Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1954, p. 3

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i maimmmhau we have whttt yi need la lumber builders supplies oyhiiammlaialulia ieaglalaayiaaasaili praises saab door thaaaaaaaaaaaaabaaambbbbaaaaaaaaaaha smith srfem ettiioyccswcd xre smith stan employees war married on may mod at bl johni united church personage- bev john if smith ottclsted at the marriage of- shirley marie wealherall daughter of mrs john brown georgetown and the lata c r weatherall and ray david grant vofan ton of mr and mr ray vogan uolesworth ontario the bride wore a light blue ult white scceasoge and corsage of red rosea fer auter marion weather all was attendant wearing a pink suit white accessaries and corsage of sweet pea the groom bro ther uoyd vogan aloleaworth wai best man a reception followed at the brides home her mdlher receiv ed uarlng a figured nylon dree and a corsage of red rosea the grooms mother wore a mauve dress and rorssge pf yellow roses mx siut mr vogao are living to georgetown after a honeymoon in the states among those sttendlng the wedding were the- brides grandparents mr and mrs tyed weatherall shelhum and mr nellie gott ricshcrton and the groom s grandfather mr trtomaf grant molrswuroi n i now is the time to feed nitrogeahungry corn and pastures nmau 1 sssssss0 and aeroprills fertilixer grade ammo mum nitrate with 33 nitrogen u ideal aa a aat acting nitrogen aourcc eaay to handle low in ooati corn and past urea now coming into the m elage recnure twice the amount of nitrogen of other field crop lack of nitrogen in una rital payoft period can rob you of your tune and investment to date side dreaa your corn with aeroprflla when 12 to 18 high to get thoae extra bushel satisfy thoae nitrogenhungry roota in the home atretch results will a in axe you top drena your paflturea now with arroprillb to boost your hay crop or increaee your milk chfxrue easily applied arropnlla givea even distribution and at on mliing reeulta pasture are now at their peak of nitrogen requirement now la the time to feed a crop rills amnphm era at full wppjv your farm tvpply atoraw 7 taaa fssgrava cuba and seouu should cooper ate with tha ontario provtnrlal po- ur in ihetr ehrapalgn against traf fic accidents one of many wayt to help aaye lives perhaps your own js to learn the ten comraand- nrnts for cyclists 1 kfaep to the right and near the curb 2 uevliria traffic pass on the right overtaking trafllc pass on tha aft 3 turn rghj close to the curb to turn left approach intersection as closely as possuale to centre line ut highway indlcati left turn by rjslng lrft arm if no traflic la ap- pruuchlng from opposite direction make turn and proceed close to the curb 4 italia one arm when stopping or to indicate intention of turning 1 ilide straight dunt wobble a watch for stopsigns and traf fic officer a signal 7 give traffic coming from the right the right of way at inter sections k io not hang on to moving chicle 0 never cut in front of a mov ing vrhlrle 10 keep your feet on the pedals use a light at night tlu re have been many questions sakcl about the newest member of the 1st georgetown group which we would like to answer st tills time the hover crew conslsta of iht older member of the iloy stout movement which band to gether to keep scouting and the scouting spirit in their blood the uniform la similar to that of the hoy scout with s few additions and subtractions the training for itovcr scouts is divided into three stages i the probationary stage 11 the training stage 111 the service stjgc the rovers motto is ser vice to first himself and hla fa mily second to his church and country and third to hla crew the crew has made a canteen laur which you will see at the local auction sulcs this will bo one of the ways the hovers will rats funds you will read very ittur about the hovers but we will do our be it to lie prepared for our scr let to be good is noble but to itath others to be good is nobler tad much less trouble that la what mark twain says but i aro doubtful about the last phase since the leaching is largely through pcr- tonal example so you have to bo tareful ho trlng to success by lord baden powell the founder of scouting the hovers were on a weekend camp to crooked creek camp near markham brewsts aiansstr die satwenly manager or tha brewers retail store her tor tha past two years walden howard wally loudon 41 was burled in st johns norway cammsry on saturday fojlowtng a funeral service at the ingram fun eral home mr loudon died suddenly at hla hone in glen williams on wednes day the service uas conducted toy rev h w bracken native of toronto he had been employed with the brewers ware housing co since graduating from university of toronto schools for several years in toronto and for two yoars in chatham prior to mov- big to georgetown he w- dis trict accountant in chatham and tissumed tits managership liere af ter sam walker retirement he attend ad s irylbane anglican church glen williams surviving are bla wife the for mer kranoea clsyton and two dau ghters sandra and donas na in a series your hydro at work your hydro safeguards ontarios airlanes today tonight airplane wing their way apng tha airlanes of ontario guided surely on their course by beams of electrical waves a dependable supply of lowcoat electric power hasbeen a major factor in malting air transports tion inontario safe and economically aound electricity supplied by ontario hydro powers all major installations in the provinces airports it operates that transmitters that bring lastminute weather reports the radar anddirection finding equipment that enables the erewto see in tha dark7 arid the modern airport signal and guide lighting that has helped to reduce hazards to a minimum it is another example of ontario hydro at work fofe you and youis faforntttiotj to your hydro i ivvvisftmritfiii the georoetown wtmai1 wsdnaadsy evening juna lftm pace 3 rain mars lady golfers opening rain interfered with a full days program when lady jnembars 61 norhi balton golf country club held the first of a series of after noon tournaments last tuesday between skowers members play ed in pairs and afterwards a salad plata supper was served with brujfa following in the evening prizes were given far putting and mrs 6 w orr was first in bar group mrs kenneth lngium winning a cut for second prue la a threeway tie with mrs e w blnluey and mrs william monslly in the second group three had isya ken blow acton marilyn bell and isooel thompson grandson weds in toronto church an evening ceremony in fair- bank iresbyterlsn church on sssy atoth ssw ivy msrfaret ilowers daujhter of mr and jklrs sidney a liowcrs miilvern make her msirl- ae vowi to itoy alexsnder olrd on of mr bird snd the lste a illrd the groom la the grandson of mr snd mri alex lfume of town itev a j jsckaon officiat ed given in marriage toy her father the bride chose a bouffant gown of white net over taffeta with a slim long aleewd bodice featuring s softly draped round nucfcsunc ac cented witli pearl her fingertip circular veil wui caught to a wide luce band trimmed with lily of the vulley bhc carried a cve- csde of pink and white roses gowns of net over taltcts in atuidea of pdlr grven miuve and yellow were choaen by ue bride a atten dants jean ilsiwkr maid of lion- our mrs eileen bird mrs ella mi irs and marilyn ivcns flower girl they wore matching picture hsts and carried baskets of harmonizing novrrs jim hood niagara fulls n was best man dennis bow- rra donald bird brother of the groom were ushers bui eiy wai ring bearer receiving at ialrbsnk hall the bride a mother wore a pale blue lacv over ultctu gown wloi navy accessories airtlttcd by the groom s mother in a rose beige gown with navy accessories the couple left or a wedding trip to the united stat en the bride travelling in a nuvy ben gull no coat dress with white accessories institute sees movies floruu acton scenes movies taken by mr a mason acton which showed vlcwa around iila acton home and his winter home in st petcrsburgh florida were shown by mrs harold cleave at last week s meeting of george town women s institute members attended the meeting wednesday et the home of mrs herb cjcave durham street end answered roll call by naming a lower or vegetable starting with the first initial of their name mrs seward wilson gave a full report of the district annual held recently at campbcllvlue president mrs frank petch who attended a conference oi presidents in guelph gave details of what had transpired at that meeting quilt blocks were distributed by irs w g bell and members were asked to add to these and complete as many quilts as possible by the end of the year for shipment to korea clothing is also being ga thered for a korean shipment this week mrs v rawnon and mrs petch are in charge of arranging a my- tcry trip for members and mrs jack williamson and mrs s robin arc i ch o an exhibit for miorttalr the institute holiday at guelph oac was announced for juty 12 16 and several members of tho local w i are planning to attend from 24 up i neighbourhood i sewing machine i sales service i phone tr 72302 i tee harry smith i i 45 mala street north i i opposite municipal bldg i cut flowers arusue flsral amagaasaais 2 far all nnesilsai walter r1gg flonat s trianffle 73292 member of telegraph delivery 2 service tell it with flowers commodore grill olen williams niabnm a baselaltt les cream luht ijmchsa credit valley taxi csll mac tx 7zml farm news world jerseyists tour halton farmsl- the ueelc of july ibth will see the world jersey bureau meetlrux in annual session at the ontario agri cultural college the weeks pro gramme calls for the group spend ing the afternoon of july 22nd in halton when they will visit four of haltons outstanding jersey herds those of gerald r graham geor getown ken ella sons hornby feathersione bros oalcville and m c booty neaf milton the tour is scheduled to conclude with a plc- nlc supper at lindsle farm where the party will be guests of the halton jersey clio cm ba obtained bywrihn inlwhuy avuitt toronto the federal governments old ag security fund can hardly ba eelmupportlhg- daeplta taxes thtt were supposed to malt it soyfor la oetobcrridbs the oovftkmded to fland tha m0o0 y v where on earth will disaster strike next nobody knows thats why its ao import- ant to have adequate in surance against the possi bility that trouble will strike in jour direction youre insured good i but let us make sure that protection is adequate john r barber agency successors to klnur 0 asul 4 u gireet talms

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