okosttecown lfsneawwt wednaeday kvenlng april 7 1054 raoajie crfv stwtill r i b ka l i a4 fcl 4mm a jmm nrit tjim fc4 n v t k- suit 1mm mwa arf u pxl bl 4 mmi4 bt a tmt ttllfmomi is hsihtial to couuuhitt1 security and peace of mind brocltvillcf popular chief knows from cxfrriencc the ircmrniious resuursnee proplc feci jusi knowing thai any hour of the day or night they can depend on the telephone in cai of need you may never have to call the police yet the fact remains that you and your family feci more secure art more secure because of your telephone peace of mind is an extra value that is part of your telephone service a value that cannot be measured the ieu telephone company of canada jfine iheiporiate q monuments markers and inscriptions catalogue on request gordon strain phone 1 58 r 32 r r i milton flowers for every occasion design work a specialty flowers by wire anywhere in the world norton floral tuaaila 7jml oeertetowa church news si tteorgri church archdeacon w g o thompson hector palm sunday holy communion 8 am sunday school 10 am matins 11 am evrtwonjt 7 pm good friday three hours dev otion from twelve noon to 3 oclock r hi albans church lilen william palm sunday mu tin 7 u0 nm sunday school 1030 am sunday school 1030 m good rtldny community even song at li00 pm i weather adages true or false by k a babe oarnsuu of the dominion public weather office halifax on the cbc proffnun ask the weativeroiaiv banioru aching backs corn and broken bone have lone been the etock in trade o marry amateur weather forecaster- the most amaxlntf twet in this connection is that ive seldom come across the person who claims to be m expert of this kind uauajjy after an after- dinner taut 1u have srjmeone in form me very conflderhally that his wife cu always foretell the weather by her pet corn much more accurately than my scientific wea ther forecaster can through the use of their weather charts or in the case of a lady heckler shell tell me of the matins personal forecas ting uuccess wliloh hrr old maiden aunt lias arhievrd through the aches attendant on hrr long- standing case of rtteumauam only rarely do 1 come upon someone who is eager to adjiiu to the possession of the necemsary ailments yet tiwrc sre muiiy srientists who flatly rduw to ridicule this aid to amateur fore casting there seems to le utrly gitod evidence uist scar tissue and certttln joint of the body may be ulfected by live rapid changes which take place in certain climatic ele- inentft iirecedjrui s storm iet bun- ions may therefore be fair forersa- ters even though theyre not infal lible it must furthermore be kept in midd that pliyfiologlcaj reactions by either human belngi or antmau are poor longe range weather forecas ter theyre useful only in telling something about what weather is already at hand if squirrel are seen gathering an unusually large number of rail in the autumn a hard winter is not necessarily in prospect despite the oftrepeated superstition to this effect it means simply that the nut crop has been good no doubt because of fsvoux- able weather during the nut grow ing season in like manner the most recently honored prophet the wooly bear caterpillar is a fraud and a decei ver this wooly bear caterpillar theory states that the width of the dark band in lhe larvas coat fore tells the severity of the coming winter but this u purr poppycock coincidence may make the wooly oear look good in some yean bot they don hold up over the long haul the thickness of the fur on your cat dog horse and cow or the rab bit squirrels and r you have shot lrellcatr nothing whatsoever concerning the ruggednrss of the coming winter tricky hum in memory recalls only what it wants to remetnlpr if the winter hs been iwixtsayarly eve re with one bliuard henplru its snow um the last were apt to recall- yes i said ltd be a hard winter when 1 miw the bees build ing their hives high hut guium the winter prove to be mild your statement is better foruotten turning to quite a different type of adage the one that fine weather can bv eicectcd durinc a rain when theres enough blue in the sky to make a pair of dutchmans breeches is generally true the reason for this run along the fol lowing lines the major storm systems that bring rain or snow cause many layers of clouds to form ifrorn near the earth up to fix or nerval and union presbyterian churches rev g lockhart itoyal da nerval 1000 am sabbath school 1100 am praia service lsa ajmniiar wxvamt for anj nusrals r wfaioh should be thjj reason if a hole in the lower cloud appear only more cjoud can be been above if however the storm is moving away pe if the rain 1 irom local shower activity a hole in the lower clouds from which the rain is falling wll reveal the blue sky above heralding the pas sage of the shewer or the end of the storm many times too ive heard lad les say that rain is brewing because of the increasng curlineas of their hair that a pretty good sign curls grow curlier and more un ruly because as a storm approach es the air beeurnes more and more humid affecting the hair like a damp comb being run through it not only does curly hair become curlier but doors suid window are more hftely to stick table salt is more inclined to pack and a hand ful of other louebold annoyances ocrsjr fvom what ive just said chen it can be seen umr moat weolher pro verb or superstitions fll into one of two categories first there are the adages based on nature plants viewed with the greatest camion if not entirely ignored second there are the predictions relating to winds clouds increasing molaiure general appearance of the air or content of the atmosphere or the sky amateur weather forecaster may rely on these signs up to a point since theyve been found to be generally reliable for the sec tion of the world in whicj they originate farm news milk producers examine new bulk haulage plan an executive meeting of district no 12 milk producers was heid st the home of if- and wrs p o hunter norvaj on wednesday ev- enins the twenty dlreders in at tendance represented all s4cjons of hgton the township of erin and north werrtworlh- president w h lioyle and secretary john u bird were in change of the vscejlent prth gramme which included addresses from wm liuyles president of bottj the torouto ituk toducer assocwiou and ttm onurlo whole- whole milk producer league and william wilmoi the aecretary- managev of the toronto milk pro duoers association both messrs hoyle and wilmat dealt at some length on the bulk haulage plan which threaten to invade the district prom the dis cussion which ensued it would seem that o shippers who produce she cans or more per day could afford to stay in business according to wm hoyle who has invesugsted bulk rroulage as it operates in oshawa and kitchener in ontario a well as in several large centres across the line bulk haulage adds to the farmers cost of production irrepectlve of wtiai type of refrig eration a producer may bavfe at present this stated mr hoyus would have to be replaced by a spe cial vat coetingvjn the neighbour- hood of 12100o0s ouch vau would tequjre a milk house at least 1ji8 inside other factor mentioned in- ckidedthe thought that the special lank truck would require a lane which would support 16 ton trnck canadas first subway product of men and materials of all provinces of canada toronto round 4 e trip w corner cupboard restaurant tr 7051 main street travel notes its not too early to book your neiv york easter tour rail trip from toronto 3450 up air transportation 6000 up- includes everything but meals tor the modest budget bow about easter in buffalo travel by bus leaving april is return apr 18 1905 up consult r barber adviser tt tflomtbon itos 8isvi0k jmill street cjvorsetown baptist church llov a j darker ha ud 10 am church scimjoi 11 am empty words 7 pm the cruel purpose u pm friendly hour 200 pm fciabbath school soo pjn praise school st johns united church rev john m smith minister nonnun jaird director of music sunday school 10 nm come to ss stay for church morning worship 11 am sac rament of -the- bords supper and reception of members nursery 11 aim child care while parents worship junior worship 11 an bible themea for children evening worship holy week pictures preparatory service 8 pjn friday essi and umahaasa preab jtarlan chnmaae rev alex j calder ba bj mrs edgar oowlsnd atom organist and choir leader mr joseph young carllloneur knex chnreb- 1000 sbjn church school 1100 om public worship luuebeuse obanh 1j10 pjn church school 230 pjn publle worablp baly oraas eio charea rev vrv 3 morgan lit 3rd and 5th bundayi mass at u am sod and 4th sundays ataial atbajsv nerval and olen wllllaaaa united chureh ilev c d lemke da bj nerval 1000 am sunday school 1100 am public worship glen wuiuuaa 700 pm public worship heme church 230 pjn public worship nerval noraby stewarttewa chorea of kaclaad rev j e maxwell da lth st supheas charea nerabr 1100 ajn morning service except 1st sunday in the month 300 pm evening service bl johns chorea 8lewaruewa 10 m childrens service 800 pjn evening service except first sunday in the month 730 pjn evensong 8t ranis charea nerval tm pjn i evensong except 1st sunday in the month 1100 ajn holy communion zlon tabernacle rev t m fletcher sunda sc b ajn we welcome you services each sunday hi 11 ajn and 7 jo pjn christian and mlaslenary alllanee rev e t holt pastor services each sunday at 11 ajn land 7 pm in the oddfell hall 1 sunday school at 10 ajn printing of distinction let our new printing equipment- do a better job foy you wild give you printing satisfaction wedding stationery letterheads envelopes statements ruled forms tickets posters folders cheque forms catalogues the georgetown herald t printers and publishers telephone tr 72631 main street f j