v j call tr 72521 for excavating and grading ponds cellars etc top soil sand and gravel lanes haulage graham ftaaeh spealtn- spuioa cosvtuci sttrkm 3 dd last sunday at 6t johns united chureb was conference sunday and in accordance with the expressed wish of the conference chairman h session took charge of the ser vice in the absence of rev john m smith ur alan prouae led in the devotional exerclsea assisted by mr william klnrade in the read ing of the scripture lesson and prayer and itr graham faroeu conducted the sermon meditation period his subject the masters touch was the uieroe of the ser vice throughout with the scripture matt 14 22 to 33 telling the story of jesus walking on 4he sea end now when peter followed became trald and wm audtln jesus mmrutf tab wh i tretcbed forth his band and miatlv frtluf la 111 caught him the saying touch of mvm ubiwmji he master tlrvy- georgetown branch f w chapman manager i v cut food costs with a home freezer the chambers food club originators of the frozen food plan in ontario with to announce the appointment of harold skilling acton ontario 29 main street n phone 306j as our special representative for georgetown and district compare our food prices with what you are now paying i phone for our 4page food fist and see for yourself learn how monthly bulletins and our know how will help you freeze garden produce at home investigate before you invest we solicit enquiries through bureau banks etc or aak some of bur customers near you names supplied cham food club r toronto 13 1570 kingston road b5s phone oxrhss j- very oen la eripturv and hym- nwy u jeau referred to u he master the uuter taacfear the muter physician but particularly the plritual uaster on is your uuter even christ vjuter h u cood for us to be here good muter what ihsil i do- the master u come sod calleth for thee then there are the misters too in ali walks o life music art ail achievements reaching highest in perfection of knowledge aeeorop- juhment yet often hi the flnishinsj- touch o love and discernment and the toitjrh sujtf eets the hands what a muituude of varied uses are their and htw blessed their ac- hittvements dr i men keller born deuf dymb and blind yet through her handswas able to learn like otliera and become s greet blessing o mankind encouraging m many to overcome their handicaps how much was the encouragement de rived during die dark days of tiie war from die simple v aigo fur victory of the nngrra and how krteit th strrngth and faith to trust and persevere given ue by the ute kings chrjftmas mcaugr iul your hand in the band of god and itip out into the dark that iiall bt to you better than u light and mtvr than the known way then the hands of jesus put out to bless tite little children to touch lu rye of the blind and restore the joy of aighl to ileal the deaf and the lame to gtvc case fruin iaiii it nd comfort in any distress yeu even to cluinge the strong loum of thomas to perfect belief even by ut a look at ihetn huu ureal t the touch of the musters luillds the masters touch it was battered and scarred and uto auctioneer ttkouifht it seacely worth his while to waste much time on the old violin liul held it up with a smile what am i hid good folks he cried wholl start bidding for me a dollar a dollar now two only two 7 two dollars and wholl make it lhree7 three dollars once three dollars twice doing fur three jiut no hrom the room fur luck haired man came forward and picked up the ikw then wiping the dust from the old violin at id tightening up the atriums he played a melody pure and iwert as sweet as an angel sings the music ceased and the auction eer with a voice that was quiet and low said what am i bid for the old violin and he held it up with the bow a thousand dollars and wholl nukv 41 twti two thousand and wholl make it three three thnuiid once three thous and iwiir gng and hone said he people chieiil but some of them tried do not finite understand charged its worth the man replied the touch of the masters hand and many a man with life out of tune and battered ind torn with sin is auctioned cheap to the thought less crowd much like the old violin a mesa of pottage a glass of wine a game and he travels on hn ao wm a gulng iwll hes going and almost gone but the master comes and the fbollah crowd never can quifc understand the worth or a soul and the change thats wrought by the touch of the masters hand mr pro uses story to the boys and girls followed the theme it told of antonio clever with a knife in his hands fall to the love of music yet unable to sing his home too poor for a musical instrument he heard of a vlollnmaker and went to his home even in his rageu they tried to turn him way but be persisted that he wanted to make violins the m violinmaker heard him and called him in and heard his story what is your name antonio stradlvariue and i want 4b make violins the old maker taught him how and taught him patience he already had the love of music in his heart with these and the touch of hbx hands he be come as we know the master vio linmaker the choir sang tie radiant morn mr va stein prayer perfect the true wclf of btursery tales and folklore is nearly extinct in th united state once abundant over most of this country it has been pursued ruthlessly because stock raising is almost impossible where it exists in numbers a faw still persist in minnesota wisconsin michigan and oregon and they are killed there whenever reported great numbers however exist in certain parts of canada and alaska this dreaded packhunting crea ture has given way to two- close relatives that are less formidable nuisances tile wellknown coyote of the western plains snd the red wolf of the lower mississippi valley considerably closer to the true- wolf thfm the coyote is the red wojf a southern form which is little known outside its immediate habitat in the lower mississippi valley the true wolf once covered most of the northern hemisphere it lias vanished long since from most of western kurope where medieval times packs used to invade villages wednesday evening june tmfa page 0 and jlit w what for expert eye care ooatult ortrwalkebh oploettthist sulfite st north bremjooo jtowm abairj dtutf star phot 0e fi h tto btotara 0 tun io 8 bjn dally farjri baby ubtltra travtl far 8rmf olitms tlw life story of a iflbler uiat leaves home as an infant is heing unfolded by marine ciencr the khirida spiny lobster or nea cruy- fifih may travel many hundreh of nulea rum tie pluce it in spawned to the sr a bottom where it grows to maturity the discovery expands earlier juientlfic conrepta and knjwlrie of crustaceann u family that sup- tnsedly doe little kjan traveling until a member ia unlucky enough to walk into a lobster pot instead of staying home tiily npiny lobntrrs have been found finfling in the worm bright blue swath of the gmf stream off miami together with hundreli of other kinds fif microscopic sea life lumped under the general nume plankton the scientists bejjevc these lobnter- lings may have oorne from waters around tiie west indies far to the iwuth if this im m lobmerhni pawned in the miami area p rob it- ably travel far to the north before settling down erratic sua why doesnt the sun rise and set in the same direction all the year around the axis on which the kartl rotates every dny is not at right angles to the plane in which it revolves about the sun but tilted nhntjt 25 5 rltftrccl between march and september the northern hemis phere lenns towards the sun so we mt it far north in the sky it rises in the rortheim and sets ih the nnrtrm si around december how ever thr nnrthtrn hemisphere leans i way f rr m the sun which is then seen far to the south io it rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest at the equinoxes about march 21 and sept 23 the sun is direct y over the karths equator and neither north nor south so it rises due east and sets directly west lonely nfe oetiree lush 50 ts the only white man still lirnr fix for the hud- suns hiy co in the trackless mus- vvk nf the northwest territory often itish ii no one in the five months of thr trappirik sctsnn he lives in a thr e rcm fraie cabin on the liih rver pur nrreit ion iuvh reads fild miifiarmes and plays sh- lnre doesnt wicit himself he oik in a radio several years ao but the ltlleties went deaii ftr lack of ehnrcins he has a clock that dtiesnt work when the photogra pher visited lush the trapper had lost track of two days he has only one complaint about his life the nrcttcs getting too crowded may be i wont stay much longer mean while he goes about his lonely busi ness as ji trapper pittsburgh paints ernies radio f i offers for all occasions potted ptanti beddinf stock bubm artistic deaigni we wire flower rosedale floral 1 4 murdock sl tr 72952 building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill top soil tom haines glen williama triangle 73302 have your sso oil burner installed now i 5500 dovn i or 3 run lo par pajmfnu aa law i9m pr manth fkee tstimates wbilfsproule 4 euzabetii st e tiione 1117 brampton ursnlam alchemy there are two main centers in the united states where uranium ore is turned by modern alchemy into fissionable heavy atoms at oak ridge tenn natural uranium is converted into una and driven through porous baffles lo separate u235 the isotope used for the atom ic bomb at hanford wash huge nuclear reactors turn uraniuininto plutiinurn an unstable element which does not occur on earth natu rally gravel top soil fill cement building blocks general trucking ernie thompson sonree af zinc for 70 years the richest source of ilnc in the united slntea has been a 30mile crescent ot prairie country at the junction of missouri kansaa and oklahoma during world war ii this region provided about a third of the sine needed for ameri can shell canfs and other muni tions there are still about m mil lion tons of alnc ore remaining in the field the bureau of miner eatr- mstea although much of it is of a low grade old mary the jingle mother may i go out uswim la fourteenhundred year old and cornea from a jest book of the sixth century- a favorite ot children in the nurseries of medi- eval castles it continual tobe popu- lor among englishspeaking peoples -jar-every-man-ot- tie-present- tlme- wao knows the classic beowulf there ore at least fivehundred who know the jingle dont undereaiamato our elaaat fled paw when you have aomethln totall r sarah strfct km- triangle vj638