gravel top soil fill cement building blocks general trucking ernie thompson gleawukams tr 73366 build hafiburton cburcb lit record two day a church which was built in tw- cord jlme la hallhwrton hu a dot assort arlnrt with georgetown for eeversl cottagers then are from town the church wblcnwill be used for suatner worship and community activities at the eagle lake collage development ni built upa record two day by the combined effort of the summer residents there prop erty and material wh donated by hauburtoa lake development co the rmrildlnj wu started on a frl- oay and uiat same sunday it was dedicated by rev johnt smith who though he now uvea in whitby u only a feu weeks removed from georgetown other local people who have cot tage t the take are the a m nlel- ia and the frank whiunae valuy viw cabins no 11 highway iv miles north of huntavtu pete and marlon hunter ark youn hosts rases batsvtlls hthi j e jfouck brampteti who was with the toronto milk distributor association for 15 vaesa left the organisation recently to art up a bustnees of hla own in the industrial relations held at s banquet given in his honour mr lloucfc received a cheque o laryilop chair s tel evision set and a desk set for tv service on all makes call ernies radio tr 72701 roxy theatre bldg bssaiaanaaaaakaaassssbasbarmassaaaasnaaaasaaaaasamaaarjbaasscaaaaai wednesday evening auf ii 1054 thk qpofttirrown herald vaoat s scenes ftiom hani christian andersen feetoe attraction at ihe georgetown iloxy next monday and tuesday the theatre has arranged s apeclsl mstlnee for children monday sfternoon to see this classic starring denny kaye plumbing new bathroom installed or remodelled water systems repairs of all kind 1 ken charlie nash mcdowell 5 kins street east tr 72842 efje memorial hjbeal a monument built of enduring granite or marble symbolic in design and rev erent in purpose resting in surroundings of peace and beauty a tribute of respect and honour to the dead a constant source of inspiration to the living we employ no agent yon pay bo eemsalaatea bay dlreet a card or letter will bring ear serrtee te year deer oakville monument works cemetery letteuna monumknts cleaned m celhsnte btrset woes oslrnis wwoinwwrvcf 6as comvitsion burner vtru m to ibe btsn of jomr ring trowblt in bttxrj lib lw com w yo only 36500 installed complete nlth stersie tsnke termh as vow as ms 00 down 1170 a week prepare now to enjoy clean safe aato matte sp gas heat thin wlntr if you need a nlw furnace dlacuu it with our rcprcscntathe all untli reodlly convertjble to natural gas i nor dime umffld matle ont slmcoe st phone maple 07 or toronto em 8483 our rrpresenuuve will call i wtl iogws famew atmrlcm cowboy- elittoiobksrhumorklllorof llase and scrsse one op a 41 series presented by f fl atttv7 bjtewirs ssjcf wu j important announcement due to our heavy volume buy ing we are able to announce marvelous new summer prices on u sues or home freezers add to this the huge saving we can ahow you on your present food requirements and you will agree that this is one opportunity you cant afford to ubs phone today for information harold skilling phone collect acton 306j repre chambers footlclub memberl ol better tninsi bureaus lokmgtlroaa toronto ox- 1188 m fa km nevvh wild carrot creates problem in the county jew drought or no drought wild car rot or queen annes lace contin ues to flourish in hakon too many hal ton fields are practically while with thib weed on the other hand here and there one finds a fiirm where the owner has it under con trol and not a specimen la in iitit on the township roods despite the eltort bung made by the respec tive township road superintendents wild carrot is the problem weed according to weed authorities wild cur rot is fctated to be susctvt- lble to 2 4d and easily controlled in fui thry would have us believe that llaltun is the only county whtri any difficulty is being met m lonlrouintf this weed lie tjuit us it may we do know that in t-s- tiuikiiiii township they got viry satisfactory control of wild carrot in 1151 which was the first year their township roads were sprayed th ir control n 1d3j was not so good we would say nil in 1033 and we question if it is any better in 1054 this is no criticism of their ciloru because we have every rea son to believe they have consistent ly done a good job of spraylnff this year in the hope of setting to the bottom of the trouble the halton croj improvement associa tion laid down some plots on the third line of esqucsing six plots each roughly 200 feot long were sprayed on may 31st 2 4d both of the ester and amine types were utilized at different strengths and volumes frankly on only one of the plou did wc get control and that was where we utilized what would be colled a brush spray consisting of 1 pound 2 4d add plus l pound of 23t per acre we know of a lane on one of our traf algar farms which has been sprayed annually and this year has had three sprays with no control on the other hand on the farm of ro- bcrt llurren and son near cnmp- bollvlue a rough peeture lot wag sprayed for the first time in june of this year with at least a 00 per cent kill of wild carrot as a result of the problem being encountered in irolton with control of wild carrot with 2 4d the tbotany department at the ontario agricultural college laid down a number of plots in early july on iho farm of medfoxth pcwtrott in sofar as one can determine at the moment the results do not appear very promising we are badly puzzled but rest assured the halton soil and crop improvement assoc iation is endeavoring co get tqtie root of the trouble certainly there ii considerotble evidence to show that the first time an area is spray ed 2 4d gives very good control of wild carrot tout the following year similar treatment on the same aroa fails to give corresponding re- sulrts this would otppear to indi cate that we in halton may have a resistant species of wild carrot from the standpoint of 2 4d how ever fthey soy every cloud has q silver lining so heres hoping we cor get to the root of the trouble in the near future eavestrougmng plumbing heating i don houston mita attatfiiki bfsoul wwjek wzthsto xaspbxby jam 40 jas 37c ginger ale u 25e grand union coffee v2 127 romar instant coffee 69c sliced cheese 29c kraft plain pimento or swiss btyla ilb pxo cheez whiz 35c 59c swanky swigs 26e philadelphia cheese 39c sandwich spread s 31c 51c gpboiai tratt miracle whip euladdrimiho 16ozjae 47c instant pudding royal 2 px0s 23c txbino talus i prem ttoz tih 39c heinz vinegar c 66c mustard 2 jars 25c heinz ketchup nor btl 27c special pbp dog food 3 1boz jo tins ov gum drops butterscotch or 0rof lb pork 2 clarks akd 1b0z tins beans 27c rnxe yiib tin jttfy oheeslsu drink tth jiffy w3 iw 55c oranges 33c california valencia sirs 28s dox grapes peaches corn cabbage celery 2 lb 29c california malaga nmlve s quart basket tc sweet tender d homegrown nrtnlteen 2isc iros 2c business courses fall term opening date for day and night classes september 7a- 1954 forcompiete information on secretarial stenographic- cleritype accounting courses or individual subjects phone brampton 11 86 or write ior free catalogue to v byctmpton business college 21mslinst s brampton rchrtiai