Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 17, 1954, p. 1

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the georgetown herald georvetown out wetfeeaclay february 17th 1654 ten pages council favours addition to howard wrisglesworth school rowtc6iviw promtimrt holrtwn man what council did georgetown council cavte tha graan light to 4roqm addition to 1 hbavard wrlgfltmrortif bchol ufcen tha mittwn uiscussed on monday with ncxkooj boaxtfraein- bar after an explanation of the- need tor immediate action by board h obairmaft ray salter member ag- read that only one thing could be done nd instructed the clerk to have abylaw prepared which will come tip for discussion th next meeting w estimated art of the addition la 180000 mr salter presented statistics which ahowed that continued in crease in eohool population in the next throe yean makes a fourroom addition absolutely necessary at present 16 rooma take cure of over 500 students und next year two more rooma rv needed for an im- err use of firty in 1u37 present estimates show that 640 students arlll make a touj of four more raoms necessssry these figures mr ssaucav pointed out allow only for the present town paiulatlon and do not take into account any large increase in home building which is liable to complicate the school pic ture h la quite possible said m salter that a future school board may be diaruisiirg with council a complete new school in another part of town depending on which way the town grows mayor armstrong wus supixirled l with statements by several council lors when be said he could xec no reason for delaying the school addi tion by asking ratepayers to ute we have to have the addition whit would we do if an addition were voted down said the mayor cr mcgilvray a council member when the ote wai taken u few years ago on building the school said he had faoured a vote thot 0 time on a 200000 expenditure but 80000 is a dlitcrent question und he fovours proceeding with a by- ism it was a lot of hard work on the school boards part and i dont think a vote is necessary opined reeve alien while cr hale said people knew an addition would t come later and wouldnt expect to again be asked their opinion theres nothing we can do but provide proper educational fociu- ties said cr gray at convention a8i1qkove mission band wms meeting last week the bright star mission band met on sunday afternoon at the home of evelyn bird with evelyn presid ing over 4he meeting allan brown- ridge was the accompanist for the musical part sandra tlndale gave the secretarys report and vema picket gave the treasurers report scripture was read by david olffen catherine hunter had the mission ary prayer bobby ruddell was in charge of the programme and csl- ieaorrrtaneyhunterfor a solo of fering was received by susan tin- dale and karen brigden and dedi cated by adrlrnne nurse mrs horace barnes told the story from the study boqk doris pick et favoured with a piano solo after hloh bobby ruddell thanked the hosteas and all who had helped to make such a nice afternoon the wms met on tuesdsy after noon february oth at the home of mrs frank ruddell with the presi dent mrs frsnk wilson presiding and opening with the hymn thy ceaseless unexhausted love roll call was answered with a verse or promise from the biale the supply secretary mrs frank rud dell had on display two lovely- layettes which she with the assls- ance of mrs leslie glffen had made ready one for korea the other for needy family in the nelflh- j bourhood the devotional was in charge of mrs john bellboddy the theme being the church an imago of thetclngdom missionary-prayer- by mrs clayton wilson and the beautiful hymn now thank we all k nur god sung by mrs hector bird the study chapter was pre pared by mrs john ruddell who couldnt be present so was given by mrs thm blackett which told ot tho four nsiil europebjletle i conciliation reconstruction and s reading the bible other ladlea iat thompson snapped before the steel company of canada display at the recent canadian retail hardware con vention in toronto is hay thomp son local hardware dealer 8allinafad i mm taklnittpart wore mrs ward brown- ridge mrs leslie qllten mrs c b dick and mrs frank ruddell offering was dedicated by mrs wilfrid bird closing hymn was unfand mr william dosed the meeting with g ikgjt marie cdihe was a weeteend vlslfor with her rooster jlrcj3in ceolhenav thesbway life membership pin for mrs s k lindsay mrs n russ wax hoateu for uio w a at their jebruary meeting the meeting opened with the usual creed and hymn mrs v smith led in the devotionuli reading the scripture from 2 cor 8 111 thi- thainc being christian fellowship nemtndlng us or bur duties ni christians in mmple kindly acts of helpfulness sometimes in our zeal to do a good job as committee wo men we forget ills klngiom will not come and kis will not be done cm earth through the work of a committee wc mint first hive our- sehes to christ mrs smith closed with prayer and the following poem did someone see christ in you today christian look to your life i pray have your thoughts been pure and your words been kind have you eftught to have the sav iours mind the world with a critical view ha watched but did it see christ in you did torn cone see christ in you today christian look to your ufe i pray there are sick and weary souls being lost on sins destructive shoals and perhaps of christ their only view will be what of him they see in you will hey see enough to tyring hope and cheer look to your light doea it shine out cleor the highlight of the meeting waa the presentation of a life member ship certificate and pin to mrs s h lindsay who has been a member for over twentyfive years mrs russ read an address pnd presented the pin assisted by mrs marshall the president mrs lindsay waa tjulte thrilled with the honour be stowed uon her and her daughter mrs mad 111 thanked the radles for their thouffhtfulncas it was plan ned to make a quilt to be sold at the supper during easter week mrs matthows gave the roclpo for a scrip ture cake of which all are to partake during the month mrs ktrkwood assisted mrs russ to serve refreshment anrl s social time was enjoyed tne evening auxiliary met at mrs lnwrs home for their regular meeting there was a good attend ance and- they- tplanned to hold a bake sale and bazaar some time in the spring mrs russ led in the worship service and the topic was in charge of the president mrs f j shortul mr n russ attended the brant- ford conference held in gait on wednesday the wi held a successful euchre party tuesday night mr somrne- yuleand james klritwood ware trtt and seccmd prize winners yhlielo- dles drliea went to mra hor- w11at council did 40rm brown gets jfce for taxi a tail tic nc was granted to norman brown at holidays council ratetlng mr brown is a former town councillor and one lime operator of a local buikrry since selling his ouliecs he has been a vrovlnctar- 1aper employee and jater george town representative for a toronto real eutte firm elmer wright port credit who has been active in promoting a credit valley conservation author ity asked council to give the mat ter cumlderaltuji and appoint a del egate to a future meeting mr wright explained the need for loiiicrvlng present river boun daries pointing out that hotnr- buildlnjf at thr mouth of the etohl- cnfcc had caused hevy eirpense af terwards in conservation measures upstream a credit valley plan could forestall this before it hap pens he auld asked what benefit georgetown might antlcjpdtc mr wright said that the leel of the town uatcr supply drpvitds on proper consero- uiui use of the park on july 3rd 4th und mh by the ellowjacketi mot or yclt club was granted the club is planning a field meet and t ndurunce test which might draw as many as mx riders to town safd don hutchinson who spoke for the i lub ond pointed out the ad vertising benefit which the town will derlw from the e enl nephew retires as grain co manager a nephew of vr arthur mcal lister of town j albert kyle re tired recently as manager of the edmonton of lire of the albert is pac ific grain company ltd horn at ktppri ontario north of london mr kyle went west as a youth with his parents to settle at wetusklwln in 1003 the ear alter the province woi formed he settled on a homestead at strome hcrc two enrs later he entered the grain business as assistant agent he was promoted to agent in 1010 and in 1019 was appointed travel ling superintendent for northern alberta with headquarters at ed monton in 1028 alberta pacific created a northern division at edmonton and named mr kyle assistant division- al superintendent later elevating him to the post of manager which he held for 23 years mr and mrs kyle will continue to live in ed monton three affairs were held in his honour prior to his retirement an engraved wrlstwatch and cheque was presented by the company at a reception managers and department heads nr lmilliaun gave him travelling bog and fellow workers of trade andgnrernment offices pre sented an anglers outfit wellknown uolstejn catil dr and farmer on the 10th line eaqustsing for 45 years robert c given 97 died at his home on sat urdjy he hod been in ul health 1or fourteen months ur given and his son cecil who epcreiad their business u 1l c given and son ae well knowp in show circles and had tsken many prises at th royal winter kalr and canadian national exhibition for their stock bun of john given and usry ann kirk wood he was born in erin townahip ilftynlne years ago he married ruth a dloghjm and they first fsrmed sterln then at korkwood and ashgrove before moving to their present fsrm lot 10 corvcesslon 11 in 1008 she survives with four children mrs ii e ostrandcr ethel kath- letn cecil and mrs c r emerson klijvbeui all resldt i its in tills dls- triit oijy survivors of on origin al family of thirteen are iiao brotiw ers mack glvtn ielisle saskatch- vwan and mark given rock wood the funeral service on tuesday si the mroure funeral home was conducted by john stone pall- beorets were el wood snow thomas given h craig held earl moore of orton and fred ond i- yank lllng- ham toronto interment was in greenwood cemetery georgetown rent control ends in georgetown march 2nd the weather mr editor quite some figures to record this week tytday with 19 below being the lowest of the season and sn- day with 4t being the highest nuikinga difference in two days of 6fl degrees rn bsrtjitn rain dale urn min krb s 32 22 eb 0 m 13 rt 10 j8 20 kia 11 34 10 ial u 11 1u trtt u 1 i- 1 14 411 i arrajr 12 u organize fund collection for hornby fire victims the hornby community has org anized a fund collection for the la yer family who lost three members of ihc family their home and all contents in the worst fire tragedy in this district in history already several hundred dollars has been collected and local peoplo who rare to help are asked to leave donations with hev j e maxwtll noral who is treasurer of the fund or if more covenient they run be left at the herald office for remission to mr maxwell alfred ilrtkden hornby is the fund ser- retiry mr kinniermin ijiver hornby farmer perished ih the sunday night blnze when he mide a vain attempt to ie hk daughters beryl and linda trapped n tin upstairs bedroom three sons badly burned who escoped through an upstairs win dow ore all making good progress to recovery and the oldest boy ted has been released from the hospital gordon and keith are still patients in milton hospital neighbours have rallied to mrs lovers aid and lost week a garage was moved from bolton and has been insulated and wired as a tem porary home until some more per manent arrangement cak be made sparked by the ladles guild of st stephens church a good amount of furniture has been collected also miller shorthorn is high canadian high canadian 2yearold dual- purpose shorthorn producer in fd53 was the cow silver holme wander ing rose bred and owned by miller brothers georgetown at the annual meeting of the breed held at the royal hotel in guelph last week miller brothers were presented with a bronze medal certificate in recognition of her of ficial rop production of 87 kr lbs of milk and 318 lbs butterfat in the 303 day division truck car dmased glen williams crash damage of fi50 was caused when s car and pickup truck collided in glen williams in front of beaumont knitting mills on saturday morn ing the collision occurred between the pickup truck driven by albert iejtwood ond proceeding north und a car iruvelllng in the opposite direction driven by harold g i ikes it r worval damage to the truck vas moo and to the car mm a brampton man is charged with hit and run as u result of un acci dent saturday night on the high way at the oth line entrance the brampton driver is alleged to have sideiwiped a truck driven by ralph svhmidt of baden who was driving towards norvl and failed to stop at the accident scene only minor damage was done to the truck but the brampton car had damage to the extent of 9300 rent control wuj atyl mtuortv town on march al at mondays council mhlng af ter a full discussion of the quev loo council dsctded not j tav gay action on easaulstung a local rent control board to surcea4 h provincial admlolstrauon which will end on that date though im plying that if future action is nee- unary the matter will be reopened reeve stan alien a strong pro ponent for rent control was joined by couiklllors sargent end hala when a recorded vote was taken on the question the reeve maintained thai if landlords arc fair they have nothing u fear from controls and that if even one person is exploited by a graving landlord council tjiould be priared to art councillor mcgilvray suggested that council uct as a board for a three month period cr lyons waa against this ond cr norton said un adniliulrntor with some know ledge of property value would be necessary the mayor pointed out that council would have to meet as a separate group if they toast over rent control and that it would be illegal to accept pay for this controls were set up because of a housing shortage said the reeve and conditions havent improved the fact that georgetown has a high percentage of owner occupied homes doesn i relieve our responsibility to tenants to review unhiust rent in creases or complaints of landlords against tenants who dont take care of their property mayor armstrong explaining that he could not support controls at present told it would be a costly tmslnes and that rent control was in its proper place when handled by the government if we find it necessary in future i will favour it then he said new accountant at royal bank branch succeeding miss brenda robinson as accountant at the royal bank branch hare la g d gopslll who waa t h las a honour bride elect at supper party a supper party at the home of manager robert and mrs robert darou marked the departure of miss brenda robinson from the ro yal bank staff now mrs gunther fvey the for- snar iwinv orrrriinlajlvrtu malt- six join alliance 25year club six employees of alliance paper mills ltd joined the companys 25 year club at a dinner dance in the lesion trail on hiursday member who received their pins at uie dinner were jack crlcilton william ilryden iloy ward ted appleyarcl ed mcmann and james wlncmnn members their wives and guests numbering sixty were acrved tur key dinner after whkh yvtmns thibodeau entertained with soncs and accordion selections followed with dandns to the modern aim ordiestra among fuests wflo polie brlely at the dinner were head office officials hsrold fair george wllaon and c ji smith mr lambert president of the sler- ritton club jack crlchton howard hillock and ronald alendhssn tho mas esson locsl club president was chairman for the evenlns the bank branch at 9undrldge mr gopslu is unmarried and comes origtnally from arthur ing her home in ottawa they were married in knox presbyterlsn church a week ago saturday the guest of honour was presen ted with a corsage at the party and wedding gifts of a kenwood blan ket and a travelling clock dins and maty mcdonald ahl lawr won the quilt on which tlcit- ets had been sold mr and mrs r o klrkwood ot toronto were sunday visitors with sandy and kate mckay mr m baker returned home on 8uinlay f general ho4- plul wkere- he underwent a major ration weall join u wishing- 4 speedyrecovery mr and mrs howard kentner arc spending a few weeks in flor ida they motored south last week mrs calvin clark of wyoming is visiting in town witbmr and mrs garfield mcgilvray mr and mrs jack- rush marilyn and gary of toronto were sunday vlitori with mrs ii stockford mrs eith morris of windsor is visiting in town for a few days with mrs william ostrander emery st 3vnltelsaxbent is home from guciph general hospital where he underwent an aippondectomy- last week mrs robert waldie attended the funeral of her alaterinlaw mrs william robertson at acton last oadny r i mr and mra jjwlnnoble and mr and mrs william robinson spcntthe weekend in buffalo as guests gf mr ond mrs edgar eyres on monday jean anne 8-year- old daughter of mr and mrs john yinglls had a r birthday party at her rome on maple avenue her gmtsts were darlene walker karen shor- tul gary herbert christopher frost wftuey darou sjiaroo king bettyaue johnaan mary evans etta hume and janice chspllnv miss gwynneth mcgowan mon- treal spent the weekend in town with her parents mr ivnd mrsw a mcgowun mrs henry isley who had been a patient in palmcrston hospital since ah auto accident several weeks ago is now convalescing nl the home of her soninlaw and daughter mr and mrs joseph hough i martin street guelph mr j a hamhleton orangevllle spent last week in town with mr and mrs a pattenden visitors on sunday were mr end mrs ellis harmbletan and mr rowe homblc- ton also of orangevllle guests fer tho weekend with mlts marilyn bell who was home from the university of western ontario london were mary jane coomb stratford and donald froser o woodstock both students al the un iversity 1 celobratlnb her seventh birthday on thursday mary daughter of mr and mrs cecil mcnarriara had a party at her- home on king street her guests included sharon allen jill rtuiham judy nash john fin- jay michael- heureuapv blehn lynntrltchle jane buuley mar- karat thompson steven loll randy wbbert heather barber and mary brother pfcter v more coaches needed for saturday hockey saturday morning hockey contin ues to attract a number of parents to the arena to see their boys play saturday morning pat patterson oha chief referee looked in and in future he might be in there do ing some referee rig himself ref- ecs cord james del beaumont bui james and dungy ward ore faithful attenders but those in charge would like to see more volunteers as coa ches and managers some of the present coaches are looking after as many as four teams next saturday there will be no scheduled games and the morning will be set aside for teams who will be playing in the little nhl on march 1th starting sharp at 8 00 midgets u313 will have the ice until 8 then american league 1011 for an hour and at 10 jun ior- ji 89 years air boys tak ing part must- be registered and have proof of aire ttaturday february nth seen american league providence 1 buffalo 0 cleveland t pittsburgh junior a juarlboroa 5 guelph 0 hamilton 11 galt0 khl muxjest maple loafs s bed wings x- canadleni 8 blade hawk o mrs harry shorblt heads true blues members of iloyal true blue lodge 303 are planning to again sponsor the canada packers cooking school this year and datea for the event have been set for early april mrs harry shortill heads the lodge this year and other officers elected at a recent meeting include mrs atert carter past mistress mrs ernie rawson deputy mistress tiavn george gretg recording sec retary mrs victor mcntven finan cial secretary mrs bob harris treasurer mrs harvey lusty chap lain mrs dennis wright director ot ceremonies mrs norman lew- r cry conductor mrs v rawson mrs ken harris tylera balxjnafad thursday meeting evening auxiliaries balllnafad kvanlnc auxiliary held their monthly meeting last tours- day at the home of mrs archie lawr with president mrs f j shortul in the chair twelve members answered roll call with a jirayar after theopenbuf trymn mrsrushad the scripture reading john j s verses 4450 plana were made for a quilting at the home of mrs tiip on feb ruary zslh mr elwood snow gave a reading en christian stewardship and mrs mrtjmr orie on ei enshlp j mrf ji shohul was inehajhg- or the topic latin jomtlm after eloslngwifn a hymrsand fnman- laty prayer lunch was served by

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