look look euchre dame lunch door prize spot dance prize aaj a laeky n far tulm eaali all yourswitr your soe adroson ticket eqsuesing community hall 6tbwarttown friday april 23rd by kindness of the t baton co and simpsonsears extra special euchre prua of setintoound blankets and a silk cuahloafor door prize cards xt mo pm get roar ticket saw fraaa lox ca aaaashart 1 ccf leader says government stalling aids to education wednesday evening ap 11 k tm oboaumtfowm herald paoat auction sale fuuutuu rrc the undersigned has beeo lnatructsd r- see the new 54 meteor at harley motors 31 john street tr 72591 authorized sub dealer for norm guild motors highway 25 one mile south of milton effective sunday april 25th buses will run on daylight saving time time table change additional trip from toronto 520 pm daily except saturday sunday and holidays tickets and information at corner cupboard restaurant agent phone trjangle 73051 gray coach lines bbbb7 mrs emily hancock to self uy auction at tier residence glen wwums on saturday april 2hh t 2 oclock to following oak china cabinet buffet dining laiue and live dtalrt coenblftsuoo oeteaxe nd desk like new ai- miruoer rug vxt2 wit pad uk new 3 place nlusn living room 0 suite gjj calunet radio walnut bed like new springs and mattress a aiaex coafoleurn mj tingle toed and jnattreat small- oaa round ceoue lable plate wau mirror nail treo ac tee box like new que- bop uettter modern yuetoec range atove ppe kitchen table small tabic kitchen linoleum kitchen clock electric iijtture x storm wln- oowi sturm door stv udder lawn mowtr taeei water trough lttrurji tools duhc rooking utrn- l cutlrry oil lamfaa tutii and outrr small srttclrs itili la clean furniture and wrll rarest for if bad welrnr ulc will br held inside ah artlclra u be srttlrtl fur und removed day ui aulc tfejtms cam i frank fetch aufllonrcr tluanglr 72804 cluunu auction sale la the baillaafad district the undersigned has received instructions from robert h scurlock to art fry public suction at lot 3 w con 7 mujum on the 6u1 line krln about um und a half ml irs norm and west ui llalllnsfad on hattrhay atril 14 at 2 oclock the following 1mplkmknts 11m0 ford trac tor on rubber in afoot condition kliury ulaiell hydraulic disc new leartrn plow grader btsdemaa- sey harris binder hay rake mc- luniiurk dtvrinje huy leitcr peter ilimllton seed drill five staco water bow i at tro cut uw forks hoc shovels palls grain bagi etc hay grain 300 bus oats a small quantity of wheat 20 tons alfilfa hay hogs poulthy york iow due at sale date 4 big chunks to suffolk hampshire hc hrxi ayiuihllte cattljilin williams dowiiii 3zoi73i due at sale umr clfarkholm stella 2nd 352732 bred march ikh 10m clarkitolm grove i- air maid 3so320 bred february 3rd clarwholm hi liariira 336224 bred kobruary 3rd clarkholm brigadier peggy 32i86 tired march sui ttte above cows were artificially bred to a maple unit bull 2 year ling heifers i heifer 3 months old eligible for regliitratiorl dairy equipmknt new type corkshull conrtr 2 unit milking miirhlne renfrew crram mpuratnr palls etr kurniturk walnut finish dining room suite consisting of utble 6 chairs buitel und china cabinet iii salle kitchen stove cup boards bed springs and mattress quebec heutcr slncrr sowing mach ine rnufsh terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve as the proprietor is gl ing up farm- only on rare occasions has a lead ing political flfure visited george- town ao it was a traat for those who attended a meeting boat tuea- day tn the lefion hall to hear don ald c macdonald ontario ccf iaa- e the mee wa syon by the local ccp organlaauon term wt- rnotronnc we can sukly your complete fencing needs come in and see usf or your spring requirements at your locl i halton cooperative supplies free delivery route day- e0rjet0wntr 72mfl milton 127 ihk hindley elliott auctioneers rockwood hr3 hlilton 177j pittsburgh paints ernies radio so youre in clover make sure you stay therel home- furnishings and oth er possessions are nice to own but easy to lose to fire theft or other peril guard against these expen sive hazards now call on this agency for adequate in surance f john r barber agency guecon ta elmer 0 thampeen taatiraaee o john k bakbkft p yener sjo tlinaiimai mill strtt til 7511 an eloquent forceful speaker slid a man whose experience has ran- ffad irom achool teaching and jour nalism to navy service and various posatlena in the ccf organ ivaf inn air trmnalij dealt particularly vuh noapuallratlon and education in his challenge to voters to let a new party do whit the two older ones have not heaoored provincial liberals for backtracking on their election pro- miaes of government hoapjtallxauon and conaervatives for not civ log rnore financial support for building schools and more active measures 4o solve a giowlng shortage of tea ehers which bocomes more critical ttch year men wtao lead the old partlaa aro tt rrtasters of their own des tiny lie auiuj claliiitng tiust party luwls from large corporations banks and insurance companies iiake u completely impoasible fur uwrn to legislate without political pressure the cck he suid came iirto lieing as a party to represent the needs of the great mass of peo ple whuae needs are not being looked after and it is a party that fmarce itself from small donations irom menslwrs his nviurki on education cjuoted klatislics wluch he auld indicate w growing chaotic condition in this imimjrtant field latere arc at least bouoo nvorf children entering the schools each year and the yearly need for teachers is 3so0 while col leges aro turning out a maslmum ii 2300 so far the nee has been i iirt by tiavlng uitquallflod people serve us teachers in 1d52 fur in lance 437 were teaching after a brief summer couose and 61 7 on letters of cr mission itie gov ernment plan to lure 500 teachers from britain to cunadu this year is foolinh he claimed because ilrl- ijiii llaelf already lus a teacher bttortage and it is at best a tempor ary imaurc for ontario in 1u43 he said george drew luid prutnlsed to meet 50 per cent of all education costs with govern ment funds yrt today a high of 43 per cent has decreased to 34 per reikt and many municipalities ure shouldering impusslble burdens thia despite u ten billion provin cial iiirome which equals the income of all canada in 1im3 he added our income is so high the gov ernment doesnt know what to do wttli the money said mr macdon- uld yet they are doing nothing about hospital and school costs it desnt add up he juoterl from premier f yosts budget speech rippling the broad sur i ace of our economic proserity is a downward trend in agricultural incune pil the textile trade rnrmers he ktld do not con sider this a mere ripple nor do canadas half million uncmployetl many of uicm from the depressed textile and machinery factories it is disturbing he continued to see so much unemployment when we need more houses and more farm machinery to help underprivi leged part of the world and it is a tragedy that only during wars docs the country seem to run at pcuk employment people axe beginning to think that the dally loss of four million man hours through unemployment isnt necessary and that the right government can do something about it he said indicating that the ccf party would take positive action to deal with this if they were in power with mr macdonald on the speak ers platform were mrs marjorlc pinncy county president und stan allen halton candidate in the lnst federal election each of whom spoke briefly mayor jack armstrong ex tended a welcome to town to the visitors und j a mcclurc glen williams who wm a provincial member of parliament in saskatch ewan several years ago also spoke lunch was served after the meet ing clearing auction sale at the farm of alfred m bentley south half or lot 33 cone 2 1 mile north of dundas highway on halton and peel town unc 200 pm v friday april 30th 27 grade and purebred holstelna und jersey hay straw hlnmen milker 7 can portable gem miuc cooler manure utter carrier qood site pile of manure 600 lb delaval milk separator slolch wood pile etc h5ssb sale under cojircr kays farms limited manased by le franklin jewit shorte1mjno 28c s w i ft n i n g shorwsmo lb 34c allsweet margarine i 39c prem dalklatu oajuud sut tm 33e swifts meats f 2 45c pard dog or cat food 225c kxtka 8pkotxl 0eekh oust peas 2 35c tufs to 0lzah h0usz i swifts cleanser 227c javex 15c 25c 45c a j ax cleanser 2 29c vel k th spsrku 39c 77 c tn pauf 0livb soap rsfnlar bar with lss0s pko fab 39c laundry starch lt 235c glide isrv starch 24c sunlight soap 2 23c special pej0b johhsoitb floor wax 59c pre plastle apron with aach pseksf of super suds 37c t0ilst soaps palmolive 4 oakm 38c cashmere bouquet 2 tm 29c woodburys 2 oakaa 19c psurr spsoiaxb strawberries rr 25c pie peaches 2 21c special btokslvs pak0t cream style corist227c 100ztin ua fry s fru 43c to 3c special hohaboh margarine 27c mew color mix bao lb sss aylmer prtnehcanadian p e a s o u p 9c 2 27c new potatoes ih no i florida hxtra srkclal 5 ibs 25c spinach tomatoes celery oranges juccn victoria florida cello pkn florida 3bc 2 cello v pk iic 21c 2 for 23c 588 doz 35c for canning cuban pineapples size 12 each 27c 3 for 79c asiiuwove app auouonear easter pageant by sunday school a toeauuful easter service was held in the chucch on sunday morn ing daltodlli jbrlghtenod the front totueoudtha muilc from the lovely now organ thrilled everyone pres ent the choir aans up from the grave barbara cunninghams solo robe of calvary and mr wll- ltsms sermon on did christ really rise from tha dead were ail in keeping with easier visitors at this service were mrs oowland at georgetown and mr and mrahvan haibert- sndt baby heather mom shelgburne who were spending sun day with her pareiuamr and mrs frank barnes in the evening with visitors from hornby and bethel present sun- day school acholara presented a pa geant which took place in a flower shop in galilee ending with a church service little joy may of hornby aang sweetly in the gar- den service wia closed with an easter hymn mrs rrank wilson mrs george nurae mrs c b dick mrs leslie girren and mrs john belbioddy st- tended- the twenty nfth annuat meeungof halton preahyterial of the wms in trinity unhad cnnroby in burtlngton on thursday xv iflxwwmkttji