Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 18, 1954, p. 4

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tkt hroywmguuuawdqefay evwin aug nrrioa where buyer and seller meet for sale fifty bundles of gyproo lath tr 73m0 several long tube milker tor tale surge milker tales and sarv- lee cleaner and sanltlsera hor ace tomllnson 0 first line west brampton phone l72 tf sewing machines kacchl sales and service repair to all make at ernies radio roxy theatre bids tr 72701 tf tukkevs available at all times come to the farm and pic out your bird or phone tr 7 2314 wulltta turkey form nalllnatad tf dining room suite 0 piece amall aixe reasonably priced and in good condition uudgy cave and stand til 72533 hearing aid batteries sre avail able at ernies radio iloxy tlieatre building tit 7 2701 tf three lawn chairs 3 so each single ahot 22 rifle td 00 new simonds crosscut saw o 00 quan tlty preserving jars ac each brand new girl a majestic bicycle 20- inch frame reasonably priced til 78773 818 stove wood 4 single cord and si 2 cord one young horse good single or double rabbits notre dame larrn th 7 2364 8 itf sam i and hiamls etc reason able prices qukk delivery twins woodworking llmehouse tit 7- 2182 8 301f 21 acuks or olfulfu hny and 15 acres of timothy hay for salt in the field ulfco 40 acrts of pasturi for rent a v uaron terra cotta hionc sundays victoria 18 r 4 pfrsosal skrvn mfv womfn ojln 5 10 15 lbs new ixp too try ijm oua ostrcx tonic tubhts for double results mw hcjlthy flesh new vl gor new get acquaint d ila onl 80c all druggists see t1iim try tiiim them yoij know why so many proud owners bay at bawera al used cars 53 plymouth hardtop 52 plymouth 50 plymouth 4s dodge 52 pontiac 48 chevrolet 53 hillman 180 specials 30 ford 38 oldsmobile 40 ford 33 dodge sedan trucks 50 mercury panel 49 ford 1ton 47 fargo 2ton 47 fargo panel 52 fargo half ton pick up 47 studebaker half ton pickup 51 international ton ray bowers motor sale ltd guelph street tr 72481 1030 model a ford good eondl- llo tr 73884 ladvs golf clubs matched sat tr 72731 roasttno chickens 30c s lb bob davis norval tr 73726 two small continental beds practically new will sell cheap tr 72870 s tt 1082 meteor 2door one owner low mileage ww trad harley motors tr 72s9i v 0jovs bicycle fair condition davld jonca 20 maple ave th 7 34j3 hydro lolks for sale u de- witt r ii i glen williams tr 7 3148 8 25 gibson refrigerator inglls stove and automatic washer si new tr 7 2731 singli waiidbiobe wooden sleechwood kitchen csblnet dennis brown 11 parkview lllvd tr 7 2230 afternoona or evenings bicycles and parts model a lord in good condition reasonsble lome johnson it it 2 acton phono acton 41 j 12 evenings slaughtering choice dry feed steer will sell half or quarter write or phone erin 77 r 32 tho mas cook sal or oil paintings ou7 buust in terra ccttu is for sale und all oil l ulnthigs in slot k will tx sold ut reduced tlrlces as low as 50 jirr cnt ot their value if you have bttn thinking of buying an oil ilnlliu now is your chance jjrdanus vun dir vlltit ttrra cot la pltus cill ufu r h pm iul i its 4 to i louths old bred 1 lay at grtially r 1 iced uncus canadian approved both havy uid light breeds uvullablc urlu or photic for prices thompsons poultrv urm and hatcllrry georgetown th 72121 0 8 awning venetian blind write box 7iz brampton brampton awning co 343r33 phone 339w23 building for wrecking tho old buck slaughterhouse behind the arena approx 80x100 by 30 jeet high for sale by tender tenders should be received by r ltcala georgetown tr 7 3308 by august 21st 818 heal atswaw see j k ho 84 church s and wai ymills georgetown tr 72043 representing j st sham toronto broker 029 j a wibouguoy- sous realtor if you are thinking ot buying or selling fajucs homes small holdings evctythlat ragartutur real aetata contact tomhewson tr 7j42j walter hdler norval brampton sos r 4 collecr real estate and insurance fir automobile ufa you call on us wall call on you wm r cromar tr 73183 william j sansford urv aaiatac price at m all taeasat tn jo adud o tlqpjtry nujaaw alive a wajiiast it son hujjon- v m vulajtry killing ltd custom worts- dot pbonsl- brampton 343 r 14 if two dairy farm no 7 illibusr near acton 60 acres with excel ent buildings builders contractor or farmers no i and no 2 hemlock spruce pine lumber roach or droved delivered on the job by truck write for price 28000 oa flfla good butldlnffi on 3ufuuur 200 ocre property jloth farm are well oquijp4 and can be purchaocd eparately or with lock and implements for action in buying or h fixing iiouki furnn small holdlniii or unythlntf pertiilnlng tu rtul eitute phonk tr 725m bill booth rcpreoentlns william j sansford kealtok bham1ton cloverdale heights offer gracious living at a price you can afford in the beautiful new cleave sub division 69 nha bungalows 1682 deadstock service 5 0p each for daad or disabled horses or cow old horses lo lb for prompt service phone collect kreelton 22r29 or hannon issrj 8teve peconi tf tenders wanted for bonds tenders plainly marked as to contents wtll be received by tho ustderslgnad up to five o clock id th afternoon of friday sepymber 3rd l54ior tha ourchase of thirty thousand twenty year 4y ser ial debentures of tha township of eaquesing maturing in tha years ids to 1074 the last installment only being callable the highest or any tender not necesaal lly accepted k c linpsay clark treasurer kanueslng tvp llox 140 georgetown county of halton tenders for coal scaled tenders oddreoted to mr wm drana county clertt milton out and rnorked tender for coal waft be recrived up to 5 o clock p m on thursday auffutt 26th 1954 for the atupplytng of approximately 170 ton of southern domestic stoker coal to the county ilulldiitfs kurtjer informatjon may be had from the county iinfintr milton ontario i hi lowt at ttndtr pt nthtssjrlly jk tt tt d roy f smith county lnginlut accommodation wanted ulionsimi t coull i ultt one dull wlsii to rtul j or 4 room un furnl4tuil ipartnm nt hy si pi 1st lnqulre llos bh ifenld his ouc ul lxrd in prl ii room i 71 hirll only down good used cars clapperton lumber co ibm plymouth sedan 1033 meteor coach 1032 chevrolet sedan 1032 ford coach 1051 chevrolet coach 1091 dodge coach 1031 pontiac sedan 1031 morris coach 1031 desoto sedsn 1040 dodge sedan 1040 hillman sedan 1047 plymouth sedan 1040 chevrolet aedan 1040 dodoe coupe 1040 chevrolet pickup 1040 international ptckup 1048 ford pickup hewson motors no 7 highway adjoining lincoln motors tb 1tilt modern plumbing complete forced air heating iytem for a five room feouaa iort lorino ont 015 seal estate half ache of land for sale with bateiqent 6 rooms ffod gar- den jand eleanor gardiner 70 mountainvlo rd georgetown 818 frame house in geor- bctown six rooms all conveniences well situated with nice view reasonable down pay ment 6800 wm r cromar realtor tr 73163 52500- and ihmsorl nuubno sowias save 1 f tlawnvais onf trnqnx s51j jtmommi and friday even- sssbsuldsor ity v visit our the ge0rget0wner of real estate offers 1500 cash 157h pull jp rice tiwobedroom bungalow oh heated with open fireplace cant be dup licated carrie like low rent 3000 cash wjoo full price- fiveroom cape cod central loca tion qpen fireplace extras 4 mortgage carrie like rent for new homes of course eall me the oeoroetowneil of bkat kbtate i dom shankland a ishra rkm home rtmi nt wrili at to help wanted career opportunity for young lady featuring solid rug brick construction three bedroom forced air oil heat 4 piece ceramic tile bath sji rnortgage 57 50 monthly intereat and principal choice of 5 popular floor plana total price only up we will be tflad to discuss dealing you present home on one of these fine new dwel lings r w butt ltd rel estate broker bargains see our halfprice window every article shown j reduced 50 mcgowans specialty shop main street whr your dollar goes further telephone m ie und mil llos lll rtrixytr wjnts u rent huun or detriment in or nur coriretofc n by sept 1st r j mcgrjth co cnu ilrnrnplon 8 ii georgetown port credit exclusive agent sales office on site turn onto ceoxge st at the cenotaph wanted wanted good used heater tr 72338 egos and cpultry wanted if your hpoultry it not for sale let us pick and clean it far you hal- ton poultry products govt appro ved plant milton phone 1 tf dead stock removed from your farm promptly r sanitary dispos al telephone- collect george town to 72t or toronto em-j- mm gordo youno dtp 1831 deait stock 5m mvx dollars for dead or dis abled horse ant cow highest prl- iftire jtorsvcu beul i to builc that new home or repair the old one- j call a sykes builder and contractor tr 73502 georgetown po box 401 f free free free free free free next monday tuesday wednesday august 23 24 25 a big family box of fresh hot super puff popcorn lo every driver attending tonight only just across the street terror street services rosrnov open for sales clerk in drugstore must be interested in selling cosmetics unlimited opporturilty for advance ment if required interest taken for st 1 f- improvement some typing an asset but not essential apply in writing to herald box 74 for rent room and hoard available 37 king street or phone tr 73s10 two rooms for rent suit quiet working persons 33 queen street blbtl flvt room house for rent in glen williams oil heated hot and cold water bathroom tr 72484 twojuugmtwajlmrooms fur nished completely for light house keeping suit young couple or tvo girls tr 73s10 three rooms for rent main street south one child welcome 1s weekly write po box 88 georgetpwn 82s apartment for rent 3 room selfcontained stove and refriger ator supplied adult only avail able sept lit tr 733s1 pubuc address system for rent leo electric mill street tr 72001 tf dressmaking curtains drapes mending and alterations til 73227 washing machine repairs at trnlc s radio rosy theatre dldg tr 7 2701 h brick work block work and masonry repairs call al mlntz tr 73156 21 waler st apt 5 714u wells dug tile supplied if you wish tr 72003 evenings 3 to 6 30 p m 72itf lawn mowers sharpened steel railings built rads rccared geor getown welding it radiator repair 4 young st tr 72031 510tf carpentry work kitchen and bathroom renovating new houses or small jobs we sell floor tile and are experienced in laying it frank brown llmehouse tr 72306 if decorating to express indivi duality artistic interior exterior crafltamcn in the trade c a grant r r 3 georetown th 73781 tr resurface your own floors new dustlcs electric sanding machines edgcrs floor polishers for rent ted bludd painting and decorat ing tr 73681 tt hoofing asphalt shingling new roofs and repairs jim mudie tr 73301 days or tr 72822 after 8 pm tf upholstered furniture rec overed and repaired quality work manship t ii brlggs ii r 2 tr 7 1137 on vacation home sept 7 08 si commercial a domestic lirilolsterivo kitchener our furniture can be handsome a new again add looks and comfort with skillel restyling low cost one week service for information call joes tuck shop tr 73301 81 itf don herrington tonecraft faints wallpaper suprtjks floor sanders for rent expert decorating 24 main 9l n tr 73832 tv antenna installations channels added repairs moving cec greenslade phone brampton 1287w reverse charges tt general haulage sand fill gravel gord fricker tr 72013 electric floor polisher for rent jy the dsy st ernies rsdlo roxy theatre bldg tk 73701 accommodation available room and board svallable for gentleman mrs george barnes 47 john street- 81 lost or found 7 j 1 lost jjlaek and weut eat answers bookkeeping and account wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk and commissioner tr 72003 leos electric service for commercial and domestic wiring big jobs amall job we do them all mill street tr 73245 please phone mornings between 7 30 and 8 am tf kitchener upholstery you can have your hesterfleld suite upholstered and completely rebuilt as low as 00 we are also experts in reflrdshlng and rug cleaning and repairing one week service for appointment call mo specialty shop tr 73241 electrolux- sale jk service eleotrolux canada ltd c fenner brampton 8sw asgrove welding if at your jlce duoujloyiguarant w 4ueebttui4l favbrlcaunm j new ha1rdwood floors supplied laid sanded and finished reasonable rate free estimates phqne 2381 brampton bldtf alfred j bishop j cartlhed pablla aeoswtasst main st clesutfetottq th 7js51 office hoursk 0 am to 8 run n monttiyg to frlas isk wtr t

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