vliloakmuttf ri plumb ix avou think that bathroom or that klfchem sink 1 billgarbutt sarah street triangle 7- 1638 by 8u1uo venchiaeutn m told to doris uccubbln in chstelsdn uafaxlne i tun an architect nd deslfftlns jhouses is my bullae when nun come into my oact to mo bout punj for npw borne i and that in almotu every case i can solve hla problem simply and directly to everyones satisfaction up to a point that point is when plumbing new bathroom inthlud or r water syaueu ragwim of aj kiub ken charlie nash mcdowell s kinf street ernst tr 72s42 call tromatocksejt how women drive architects crazy at m suilio venehuxutue is known appreciatively among fellow canadian architects as an outspoken advocate of con temporary destffn he is wurmmld tier as high school boy when his family lived at sllvercreek after four years in the rcaf he attenaed the university o toronto school of architecture end set up in partnership with his cousin leo since then venchlaruttl and venctiurulu have been busily and successfully deejsnins modern homes and schotols shopftlns centres and factories he say well that plan looks fine to me now 111 take it home and show it to my wife at this moment my roubles b- fin vfomenere the biggest pro fessions i headicbe ths architect hs in fact id say futy that wo men are fc the greatest single lector holding up progress n architec tural design today s huh you are likely to reply its obvious that this man is one of those wlldeyed modern i tls who want to stick every canadian house wife in outlandish houses that look like pancakes chicken coops or bomb jahellers believe me madam 1 am no im practical idealist i am a business man my greatest desire is to pro vide you the canadian housewife with a bouse that will give you more living space convenience and comfort and at the tame time cut drastlcslly the number of hours you spend in keeping it polished dusted and washed i want to do all this for the same amount of money most couples spend on the avermge can adian home today why ld like that you say and 1 believe you would once you got rid of your oldfaswoned and fixed ideas of housing ideas that in most women are as unchangable as the pyramids before you throw some thing may i assure you that no body figures more importantly in this business of creating sod buy ing houses than you do because wo men spend more time living and working in them than anyone else women s needs in houses must be met and if i dldn t think so i wouldn t take up my time and youts explaining the architect s point of view and why your point of view and sn iarchllcct s differ i auspect li just this a woman li too buiy living in houses ever to stand back and look at the whole lubjcct of houses objectively bb an archi tect doe and anyayr men are by nature more objective than wo men for lnstancc the wives of men who ask me to design house for them come to mc with bundles of clipping from different magazines showing different rooms taken from different houses to begin with they want a shiny new modern kit chen full of electrical gadgets they vc been educated to expect that they also want an elegant georgia living room with an orn ate fireplace but the smallpaned windows must be changed they want picture windows there is no moss growing on these girls theyre modern they are very definite about the dining room theywant one and somehow i muit build in some kind of niche like the one they had in their old house or where else are they going to put their collection of china dogs and oh yes there has to be a lazy susan cup board in the kitchen theyve always wanted a lazy susan then as if the prospect of fitting this jigsaw puzzle together hadn t al ready driven ine to chewing blue print they sweetly add that they want the whole thing enclosed in a cute coy cotttge women are pot consistent they are always aaklng me to plan houes that arc actually hodgepodge col lections of oldfashioned ideas and personal prejudices and sentimen talities if i did plan such houses please dont askme to i would not be giving the cariadlan house- wife-the- dollar in space or design just why should women try to interfere in the design of their houses anyway designing houses is a specialists job you wouldnt think of trylnjr to advise your doc- insurance travel real estate walter t evans co triangle 72512 mill street serving your community for over 30 yeare gtfje memorial 3beal a monument built of enduring granite or marble symbolic in design and rev erent in purpose resting in surroundings of peace and beauty tribute of respect and honour to the dead a constant source of inspiration to the living we employ no agent yon pay no eesniwisalab bvy dlraet emrd er latter will bring ear serrle te year deer oakville monument works cemetery lettering monuments cleaned m celbsrae street west oakttlla tr 72521 for excavating and grading ponds cellars etc top soil sand and gravel lanes haulage have you 6ebn the nbw the loefca are tubular easy to lnatall youraelf and kolid bronze chromium or brass an inalde door set if wju x keylntheknob a bathroom door set tc15 outalde sat u9s front door set f um with back plate wim aolldbraiawlndowloekaetto k y fro rattling aa well aa making a strong lock at me each see you heading north mat weak or south aa ions aa it li a holiday tor so why try to advise your arc hitect a womari has every right to u down and discuss her actual requirements in housing how many rooms she needs whether she actu ally can afford to include apace for a littleused library den or dining room how much time shss wants to spend in keeping her bouse dean whether she intends to furnish it in pfriftrinr modem then lei the architect take over and dont try to hamper him by insisting on clinging to all your old borteand buggy uvlng habits furnlure that is cfcit of date can be an old habit women v al ways telling me i really like mod ern houses lut my furniture would look our of k place in that kind of setting if this woman nas au thentic period furniture she is completely right and she should live in a period house i disagree with many of today s interior decorators for 1 believe period furniture calls for s period house 1 dont believe in miming modern and period but most of the women who worry over thli problem dont have authentic period pieces they sim ply hsve old furniture what they dont stop to reauze is that the life expectancy of their furniture is only one sixth of the life expectancy of the house why saddle yourself with on oldfashioned house to har- monlie with furniture that will have to be replaced in five or ten yean besides being inconsistent my favorite word you are creating a constant demand on the market for old fashioned furniture thats just as inconvenient and impracti cal as old fashioned houses women s yen for period furniture and hou bt is one of the chief rea sons for the high cost of houilng today mortgsge companies insist that women want conventional houses and wont lend as much money on styles that are bolder in deilgn hows and rows of straw berry boxes keep springing up in the suburbs of every cansdlan city and thus women s oldfashioned tastes in housing are responsible for the creation of badly designed and inefficient houajng on a urge aculc of course tht entire blame can t be heaped on the woman although i suppose she the consumer de serves to gel what she asks for in houiing as in everything else llut i must admit she la presented with a bewildering selection of pseudo stylts to choose from there are the imitation tudor houses with gub it iind iciotxj windows there are georgian houses then there an georgian houses with flat roofi which ore termed modem twen ty years ago ui were in a pseudo bpanish period today uce deep in a period of imitation ranchstyle house a diet of gingerbread to be consistent in design cana dian houses shouldn t be modifica tions of any particular style mod ern canadian architecture stems mainly from two schools there is the european or international school and the frank lloyd wright school in the united states the european school takes the stand that we are living in a period of industrial mass production and wc must use machinemade materials in building houses if only for cost rea sons frank lloyd wright advo cates the organic approach and builds houses using materials that arc found in the vicinity and blend in with the landscape but prank lloyd wright s houses depend aa much on the skill of the artisan as did houses of the premachlne era today we need houses on a large scale and skilled artisans are a costly and fast vanishing breed tor this reason i believe the euro pean approach to building houses is the right one for us to take but women still insist on styles that keep house building a handi craft process they want elegant arches and even pillars that serve i no purpose women who dress themselves with simple exquisite taste want to live in outrageously overdressed houses with useless wifethe best vbh3crforhet-hous1ng- t abutters mantels door frames pan- workmanshp efficiency cling and leaded windows all these trimmings besides being anachron istic add to the cost of the house in the prcmschlne era when a wealthy man wanted a certain piece of handcarved furniture or hand- produced silver or a new house he ordered it to be made by local craftsmen who had spent their entire lives in learning their vari ous skills with the age of mass production and machines people still try to imitate these styles because to them they represent wealth ele gance and good taste but now instead ot skilled workmen tthey use machines the early results were the victorian monstrosities we abhor turrets towers scalloped eaves fanciful gingerbread all over the outside of the house the scroll saw and turning hrthe were trying to dp the artisans work most women still yearn for hou ses that require too much hand work done on them they dont realize that because tfiey live in a machine age they should be taking advantage of machinemade materials in build ing houses and furniture the house wednesday july 2mb 1054 toe geo eg etc ww hstwaufs pag 3 for expert eye care consult o t walker oinoaamrist 3 usin st north brssneton over abeus dnif store phnoe office 800 res sso hours 0 sun to 6 p m dally aenlng by spotntmant eaestrougwng plumbing heating don houstoi m 72506 8pe0lm oatastao ginger ale okas oft osamtdat or boot bbss 3lo btls botua dph sxtr for saladf or flaadwieliat swanscaa boaad chicken or turkfy 45c whole chicken 189 spxoial qlovxb xjuur yahot red sockeye salmon 36c grape juice 20c 39c frostade hj ot 5c chateau cheese -lb- 31c kipper snacks fish cakes chicken haddie oeaaart tim bruuwlck 1li tim 19c 27c 21c 8tuaet8 delicious oobonbt cookies- 33c crisp dainty appztiziho miracle whip sliced cheese velveeta cheese kraft dinner 2 xbatt v 1 rxo 49c 31c 32c 29c lushus 3 jblly powders pk08 answioh 01 xux0b ubat tin 45c to 45c prem meat babies 2 jewel shortening 28c swiftning shobtbknab 34e allsweet maboabdtb lb 39 swifts clcanser 2 27c drinking glasses robbbt obben in 0abt0n canada no i new potatoes 10 lbs 43c home qkown fresh corn 5 for 29c home orown head lettuce 2 for 15c home grown beet carrots 3 bunch 19c home grown celery stalks 2 for 17c new crop no 1 canadian dutches appless 3 board and exotic plywood vaneera ara two excellent examples ot mo dern machinemade materlala thai can be need and belong in today homes broadloom li another mac hinemade material but when it la carved or patterned it la an imita tion of artisanproduced rugs to put my theory to theteat i built a house for nty wife ceelle when ourtitlrclchlld which turn- ed but to be twin girls waa com- lnj we were living in a conven- clonal six-roomed- strawberry box ahould be fluid in design and- to in toronto it waa inconvenient outsarvanheaamoderndayrdui and tlmwwt catching trims should be elunlnat- we rarely used because we ate mc dryejrdays macy carving being of 6ur meala in the kitchen and ireplated by the natural texture m full- had to be polished every week and because of our two small children i relieved my wife of tw job i self strangely when i suggested to my wife- that i design and build her a larger house she waa apathe tic about it but i went ahead any way i bought a treed lot in port credit outalde toronto and aat down to plan a home thkl would at my wifes needs whan the blue prints were finished i brought them home i i must admit she wasnt corn stilly happy sttfnlt leavjhgih plans for hernewaoma utlrejyln iwy hanba but aha did approve of tfe usjs