Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 5, 1955, p. 5

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y- r imkyjwj malton area becoming foremost aviation centre george ejuolt muton lawyer u nub a quced counsel inlhe ulflail ww yerj lut he was the only halton man to turn 1 urf year georgetown bouta two lawyers uf tnf the uue sybil bennett m p and xehoydale j yiniimi xy today t thursday riot in cell uock 1 j m jack siad j adult entertainment ttottttewii friday i saturday january 7 matinee saturday at t p m if t hi m now vryjthrill blazewv 61 th eejll leulm uwaufocs laaaunel oauk usu djui01teruhyrm monday t tuesday january 1011 lechntcobr bhicsrde7 avbn n9uwb sikl wednesday 1 thursday january 1213 i jail v s ilillkhll- awlrffst victok maturi 5ihk uullt fluum iinbol vmcmr nior csnada fastest growing indul trial arc on the western rinse of metro- poliun toronto ha ukeb another important far rejetung tep forward in aviation canada s fastest growing industry this wa revealed in the announcement from a v roe can ada limited at malton that two new co nips nils havebeen formed by a roe canada and a third icquirvd r make- up a threxoinpaoy opcrat log group with a v hoe canada as the parent company the three nvw companies in the troop along with the parent cojopany wiir operate u neighbours in the lobiate toronto tow iu hip aria still further cohioudaung the areas poaluoi m the eentre of aviiaion re search development ajid production in ui nation making the announcement of the new major developrmnt crawford gordon jr pre id tilt and general manager of a v koe canada said the group comprise the following 1 avrd aircraft umited which is formed out of the former aircraft division of a v hoe canada at mai ton currency employing about 10 000 2 orenda knginea limited for med out of the cas turbine division of a v roe canada at malton and nobel eurrenlly employing aboji 6000 3 canadian steel improvement uml ted of ltobicoke producer of preeis tun forglngs in a wide range of mat erials employing about 400 which is bought outright by a v roe canada limited an expansion program at the new toronto plant is underway for this company which will include a light alloy foundry all three companies are wholry- owned subsidiaries of a v hoe can ada limited which in turn is a mem be r of hriuin s hawlur sidden y roup whkhxtuinpriscs more than 40 per cent of the on fled kingdoms avi atlon industry the two new companies avro alfcraft limited and ortnda hnifinis i l ml ted were created by letters patent on july 9 under the dominioo companies act both are private cwuptnies hawng authorutrl capital of ont million npv shares jaih compan hti pun tun i th nietl assils of thi a v hot tan artj l nn i led bumnt si an 1 jiimimt i tht applicable liabilllum il ixthanit- for fully paid and nun a mm mihb shares in the capital toek of i ai h company plus ctrtaip other consult r ationx in the cast of ro aircraft 1 imitttl it wa 350 000 share in or enda hnunes 1imited 400 000 harts the purchase was effective aukust lt iflm but the two conipanits will not start doing buiines publicly un dt r their respective nanus until jan uiry 1st 19w canadian stetl improvement iiml ted capital stock is purchased or cash from the hawker siddeley roup who bought the plant from the crown in april 1054 operating heads of the three com pamea are avro aircraft limited i- red t smye orenda ingines 1 imi ted walter r mcljchlsn canadian steel improvement limited cyril j lubj natural step in growth mr cordon in announcing these de tails stressed that from now tin caih unit tft the new kroup will be coin pletcly independent of the others he said the move was a natural sit p in the growth of a v hoc canada 1 im ited it was he said a logical con elusion to a deccntralmng program which had been procitdini for sonic time now noting that canada has tnurged in a very short time at one- of world s four leading nations in air power ir caordonforecait an ever enlarging fu lure for canada s aircraft industry and for a v hoe canada i united bs us largest enterprise tracing tht steady and often spic tacular growth of a v hoe canada limited from its beginning in 1045 when hawker biddele croup thro sir hoy dobson mode its initial investment by purchasing the crown ow assctf of victo aircraft he saidthc porwu jfoup hurt smcetnade a total permanent investment in can ada of motihina rnilllons not one cent of profit has been ta ken out he emphasized all earnings with cash recoveries from deprccia hon had been rclnvcsted from the start with the result that today the a v roe canoda limited group rep resents the largest single british in dustrial investment in canada in addition he sold wc have assets of engineering technical and those very substantial but intangible production personnel knowhow and experience and the various advanced projectsrtiow underway hlqhliqhts of growth it waa nine years ago today that a v roe canada began operating mr gordon noted then it had but 300 employees toduy the throe compan les in the pew group employ a total of 16000 total manufacturing and engineer ing arealil 1045 was one million sq ft now the total for the threo com- panic la approaching threo muhnn square foot 25 million of thla con centrated in the 550 acta at malton growth of the companion be mnr- vkod by tevoral major irivostmenu puwjhik4fjja0ji0nnnejit tory novr being built puwhaae and modemiiatioa of a building owned by slieajfftr pen co purchas of the 100 000 square feet hangar and ware house built by the crown acquisition of plant and equipment of canadian steel improvement umiud production acklavamanh lit reviewing the production ch ievemnu of a v roe canada uml lid mi gordon recalled that the ini tial production contract for uk 3 cf 100 s hsd bcen completed ahead of schedule a second contract for the mk 4 la well on it vay to com pie- stoldaht mr and mrs jack stou births bfiatdford mr and mrs jim brandford are happy to announ the birth of a daughter betty ann at peelmehortallioapital on sun day january infl 1655 a sister for brenda and barbara burnett dr and mr alaatair burnett canxuribowman are happy to announce the birth of a son on january 3 1055 in sl johns new foundland a brother for ian and izaboth mother and son doing well pages yhb gttoetgitowh ubrald wednesdayevening famuaay 5 lftaa cook mr and mrs clilford cook dorothy wityha af happy to en nouftfe the birth of a son broth er for allan and billy december 2 lm allwdol tion and preliminary manufaeturtag has ben started on a third eontratt he said ofendl l4igifaes utnitethoo had a uolid record ot engineering and production achieveinamt over 1500 oreodaj ha already been turned our in a planpthat only ofltctally opened a littfe over two years ago mr gordon said that production coals and overheard were as low if not lowej than for comparable cana dian and uh operations he said in creased production efficiency had made it possible to move out of a cost- plus type ot contract and for some time now a v hoe canada limited had been delivering aircraft and enu tnes on the basis of negotiated price contract as fur the future mr cordon said both avro aircraft limited and or enda 1ngines limited have new pro jects underway he confirmed re ports that avro canada had been giv en a development contract for the c 105 which is one of the most ad vancrd aircraft being dwtgncd toda on l ht engine side he said the company had already spent m mil inm on a new tt engine project which will be unique m its utilization of titanium and which is expected to opt n up new fit ids of jtt power ht ft rrtng to canadian stttl lin proemcnt limited mr cordon said the tompapy was set up in late 1151 to supply blades and other forked components for i tnknts it has supplier millions of blade 4r our orenda tnmts an 1 has been produc ink forking lor othtr buic now it i inert asink the rank of forkink equipment l updrtakc the lark ti forkink m the aircraft in lustr it w also ixpapdink ibto ttmmircul jflll m oln r fields for which a sui able plant ijupansion proktam und rwa including maknesium and aluminum ftumlnt thereby brinkink ilostr its koal ol 3 eomplttt forkini and tailing sirvice he aldtd why the new sat up mr ordon said til ntwthft com pany set up had drvimoped out uf the ratt of growth and inert aiink com pltsil of the aircraft industr it had been clearly demonstrated for example that airframes and engines as different product should be dt alt with independently of each other the noprd of directors had tht re fore felt that sound growth could be best achieved by encouraging indivi dual and collective effort and fining each operatmk unit a bill of rights to develop its own future and ensure a continued advancement of each indiv tttual company from now tin therefore each com pany would be free to develop its own products and customers regardless of tho others problems at the same time each would enjoy the benefits of group association notably finan cial and manakcnunl strenkth of the kroup as a whole dart announce the birth of their daughter on saturday jjiihiary 1st 195 at st tfoavcph hospital guelph t wilcox joe and klleen wilcox are happy to announce the birth of their daughter catherine ann born december 28th in m joseph s ilov pital cuelph dbathiw mccowan albert victor of ctcn williams ont in his 73rd year on wednesday january 5th 1055 at hamilton ont beloved husband of vxhvl miry mino and dear father ot wilfred of keswick hrnest of oik vllle harvey of keswick and wil liam of glen williams restink at the mcclurc vunerat home j4 edith street ceorguwn where funeral service will be held irkday afternoon at 3 o clock inter ment will br in ret nwood emetery eorketown cards of thanks cahnry we wish to express our sincert thanks and appreciation to our friend n ikhhours and rcla tives for their many aets ml kind ness mssak of smpathy and lovt ly f loral ofli riiik during the ill ntss and pussink of our dear fath er 1 1n t irni r aiml i 1nhsah 1 wih to thank all frunds nt ikhbours and tht v a for tht 1 tl cards wwers etc sent mt whiu 1 uoa in oh hospital and at h nit ihni kin lnesies wire real j jpprttjated mis s 11 1 indsay wmcox mrs jii vilcox thanks all th ise wh rt inemtx red her with floutrs an 1 cards while she wu a patit nt in si jost ph s ii jpttal uttle n hl back in action the little nlll nvill v back into operation saturday morning after a 3 wick layoff and hope to se c a good turnout of plsers managers coach ts referees and executive amts will begin at 1 45 am sharp schedule for january 1th amuucan leagur nuffalo vs providence 7 4 hershe vs pittsburkh junior a cuelph vs marlboros kitchtntr s all n hi black hawks vs maple laft hangers vs canadiens there will be a meeting for the ex tcutivc managers coaches and refer ees on january 0th at 2 o clock in thu lckion hall i a vieqal puce qf 10 otf during january on aiy kenwood blanven incomplete range of colours 1150 1995- 10 off nviqnhose harvey wood first quality rcjl ibi f atlar pack 5i cautfe reularly 1 so 60 gauge keuularly 175 l a surctal otlrtn 95c 119 drapery clearing of ihorter lenjtha acl ling regularly to 3 09 t cq yard fourth 0pp officer joins local force georgetown s fourth provincial pol lc officer- stnrud his dului in town this wltk hi istonstobk ju llamnkton nn ottawa native who was transftrnd hire from watinlown growth of tht town in the past year has naultcfl in adding the new officer to the prftainl forto corporal hay beckett and con stablca tom duby and don smith mr harringtons wife and son fcd ward 7 will bt tivlnff in port credit until lluv find jccommodation lerc stewarttown parents who want their boys to learn band music arc reminded of the meeting thursday nluht in chapel st school when it i hopeei to organize a uos uand weekly sports calendar visitonrwlth mr and mrs j san ford fortjcw year a daywere mr and mrs r sanford ond dill and mr and mrs w mitchell ot llrnehousc miss scott mrs scott and daughter ot georgetown mr and mrs bob mcdonald and ba by sharon apent ner year a holiday at miltpn v the annual meeting of st john a womans auxiliary will be held at mrs cecil smith a home thursday at tcrnoon janua oth etqutjlnii womens tnatituto janu ary- meeting will be held at ufa san ford a home wodnesday evening jan uary 12th school opened here monday morn ing with mra pollock and mra dorey in charge intermediate hockey friday january 7lh mihon coop vt raldera friday january 14th marltham va raldera junior hockey monday january 10th colllngwooct v oeoroetown gibraltar katepayers meeting on saturday industrial hockey sunday january h burnt trantport vt hornby 1 30 p m smith t slonevl wllaont warrior 2 45 pm natopaycra of thogibroltor school v vv section aro invited to attend a mooting gai turblno plant now iplant 2- oiltmsiitrtlirrtl00prn for- arlr endrnblmumefl orniilng anil oqulplng ot a former army warohouoa a design oftlee and experimental lliop for orenda en gines ltd moderftftlttlbn and re etitalpneut 6 alrccaft manuracturing clean up ofr the upstairs of tho build ing which will houbotho now class room elsewhere in thla liaiteji a itory about the school growthtaml appolnt- metttvbl a locoitd tbaeheir adrtjlnuterlng chool salrt la ijttaetrf- 1cd hockey saujrrjayjnojtilnfll tailored suits the beat in tailoring with the bt deal ever made save off regular price of suit or have an eitra pair pants free many lood suitings are itlll available choose youn now fcadief urk while crepe and ee l srverav styles regular to 4 08 tr o i98 boys underwcar plum ribbed soft bruahad cotton shirts drawim 69c 79c drakry select ubnca and fittings a complete making and inatal lation service if dealred white sewino machines and rchtals main st georgetown georgetown s red brand beef market meat market modern 7 main street dial triangle 73410 friday saturday specials short rib roast b blade roast bade wone out b 49c pork shoulders h5j8e spare ribs b side bacort lb pk if you havent visitd us try ut one if you have we know youll corns a0ain iisfr itlhrfrhl i aijsr bkelkprs srbwino- compamiftlmltspt ci january clearance ave up to 33 on stock reduction on new machines r0 sale price white lightweight delune white console white round bobbin portable white portable new used singer portable electric seamstress portable electric lightweight portable electric singer treadle vacuumcleaners eureka retematlc swlvaltop electro hyaena demenatrator the moat vcrsbtjde vacuum on the market reyal upright reconditioned eureka tank reconditioned revalalre yank reconditioned swltaen ploer pellaher v michaels fleer polisher airway vacuum used budget terms s 180 so 14930 189 so 149s0 13f0- 80 so 1mis0 59s0 440 v 4js0 4430 1440 rag sale price 129 05 s m mo 50 jf93a j 6050 6050- 64 50 50 05- 30 05 2150 4930 4930 49w 4430 k -wwtcb- -i- we havetattbrns in stoejk- no mailing no waiting neighbot sewing machine- vatsuum cleanir zrrhaiaaoolishhtt sales sermei rsnuli jrepalra tojjiwr-r- ttuirgu2802 v j 4s majn 8tvn rv oewlha murtkllbuh jciw ipz

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