Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 9, 1953, p. 1

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t j 1 r georgetown ontt m uy december 9th 19s3 first section ri is election monday ipr council hydro acclaim armstrong mayor georgetown nominations allen norton county men ten cumfidates quottioa vote make for interesting election j- eight oc ten nominees for council at last thursdays nomina tion meeting in the library have qualified as candidates for the six council seats they will contest the election next monday which also sees don barrager opposing w e binkley in his bid for another two year term on the hydro com mission third item on the ballot is a question vote are you in favour of electing public school trustees by general vote rather than by wards mayor jack armstrong was the only nominee and was acclaimed for a third term acclamations were also received by stan allen as reeve and allan norton as dep uty reeve both men are members of this years council reeve ken neth macdonald and deputy reeve frank petch only other nominees had both previously announced their intention of retiring those in the field for council are three present councillors garfield mcgilvcay harry hale and doug sargent a former councillor tho mas l lyons and four newcom ers w o brownridge irwin nob le del wallace- and walter gray james goodlet retiring coun cil member and an exmayor harold cleave were also nominees two year terms on the public school board were awarded by acclamation to edwin wilson harry shortill and robert stewardson the latter re placing ross duncan who is retir ing from the board poorly attended meeting the meeting which followed the close of nominations was one of the most poorly attended in years one candidate noted that he had counted only fifteen present who were not directly concerned in the evenings proceedings reeve mac- donald was absent through illness and councillor hale had another engagement and could not attend town cleric john d kelly acted as chairman for the meeting taxes will be higher in- a straight from the shoulder talk mayor armstrong gave no promise that town affairs will fol low a placid path in the years ahead taxes will be higher next year theres no doubt of that he warn ed pointing out the great expan sion which the town is undergoing with new housing divisions under way although there has been no new industry this year expansion of the smith stone plant has been a bright spot on the industrial scene and the mayor said that con- stant enquiries for industrial loca tions will lead to other industries coming here in the future he is sure 8vrplas used up starting the year with a sizeable surplus the mayor said this hod been almost all used up as it was councils opinion that a higher tax rate should not deprive those liv ing in town at present of money savings for future residents an interim statement shows that there is possibility of an 1800 surplus at the yearend sidewalk repairs compose a big expense and mayor armstrong fore- xast spending several thousand dollars more in 1954 for this in 1953 almost 7000 of necessary work was done debentures are also be ing issued for a high school addi tion a highlight of the years bus iness was sale of the old town hall and construction of a modern new i hall which bouses all equip ment including the new fire eng ine purchased by a part of esques- ing township paid for and main tained by them and available as an auxiliary engine in town when messaat strenuous tear deputy reeve frank petch char acterized his past year on council 4 pleasant and strenuous plea sant because associations had been so cordial among members stren uous because more and more ooo- tentious problems seem to appear each year goes by- time is the i- only factor in his retirement he emphasized and he does not bel- tare it is fair to the town to be a representative when be cannot give tte proper time to the job isr petch touched on county af- t fairs in his speech and said that a eyesore ia boing elim- i with extensive bnpjrovenient t old town hall was t to the courthouse in years past he said assessment squabble avoided tbisiyear numerous meetings be tween county assessors and the couni committee had resulted in equitable solution of the county assessment without the appeals which have characterized it in the past mr petch said georgetowns assessor joseph gibbons had rep resented the town worthily at the meetings and had done everything possible in the towns best interests a 3200 expenditure for indigent patients in hospital is a heavy drain on county finances he mentioned public works aa public works chairman in town this year the deputy reeve reported such matters dealt with as sewer extensions on the highway from harrisons garage to the town limits extension in the orr subdiv ision and remedy for an ostrander blvd drainage problem work on sewer in sunbeam heights was to begin the day after the meeting in three years on council mr petch said he is willing to take his share of praise or blame for such major advance as a new fire hall a high school addition and the elm- street road extension as well as the new water system which is planned for 1954 i favoured them all he said and think they will all prove de cided assets tor the town he had sat under two mayors and compli mented both of them in filling the office in a dignified and business like manner cant stand still we cant stand still and geor getown wants to go ahead was finance chairman garfield mcgil- vrays way of explaining why deb entures are necessary at present the town has 750000 in debenture oebt with another 140000 soon to be added for the high school however mr mcgilvray b not concerned about the total for the auditor has said that the town is in a sound position and is only at onethird of its maximum borrowing power he reviewed highlights of the year appointment of a new clerk john d kelly who had proved a good choice house numbering new fire hall and planned new water system and hopes that street signs will be arranged in 1954 he too forecast a higher tax rate explaining that a 12000 sur plus carried over from 1952 had helped keep this years rate down he is pleased to see tax arrears down from 18000 to 5000 wants raise for mayor i think the mayors salary should be increased at least 500 a year said councillor james goodlet wm said council work now takes so much time that he finds it impos sible to carry on in council for five years except for a year in which he was asked to take a holiday he looked back with pleasure on such things as the new water system erection of hal- ton centennial manor artificial ice in the arena appointment of an assessor wartime housing and gar bage collection and building of a new municipal building with funds realized from sale of the former building to the royal bank at a substantial profit he praised town clerk kel foreman em hyde and assessor gibbons as conscientious employ ees georgetown is one of the few towns he said where there had been no appeals against the assess ment with the town surplus used up and no way of deriving revenue except by taxation mr goodlet also forecast higher taxes he sug gested the possibility of subdivid ing the townowned property on james street and thought george town might get bck more than the 18000 paid many years ago for this for waterworks purposes mr goodlet complimented the chamber of commerce on park improvements including toilets picnic tables and swings and also pointed out the towns painting job on the grandstand streets roads tanpertaat tve been getting reports all year on roads and its a pleasant change to atre one said the new reeve stan allen who as road chairman has been in charge of this department of town affairs mr auen said future councils should allow more m their budgets for sidewalk repairs snd for road work as it is difficult to decide where money allotted can best b t-s- mayor jack armstrong stan allen kenneth r macdonald deputxreeve allan norton frank petch counnch 6 to be elected w o brownridge walter gray harry hale thomas l lyons garfield mccdlvray irwin noble douglas sargent del wallace harold cleave hydro commission 1 tobe elected don bahrager e w binkley public school board robert stewardson harrx shortill edwin wilson diamond wedding date for the t l leslies st johns memorial hall was the scene of a very happy occasion on saturday when mr and mrs tho mas l leslie celebrated their dia mond wedding anniversary at one oclock a turkey dinner was served by the womens assoc iation of st johns united church to fiftyone guests a toast to the bride and groom of sixty years was proposed by rev john m smith mr leslie replying fittingly and hoping that those present would be able to celebrate their 70th anni versary with them other speech es were made by h m thornton toronto george h leslie and per cy leslie and many amusing and interesting renilniscences were told miss mamie campbell read an address and a television set was presented by the family and guests during the afternoon mr and mrs leslie received many more friends all of whom showered con gratulations that they have come so far together along lifes highway mrs h m thornton toronto mrs bertha cole brampton mrs edgar lyons and mrs albert dolson pou red tea during the afternoon and four young girls from the durham street neighbourhood assisted in serving jill chapman gail thomp son ann fiddler and judy mc- cumber yellow and mauve chry santhemums were used as table decorations mr and mr leslie she is the former harriet dolson were married on december 6th 1893 at the home of the brides parents mr and mrs stephen dolson alloa by the reverend campbell minister of cheltenham presbyterian church at thta time mr leslies parents were mr and mrs george leslie there has not been a break in their family circle of five children miss myrtle leslie of toronto public schools teaching staff percy and wilfrid who farm near geor getown miss elizabeth leslie of new york city at present at home and lloyd a teacher in pasadena junior college california as a young man of 30 he pur chased the farm across from his fathers property at union retiring 13 years ago to move to george town both have taken a prominent part jir community and church ac- tivities serving ten years on es- quesing council mr- leslie was honoured with the countys highest honour the wardenship in 1929 he was a director of farmers mu tual insurance for many years ser ved aa president of esqueslflg ag- xicultural society and is a member of credit masonic lodge both mr and mrs leslie were active mem bers of union presbyterian church when they lived on the farm and now attend st johns here the community joins in good wishes for their future happiness and prays that it will be long ex tended the weather mr editor it is bard to believe weather like this and only about two weeks un til christmas the normal aver ages for november were both above normal the maximum average for the month was 50 degrees which is 7 above normal and the minimum was 31 being 3 above normal the total snowfall for the month was 6 inches being 1 in ches above normal but the total precipitation was just about half the normal which is 265 inches but winter may be just around the corner em batkin date max min rain nov 30 35 28 flurries dec 1 44 24 dec 2 43 17 08 dec 3 55 24 dec 4 56 34 dec s 46 35 20 dec 6 53 28 23 average y- 47 27 51 social and personal mrs b gollop of hanover is a visitor this week with relatives and friends in norval and georgetown mr arol oneill toronto mr and mrs c ranson and mr angus mcguinness markdale were visi tors on sunday with mrs john oneill recent visitors with mr and mrs william burtenshaw were her bro ther in law and sister mr and mrs thomas j bryan and their daugh ter doreen of cleveland ohio mr and mrs joel leslie and mr and mr roy gordon of ingersotl were among those from a distance who attended the diamond wed ding anniversary of mr and mrs thomas l leslie in town on sat urday a bhthday supper followed by a birthdmbkparty at the roxy cele- tmajptfthe tenth birthday on fri day of barbara daughter of mr and mrs stan finlay guests were judy richardson jill chapman carolyn biehn myrna cook pat allen sharin hnrley joanne dun can and barbaras brother john attending the annual dinner of the quarter century club of prov incial paper ltd last thursday in the legion auditorium were the following club members clayton allen albert carter edward fran cis john fry richard grace har ry hale thomas herbert ann hickey walter louth leonard marchment fred mccartney janet mcdougall lena mcnally walter peck orval rayner robert buch anan martin cummins andrew dewhurst hugh dickie wilfred gui wellington greensward sam uel harrison arthur herbert james hill isaac hornby alex kean jessie leavitt william mcr- ritt fred mcnally henry preston thomas treanor and bert weston guests at the dinner included mr john buss toronto mr and mrs ross duncan alexireeder mr and mrs walter biehn norman march ment henry hale mrs roland haines mrs matthew beaumont mas marion robinson mrs albert carter mrs edward francis mrs john fry mrs richard grace mrs harry hale mrs fred mccartney mrs walter peck mrs orval ray ner mrs andrew dewhurst mrs hugh dickie mrs wilfred gill mr albert hill mrs alex kean mrs wddam merritt mrs fred mcnal ly mrs henry preston mrs bert weston and miss eleanor treanor what council did engagements mrs john mctrash announces the engagement of her niece shir ley isobel forbes to robert james sim son of mr and mrs robert j sim milton the marriage wilt- take place quietly on saturday december the twentysixth hi st johns united church georgetown money supplies stolen public school breakin police are investigating a- rob bery at wrigglcsworfh school on monday night wh thieves who gained entry to the building stole money and a number of articles teachers desks in the various rooms were ransacked and about 800 is missing as weu as a type writer a mantel radio snd a radio- to vote in the atimvig1 election limehouse mrs brian mccussworths two sisters mrs nancy archer and mrs w wallace and the letters son mr neil wallace arrived to visit her and her husband on fri day coming from cheltenham eng land we extend sympathy to mrs robert patterson in the death of her brother robert carlisle last week congratulations to mr and mrs walte fctoham and mr and mrs lloyd iscenery who each have new bsby girls the wj met st the home of miss ivens on thursday evening when they had anjexehange of christmas gifts aa weuas the regular meet ing visitors included mrs geary st of toronto at the receive over par for high school debentures the royal bank of canada t will pay over per for a 140000 deben- turelsuse for georgetowns high school addition successful tender of 10l45 sub mitted jointly by the bank and equitable securities was accepted atmondays council meeting two bids were under par the lowest be ing 99j25 and the bank bid was one of eight which were over 100 per cent the debentures bear interest at 5 per cent for a 20 year period finance chairman garfield mc gilvray in moving to accept the offer said he was pleased to see georgetown did not have too many debentures as be had heard at the nomination meeting it certainly shows we are a long way from being bankrupt was his comment with a motion on the table to allow keith barber to build two houses on lots on king and sarah streets smaller than the building bylaw allows objections of some members to voting before they viewed the property led to the motion being withdrawn mr barber had been previously advised that council would allow him to proceed but size of the lot was smaller than originally thought and difficulties have arisen about one of the houses being closer to the street line than others on the street cr allen said others had been barred from doing the same thing and that the bylaw is on the books to ensure sufficient landscap ing around a house king street is ah excellent residential street he was early toronto livestock trucker a resident of this district since 1924 robert a carlisle 78 died in acton last wednesday he had been ill for the past month mr carlisle was one of the first men to start trucking livestock to the toronto stockyards born in osborne township huron county he was the son of william and mary carlisle he farmed in grey county and later lived at caledon and hulsburgh predeceased by four brothers he leaves one sister mary mrs robert patterson rev robert armstrong conducted the funeral service on friday at the rtimley funeral home acton with inter ment following huxleys cem etery hillsburgh pallbearers were frank smith william hillary and four nephews ross elliott wilbur and russell patterson the two henri mal0n weds girl from norway in a wedding ceremony at the first lutheran church toronto on saturday miss rigmor mona hovind daughter of mrs petra larssen and the late mr larssen of oslo norway became the bride of henri e malon jr son of mr and mrs henri malon of hovik norway the impressive ceremony was conducted in this little old red brick church in the scandinavian tongue by the pastor of the church and confirmed in english by the minister accompanying the bride to the altar was the grooms uncle mr trygve wold georgetown she was attended by her sister mrs stlan mollung of boston mass the gropm was attended by mr jack campbell toronto and his aunt mrs wold the bride wore a goayn of blue lace over satin with fitted bodice and a full skirt matching fingertip veil gloves and shoes she carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses with stephanotis and forgetmenots afterwards the wedding party of 25 gathered at the engineers club for dinner the oldest guests ware mr and mrs d m sweeney of toronto at whose home mr and mrs wold were married on decem ber 7th 1931 after a short honeymoon mr and mrs malon will reside in the city where he is employed at traffic manager by ontario seed cleaners and dealers ltd the groom is wejuknown in george town where he made his home for some time with his uncle and aunt fred gearys mr w l newton of barriewith his mother and miss ivens mr and mrs alex heiidersoa of orangeville with the- ross said and he does not think property is big mrwigh for houses reeve petch and cr mcgilvray wanted to view the property before making a decision cr hale who seconded the motion said others in town have built on small lots and also closer to street lines and he could not see why mr barber should not be given tfae same con sideration the matter will be de cided at a meeting later this month the public school board asked that a better check on speeding on the highway near wrigglesworth school be made by the police and said the board is pleased to know that council is acting on their sug gestion to- put traffic- lights atthd durham street crossing the board is arranging to have children cross at durham street in future and asked council if some improvements could not be made on the south side of the highway where there is no sidewalk at pre sent problems of collecting garbage in the sunbeam heights subdivision were discussed when a letter from a new resident ken derose was received at present roads and sewers are being put into the subdivision and it is dsicult for the garbage truck to enter the property the c holding the town liability insurance was asked to submit a detailed report on the claim which they rejected for flood damge in stanley wrights home on ostrander blvd mr wright had written council complaining of the rejection of the claim- the company will be asked to report all decisions to council in future council paid a total bill of 850 for the toilets installed at the park which the chamber of commerce had sponsored much free labour and donations of materials were- received and the chamber paid a portion of the cost also the build ing has a value of 1500 saturday december 26th has been named boxing day and pro claimed as a public holiday the firm of bowman black and shoemaker will be asked to make a survey and supply a sketch of central park to show what prop erty is owned by the town this action wastaken on advice of the hewson glancy law firm which was consulted when art scott sub mitted a request for purchasing part of the property oil beating will be installed in the municipal building the tender of bill sproule brampton for 488 was accepted for supplying and in stalling the burner possibility of a town planning board next year was mooted when cr goodlet pointed out the value of such a group the mayor sug gested that the three retiring coun cil members goodlet fetch and macdonald discuss such a board among themselves and possibly or ganize such a group family gave glen williams its maine me of the family which gave glen williams its name charles edward williams 85 died iit simcoe on november 26th mr williams who was the son of joseph wlhifcns was born in the glen in 1868 he worked in his youth in a grist mill where the ap ple products company is now loo ted then went to chicago where he spent mot of his life in the broker age business he was one of the founders of the british empire club there retiring several years ago mr and mrs williams moved to suncoe wich had been her home he was fond of music and was probably the oldest living person who had sung in the choir at the old methodist church in town he was in town renewing acquaintances at the st johns anniversary service this fail surviving are his wife the fornv er carrie woouey and one brother harry d wtlnama toronto two sisters predeceased hla mi har- y hbldroyd and mrs wjujts h wlllson a nephew charles w1b- son tidt towri was one of the pau- at tlie foneral vice tit

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