Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 2, 1955, p. 3

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jhajnilton construction imouapmstuer tr 73480 homes oajlapes concrete work industrial requirements renovations building supplies every buitdinc need wiattuoridation means for plain and rock face concrete blocks also chimney blocks if oriole concrete block co w j mccowan mi un oun william trinou 7m7i oulof town caller plcaie reverse charge garbage pickup mondays llmehouse silvercreek gun williams tuesdays stewarttown ashorove norval scotts haulage tr72165 for your excavating jobs cellars ponds loading etc sand gravel and fill call barclay haulage tr 73891 i hare u etw el hv pji rmsrktu 1 liicavrl f mrn tlmm way t tfntsl tueayl by j zgilubs md in hialth msoaijne there never was a time in the his tory of the world when people were more interested in the advances of medicine dentistry and the allied sciences ff every new discovery for the cure or alleviation of illness like bantings discovery of truulin the discovery of the sulpha dvugs uf penicillin and all the allied antibiotics the artfu- litmiru fur hay fever and asthma and those spectacular operations on the wart to cure children of congenital heart disease all of these and a noil of others have twin lulled by the ken era public with thankfulness sad i prccialiun toiuid has stamped out dipthrna chlorine in the water supply has rid us of that terrible disease typhoid vaccination has almost eliminated smallpox now i wish to tell you about one of the most remarkable discoveries of modern times one of the urealcsl boons to humanity water fluonda lion to prevent dental decay ik ou know that if this new dis covcry had been uird in your infancy uu would still have tk per cent of missing teeth and they would be good sound teeth those of ou who hav e your tttth woivld have 60 per cent fiwir fillings ami your dental bilu woulil beci w per cent lew vour children woivd grow up with good firm teeth with less than hslf the filling l wrry about v let us enumerate the facta regard inn fluoridation 1 dental decay is reduced by b0 per cent in children drinking fluon dated water from birth till they are 10 ears of age hven the moat rahltl opkjnnts have to admit thu 2 the reason for this reduction in decay is that fluorine n taken up b the teith and the become to bard that they resist decay it in something like tempering sti 1 to make it hard ami lough this- quality persist through life to eventually the whole population who drink fluoridated wa ter will have this resislanei to die ay the crumel of the tooth tmiom lent soluble to acid action of bacteria this hues ns our protection 3 the other 40 per c nt is due to factors which are not und r control vet and this group must still tx- lcmk td after by our dentists and doctor 4 the initial cost to install the machinery for fluoridation would be about 1000 fur oshawa about 1 000 for brentford about 75 000 for toronto after the initial cost of installation it would not be more than 15 cents per year per person 5 it is humanitarian to save our children from the ravages of dental decay with its attendant ill health due to focal infection indigestion and the misery of aching teeth 6 at present 00 per cent of our children have some degree of dental decay when they start to school 7 14000000 in usa and canada are using this fluoridated water and dont leavi it till the last minute bill bailey w give the oil man a call at triangle 72888 for service a n d s a t i s f a c t i o n all year roundi a great soul prefers moderation s n e c a t s bco 6s zhejiouse of seagram enjwhojhmhof tomorrow practice moderation today they all have or are steadily getting the same results of reduction in den tal decay 8 not a single bit ot evidence has been produced to show thai water containing the recommended amount of 1 part to 1000000- parts of water has caused any injury to the people drinking t 0 drantford addedhiiftrine to its water supply nine year agoand has had a steady drop in dental decay in its children until its record is almost as good as that of stratford which hor had fluprtpe as its water supply fur 37 year thee statistics ase from the dominion government 10 it takes 10 years after the fluor idation program has been started bo fore thi full benefits are obtained so thu longer it u put off the longer it takes for our children to obtain these benefits 11 fluoridation of water to check dental decay has been recommended and approved by the department of national health and welfare us public health ser vice the canadian denfki associa tion the canadian medical associa tion the canada i an public health as suclatiun the amurican iubhc health association the health league of canada department of ite entive medicine of 81 leading univ vt rallies of canada and the us but someone might well ask why is it that every city in canada has not added fluorine to its water supply to give our children the twnefils of thu great advance in scientificresearch people have an appalling tendency to do nothing even though it is for their own nnrwt unless they are titer ally lashed into it they will submit to all kind of discomforts and injun tires and even hardships and evils rather than make the effort to corretl them once they are aroused they are terrific in tht ir cnerg but the are sluw to rouse the apathy in this i ase is due prim arily to ignorance lime afti r turn 1 have inquired of citiicna politicians dmtou ami dentists what the thought uf fluoridation of the city water and i have bet n appalled at tin ir tillir lack of knowledge of a subjett which promises to be one uf tin gnattst advance in public health in our generation intilt and public health officials liiv ht n disturbed for many ears in wus- f the steadily increasing am ount of decav especially among chil drt n and the inability of the d ntism to cope with it despite the marvelous advances we have seen in that profc sum and here is a means of elimtn ating uo per cent of this problem yet the great mass of people have either not heard about it or have only heard some feeble objections to it the dictionary defines bigotry as holding some creed or view irrcspev tive of reaion and this definition fits the great majority of those who are vociferously opposing the use of flu orine in fairness to ourslves let us exam ine these arguments the first group arc a small but not sy lot who write letters to the cdi tors objecting to mass medication as they call it and the introduction of some foreign material in their drinv ing water they will have none of it they are the same group who ohjee ted to the use of toxoid to prevent dip- thena to chlorine in the water which stamped out typhoid they opposed all scientific advances next con t pr a group who are either timid or subtle they admit all the ad vantages of the fluorine in reducing dental decay but they intrude an cle ment of doubt by inking the question what about some harm to the hum an system by introducing this sub stance into the body will it have some harmful effects in years to come that we do not know about now the st iouis medical committee in 10m made a very exhaustive study of thin problem among the people in the usa who had been drinking flu oridated water for many years and could find no record of any disease which could be attributed to fluorine they also noted the death rate for cancer nephritis stroke tuberculosis diabetes pregnancy and new born in fants and found no correlation be tween statistics in areas with or with out the use of fluorine next came the real problem of patches on the enamel this is the only valid pbjection but it only occurs in patches visible to the naked eye where the water contains from 8 to 25 parts of fluorlno to 1000- 000 parts of water this is vastly in excess of any possible amount which would be used in our water supply this has only occurcd where people were using water from artesian wells where they were ignorant of the am ount of fluorlno in the water it was the investigation of these coses which led scientists to discover the hardness of the teeth of these people and their resistance to caries and from there to using lii its bio amounts of fluorine in other areas was a natural step after devising a method of reduc ing the fluorine in the artesian wells they began to work on the project of the proper amount v prevent carics- wlthout causing patches to appear on the teeth that la how the investiga tion began many years ago in 193 l 35 years ago the us public hoalth service began a very exhaustive study of this whole problem and we nwe much to thorn for ourpresent know ledge of this ubject the ontario dental college has also carried out extensive lnvostigotlqn of thiitsubjecb there is a brilliant g ofolentisuijn dental research who have worked with the department of national health and welfare in the investiga tion of this problem in ontario this group consists of pr mcdonald dr paynter dr granger and dr niki- foruk a dental biochemist they have demonstrated among other things how fluorine unites with the enamel 4f the teeth to nuke it so resistant to decay a statement was madotecently that stratford which has had fluorine in its water for many years has more gingivitis than brantford which has only had fluorine in its water for 0 years it was suggested that this was evidence to prove that the use of flu oride caused gingivitis gingivitrs for the benefit of those who are not acquainted with that term means an inflammation of the gums however the same statistics which came from the canadian journal of public health show thst sarnia which has no fluorine in tu water never had any has the same percentage of gingivitis as brantford this proves that fluoride has no effect on the oc currence of gingivitis this j an excellent example of the various objections to the use of fluor ide where the objectors aro willing to use part of a table of statistics in at tempting to prove a point when the very statistics they are using very evidently disprove it i his u the real difference between a true scientist who is in search of truth and the obstinate people who are only interested in proving their point what about alternative measures in place of putting fluorine in city water kupply in milk for example foggy reasoning it has bet n airgued that infants and hildrcn the ones to iwneflt most by this proces so it would be liettcr to put it in the milk this is another example of foggy reasoning of some people ami their failure to think a prubiem through in the first place we are constantly urging mothers to breast feed their babies and the majority of them are breast fed so these babies of the conscientious mothers would be den led the b nefit of fluor in at the very time wim ii it is so urgently needed i- rum an economic point of view it is also impractical in toronto atone there are athjiit 21 daries in addition to the factories for canned milk kach out of tin e would have toinstall the machin r to add the muurinc daily and in addition to this initial expense which ik fairly heavv the health ie parttmnt would havt to inspect i at h ont of these daily in place of he tin gl inspection of thi city watir sup- pi the t ost would br vastly more than the 13 c nls pi r person pi r year also the small r the bulk of jrtilk the more didicult it is to apply the jijl act jjnourrt when you art- dealing with such minute fractions as one part of fluorine to a million parts of fluid paint gums what about topical application or painting teeth and gums with fluor ide how jn the world are we going to get all the new born babies around to dentist to do this additional job dentists are already overworked and haven t lime for their present work the expense of such a method would make it prohibitive fo rail except a htnall percentage of the population what about pills or drops this idea again ignores the human equation we find u difficult enough to persuade the mothers to give cod liver oil drops to infants and children during the early months and years of their career do yog think that they are going to continue giving drops year after year till the children arc 10 or 12 year of age not if 1 know mothers another objection is frequently brought up and that is the question of waste they ask what about all the fluoridated water used to sprinkle lawns wash the streets and used for washing ay the same arg4imvt was used ag ainst chlorine in the water years ago but would anvonego back to the days when typhoid fever took such a toll of lives and inflicted so much suffering to save a few cent per person becauso some of it is used to sprinkle lawns is this an extravagance when dental- decay with its enormous cost to the public enn benrduced by 60 per ccnl7- cant we afford to let some of this water run down the drains when it costs only 15 cents per person per year we spend vastly more than that on cigarettes soft drinks liquor can dy theatres and so on and think noth ing of it dont let us be deluded by such specious arguments when so much is to be gained at so little ex pense what in general is the opinion of scientific authorities the following statement is typical it is from the report issued by the british ministry of health on the fluoridation of wator wc have found no scientific evi dence that there is any danger to health from the continued consump tion of water containing fluoride in low concentration in the areas where naturally occurring fluorides are pre sent at a level of 10 ppm mortality statistics do not indicate any hazard due to fbio an medical experi ence in such areas has not produced any ovidenco of increased morbidity many suggestions have been made that ccrtjin illeffects may neverthe less occur we cart only comment that the proving of a negative is extreme ly difficult moonwhile we are im pressed by tho fact that millions of- people are living in ordinary good hoalth on water containing fluorides at levels of 1 pprn and more the gkofctgrrown hirald wednesday evening feb 2nd 1065 page 3 farm news mwne howard armstrong milton fair president the 102nd annual meeting of the halton agricultural society was held in the court house milton on friday afternoon it seemed to be the general consensus of opinion at thu well at tended mooting that tho 1054 pair was the best all round fair every belts by the society preidiail roy cur- ne secretary un george e read hcajrthe ladles committee headec by mrs v w chi holm and general manager j allan dixon and hall superintendent tom uouiaejd all cume in for 4mcial 1nenuonnol withstanding the far that recent years have seen a sveat number of improvements made at the county show grounds plans are under way to make 105s jut inf up year and also provide still belter accontraod- atiun fur spectators and exhibitors alike as in former ears the mil ton fair will be held on the last friday and saturday in september the newly elected officers and directors are resident howard armstrong 1st vice president tho housfield 2nd vice president frank w chisholm secretary treasurer mrs george k kr ad head general- manager j allan dixon directors trafalgar klmer douglas w n scott ksqucsing itoy cume kdwin harrop nassagaweya j u chisholm harvey itlacklock and j k mcphail nelson a it coulter a c hsd field archie mckinnon and w k shields milton w c crozier j e hrownridge and dr c h healop ladlas sfetlen president mrs k w chisholm secretary treasurer mrs alfred ford committee chairman domestic mrs lloy curnc ladivs work mrs t ilousfleld womens institute mrs e f yate flowers mrs wm c booth arts crafja miss vers may childrens work mrs j e hrownndge new tile business opens in cooksville charles and art aishford both of whom have had several years exper ience in the arbonte and tile busi ness have opened a new store in cooksville di signed to cater to those who wish to work themselves on their homes an udvcrtiscim nt n this issue tells what they have to offer at their store handily located in the old bell tel building there flowers for every occasion dllgn work a spacialtyl flowers b wire anywhere in the world norton floral triangle 73582 georgatewn rfgoodrich footwear in georotswn exeltulvety at silvers problem the federal government is holding 68000000 lbs of butter bought by the taxpayers l6se lb m muearmutte p perhaps sou need futtljace new have 7hevcrv omefor b1llgarbutt sarah street wtriangle 73638

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