hydro sarch saves ywidomors la ontario hydros rteareh divaooa some 298 people of whom 80 am research ffngiimmwi maintsips constant study ofaleetrieal structural rfiaeaaical and cksniesl mfohlems as well as the tsatta and quality control of all itetsas used intbe cowwiatlons daybyday activities a dote liaison between the laboratories and all other hydro drvauons v results in high efficiency and magimum economy- isjeraubea ttatiiiias oauri urate tsa m etusasd e wnti hyeie ckaueua u0 uflws anew tanala sen it attendant at ttyorweelfiirs wednesday sverjng ifay w 154 itm wogfcwwm hekailb ragku miss label usryellxebetfa jor dan daughter o hit jordan and tha me dr joseph jordan toronto became the hride of mayor roger guyot in a quiet ceremony in hart hoose chapel toronto given in marriage by her mother the fcrlde wore a offeeeoloured tailored suit matching hat and ae- ceaaotiee and conatge ot red rosea her pnly attendant waa mr jos eph tomenson and the groom waa attended tu hla eon roger cuyot jr after a honeymoon in new york boston and vermont they will reside in toronto major guyot is wellknown loc ally having lived at glen williams for several years before moving to the dry ii u 1 ta cjs rarm news girls conference slated for oac one hursdrcd junior homenuotera frvm wll parts of the province will stage inference at the ontario agricultural college from june 21 to u owing u the limited arepm- irvodsitiot rach county la 1 smiled to two delfuates margaret llird of western entertainment and dance feeturiag earl scott and ttft blue valley boys ftfpfmtftg communky hal s tewarttown satjjrday may 29tk auliltii su c1uldkxn ufl how at fijo dancing at 10 pa see the ash grove club and marilyn cleave of the norval club are to be the two del em te from halton hultun jjiiuox jf ofnernakera will be represented by a team of two guls in the national ouv week programme nest november the young ladies who have been selec ted ere itulh aeatherstsjive and fe- len vivian of the nrlion club big yardsticks chevrolet gives you the beauty end distinction el hlher sedy styling yeu notice it intlonlly in chevrolets smooth graceful lewslung loek in the quality and workmanship el those colorful chevrolet interiors i chevrolet is the lewett priced canadian car thats possible because year after year chevrolet build mere cars than anyone else i and the savings mulling from volume production ere patted en to yeu i veu would especf to pay a let mere to match chevrolet features ne ether cor in ih price clots can approach chevrolet for itt wide choice of comfort lusury and performance features i theres new economy in this m chevrolet chevrolets improved valvelnhead engines squeeie extra power and euro mileage out ef every drop ef gasoline i chevrolet has always returned o loroer percentage of its price at resale than ether can in in no you can be sure ef a generous tradein allowance en a chevrolet year after year mere people have bought chevrolets than any other car what heller proof could there be that chevrolet is a belter buy for you tool check yovr cm cute accdemq e dancing stanley park erin every friday modern aires ill orchestra 111 upweixh ltd ifgoodricltl flts osttek oeergelewa silver donald lawson with oac judging team donald laawaon aon of mr and mra walter la w son stewarttown wus a member of the judging team of ontario a br i cultural college which compctea in livestock judg ing at mtchtguii state college rec ently this i the first time an oac tram has been invited to compete w ith the northern central croup of the jjig ten colleges which comprise michigan state ohio state puqduc university of illinois and the uni versity of wisconsin don was one of eight third year students selected to form the team which placed se cond in horses music scholarships for two georgetowncrs ceonfetown high school had two of the four scholarship winners chosen from entrants in halton mu sic festival eleanor schcnk and michael arm strong who were gold medal llsta in the soprano grid bass classes won scholarships other winner were heather ann liny ward ml hon and peter doldwin burlington legion notes r tomorrow evening thursday is the nlghi of the big chicken fry arrangements have been completed and the boys are hoping for a real crowd to help cat up all those cht- lten legs a lot of work has yen q this p it is honed that tho hail will dc packed therell be lots of entertainment and we think that everyone wlu really enjoy their evening remem ber we can handle 250 so everyone be sure and turn out wc made a slight error last week in the date of the legkm counsel lor coming it should have read thursday may 27th at 030 em o crack of the week one of our loading athletes asking the pro what waa- the i matter with ms gou game everything he gets told just shows never ask a leading questlonl with the branch being winners n zone crlbbage and darts it only remains to pick up the trophy tor lhegolf tournament this august to make it ajriean sweep hod acompulnt about this cor ner seems the dart toorh think they are not getting any space here so well leave it up to lyedgur mer and henry shepherd to live us anything unusual- that happens la thers by that we mean in playing t dart tyft and guelph streets one out of mir canadlani lsrn ployod today ta miasitaittjhnlfc