Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 19, 1955, p. 1

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the georgetown herald geteecswri onteno wextoeakuy january hhlt 19s5 ten paces esquesing council view mew school inaugural meeting on open night what council did weabef ol the 1ss5 esquaaiac r cenadl toek their oath of office let a h matulay when the year- first council ittsul walter rdjel wsa held at stewarttown a u j all ism councillor vw heec- jaumwc umfm hld ted this year and the council bom- bated of keev wufrid bh deputy tii wahat uahani and council- lrt george carrie spencer witaa and caatpbeu sinclair couacu baa petluoaed the county council to take over the boundary lue be chlnguafomy and ea- qattiag a a county road tba road rua beside let 5 to 10 la the lllh coaeeaaion road aupniateadeht wuuan tewnsead waa tutructed to take beeeeaary action to have a bridge constructed on lot s concee- aiea 4 mr townaend wai appoin ted a delegate to the good roads convention thla year the reeve and deputy will aerve eaj the township planning board thla year other membera are georsc soenerville who waa appointed for syear term edwin ilarrop 2 year and llcol gordon brown one year appointment were alio made to v the board which administers esqurs lqs c 1 at auewaxttown v the reeve and deputy represent the townahip ontbu board other mem bar are mrs walter lawson for stavartlown wj mrs francis thompson aahgrove w i denney charles federation of agriculture earl wluon nqrval juniors and john bird esquesing agricultural society various council members were ap pointed representative on three ire area boards linham and sinclair to acton are 3 bird nd wilson to esqueeing area 1 and cume to milton area 2 eaqueeinge share of county hospi tal accounts for the december quar ter was f316 aftermath of a scr ious raid by dogs on a flock of sheep at dr ii a mccullough firm was a bill for 231 for 11 sheep killed and valuator fee of 12 to a n star a total of 31 fose were destroyed with bounty of 3 each paid to the following wm sheppard acton 7 george baylis acton john buck milton clifford stover milton 5 each john verlis norvai mervin neaaet acton 4 each chas shep pard terra cotts harold deforest terra cotta edward robertson hornby 3 each robert uurdock georgetown frank jones acton gordon lee hornby 2 each hob ro- gers limehousr alf brlgdrn horn by ron latimer limehousc bob ituddell jim prcsswood charles da vies one each council asked for more protcctioa- in the township from the division of fish and wild ufc a special drainage rate was im poaed by by law on the east parts of lota 22 and 23 in concession 7 husbandnhad grocery business on mill street remembered in georgetown when her husband operated a grocery bus ineas aome twenty years ago mrs matthew clarkion was buried yester day in brampton cemetery following funeral service in toronto a resi dent at 450 roxton road in the city aha died saturday in st michaels hospital mr and mrs clsrkson lived in georgetown for some years when he last wednesday night was the snnual instillation of ottleen of cre dit lodge no iip ae it am with a large group of visitors as well as local member present to see the worshipful master elect walter euj- itr installed in office and his officers invested the installation waa conducted by rl wor bra ev maccormack with the aid of past masters of credit and other lodge after the ceremony the w m thanked the membera for the confidence placed in him and asked for their support in the ensu tng year he then presented the immediate past master leslie clark with his past masters jewel lodge officers for 1p5 are james f evans senior wsrden thomas nlven junior warden ever rtt cole treasurer krn balkin sec retary edwin wilson assistant sec retary walter rlgg director of cer monies jim mccaig senior deacon james linton junior deacon grah am farnell inner guar rev o lockhart royal chaplain jack ail dy lyler charles ren wick senior steward irwin noble junior stew ard alf goodwin pianist sam mac- keruie john d kelly auditors the evening was concluded with a banquet at which a number of the visitor spoke ttt public at urge bed the ont opportunity of viewing the- bw high arjtsel addition thursday at an op- ea night- while parent were- invited to dlseuw progre otatudestt also t urge ow it dtog bartie- ularly vojeed talr asaaroval of us home ecooaealea nam while the lab oratory library oove ad teaettar rooms also drew their aharw of at tention principal j l lambert and hi staff were all present each is hi own classroom the school staff com prise alan prquse marjory laaaea florence luke a h bailer ross piercey blair araatrong dorothy prklaut and mr bakart haaa art teacher dorothy want an supervisor keanetb b- harriaon what coumcil wo more comaktte work in 1955 mayor more emphasis o commit ue vork was forecast at monday council meeting wbca liuyor jack ann- strong remlndod coanrll ei a bury year ahead in which thara would be no time at mnrtinji for matters of other than major lmportanre we have so much business faring us that we musir keep routine bust nets at a minimum and handle such things in committee whenever poasi blr said the mayor informed that the icpl of high wsys intends to pay subsidy this rar on s masimuro of 25 000 coun ci 1 lor expressed surprise and won drrcd where the budget would stand in this rase last year the town spent 46000 mostly on maintenance and all members sjtreed that this figure will be sent to queen s park for clarification of the letter plan home euchres for wltunds the january meeunje of the geor getownwomen s institute was held at the home of lira hrn thompson uelph street on january 12th at 8 p m a two minute silence was ob served for the late urs john uc derm id and was followed by the lord s prayer tta roll call was answered with superstitions of our grandmother s time following which the report were read by the various officer urs paul read a letter aba had rvc twved from tho womens institute of wr ter ham england thanking the institute for the xmaa cake and oth er delicacies sent for christmas a shower waa asked for at the february meeting for the layette and it was decided that euchres will be held in the home four members in a group to have euchre two mem bers for lunch one for prize and one hostess the admission will be 35c the motto was given by mrs george campell life is like a ladder ev cry step we take is either up or down mr seward wilson gave a splen did reading on cituenahip and mrs max feathers ton the district presi dent read a writ cup by mrs adams the dominion president of the wo men s institute that appeared in the canada countryman the title was qf overseas trip a new yar mrwqe mrs al bert livingstone gave a reading on the life of central brant in the county of hajton the utc of thanks to the hostess mrs featherston and all who helried with the program and with the lunch waa given by mrs albert livingstone had a atrory store on mill st be- htfvev hefjow 78 aid what waa then bucks meat mar f builder carpenter aid itec tba buck store now takes in both former locations they atten ded th united church and their lawaon started in the old bank r7of montreal here as a junior when they were resident the former leila ada shaw she is aurvived by her husband and two ton lawsoq of preston and norman lome at home and a brother her- ber shaw mai ton a resident of town since 1002 harvey heraom 78 died at hi home on park ave thurdayafttr a abort lllneea son of the late mr and urs sam uel heraom he waa born at leyton- stone essex england 1876 and married nellie 1807 coming to canada in 1005 he followed his trade aa a carpenter and a builder in brampton until 1018 art mcallister u i f contractor appeals for arthur mcallister was chosen pre- r xt sljssjsj services in subdivision sev era appointment were made to various boards gxrge muck art to the cemetery board dr j b milne north ii alt on high school board david bowman library board ivan crabtre and clarence king board of parks joseph gibbons dog tax collector five councillors were chosen for the revision court norton mtroilvrsy male sargent and noble offer of 200 for s building lot on lorne st by rou simmon was deferred to the property committee for investigation request for a donation from the salvation army was filed and left to county coun cil which makes such donations in a lump sum alex maclaren will continue to represent council on the tredit valley conservstion com mittce mac sprowl tells xlac sprowl acton ws the special spreker at the joint meeting of the girls and boys of the norvai junior farmera held on january 12th at the home of rosa and jamie cun ningham mr sprowl talked on his trip to the ilrilish isles and switzerland to illustrate his very interesting lecture he showed films of his trip joan wrigglesworth expressed the thanks of the meeting to the guest speaker prior to the joint- meeting the girls and boys sections each held separate sessions llrsv em batkln georgetown spoke to the girls on weaving and demonstrated how to make a belt how to mate candles and also how to make fancy cookies may 26th air don matthews spoke to the cross in boys on the different types of soil and alao showed a film to illustrate his talk lunch was served fctthe conclu- auestded he annual meeting thurs- day in the clubhouse t hiekory falls during discussion on this years tmsibftr it wa decided to build a kitchen on th dubhouae which mam her have largely constructed them selves from logs failed on the prop erty serving with air mcallister on the acecutiv sre john koloskl secre tary bob jepson treasurer and a threeman board of directors which include the retiring president sun lyon fred spire and jack crirb the weathfcr mr editor quite a difference in temperature in this week s summary and the cor responding week last year when we had five days registering below uro the lowest 11 bejow iero and 6 of snow moves to waterloo for building job working as superintendent for s ttoo000 building being erected by vlrlne l nicholl for carling s brew cries albert tennant has decided to move to waterloo until the building i finished mr and mrs tennant and daugh ter heather are living at 29 young fit c and have closed their house la clen williams until they move back later this year krn batkln date mas uin snow jan 10 36 22 flurries jsn 11 29 11 flurries jan 12 28 8 filurrir jsn 13 34 e jan 14 28 12 flumes jan is 2s 8 h jsn 10 28 18 i average 30 12 is mrs john bells brother gets bsrric tv licence there is local interest in approval of a licence for a private commercial tv station at harrie as the promo ter u a brother of mrs john w bell of town ralph t so el grove owner and ftanager of the barrie radio station ckbb had filed a tv application last hay the cbc board of governors rwcom mended grsnting the license ust september official approval however waa de layed when it was reported the sta uon migbkinterfere with reception on buffalo channels 2 and 4 the barrie station will operate on chan ne 3 in a statement mr snelgrove said the fact barrie is the smallest eemmunity in canada and perhaps on the continent to be honored with a tv station affords us the unique opportunity to pioneer television in an area with a population in excess of a quarter of a million telecasting is scheduled to start august 31 mxth anniversary of the radio station the station s beam will cover from thornhil to craicnhurst and from mraford to landsay ivogrsms will include toast of the town jackie oleason show big four football and other network shows output will bo 14 kilowatts video and 7 kilowatts audio which is roughly half of cult since the application was filed mr snelgrove has been studying proposed studio and transmitter rite although hr bought property 1 s miles southwest of barrie the site for the station has not yet been chosen tbc studio and transmitter will be located in the same building with the business offices in barrie no call letters have been chosen hunters bag wolf at norvai station second wolf caught in the district in recent weeks was a 47 s lb msle shot by a trio of hunters at norvai station saturday morning the urge animal appeared from a thicket as andy crichton syd mor ris and herb wooding had a couple of foiea on the run mr morris at first thought it wdaa a police dog but was assured by mr crichton that he had seen enough wolves up north to recognize one so the men fired away the wolf did not turn back as ex peeled but kept heading for another thickft allowing the hunters to bang awa at will hit several times by light shotgun pellets the animal tra veiled over a mile before dropping dead kxamination showed he had one disfigured foot as if csught in a trap some time ago the huntiri will collect bounty from both flic province and peel county for herb wooding dis trict ileal t bros reprcscntau e it was his lut local hunt before trans fer to a new position in kingston a wolf trapped by william mino at kdcn mills a few wit its ago was the first reported in several years monday reopening for ks grill closed for several months a main street restaurant ks grill will re open under new management next monday social and personal philip joting son of mr and mrs jim jonc icdilh street it rccupcr ating at home after spending a few las in peel memorial hospital uhcrc he underwent an operation last tuesday sgt and mrs bruce collins and daughtt r patricia returning to bar ric after visiting with her mother in the maritime were here with his parents mr and mrs alf collin for the weekend daid crichton en route by plane from port arthur on a business trip to quebec spent the weekend in town visiting with his mother mrs d p crichton and with other rcla tics stuart rrorton of valleyficld que bec was a weekend visitor with mr and mrs walter biehn on friday the two men attended the funeral service at west monkton for mrs ray kenney who died in calgary earlier in the week 35jjtmbers of the senior choir of stjohns united church were en tertained at the der mr norman ar if to make a prediction come true a complicated ejuealion of wa ter and sewerage into a pronbaed housing subdivision occupied so miich of cimjbciri time mflodty that another meetias tomorrow will be held to attend to buunift on che agenda which had to be shelved scarcely had mayor jack arm strong in hi opening remark told councillors they could expect lot of work and a lot of meeting in 105o when contractor kinlay aluaro appeared to start a talk feat that lasted close to two hours mr munro had a prohjem in vol v ing n estimated 130000 in 1003 when the llewaon manor subdivision was first proposed tbc town had agreed to service it with wster and sewer lines in septcrn ber that year council alarmed at the number of new subdivision which would have to be so serviced put a motion on the books that if after 3 months from dept of piano ing approval no satisfsctory pro gress was made council could rcneg on its offer mr munro said he had learned of this legislation only recently and came to plead his case and ask for a square deal council told him that the properly owner tom hewson had been in formed of this by letter in septem ber 1053 in the maze of talking from this point on evidence was produced that mr hewson had paid 1054 taxes on the property as agricultural land mr munro claimed ne was registered as owner and has paid for the land councillor lyons said he favours charging all major coats against the subdivision mr munro pro duced a letter written by the mayor in qb3 pointing out tht need for housing particularly for smith it stone workers reeve allen said the picture has changed radically and the company now has plenty of housing for its employees coun cillor sargent mentioned the 40 60 industrial ratio of the llealop sub division mr munro was repn manded when he accused council of letting the iicslop proposition in lluencc their thinking and reminded that council had not even heard of mr heslop in 1053 councillor harry hale pointed out that in addi tion to an estimated cost of 20000 for installing the services perhaps another 20000 would be needed to hook sewers up to the present sy tern mr munro said he had been caught with material on the propertj in a period when nha loans were unavailable and was tied up in another building job last year whcirthe money could again be borrowed still discussing the matter after mr munro a departure council de cided to seek legal advice before committing themselves on the que tion hmne of their lea- uflrd in- islington three men who havejiad manyop thursday januaryj3lh a buf- to town at a later when he joined the foreatry battel- ion omhemeeting the next meeting hoolat camp borden for nniversafty ggtpw ion andaerved oversea in scotland will he held at th home of uarv fiv tutwireancrron john mrftnd mrt wwtwrlbcleiwortll slido ior two years after the war mr and mr her aom lived in shelburne for three years then spent the next twenty in tlftfta cotta peal mp telu of v pukfuent opening the terra cotta womens institute lived firsthand account of the crpeninf of parliament when they had john pajiett federal member for peel as speaker at their january meeting mjfallett gave an account of the speech from the throne and the debate oh the admission of wel germany to nato it being expeciedjeaves two brothers walter and sam- that this would berapproved uel and one sister naomi all in eng- during the business portion of the land l weetinf it was deeicfea to send a let- ie war pidcaied by two sisters ier of protest to the school board mary and martha ifersom and three over the use of inargarine in the do sons albert inhudbowj russell in watleclice clan k splendid ft- lfl2fl and ueud charu hilled in port was given by mrs lloyd cricn- action overseas in 1m2 ton on the annual central ontario rev alfred barker conducted the district meeting and eleanor mac- funeral service saturday at the mo tfonald took the motto ideas are the dure funeral home and he was bu- in thergrouplng litlfjuui n otlmmjtfsmf fh hill nfthta 1j in humtajm n tll years experience in the catering business are taking over the restaur ant they ara tex harsnl walter rortway and eddie yakey who are concessionaires at new toronto for the cnr employees cafeteria they alio do catering tor the vmca and canadian legion in that district mr ilaiard who is coming to town as manager commanded the catering fet supper waa served following an evening of games and a singsong mrs laird was presented with a beautiful azalea by the choir celebrating hi eighth birthday fti day john son of mr and mrs stan flnlsy had a party his cuasts were jim and paul thorn psonjim richard son doug hart and rosa duncan fractured nose accident victim passenger in a car involved in a saturday night collision on no 7 highway bob hill suffered a frac tured nose leonard cripps acton driver of the other car had head in juria the cars collided near the sut line mr cripps was travelling west and a car driven by jim beckett of town waa coming east damage to the vehicle ia eatlmated at 300 one te hospital hitting- epirlcedcar oittnt tot line near no 5 aideroad herbert nixon travelling towards his heme in hamilton monday at 0 pm was treated for shock at milton hoepital about 1200 damage was caused to his car and the parked ear owned by walter coulson r il 2 geor- will be held at the home of mary lou jean and bessie alexander will be moving date streelaville surviving are his wife three sons and2 daughter frederick heraom winnipeg margaret urs wm f smith georgetown borden heraom toronto and herbert heraom queen- l6n and six grandchildren he also hockey teams win a pair apiece this week georgetown r r 2 will receive their friends and relative on the oc casion of their fiftieth wedding an niversary in aahgrove united church tuesdsy january tho twentyfifth from two to four and seven to nine no gifts please slippery roads caused another ac cident saturday afternoon on no 7 near the 8th line driving behind george wright gait a car driven by raymond tackaberry kitchener hit the rear of the ear damage waa 300 a perfect week for hockey fans saw both local oha teams win two game each the raiders defeated markham here friday j and won 88 in oak- ville last night and are only one point from first place in the league r the juniors who defeated midland here last night 104 won at stouk- ville thursday thla faat improving team now ha won 4 of their ten game and is one of the hottest teams raiders press oaks league leadership georgetown with a record of 8 win in eleven games played stand second in their 4team intermediate group- oajcvule utteadlng the league mil ton 1 pressing georgetown whilo markham trails with only 5 points the raiders have three homo games ireiueet of character the blue prints of the soul a contest on canadian t history waa conducted by janet uae- afr pallett accompanied ber bus- tiand and showed keen interest la the aaeetlng by taking part in the dla- rled in brampun cemetery pall bearer were jaek auetiug wilfred gi iijt smith victor johnson peter steph- dlskc idgus 100 ens john evans nd george jchlnil bj- friend attended from brampton mow tot ksfoers streetsvllle toronto queenston- and georgetown blake liiglu and tncsferrl are in a hof race for scoring leadership of max bradbury thuldbtthiaaon delbaaumnsit tblsle had soared is goals and is rftmarun nick back in a georgetown uniform after a seasona absence in milton reverses these figure for the same total the scoring record compiled be fore tuesdays game i oak shows op g ar pn blake inglia 11 10 is 32 0 nlek ferrl 1 11 13 19 32 26 junior beaumoqt 11 14 11 25 14- left and three away this friday bud varey 10 7 14 21 a whon oakvillo plays here children harv chappel 11 7 0 ib- 4 art being admitted free if accompan- pete bradkin 11 8 12 18 37 ied bytheir parent as a special johnny irons 4 2 7 11 2 feature jerry inglls x 10 0 it 41 14 leigh bradbury 10 4 6 10 8 oakvule dave irons 4 3 8 0 2 aatders ron dixon 10 4 0 0 18 milton 0 3 3 2 markham 21 3 2 8- 21 3 ib iltkl 8 3 1 17 8 4 16 6 8 12 2 0 1 8 heme oenam- friday jan 21 oa mir mrs harry short1ll true blue master the local loyal true blue lodge held elections at their last regular meeting the installation was put on with an official visit from the district deputy mrs harry savings of geor getown lodge officers are mrs harry shortlll worshipful master mr er nie rawson deputy master airs georgegrelg recording secretary mrs albert dawson financial secre tary mrs bob harrla treasurer mrs norman lowrey director of cerem onies atra dennis wright conduc tor mrs henry preston chaplaht mrs ken harris inside tyler airs verril rawson outside tyler lunch wai served after the meet- togjtomdtt fie queen same away

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