Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 2, 1955, p. 1

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i x l s twelve pages gftoretowu ontario wecenecday february 2nd 1955 twelve pages whay council did presentation for still debate meter or is treasurer hat rate water charge oa coujmhis request mr rotrts ei th engineering firm of phillip a retorts net with theta monday to dketistf rate structure in connection with us current expansion of the vuerworks system th new water frfctxin outlined in the anginast- re port to meet the town expansio will cost the town an additional 335000 yearly and l m municipal board requirements to that deben ture can be issued must be paid out of water revenue in order to meet the debenture payment wa ter rates will either have to be dou bled or council will have to revert to the meter system mr itoberu rec ommended the meter system by which those who use excessive am ounti of water will pay for it me also said that in order to make this system work and meet the approval of the buaxd meter readings and billing would have to be on a two- jnonth service a decision on the matcr was left over for further dis cussion in council until the rates are set snd approved no further wort can be done on the nw ayalajn three applicants were interviewed for the position of tractor driver for the new landfill machine and perc harding was hired for the job at an hourly rate of 127 and duties to commence on monday february 7lh the new lystem will be inaugurated at the disposal plant and later mo- ved to various locations where wulr land may be reclaimed council felt that some recognition should be made in connection with the rob goldham night which will be held in detroit early in march this community is proud uf the suc cess that bob goldham has made in biff time hockey and council has delegated the mayor to go to detroit and make the presentation on behalf of the people of georgetown town engineer ros simmons gave a very comprehensive report on work which should be undertaken at once in connection with roads storm sew era and sidewalks a delegation to the municipal roads branch of the dept of highways felt that addition al grants would be forthcoming for work on guelph street and maple avenue s s resetf dthead joins mmtftalfirm head of the research and develop ment department at smith 4tua since 1048 h ii hank rugg star ted a new position in montreal this week with the soerry gyroscope company mr rugga work with smith and stone has been extensively concern ed with electronic products and bev erage vending machines an engineering graduate of mcgiil university he received hu prior uni versity training at bishops college ixnnuxville then took rst graduate work at harvard leading to his mas ler of arts degree he worked in ottawa with the national research council before joining smith and stone mrs rugg and their sunk andrew and jackie will bu joining mr rugg later this year in montreal glen williams st moans vestry reelects wardens at the annual vestry meeting of st a i bans anglican church last tuesday jaek lucas was reelected peoples warden anil joseph kason was again named rectors warden by rev kenneth richardson who con ducted his first such meeting since ixtoming rector of the church financial reports of church activ ities including the i a dies guild sunday school and junior altar guild were reviewed at the meeting arthur beaumont who acted as ves try clerk was named lay delegate to synod with roland haines a alter nate jack crawford sr is convener of sidesmen and william korzack and arthur beaumont are auditors formation of a vestry committee was discussed at the meeting and it is expected that action will be taken on forming such a committee later this year retiring as treasurer f st johns vnited chvch alter s term of 18 years will is m deans was presented with ring at the annual church meeting january 4tn ur deans has bean a meimher or the official board for 37 years and also served as suitertntendent of the sunday school over a ten yea per- ud mrs gordon kidney presented a bouquet of flowers to mrs deans the meeting followed supper ser ved by the womens auxiliary under the direction of mrs harold cleave rev morgan mrfarlaoe welcomed several newcomer to the congrega tton from kngland denmark and sudbury mr deans presented the financial report which showed that the church had a must successful year work of the extension council of the llaltun presbytery was reviewed and the con gregation agreed to raise 2000 over the next three years for this work s t faram was nominated an el der replacing thomas l leslie whose death occurred last year rev w c murdoch father of mrs mor gan mcfarlane was made an honor ary elder and william kinrade will i secretary of the official board this year p h harrison and val stein were named auditors church memherthlp durlnglom increased to 407 a 1054 highlight was dedication of a number of gifts to the church ou a special sunday in june and the ordination of a num ber of new elders increasing this to 21 rev morgan mcfarlane came from hcspeler as minuter to succeed rev john m smith jiow in whitby there were 3u baptisms b marriage and 10 services of burial what council did 5 promise munro sewers water mail to boundary delegations were the order ol tha- day- at mondays council meeting mr finlsy munro returned to ak vht posit wo- he was in with his subdivision now that council had tur ned down his request lot sewer and water and if he could expect any help from the town after consider sole discussion council agreed on a recorded vote to bring the sewer and water mains to mr uunros boundary line and that he would have to service his own property this to be undertaken when houses sre un der construction snd on approval of the municipal board mayor arm strong deputy reeve norton coun cillors mrgtlvtsy hale and noble supported the motion reeve allen councillors sargent and lyons vot ing against messrs harold henry arthur her bert snd john bennett interviewed cormcil in support of the newly fur med georgetown boys band and ask ed for a substantial grant towards large instrument and music mr henry said there were some 33 bos enrollixl in the band and felt the town should support such an organ ization council pledged themselves wholeheartedly behind the band and made an initial grant of 250 leav ing the door open for further ssi tance as the organiration progressed largest list in theweather ur editor- teroperatura arc really down en this weeks summary wonder what mr croundbog wllj do oa february 2nd era batkin data mas llln snow january 24 28 7 flurries january 25 29 10 t january 26 28 is 1 january 27 14 1 january 28 14 0 january 20 14 i january 30 22 0 flurries average 21 a 2 ashgrove farm couple married fifty years producer marketing discussed by forum an orderly marketing program for livestock under producercontrolled marketing boards would benefit far mers as more stabilized prices would tie maintained if farmers gave it w hole hearted support and rcgula tions were strictly enforced this was the opinion expressed by the majority of halton county farm forums who reported on the topic iroducer marketing some groups thought the major ity of farmers would agree to neces sary regulations as to manner and place of marketing their live stock if they were satisfied it would benefit them financially an exten sive educational program would be necessary to acquaint them with all the facts other groups thought farmers are difficult to organize and would not slay together and agree among them selves veteran paper man walter peck retires another veteran provincial paper employee retired the end of january when walter peck became a company pensioner mr pecks service with the com pany goes back to 1018 in the ear ly thirties he became foreman of the finishing room trading this job in 105o for one as storekeeper for the past four years he has been sample clerk in the lab mr and mrs peck are pwnning a long holiday and will leave soon for florida later going to the cast coast to visit with two sons who live in nova scotia mill employees presen led mr peck with a purse of money while the lab staff also made a pre sentation on his last day at work building trade unions dinner meeting here building and construction trades were represented by union business managers ur organizers- at a dinner meeting in georgetown last friday at the mhibtton house the men met to informally discuss method of jurisdiction in uniun mat ters affecting union e spans ion of georgetown where it u certain that more unionization will come about in the building trades when large- scale building gets underway in the ielrex subdivision reeve stan allen former president of the smith it stone union and a former meinlmrs of ihc provincial council was asked to be chairman of the meeting other town council members were also invited guests at the dinner alfred lcbeaulieu a reprcscnta tive of iocal union 103 in the or ganizing of the georgetown area membership local union 604 ibkw was also present along with such other union heads as lion taylor secretary of the building trades council and a member of the shed metal workers union i richardson latxmrcrs c dibble electricians j hamilton teamsters m j burr hoisting engineers george derry iron workers and k watkins gyp sum lime workers markham and oakville defeated bv the raiders tuesday afternoon and evening january 23th was a very happy oc- caalon fbr mr and mrs fred wng- gle worth of georgetown r r 2 when they received over three hun- dred relatives and other friends in ashgrove united church it was the occasion of their golden wedding an niversary mr wriggles worth and his bride ida m cantelon were married at her parents home orchard grove streelsville on january 23th 1005 by rev a b harries they farmed for twenty years st wcnnington cot tage hornby and since then they have lived in the ashgrove com munity there were nine guests st the reception who hsd attended the wedding fifty years ago including the brides only brother herbert cantc- william sahli 83 glen williams burial member of an old glen williams family william sloan soldi a3 was buried in glen williams cemetery this afternoon following a funeral service in toronto at the ross crsig funeral chapel he died suddenly sunday morning at 58 ardagh st where he lived with his daughter muriel mr sahli who was the son of john snd ssrah mult in sahli moved home united church reviews years work the annual meeting of home uni ted church was held on january 11 rev a r muir as chairman opened the meeting hymn 681 the churchs one foundation was sung followed by scripture reading and prayer el mer carney reported for the session and the treasurer melville wanless reported finances in good shape the following reports of the various or ganizations of the church were given by the treasurers womens missionary society ex pense fund mrs m wanless mis sion band mrs thos russell sun- to the city shortly after the first war vnt and had been employed a a night r l yru by watchman at the cowan chocolate w f wn f factory until nil retirement a few up mra l boucher cheer fund years ago in clrnvill hcwor- mrs a boucher ladles hupcnae t wrigglmworth lha wife edith i marion i aniell died m mm t the church basement was decora ted for the occasion with tawny gold roaea chrysanthemums and spring flowers mr clifford wrigglesworth and mrs jamea carney received for their parents assisted by mrs c wrtgslcsworth mr and lira howard their son howard was principal of georgetown publle school at the time of his death in 1090- th womens association of ash- grove church catered for thlkocca- aion musical numbers were en- joyed during the afternoon and ev ening artists boinfi barbara cun- rilngham bernice wilson mrs c b dick mrs john ii hunter mrs jamea carney mrs frank wilson mrs n c wriggleaworth mrs how ard wriggleaworth marilyn wrig gleaworth and douglas wrlggleswohh in the afternoon those who pour ed tea- were mrs w cooper mrs annie mclaughlin mrs m e nix on and mrs r j graham in the v- enlngmrs perejrwjcatley mrs clarice hume mrs n c wriggles- worth mrs bessie kennedy mrs w cook and mrs w bowlby poured tea the young ladles of aahgrove-eom- munlty and the grandchildren assls ted at the tea ubleduring the day friends called to congratulate the bride and groom pf 1105 from toron- is hamilton orangeyille dundas angell a few yearaago surviving are three children ber tram of chicago 111 muriel and leslie of toronto and three grand children miss margaret osborne is a cousin and mrs howard garvin a mc c niece a daughter died in childhood wriggles worth coon milne head high school board william coon acton was named chairman of north halton high school board and dr j b milne george- town vice chairman when members held their first 1055 meeting in acton last week committees- the first named as chairman are finance and manage- ment g a dills acton dr milne fi hall milton murray coles esqueslng ross carbert nassagaweya transpor tation george c brown eaquesing claude cook acton fred masterraan georgetown building mr carbert mr hall mr masterman ur brown george cleayei xsquesing property n l pickett milton ernest forgrave georgetown mr cook vacancies on the milton staff have been solved m a temporary basis j e mareelluf retired principal of the the following officers were elecicd for the coming year board of stew ards e boucher t russell g bcardrrfbre d tiarbutl a fuller l williamson w bowes secretary mm george bowes ushers w wan less s mcculloch p carney w j taylor msim treasurer mr e bou cher cheek treasurers a bcardmorc and w bowes auditor mrs g bowes at the close of the church service on sunday january 30th an election by ballot returned james mcculloch as elder for 4 years the elders of home church are a c boucher t russelt e carney- and j mcculloch mr muir conducted the installation service the annual meeting of home church sunday school waa held fol lowing the annual church meeting on january 11th mr muir conducted the election of officers following the reading of tho minutes by secretary donald garbutt gilbert beardmore resigned as su perintendent o the su school after 3 yearr of faithful service the following officers were elected superintendent mrs s mcculloch assistant super w j taylor sec- retarytrcasurer donald garbutt as sistant treasurer dorcen bowes teachers adult bible class mrs j messenger and assistant mrs g bowesl young mens bible class mr e carney young ladles bible class limekouse oil burner painting church improvements the annual congregational meeting of li mehouse presbyterian church wa held at the home of mr and mrs f j hrown jr on wednesday even ing rev a j calder acting as chair man and miss ivens secretary for the meeting twenty one persons atten ded reports were read each xlepart- ment showing a good year and the interior of the church has been pain ted as well new eavcslroughing ad ded and an oil burner paid for the session report showed fourteen bap tisms two joining the church by pro fession of faith one withdrawal by certificate and ono death leaving membership of fiftyfour stewards dick appleyard neil benton rosa norton snd thomss ritchie were re appointed retiring managers a c patterson and h nflrton were re turned to office with other board members being t ii price w lin li b h say treasurer a w benton ajid auditors k c undsay and donald lindsay ahd record secretary mrs glsby were reappointed mr f j brown jr was appointed with mr joe ross as a trustee members of the session at present include t h price joe ross andrew vmino a c patterson and a w benton having lost kir thomas appleyard by death during the year mr k c undsay moved a vote of thanks to the host and hostess a social hour was en- joyed while the ladles served lunch we regret that mrs gordon hu been hospitalized this week for treat- i fridays intermediate hockey fix- lure here with markham augers well for the raiders when playoff time comes around a few weeks from now the teams which will definitely meet in a playoff round played a league game friday which saw geor getown well in front with a 132 count at gamo end dave irons was the scoring star with 3 goals rlakc in glis nick ferri and hud varey each cored twice and singles went to gerry ingliv ron dixon leigh brad bury and junior bramuont rullock scored both goals for markham monday night raiders took oak ville 43 always a close score when these two teams meet and there was some postgame excitement when some spectators snd oakville play ers tangled briefly ss the team was leaving the ice fred lawrence was s standout in goal when he held the visitors score less until h through the last perloot varcy bradbury beaumont and harv chappel got the local scores stewart baker and blanch- ard scored for the visitors raiders hsvc two scheduled games left one in milton friday and anoth er in oakville fehruary 11th those who are s tickets on a clubsponsored lucky draw arc rem- indcd to turn stubs in before the first playoff with markham at which the winning ticket will be drawn the largest prill list in th history of the f muring agricultural socie ty was paid- in lftm it was rveaid at lh annual nspetiag ol the sorieiy held tn the fuini towtiship lutl m thursday evening of last wee a total prtsa list of 323846 was awarded in the buay and varied classes of use show plus sn addit ional 17406 for harness races ag ainst this smount 1100100 was rec overable in government grants t0 from municipal grants gate receipts of j 1333 s3 and the balance of prise list and running expenses were made up by donations from local merch ants and advertisers the society carried a deficit from ltftl of 16133 and by the end of 1054 showed a 7 tic debit balance in operating account however a 300 deficit u still showing in the build ing fund and the ladies of the socie ty have taken on a project by which they hope to reduce this debt by s considerable amount on march 0 and 10 they will sponsor a canada parkers cooking school in st johns memorial hall and are already busy selling tirkets mcclures home fur nishings will supply electrical appli ance for the school as well as donat ing hsndsome door prtif and vince mount ford will emcee the school in the absence of president hsrdlng price through illness the first vice- president spencer wilson scted as rhsirman for the meeting secretary garfield mcgilvray gave a report on the operations of the society during 1am and highlighted some of the main features of the fair he compli mented the lady directors for their as sistance with the fair and hoped that more men and women in the commun ity could be interested in this organi zation which endeavours to keep this lime honoured institution operating in the community the secretary then tendered his resignation but agreed to carry on till a successor could im appointed art bennett of tho- halton dept of agriculture addressed the meet ing briefly and look the chair for the election of officers he said the recently forced 4 ii forestry club at the georgetown high school would tc interested tn obtaining space for next years show and that in all pro bability the tractor maintenance club would want to hold their ach ievement day at georgetown fairin 4955 the dates set for the 1955 fair are friday sept 30 and saturday oct 1 the election of officers resulted in the 1954 president and officers and directors of the society being retur ned to office with power given to add additional members to strength en the society spencer wilson and vcrn archer arc 1st and 2nd vice presidents and p w cleave was chosen as treasurer a motion was passed electing jack hart to the directorate to replace fred chap man- who moved from town in the ladies section mrs spen cer wilson was given a second term as president mrs donald lindssy is 1st vice mrs mac alexander 2nd vice miss jean ruddell secretary and miss charlotte mccul lough hall sup erintendent n a robinson and r darou are a committee to arrange a euchre and dance for february messrs j d godfrey and john bingham were re elected auditors the fifty fifth annual convention of the association of ontario agricul tural societies will be held in toc onto on february othlothllth miss sybil rennatt mp is to be guest speaker st the ladies afternoon ses sion on thursday tory gregg will n o p a fair at the mens morning session and miss oharlotte mccullough will chair a discussion group on fair prixc lists two liberal presidents both georgetown residents town treasurer mrs goros booth bronte press secretary mrs m e gowland milton entertainment con vener mrs wcndover palermo mem bership convener mrs kenneth giles palermo two georgetown residents head the new county liberal association executive after fridays annual meet ing in milton prank patch succeeds jaek kehoe menffor a badly injured thumb which burlington in the presidency and she caught in a wringer she rctur- mrs percy leslie is president of the ned to recuperate at ber sons mr ladies division wallace gordon on sunday those attending the meeting in mr robert rogers leavea on mon- milton town hall heard miss julia 1 eehool is teaehlsg mathenulica and wammltuelimotul ftlll wood babeoekj girls phyalcaldiiemlii it5bi mr day to join hla army unit at lon don mrs rogers and little daugh ter will be living with her parents mr and mrs f gibbons rockwood we regret their removal mr th price taiatlltronfinedtto the house following a bout of virus pnoumonla dr stewart magwood of sussex kb was a visitor with the f j browns this past week 1 v five of our young folk haw had german measles very recently the wf turners spent the week end at unlonvlue t lamarah niagara falls lawyer who la executive viee prmlrlrnl at the national young liberal federation officers serving with mr petch -in- elude pete walters oakville lat vice president gordon lever oak ville 2nd vice president kenneth ilick milton secretary victor hall trafalgar treasurer the officers ol the womens alio- elation artionorary president mrs j mcniven milton prealdentrmrs percy leslie georgetown district representatives mrs roy turner milton mrs lloyd crawford cahip- prizewinners at firemen auxiliary euchre the prise winners at the euchre sponsored by the ladlesauxlllary of the georgetown fire department on january 25th were let reg wil liams 2nd mrs mary robinson 3rd frank robinson lone hands mrs zllio and consolation mrs waldle mrs wilson our new achookteach- bellvllle mrs stewart stration oak- er visited relative at st catharine vlue p l stuart burlington lastweekerid rsrdinr secretary mrs tjjther knh ssv atofcescq yvmbfeoeriisstjsmttstij fire call for furnace pipes firemen answered a call early yesterday afternoon to the home of edmund ingham 33 church street when clogged furtuoe pipe threat ened to cause flrejrhere was dlmsn httiortiul r v damage reported ejmjwhfcl tz

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