Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 3, 1954, p. 13

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jyufstekfraiby hardinv pianist teacher btaaua haaa m swslk tb tsjos mike harding pianist e teach uaeu mala at heath tit 77s blfgoodfieh footwear la oaargetawm kxalaalnlj a silvers hydro conversion news at last we can offer georgetown and district resi dents a tremendous selection of freezers we handle all the popular models on the market today but have been limited lo a few which operated on 23- cyclc f take advantage of this op portunity to save money and enjoy the beat of foods by living the modern way enquire now about the sjcharribers food club you arc under no obligation when you call harold skuxing 306j acton representing chambers food club 1570 kingston rrl v toronto ox 1188 higrl tales pubushedby students of georgetown high school latiretjutinf mr nicholas homan dwi whcstanmui vol 3 no 3 georgetown november 3 10m geob 3wn ontario r mes puuntes mae bath this unt a new column its just the french name tor whats my beef were working on french byune too but it hasnt come through yet 1 uy first plalnte concerns the home economics room the refri gerator in the room is connected to the main switch which is turned off toy order every night now to some this may mean nothing but when the main switch is turned off tyr refrigerator immediately begins to defrost any food used in the cooking classes cannot therefore be kept under refrigeration and u often spoiled hence a great deal of loud and therefore money la be ing wasted simply because of j electrical switch 11 would not much to remedy this fault pltaese could we have some action my next beef corictr tim the over- crowdlng of the school bus only one bus u used to transport all the students who come in two loads in the morning with the result that for some lhric is standing roum only if un accident involving this bus ever occurred tlie results could be disastrous la there a solution to this problem which could be sat isfactory to nil concerned or must we wait until its loo late our praise this week gos to a tboineont who is not associated to the bchool in any way mrs lime who lives on parkview uld mrs lime kindly coilseiilcd lo let the studi nt council use the electricity irum her house to run a pa sys- tt m used to broadcast the football gimc bet wet n georgetown und preston thunk you try much mrs liner red feather game a rne success doug wrisglrsw orlh i wo mrtki ago friday over 40 students piled into a bus and head ed for toronto and the hed feather game all reports sound as if a gay old time was had by all hed feather games to many peo ple is just another of the many foot ball tournaments which are held annually for various reasons hut it is a benefit game held in the cne stadium for the grey cup of high school football the gulden itule award the teams arc judged on 1 50 team statistics 2 251 sportsman ship 3 25 playing ability the idea is to raise as much funds as possible for the red feather ap peal during the last ave years red feather football haa raised more than 57000 for the communi ty chests of ontario in the past six years the cham pions have been 1mb east york 1050 st catharines 103 hamilton cathedral 1032 north toronto 1033 london central 1034 university of toronto schools thanks to cord pepper of the telly for forwarding the above statistics ive your home air that is alive ci m r oj ri 1- ease furnaces i thompsons km sp0rts gerry beats thursday october 28 we invad ed preston who had nevr lost any of their games yet preston stood in line for a loss like all roaring bull and we tied 1212 at half ume we wes tied 66 with dave hart making a beautiful run for ou first one in the second half we took the lead a screen puss to sandy mackenzie did the trick sandy gathered it in and streaked for the tine dave hart was the main converter as he placed the ball between the uprights twice ires- ton wasnt ready to lie down yet liexk lliey uunr with a lung pass ran it over converted and fled it all up 1212 all efforts proved futile chs couldnt muster an other point well that plucky g if s en w hid slopped bull f runs roaring and took then down from tiie clouds instead of a 2010 win over us as the last it ended on an i ven keel 1212 you know it is hard to pit k slurs on a rugby teurn wiotwr gets the touchdown dot snt ulwuy indicate who 1b doing tht most work the llncmtn halfbacks and quarter- tucks all of hum work und light together not juat on i a star ihey are till htars lluwiur there i still tm jkrvin who dest rvri sjmciii mention me is sandy mac kenzie- sundy i defensive ijuar- t rbuck anybody who hub watch ed a ginu knows just how much work sanity iim s many times it look us if th nloltloi hua brok- n through to wore but why for- ile one thing tlu re is short fel low standing back there with a h i mi i too big lor him someday they 11 git bnt lo tit me ie uysj ll may be over his eyes but he iaii still bet bandy is either chus- iivg them or pulling hiun dowiu tiny don t forget sandy once he hits them tht y remember him on the way through next lime the otmsilion may run for miles but i d stake a fortune sttmly would finally get hlrn but believe mc hi doesnt let them run for miles however sandy is typical of all the fellows on oult team the standings at present are school pa system makes fine aimmtion dan hanthar the recently purchased micro phone coup lad with the school am plifier proved to be a fine combin ation at the home football game be tween preston and georgetown the volume was not too loud due to the length of electrical cord needed but it was still suf3cict to let the other side know georgetown had a p a the new system will be us ed at the coming dance and at other school functions the new wins hlaa uki the first impression that one re ceives on visiting our new wing is thsl of light tht effect lias been achieved in a number of ways flrjrt of all we should like to men- tlonmhe harmonious colour scheme tht re is only one word to describe it it is truly beautiful then too the windows are large and well pi untied for schcool needs we should no lungi r sufltr from eyeslraln for the lights with their will thuun shadt s an ample even on dull days with our new iwlng we are able to oiler u new subject to our stud- t nls tht well etulped household iioiiomits room should add much to whul ii s has pievlously imii uble lo give its stutlmts the comfort of both sludcnts and stk has not been overlooked in the new wing the students now have lockers in which to store their books and wrips they also have c it an udetjuutc washroom facilities the tt ac hi rs hav e see n a dream mater lullie for tht y now have a taste fully furnlshco itaff rotm mr i tmbvrt s office now has an att- jolning room for his secretarial as sistant which should make things h ss cramped w l t pis prcslon 3 0 1 7 acton j i 0 e u iis 1 2 1 j milton 0 4 0 0 schedule football dance this friday den heuther on friday nov 3lh g ii s will haw us first school party of tbc year after many unavoidable de lays it has finally been settled and a football dance will be held in the wrlgglesworth auditorium at eight o clock the sale of student council cards wui to be stepped ug as there will be no admittance without these cards to the first coming dance re freshments will be served there and a good crowd is expected as a large new programme is being planned committees have also been arrang ed for decorations snd cleaning and rearranging of the hall afterwards it is planned to be a large party and a great deal of fun is in store for every stuctcnt who attends the student councu approved sending 913 30 to the flood relict fund and this was forwarded im mediately parade of desks terry liar ley currently wc have at least four or hve different types of desks in the school first and still a favourite with many is the old fashioned folding seat kind they hold oppu- larlty mainly because it is easy to slide down out of sight when a volunteer is being sought out sec ond on the hit parade is a separate table and chair outfit which is not fastened to the floor this one has its dlssdvantages as well as its ad vantages true it can be quickly converted into a mobile unit simply by kicking your feet but at noon on returning to the room five times out of seyen by classroom survey your desk will have found a new location in the closet for example our next little number was re ceived into the collection withmlx- ed opinions u is a choir and desk connected by a tangle of chrome x pipes in fact there are so many pipes that no longer do the scholars jump at the sound of the- bell they know they might break a leg or two in trying to escape one advantage though is that it i slouch proof or is that a disadvan tage the deik in the lab resembles a boy scout jackknife in that its loaded with gadgets it u equip ped with a aink gas tap and folding water faucet but search as we may no one can find a can opener the chairs were certainly not built for relaxing at the backs teem only efgkt inches high anyone attempt- jl well we- have a new superbotendent at the high school now to succeed mr fred armstrong he u mr nichols homan a new canadian who has just been over five months from holland and yet he already speaks english quite fluently ife gives his high school training in his homeland credit for this there he studied english french and german for five years he feels that rvery boy and girl should take full advantage of the opportunities offered them at high school the knowledge acquired there may prove very useful in la- v ler years mr jloman had been to canada before in 1030 when he cam to visit his brother in law whot had already located here he saw cn ada as s land of opportunity fur his growing fahftlyuf five four boys and one glrfjto him it stood as a direct contrast to the over crowded conditions in holland although he was successful in the u xllle world in his homeland he resolved lo movt his family to can ada and tnakr fresh start he lives in glen williams and attends the presbyterian church he speaks highly of the kindly spirit of wel come which lias been extended to him in tills new land let us the students of george town high school cooperate snd not make things loo tough fur our new caretaker remember mr homan will be judging canadian youth by us ihe students of g hs so lets put our best foot forward red feather football den souther wednesday november 3rd 1s54 page 5 cadets busy with tabongjam tests bui hareass the first year cadets have finally finished their lectures oiose rifle and by the time this report has filtered through censors they will be waiting the result of their tests the seniors will probably get a shock when they realize how much theory of the rifle they have for- tfalten during the last yeajv range firing will be as follows tiasday after 400 seniors wednes day after 4 00 girls rifle team wednesday after cadets both groups thursday efter 400 aral year group the uniforms art getting a lot o attention around the armouries with the berets taking the cake some designer oughtid drop into the ar mouries some parade night to pick ug a few ideas fur beret styles there are plenty of variations a few ambitious cadets we are happy to say have mastered their beret 0 but others still look like they have something left to learn november 11 is drawing near u many cadets know they know by their aching feet which have been pounding hie wooden parade square in the armouries the instructors are stl 11 trying to straighten and stiffen the arst year cadets who re mind you of a group of willows in a strong breeze tlie first year ca dets are doing sn exceptional ob considering that they have had a total of approximately 3 hours on the parade jsquari 1 would like to congratulate the cadets attending the militia church larade in orangevllle on october 24 from all reports you did an ex cellent job of importlrjg the corps a busload of students a line- night and gotxl teams combined to produce a very i njoyable evening for thoe who went in uie bus soisured by iht student council to the red flather games on rlday evening october 22 although the bus was crowded all seemed to en- joy thctnsrlvi t and toronto cei luinly knttw w hert the bus was from there were two good games with a spectacular finish in the last game between hamilton and wind sor tlie success of this trip has prompted ideas for more such trips wt shall see what transpires sports just to give you an idea how much the girls up around our way understand football here is what i heard from two of them you know muly says tilly what i always thought a flying tackle was an aviator well returning later i hear this milly what position docs your boy friend play on the team oh crouched replied tilly emphatically but when it comes to a game wow the girts sure do a heap oi yelling even if they dont under stand what theyre yelling about the league got underway oct 14 with preston at ghs by half tune the score was tied 1010 with francis hulme racing over for both touchdowns in the latter half the preston crew with a su perior pass offensive tallied two more final score 2010 you know we hove a new crew this year for many its their first time cither at the game or playing a whole gome they are young and light but they put up a tough fight thursday the zlst we trooped to acton to try for a win aclon scor ed a touch fait but coming back with a neat reverse play wc tallied with francis hulme scoring and sandy mackenzie converting acton sewed up the game with another g points in the lost half sometimes i guess football games carry girls away so when i ask ed the editor what i should say about the two peroxide blondes who msde such a fuss at the game he flashed say that the bleachers went wild well its true oct 25th milton corns to town preston and acton had defeated them too so the underdogs were fighting- it out in the first half hulme nearly lost his suspenders as he raced across for our first touch down dave hart converted it mil ton made a dangerous bid to tie but failed we added another when deve hart plunged across and ypurs truly got the convert malting it 12- 0 milton was determined andscpr insj to lean back would find wmself ed in thelgst minute to make the staring at his heels final 125 v the desks- come in and the desks go out such students some modern someplaln or jmllly fell me about the track knobby meet some people like collecting stamps hazel hits ontario beb hill yes hazel did hit ontario and everyone was well aware of it when rain and winds hit metropolitan to ronto on friday and saturday oc tober 13th and 16th that was a weekend that will stand out in the minds of thousands and thousands of canadians for many years to come here in georgetown the story was a little different to that of the num ber valley residents who reported bridges washed out homes ruined and many lives taken the worst of the damages reported in this vicinity were flooded basements and soot from chimneys washed down many living room walls by the heavy rains it sems that in nerval hazel hit with quite a hard blow reports say the flood waters washed out part of the old mill race leaving the river to and a new bed aside from the weather the big news around grls is the win over milton last monday 12 5 that makes georgetowns record j win and 2 losses dave hart added ex- another student enters nursing kileen oales a former gll s student entered ihe sick childrens hospital in toronto this fall to be gin her nurse training klleen who graduated from our school last j uric will always be re membered as being an allround studcjit known for her participa tion in athletic events thm was chefrleader a member of the choir as well as an officer in the girls cadet corjjs in addition her aca demic standing was vrry high wc from gii5 wish her lots luck in her chosen career a r zj tra punch to the team both touchdowns converting lately nine b has been having a dally visitor he drops in every morning about 10 jo on monday he came in during history period being a little self conscious he just stayed at the window then on tuesday he paid us another visit this visitor is a tame crow which i understand is a pet of larry prucyk l oil and coal furnaces installed 5 s 5 sheet metal work 5 bonded roofs 5 s f peats0n j b at t brsialsi tfca tm 3 af garbage collection change 0nceaweek collection now in effect collection route monday main stl north to wxkhvood all streets running off main st over white bridge morris chapel west and east victoria st normandy blvd and sunbeam heights tuesday john st college view roseta caro line paper mill road 9th line water street and mill street wednesday all streets west of main street in ward 3 and george james and draper streets thursday queenmcnalaretnerytlgng union murdock durham albert and guelph streets j- gy t containers over 60 lbs please

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