Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1954, p. 9

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eavestroucwng plumbing heating don houston tr 72506 mountain climbing it not a port or any amateur but itopovan for tighttaalng in tha mountain ragioni or an enjoyable fatur of but travel california packag tour 13 day 13946 horn toronto return am slohhaalng ond hotel roo double q nighh aik yaw agent fer tfatalu o tnla or ether poka tour low round trir paris isobiact i chonoa seult ste marie 2925 st louia 2900 vancouver 8975 tlckete and information corner cupboard tktsu1 hightales published by students of georgetown high school usvwtes intrpr6viiicils volume 3 no t wednesday evening oct 30th 10m georgetown ontario scotts sandra and jerry shjftt ru day champs jewry geu no casualties none lost t sore limb and one display of rfebons these are a sura atari of another field day under the cartful plan ning and supervision of mr prouse and miss parkinson along with the remainder of the staff and the help of good old weather man who threatened all day g hsi an nual fall field day wa held wad neaday october 6 the results and points are compiled and here are the respective field champions fur the girls junior myrna wilson points 25 intermediate ueanne darou 26 senior sandra seott 35 boys junior barry jeffrey z5 intermediate francis llulme 37 senior gerald scott 20 kvcnts and results are as fol lows glru traek and flebj eveata juruor division m year and un der as of sept lit 30 yard dash myrna wilson 8 free jean englfsjy barbara may allen 75 yard dath myrna wilson 10 8 arc jean kngleby mart fmrncrson standing broad jump myrna wilson 6 bi ann humphreys virginia walker itumung broad jump myrna wilson 12 7 arlene hill jean engloby itunnlng high jump charlrne day 3 ii jane henderson ann fiddler softball throw lorn kllngbell 124 charlenc day marlon st odd art basketball throw lorna kjlng- bcll 57 ann humphreys char- lene day junior champion myrna wil son runnerup lorna kilngbell intermediate division 13 bih 16 as of september 1st jo yard dash leanne darou diane lfarrlaon sandra bradley 73 yard dash leanne darou diane harrison sandra bradley standing broad jump leanne darou diane harrison evelyn harris running broad jump diane harrison leanne darou betty ann henderson running high jump betty ann henderaon sandra bradley dlano lfarrlaon softball throw pierrette pru- ncau 130 sandra bradley betty grieg basketball throw sandra brad ley pierrette pruncau evelyn harris intermediate champion leanne darou runnerup diana harrison senior division 17 years and older as of s 1st 30 yard dash sandra scott 82 sec dorothy williams betty ann henderaon 73 yard dash sandra scott 101 sec dorothy williams betty ann henderson standing broad jump sandra scott 0 11 j dorothy williams pat carney llunnlng high jump sandra sue crtbbnee heuk clseeruading squad this years mgh steppers for georgetown high school were chosen from second third fourth and commercial special namely sue crstbtree who is the leader marilyn souther myrna wilson leanne darou pa carney mama mackenzie and dlann harrison we hope these girls are as capable as our last years ctteerleadjera watching them go into action at noon hours in the little time they have to get ready for the football games i think they make a good team m a few years ago the gkc gave the high school some skating cos tumes left over from one of the carnivals these consisted of grey pleated satin skirts and red bo t ton jackets these proved to be very pleasing to the eye but slightly cmlly on w i windy football field lait year the girls traded their grey skirts for heavier blue skirts pur chased by themselves and suffered through another season with the cotton jacket this year at last the red jackets are feeing replaced with red woollen sweaters and this year the girls will be cozy and comfortable for plain and rock face fc concrete blocks also chimney blocks its oriole concrete block co w j mcoowan 9th line glen william triangl 73471 outoftown callers please reverse charge grade 9 events bob hill this being our first column you can excuse me for being a llule rusty 1 was asked at the first prcj conference to give a report on the comments of ghs from first year students i went front person to jicrson and interviewed about a half dozen first formers and this is the way some of them went a grade nine boys says the school its great and the teachers well eyrc all right loo 1 then walked up to an attractive blonde and asked her what she though of high school she replied there is a great difference between public and high school especially when we left chapel street school and walk into the new lng of ghs thinking my job to be a tough one 1 journeyed on with my chin up in the hall a couple of days later i bumped into a second year grade nine student and this was his compliment to the high school well when youre like me and ya take the same old stuff over and over again ya just cant say too much as iar as a comment goes only three comments are repor ted here but on the whole most grade nine students seem to like this high school in spite or lines and occasional hard labour scott 4 2 pat carney dorothy williams softball throw sandra scott 142 gall wheeler pa carney basketball throw pat carney 30 claire bradley gall wheeler catcliball no age division evelyn harris and marlenc dixon betty grlcg and sandra scott bar bara alcott and dorothy scott senior champion sandra scott runnerup dorothy will lama boys track and field events junior division 14 years and un der as of sept 1st running broad jump doug richardson robert kidd barry jeffrey high jump barry jeffrey doug richardson jack mcgowan pole vault doug richardson wabc bakker barry jeffrey shot put john ottaway scan warcing robert kidd 100- yd dashbarry jeffrey rod ney hyde ron mclean 220 yd dash barry jeffrey doug richardson rodney hyde junior champion barry jeffrey runnerup doug richardson school how has own pjl system da flsaoser the last meeting of the student council asm the purchase of a mic rophone for the projector giving ghs its own p-a- system it is ho ped that the system can be used fdr jnost of gjfss important events also at the meeting the oncom ing school party wa discussed and planned and a new tentative date oi november 3th lias beon set as tie earliest possible one this due to outside activities on the other dates previously considered tile officers of the student coun cil ttuve now been conipteted and arc as follows i resident don bou- ther treasurer dorothy williams secretary bill hardman council lors joan cummins and bill darby da june henderson and ken beam ub helen muckart and larxy jrftcry 10 merua macken zie and bob crawford ha claire bradley and maoris llulme ub hetty grelg and bill hardman 12 gail wheeler and don souther 13 commercial special dorothy wil liams and don seddon the bank changeover lias been made and the financial situation re ceived one of the moat important kubjecta agreed upon was the bell ing of lied feather football tickets for friday eveulng november 22 at the grandstand in the exhibition park the general admission tick ets are 25c each aivd a limited num ber of reserved at 30c each for that night if the ttckot sales warrant it which and we fully expect this to be tsr case one bus or more will be chartered for the trfc we hope that all who possibly can will buy ticket as it is one of the highlights of the school year call tr 7371 tr 72674 for your construction needs concrete work footings cellar floors sidewalks block work brick laying carpentry homes garages kitchens bathrooms remodeling modernizing menaily conduction station fkntrmhm whats my beef mac beth this week i have two beefs which seein to be bothering the majority of the itudent the main problem is that in the new wing of ghs the roof leaks when it rains and a small bucket catches the drops one by one its not the bucket that bothers us its this i are we wrong in being surprised to find a leaking roof in a new and costly building anolser tender spot is the sound proof screen which divides our large doublt room this screen docs not completely stop the sound by any means all it does is make the sound hollow only if both teachers keep their voice very low and claras makes absolutely no noise whatsoever could the screen be suc cessful but it is difficult for a teacher to keep his voice down at all times and still command the complete attention of forty pupils one or two whom may not have perfect hearing when only a few fed away another class is in ses sion ifowcver the difficulty seems tn be very slowly righting itself and may tn time become almost nonexistent this weeks praise goes to mr lambert for his work in arranging the timetable this was a large task considering the fact that there are 0 classes which are constantly on the move never before has it been necessary for classes and tea chers to move from room to room as often as thlj year the person who arranged the timetable so as to avoid as much confusion as pos sible had a large task we feel that mr lambert has done an excellent job on this and marvel that he has still retained his sanity i wumii uiejr ne a foufrv ents is to vljgs other province i earns daren for about 10 years a system of visits between jreriobomadians la qutsbec end ontario high school students has been carried cm by a commission with headquarters in toronto end montreal to help the english students apeak french and become acquainted wltfi the habits and customs of our french neigh bours and to allow the french to benefit in the same way by visits to ontario a few members of gjis have participated in this activity the visit may b carried out in one of four ways one usual way is that of two individual students one frpm quebec and one from ontario exchanging visits and paying their own transportation charges an other form of intervisitlng is for one student to go to the other pro vince and work perhaps in a home looking after children the third popular visit takes place at raster when a 0jtmg of ontario student go on a supervised lour to qunbec visiting interesting and educational spots and staying in hotels they are in quebec for tlie sugarlngoft parties at which they have a wonderful tiim method used by students in u hutive in the other provlrtce and pay board no matter what the form of the vtslu they are all arranged by le visltea inlcspro- vlitclale efficiently and carefully the committee is very pajcular about uw place whtre t send each person we at g ji s had the honour of lu arlng madame salnteslllllaire talk to us about be visiles she is working with the vlsltes and she told us of her work and how she came to be doing this she told us that sine ontario and que bec are sister provinces we should strive for a closer relstlonahlp be tween the peuple there is no bet ter place to start than with the young people when a student wishes to make such a visit he first obtains an ap plication form this is filled in and sent to either the toronto or montreal headquarters- here the student is closely matched with another student of the same age and interest the address of the person chosen is sent to the ap plicant then the two people con cerned make their own arrange ments for their visits les vlsltes interprovlncialcs is supported only by donations and will probably carry on this worth while endeavour for years to come if it is supported faithfully by us the patrons thb oeostonpwk ttkftald wednesday october 20th ibm fage t thank you fred mr armstrong detig wrigvleawerti by the time this retches the press our high school board will have oppolnted a new building superin tendent to reploc mr armstrong and so a word of thanks to you fred for the past year you have pat iently and faithsully swept dusted scrubbed and polished in your de termination to have the school ln spotless order for the next day at nine oclock in spile of our thought lessness sometimes in leaving un tidy desks and floors bohind us at four oclock we shall miaj your genial smile aud kindly disposition about the school and we want- you to know that mr very best wrahes go with you lu your work bust of luck to vou mixed choir again manned this year hu creblree welcome one and all to our sec ond edition with so many other activities going on we havent rea ched ttie full swing jf the choir yet so tltere is not much news ttie boys have joined our 1 title gatherings now so if you happen to pai by on a friday or monday af- u rnuou during one of our sessions dont be ajarmed if you hear some bellowing bass voices its just the buys it is nice though to have them in the choir once again even if they have acq uf red the bad habit of singing meekly and mildly while learning a song meanwhile letting tte girls take the- blame for drown ing the boys out and then once they think they have mastered the piece they sing so loud you cant hear the girls of course we get blamed for thi too some day we may surprise everyone though ln- cl ud log ourselves and get together on the song from the sound of things i dont believe our choir will be progres sing very much for awhile this due to the result of thanksgiving week end 1 dont think there were many prtiplc who walked into the school without an aliment of some sort after the weekend most of them being colds so it doesnt look very promising for the choir well thats all there is for this time in the line of news so long until next edition intermediate boys 15 and 16 as of sept 1st running broad jump kcapcls hulme don puckering tom dob- ble high jump francis hulme danny martin tom dobolc pole vault peter pomcroy al lan beeney percy mossop shot rhjl william darby bo- bcrt crawford allen devereaux 100 yard dath francis hulme john llulme w richardson 320 yd dash francis hulme john hulme don puckering intermediate champion francis hulme runnerup john hulme senior boys running broad jump gerald scott dave hart jock handy high jump ken richardson gerald scott robert tracey pole vault ken richardson don anderson roes hlllter shot put duve hart richard slenko gerald scott 100 yrd dash gerald- scott robert tracey sandy uoclcenxle 220 yard dash gerald scott sandy mackenzie robert carey 440 yard dash open francis hulme tom dobble john hulme 880 yard daahhopen francis hulme sandy- mackenzie tom dobble t gravel top soil fill cement building blocks general trucking ernie cadet report bill llardaaaa there seem to be two main questions floating around the armouries these days 1 when do we get our uni forms 2 who can spear the little men in the pictures on the can teen walls with darts that seem to have lost their dartboard the pictures do just as well the cadets have been given a new room in which they store their equipment after graduating from the hole in the wall under room 3 mr prousc m get lost in the new room after having carefully packed at his finger tips mr prouse in tends lo act tlie room up like a regular quartermaster stores with a place for everything and every thing not in iu place the uniforms will be issued as soon as the con fusion settles sergeant teeter is working nights this week so cannot be present to train the seniors but cadet captain seddon is taking charge until he can get back the seniors are busy preparing short compact lectures that they are teaching each other ond on which ihey arttdelng heav ily critic lied some very good lec tures arcs coming out of these per iods cadet lieutenant timleck is still busy giving lectures on the rifle w and trying to impress safety pre- cautions whllahaiwlung fire arms only four lectures to go and then 1st forma try ihelr skill on the range the cadet corps will soon start training for the remembrance day parade on november 11th remember look sharp be sharp stay shanj flowers for all occasions potted punta boddbig stock bulta artistic deaigna we wire flower rosedale floral 14 murdock st tr 72952 asphalt paving dbjvrwats fauona lots ad okasino fhaaa braaata ltv for frae ettlmatea almas hard drives oakviixk glen wmwrnjtr 7336 have your ssso oil bjjrhet installed new i 5500 4on l t i year la ar rajrmenu ai law ai wm tots kitouyks wbillsproule 4 elisabeth b k ruoni isvt brampton

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