Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 2, 1953, p. 3

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farm news mac sprout is winner of overseas scholarship cohfca4ftaclmof when yon need help in harry yon reach for your telephone think of the difference it makes just knowing your telephone is there ready to serve yon in any emergency no price can measure its usefulness c the bell telephone company of canada leaves in april foe six months in england halton farm folk are delighted to learn that mac sprowl past pre sident of the halton junior fann ers has been awarded one of the two nuffield foundation scholar ships for canada the announce ment made by the canadian feder ation of agriculture reveals that the two scholarships awarded to canadian farmers for 1854 go to kenneth ellison of british colum bia and mac sprowl of acton r r 4 these scholarships entitle the two young men to six months stu dy and work in great britain with au expenses paid they are made possible through the lord nuf field foundation this wpu be the fourth consecutive year in which such scholarship awards have been made bach county and district in on tario was given the privilege of nominating one candidate mr sprowl was selected some weeks ago as the ontario candidate from those nominated the ontario sel ection committee being v s mil- burn secretary manager of the ontario federation of agriculture j a garner director of extension ont dept of agriculture and t r hilliard secretary treasurer of junior farmers assoc of ontario candidates were between 25 and 35 years of age and engaged in prac tical agriculture in the selection considerable importance was placed on the candidates participation in 4h club and junior farmer work and their contribution to agriculture through community township and county organizations mac is the son of mr and mrs john r sprowl lot 25 of the 3rd line of esquesing following grad uation from acton high school mac has played an active part in the 4h boys and girls clubs and junior farmer programme of hal ton county in 1951 he was presi dent of the acton junior farmers where he rendered outstanding service the following year he was president of the halton juniors and under his leadership they main tained the high standard of former years he has also been a director of the esquesing township federa tion of agriculture active in young peoples wrfcvjphls home church president ofuhc aofon agricultural society in 1953 and also county director from the halton junior farmers on the board of the jun ior farmers association of onta rio he was also a member of the hdlton team representing i halton which placed third in the lnter- county livestock judging competi tion at the roys agricultural win ter fair in 1951 mr sprowl is a worthy winner and his friends will be happy that his outstanding contribution to agriculture in his community town ship county and province has been recognized in this fine way the two winners will leave for great britain around april 1st may gets damages brampton widening the town of brampton will pay 1550 as a cash settlement to how ard may main street north realtor for damage done to his property during street widening in bramp ton last summer mr may a former esquesing resident who was township reeve and haltons warden during his te nure of office is now the j a wil- loughby representative in bramp ton 30000 miles of goodwill for canada north and south of the equator on both sides of the atlantic in half a dozen different languages the seagram collection of paintings of canadian cities is making front page news for canada spanning three great continents the i ntcrnaiional tour of the seagram collection is telling canadas story of achieyement as it never has been told be fore interpreting our country to the peoples of other lands in the graphic idiom of a language always and universally understood and everywhere this airborne art gallery has touched down for a brilliant formal preview and a onetotwo week public showing the response has surpassed the most optimistic hopes held by the house of seagram when it commissioned the painting of fiftytwo portraits of canadian cities by distinguished canadian artist and planned to send the canvases on their 30000- mile goodwill- flight hundreds of columns of newspaper comment and pictures scores of radio and television broad casts newsreel films and animated public and pri vate discussions all testify to rapidly mounting interest in canada and friendly receptiveness towards all things canadian already more than 60000 persons have studied the paintings and carried home brochures reproducing the paintings of the twentytwo canadian cities in full colour more importapt these new foreign friends have carried away vivid personal impres sions of canada as a great and grow ing country a land of tremendous natural and industrial resources and remarkable human resourceful oess oiejlouse o j seagram st johns church x n a windows toward god was the subject of sunday morning medita- tion at st johns united church rev john ml smith based his mes sage on the words of job stand stilt and consider the wonderful works of god the wonderful works of him that hath perfect knowledge and the account of daniel his windows being open towards jerusalem he prayed three times a day and gave thanks be fore his god we live in a mad world of hurrying hither and thi ther busy witn this and that of- ten too busy to stop and consider from whence we came where we are going too busy to pause and consider the works of god all ab out us the wonderful works of the god that hath perfect know ledge and if we are too busy to do this then we are indeea too busy and it will pay us to cut our progim somewhere else and take time out to consider the ways of god the pause that refresh- es is a well known physical slors gan and nowhere does it appjy more thoroughly than in the spir itual realm wait on the lord and he shall renew thy strength open your windows toward god and offer your prayers of thanks and gratitude to him and receive strength and courage guidance and blessing on your way if job could say stand still and consider the wonderful works of god surely we can we plan our homes so that our windows open to that which is best why not open the windows of our souls to that which is highest and best as christians we should easily know that this world even with all mans turmoil i gods creation and all men and women boys and girls black brown or white are all his by right of his creative powers he claims them as his ownrr in his provi dence he has made provision for them all in his loye he hasjnade a way of salvation for them for- giveness for their disloyalty to him and a way back but he needs our cooperation gods laws that made telephone radio televi sion etc possible have always been here a long long time yet how recent has mans cooperation made them usable to man how soon wil man cooperate with god- to find a way to make gods greater blessings available to the hungry naked and oppressed people who are looking so longing ly to us we who have the goods and the gospel the means yes even the brain and the brawn often the heart if only we could know how urgent is the need for our even ago nizing uttermost cooperation 9o let us open our windows toward god in gratitude and thanks for his many blessings in intercession for others less fortunate than we in petition that man would heed and would help god to have his blessings material and spiritual spread and shared that is what god is looking to us for one cannot easily forget the sen tence in a letter received a tew years ago telling of the experience of a young family in their first con tact with this their new land of hope it had been very cold and very hard the sentence summed it up in a way that suggested it was not easy to understand cold and hungry in canada where they have everything and there are others like them in our midst no fault of their own so stand still and consider count your blessings gratefully and open your windows wide toward god remembering the words of jesus inasmuch as ye have done in unto one of the least of these ye have done it unto me the choirs anthem was send forth thy light and thy truth let them lead me mr v stein and mr alfred tost sang hold thou my hand dear lord at the evening service rev john m smiths subject was the con flict of the old and the new as christians where should we be true to the old and where take up the new wben do we believe it is for good to break with tradition even bringing conflict between the v fad and the new we should hold tost to the old when it serves gods purpose when it is something that natters and is solid and fulfils his will when it is something trivial and hindering gods real purpose in the world it must be dropped even at a cost traditional though it may be when jesus called mat thew the tax collector to follow jrtrri he was conflicting with the old caste system which was holding his real work back he made a break with the old answering the criticism with they that are whole need not a physician but they that are sick i came not to call the righteous but sinners to repent ance let ns watch that our christian tradition our faith of our fathers is on solid ground serving gods purpose and will and not lulling us into a righteous satisfaction as that of the scribe and pharisees which jesus con demned mr v stein sang the beautiful garden of prayer v mrs james evans- was at the piano the georgetown hkeatj wednesday evening dec 2nd uttt- page 1 commodore grill olen williams hsmburgs a specialty lee cream light lanehea credit valley taxi call mac- ttr 72641 flowers for all occasions potted plants beddmft stock bubw artislicsdei we wire flowers rosedale floral 14 murdockst tr 72952 commercial domestic good workmanship prompt service leos electric service mfll st tr 72901 residence victoria 2r4 woods canadas leading home freezer the modern way to preserve food model 15 15 cu ft has lots of storage space fast freeze section hermet ically sealed unit counter dalanced lid write or phone robert cooper phone 1311 adjoining brampton golf club box 67 brampton the average canadian panda ettarfhan 9th annually on health travel notes srokrjrours to think about for next spring kentucky derby april 30th 6670 indianapolis speedway ma zsth 5920 both these are allexpense bus tours and include reserv ed seat at track or stadium and most meals trips arranged to grand national steeplechase by steamer 590 by air 675 consult john r barber itsrsl imm lmut 0 thompson pwoan0at tr 7-352k- m sjm

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