be held on saturday afternoon november 28th in the arena at 100 p m try and be on hand oddfellows rebekahs hear grand master a group of fifty oddfellows and rebekahs went by bus to orange- vwe on monday when sir wil liamson grand blaster of ontario paid hia official visit to district william annis william a annls ba is a final year student at emmanuel theolo gical college toronto he is to speak in st john s united church here on sunday morning mr an- nis will be accompanied by two other students who will assist in the worship the weather mr editor with temperatures up to 65 showing in this week s summary oi c could really say this must be i ldian summer em batkin date max mm rain sov 9 50 31 nov 10 55 32 nov 11 48 35 08 nov 12 42 33 no 13 46 33 nov 14 56 35 nov 15 65 39 a crage 52 08 tb association has annual seal sale everyone in haltpn will be re ceiving tb christmas seals in their mail sometime during the next few weeks this is the annual campaign for funds conducted by halton tb and health association and secretary mrs m e lunau of oakville re ports over 12 000 letters have been mailed last year tfie campaign had the best results in history and a gross of 11554 was raised in halton a larfce share of money collected was fciv en to sanitariums over 4300 goiru to support these institutions w here disease victims are nursed back to health a total of 1500 was spent on clinics where dis charged patients are given regular check ups and 860 was spent on rehabilitation work a pro employment survey in 5 will be extended to other parts of the county in future years according to plans of the associa tion a projector and screen has been purchased for educational work local members on the county as foclation are alex maclarcn and mrs j e elleiby what council did petch goodlet leaving council this year two members of council announ ced their decision to retire from municipal politics at last week s counctr meeting deputy reeve frank petch said at the close of the meeting mat he found he could not devote enough time to the job without interfering with his work as an auctioneer and had reluctantly decided to termin ate his council work i have enjoyed every minute of it said mr pe and it was a hard decision to make echoing his feeling councillor james goodlet said he would def initely not be in the field again he had intended retiring last year but had been persuaded to stand again when an insufficient number of candidates qualified for office mr petch has been public works chairman this year while mr goodlet has been property chair man in venezuela with construction firm william ben boyle left on sat- uurday for venezuela south am erica where he is employed in ex- ion work with hans lnhde georgetown raiders lost a close decision to fergus last night in the opening game of their intermediate a schedule a rebirth of enthusiasm for ho ckey saw over 350 fans turn out for the game which is something of a record for an early season match and gives signs that hockey is in for some popularity this year the free scoring game provided plenty of action both teams ac quitted themselves as well as could be expected for early season the raiders lacked team play and were minus two defencemen ken nash who has a bad knee and jerry in glis away on a hunting trip club president leigh bradbury filled in the breach and got two goals and a black eye for his night s work blake inglis showed promise in his first game in intermediate ranks and notched a goal the raiders used three lines junior beaumont max bradbury and bui hewitt rene martin ron dixon land blake inglis jack kem- shead terry brush and harvey chappel with young don paul as an extra forward scotty patterson bob williams and bradbury filled the defence chore and fred law rence was back in goal a return match will be played in fergus thursday and next home game will be a week saturday when milton comes to town oldest pupil cuts ribbon opens school thomas l leslie georgetown the oldest former pupil of school section no 3 chinguacousy cut the ribbon across the door to mark the official reopening of the school which was gutted by fhra last year until the fall term pupils from terra cotta and union had been taken by bus first to the adjacent no 7 school until easter and after that to huttonvllle the school that burned was built in 1855 much of the stonework was incorporated in the rebuilding by j b mackenzie ac son which cost the area 11 000 at the evening program on nov ember 4th which marked the open ing terra cotta women s institute presented a portrait of the queen irene hunter receiving this for the school from thr institute president mrs clarence anderson the school choirs presented several musical portions of the program mrs doug dickson sang a solo and rev g l royal norval dedicated the buildinj follow ng the cutting of the ribbon by mr leslie r s holmes a member of chin guacousy west khool area board which administers school affairs was chairman among those called on to speak were school board chair man mrs w mclure vern thomp son who welcomed old students betty jean anderson who gave a history of the school section john willis principal of brampton high school and gordon cation alex mckinney and james mckane brought greet lgs from chingua cousy council g l duffin of the dept of edu cation was guest speaker and was introduced by r underfill the public school inspector clarence anderson thanked mr duffin don anderson was in charge of the guest book at the door lunch was served after the program miss lois menary is teacher at the school this year members of the school area board are mrs w mcclure john h mccullough gordon cation r 3 holmes hy att mcclure and mrs gilbert leonard secretary treasurer invite citizens to view new fire hall georgetown fire department will be hosts to the public tonight and thursday night when the new fire hall will be open for public in spection from 7 to 9 each evening the handsome new building con structed last summer by mcnally construction and containing an upstairs apartment for the care taker john oliver and his family is a tine addition to the municipal property and is well worth a visit from every resident it contains an upstairs assembly room a lounge room downstairs as well as the large hall which houses the town truck and the- special truck purchased by a section of esqueslng townshjp4or use prim arily torairf calls but also locally when two engines might be needed and coffee are being served and a large attendance is anticipated during the two er a

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