thsj fmkmmvtowm hmilo wedaeaday eedl dm 13th u64 page1 proclamation boxing day holiday whereas it has been the custom in georgetown in past years to hold a boxing day the day following christmas day and whereas the municipal council have by resolution at their meeting on december 6th authorized me to proclaim such a day therefore j do declare monday december 27th 1954 a civic moliduy in the i own of georgetown jack armstrong mayor he arrived refresh by bus wouldnt you inoy landing on of thov btg fallow out of ik to to hondilyf tholl just y ael ofter a rettful but trip to your favorite retort florida llllnor vulaa 11 day 13513 htutn fatl 4omi oo idoubkl 6 hly mstsbbses7atsigfekgllrxtlfr m pi hopitid caittigi the dtuttu of bruaptoauul the duwfct served eo well by thm pee umhotui hotpiul for the past thirty yun v responding to the appeal for associate members and donations to the hospitals equipment fund in a cratifylns mtnner although the announcement of the campaign for members and donations was made only a week agn the com mittee u encouraged bylhe early re sponse and confident ufcat before the conclusion of this special effort early in the new year the objective aimed at will be realised kvery mail sees mere applications fur membership and some nxrablr and some smaller donations to the special christmas fund set up to purchase needed modern equipment one enthusiastic supporter sent a cheque for 2000 being four dollars to cover the membership foe fur 1053 fer himself and his wife and 123 00 jo the kqutpment kund f another man tent 10 00 to rover the membcythip of tte five adult mrmben of hu family another per on phoned to iay he waa sending a cheque for a specific piece of equip ment kuble and tingle meinbenhlp and donation of 1 00 and up are coming m from uneipected quarters indicating clearly to the ronunillt thai thr tt kidrnu of the rtitirr art a are tohdly brhind thr hospital and dtirou of haini aait in its sui wssfut operation t while rnan r ivons have im t n j wncr1 tht cfjmmilttf h such milmrt is rtquircd and dimrtet hv lit memorial hospital at this tinii pi indent it i illain usnl thtst lif titular rrasons or joining tht js mxialiun and d natink tci hi spuul thnsltnak hejuipim nt ruixl w quoit- iht following fiotn mr lllatg s miinttil stall nunt mtmlmnhtp in tht pit i memorial hospital axnriatioii nh onl j 00 m r tar per jm retn i hi operations of this voluntary nun profit public hospital arr rontroltid tht asik ialin ihrenijh it rlwied hoard of tmtrnur membership in tht am- lalion provide- thr opportunity to ardtsacda on staff st catharines churdi archdeacon w g 0 thompson will join the staff of si georges an glican church st catharines s a pnestassutant in january the former rector of churches an georgetown and glen williams has been living in st catharines since his retirement from the active ministry in september he is returning to a church where he was a lay reader in his youth when canon robert ker who was to become bis father in lw was rector in its affairs members attend the an nual meeting of the association enter into the discussions regard ingpoliry matters and vote to eject the board of governors members will also rc- reive regjlarly the annual hospital report and othe material which may be luued periodically moneys received from member ship fees and other donations are us ed to purchaseyijuipmeul to improve and widen the scope of service provi ded by the hospital fees charged to patirnu are set to recover only the actual colt of the rare and treatment given and are not sufficient to prov idt for uch capital expenditure at new equipment anil unprovt d facilitit whin tusked about tht possibility of a futhtr extension to it 1 1 mt inoriil tort lit t tht o rcrowtfini mr hlain mattd lht ja tx t addition in tht llospi iji that j complt tt d five stars a an i tht two nt w wink that wir ad dttl to tht nurms re suit net two tars d havi now lt en inot sjtirj lor il iiunud hurthtr hospital n pallsie n im lonio to the future how far in hi futon no un can sa di f mitt l hot it is saft to assume tlurt will im no t ipilal fund drive for an addition to pti i mimorial ju lim this im intf mi it im hoovi ua to tukt tart of nttdttl minor rtpaiis lop flikht mainttnanct and providt vital equipim nt it bo dotny wi will bt uidint our mttlicul and nurink btafts in providing tht mobl tftintnt r ici tltspitr tht handicap of otr loudink m mmm for georgetown stores vfall be 7 open till 9 ptm i 1 christmas shoppers 1 1 i i 1 1 i i fhom wednesday december 5th to friday december 24th including all day thursdays shop in qeorgetown with your friendly local merchant gaeraatewn oiambar el commerce let fletcher construction attend to youil plumbing heating and electric wiring c ic man nhr fjrnocoi taylorforbes air conditioned lurnucts infirno air conditioning gravity purnaeea with coul or oil cochrane hot air water units with oil fltrfc ksti mates tr 73360 21 water street ak yawr rj far 4atlu f tm ar tht eailiase tart low ioun0 till fares lubll h clukkkl new orleans 1 4s90 los angeles 1s miami l 5 tickets and information corner cupboard for expert eye cira eonault o t walker opiomtttiist s halo sl north brampton over aballa dru store phoaa ortlce sos km 830 hours 0 am tolpm dauj xwnlxtxs n appointment monuments brampton monnmtnt works desifgns rubmlttcd cemetery pasu and murlns corner markers a good display in stock wm c allan trop 68 queen st west drampton shop phone 1410j lies 313 flowers for every occasion design work a specialty flower by wire anywhere in the world norton floral tatlanrle 735s2 georretowa cheltenham farm club turkey dinner euchre tht inrmn r tif ihr hi llrnham tamitrv luh and ihnr ums me t at snilrip ii niumt hall on tut d i t rnink december 7th for a turki dmntr and proevsivr ruchrr mrx hmrr new house convener and vrs lliitwrl taltr mrs lltssir c guirrn mr arthur llutchinstin miss mar h ndt rson and mn mc phi n u 1 1 km st in planni d tht part an i wtrt jsajstitl with tht srrwnj of iht dinner to the ono hundrttl and tin miftt h tht r ladies of tht t lull tht tables ut rt atlrartir dt c oialed in hrislmas colour sociil hour wis sot nt fitllnwink dinner and then the pre sulent mr arthur llutchinstin ixprtsstd thanks to the lathe for tht delicious tlinnir and thi program thr arranged the e ve ninr closed wth the plawnr nf pro- jrevsie euchre and the hikh actiro winnerswert mrs ordon cation and mr alex mel mhi and the consolation prut was taken b mrs iclor i- rai er and mrs stafford mcculloch antl mr hoim rt harper won the carrvint pnirs tht first new year mpttinc of the club is to be held at tht home of mr and mrs hugo 1 ons rn januar building sand concrete cjiavel road gravel 4 fill a top soil ines farm news leatherbarrow to address farm annual halton soil and crop enthusiasts will have an opportunitv at their an nual meeting to be held in milton bc- tuicn christmas and new year to hear alfred iathf rharrow of the flora district mr 1 eathcrbarrau a veteran of the second uorld uartnok over a badl run down farm near r nra some seven or eight vears ago and his achievements in building up the ftrtilitv level of his farm and his general farm practice have received wide publicity in the forrn press as a matter of fact we unturstand that in the near future a book by mrs lcathcrbaitow in which she tells of their farm experiences will soon be off the press halton folk who have visited the leatherbarrow farm have been intriciied by what they saw and heard this address together wltl brief reports by local farm operators and the report by g l dyers of the agricultural engineering dept at the oac on the soil ullage experiment conducted oh the w e breckon farm near appewy should prove it to bk a most interesting and w programme t 4jusl eight more shopping unul chriitnus py