Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1955, p. 10

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th8 6eorgbyown herald wednesday evening fob oth 1s3s page 10 kallinafad evoke memories with old hats with historical research as i nifj ing theme members of raltmafad woutnl institute meeting at the home of mrr dancawpbelliait wednesday answered roll call by wearing trie oldest hat they could find fifteen members and a visitor wer present mrs archie ueenery told the his tory of the first settlers of erin township and tlrs robert ueenery gave reading on historical reseaxrk airs snow told how toronto got its nam llrs ernie ueenery who was in- charge of the program gave an outline on current events and mrs reg fxench detailed some of these the motto the great use of a lite is to spend it for something that out lasts it pspared by mrs wm mr lean and rasd by urs william kirk wood was very interesting vol 3 no 8 high tales publis by students of georgetown high school wednesday evening feb bui 10s5 his heels comes a roar get that lines for each boy mut ou of here student sees dog 1143 am bells sound come pedro this iinl the meat tur into hall same large georgetown ontahio advertise it pays ordalcott reminisces by dm wrtuwrti the name gordon alcott will tl wiys be lyooaomou in georgetown with good sporstmuulup vfhmt ur ted wll sci hen in georgetown hi spread sfcro roost of our prov ince the foraiuon of tw utile 9 niiu mr aleott it now president of thii lejiu and jo primeeu u the honourery president boys who join the utue nlilmuit pledge ihenuei ves to keep miny worthwhile niles tlu u just one example or mr a colts leuure time sctivitiw soo ther outstanding one is bis urge young people bible clss of weston which be orgsnurd and trscbes his sctual business is sslesmsn fur the sun ufe insurance co his hobby youth mr alcotl ha very kindly men tiorud some of the more humorous hsppemngj during his sojourn t jls in hn letter from which 1 quott a few escerpu pcrhiprrny chief claim to fame a a graduate of georyttovrn llih school i that j hold a record uncu viable as it may be and 1 am kurt that it will atand for a lonk ne it t that 1 tnlirrd hikh sebwd in w22 and kradualed in 1034 after five yean in the bunnr uorld i decided to o hack to school to finish up my sinior matnr and ul thi anit lime 1 w nt tuck to firt form lo pick up botany and art a nrttfornnrst w2t it was at this tunc that i offendtd thi firbt form rs b n f rririk to ihim as muintir at a i iti rary so- cm mt rt ink 1 nmiinbr that mary lilli r hit tin was out who took txctptiun o to add a htth wit one iav jimmy vans antl 1 tu all da suctrrm to them ihr retaliated by brinun arrow rol ttitcuits ht n l dav and madi quid a pr ntaliun to jnnm and ihat tar u had uur nl ill l danrt thi lin1 mh i iiuiaim i h hilunlt our lirst rujt turn ktn un h lrtlson w i- tlu trams rr rink in i u 1 1 in d ur onk i i hd mii lit int i r uirl j inn in i u i s mil ii 1 h t t run until m iu i fc exit another student i i n i i ii hi i i ii j jl llll i lirl 11 n mil ilr ii i rn iflr choir prepares for spring activities by sue crabtre hi llo onn aain will if it imt t urn thim its m ollxr th it primnls t tunr p no is i h jnothir ihis turn w is i xajns with trd lib iiki 5lh forn i ithtr studinn r writink thi i xams for thi pist wnk or so ttiin has in rn no thnir thi rrfon t mi hai prohahl fiuriil out ti nt thin isn t murh ni ws oni think thai u know for sun is that our lcadi r dorsn t ixaclly ap priciate somi of th innks th it hai tx n picked for ihr festival this cr rom his tone of voice it sounds like thr ih koinj to hr a chdnk if he has an think to do with it poor man he has another probli m too most of his f male kint rs are 17 ears or ovi r this iar and he can t find any kirls to participate in the junior classes finder 17 iar at pnscnt hi s busy pulling out his hair and racking hit braim lt have tniiun to learn quite a f i w new rontis that wr will prntatil use thu spring at the commrnct mi nt etc nursery ith inn the famous song wc rang laht ror by oaraw suit the year just passed witnessed an unportant event maybe not lo you but to a certain individual a quiet modest and very bashiu youth paus ed seanned with a criucal eye nd then passed thrdugh thegatta of the university of toraito this was no djam wii reajityj he ksd fought and ttudied tor this and wu about to venture into an even more ventoesoftie future ola lierg had entered his careerthe only one he proudly hate and v might add a hard ae in high school he puraucd the academic course achieving many honors through the grade and gra durated from grade xjtl with a ma jority of first and ceond class hon ours naturall in science and malhr malic i can remember many limes hearing a slow long drawn and cracked groan oh no as a vexed 1- rench ti acher stood stamping tin patiently demanding of him to do his i- rench homework inktrad of calculating the gravitational pull on mar lit fori comim nrin hi ktudni hi mcivod an h- sav ldl thi atkinson r ounlafi bursarv fur students us ho and tb lmvtikitv olli k burary of mto i hi si bursaries b lp to pay ola s txjjid oij is now in thi iacull of arts division at thi i nivirsilv of turon a wb-i- hu x aiuilmg liuniiiuma thimatics and i tisus a four ur coursi thi tirsl tar contists of mathi matii s vlnch includes alflthra lalculun k tr and statist u ihmis this cuv rs a v ry widi hi id includink hi at vilocit and i iicur it v ihiinslry and astronomy 1m siit i s mi nor nubjicts like t hklisil i hi m si thrt- rjrs hi drops cht in istrv and ronctntralis on phvsus inatbiinatics and astronomy luci nl iv i askid bun what u as thi rjusi nf nnrthirn likhts t and 1m hold hr tximtiardi d m with a lhir if tndri n a turns ii iv in i hi sun n v oil a n u i rupliiins and m alt d m ith a i irnnik il tii uhuh i kladlv w ull havi takin nfiii will r tti- i 1 l on t i ii lni f in if ii i ti r his h in i m u il ii i ii slhllltll s f 1 is n i i is i i i k ii i n 1 1 i it- it h mh llnm itt iii nsii nt iht ir i isti ii un or nulinik thil ii i in 1w i h ilk kim r th nl it mim i ml in in i i i tnti 1 h n u i i ii hnishi i ii t ur i h mill u i llu ml 1 tiv i i ilhi i hit n in iht in i m i hid pjk nht inn r hi is of st in tin i i in d si his t jthi r mf mithir iim tr firm ni ar i inn hmisi hi ink ur thrift li mvtr indulkol in ixiis sivt i nti rl nnmi nt xn pt btroks md now tii tnikis iirtnn all his nit nt v is hinntlltd into txiard at ihi arts lluildiuk transptirtatiun hoim on tin wi i ki nils and liai k and bn ks urn xlra inoni ola uorkt 1 list siimnii r at irovinciil pa pi r intl hopi s to do so llus viar as will on atlvict to ounkr sludrnls ht lulievis it wisi policy for a studitit to know in radi 0 his further in tintions and thin no fooling around the minute ht graduated from radi ft in public school he knew no douht what he wantitl he made a special ty of mathi ma tics in hikh schonl took extra mathematics on top of his n pillar curriculum a thinu rarely done being er modest ho just won t extrt himself any more than to sa his course is prett hard ola s brother uling m studying to be a cbi mist in ibi engineering depart mint so with ola doing lh n starch and his brother the engine r ing thi r mikht emerge in tht fu lure annals a new compan known as the hi rg hriithers who knows oflm has ninii out nf rrtinmint n an nuv wc take tills opportunilv we have start d to practise it once again if ou havtnt hiard of it it joun missing something and i auivc you to com anil hear us whin we mng it i will ut ou know ulurc and win n wt an going to sing it to wish ola and hih brothir th h hi of t vt rylhing throughout th i futuri an for thir hard work lsee whais new et maveal motor sales matnisitnrr t 7jhht students continue curling acnvltjes on thursday afternoons after school the loud hum of curling stones together with shouts of sweep sweep may be heard at the local arena a scond look will provo to a spectator that the cur icrs are g h s students who have taken up this sport seriously there is no homewock no lines only a small fee and two hours a wooltto praeticothls sport which tho students hayo discovered is not noarly as easy as h looks a ffood curler mns be an accurate shot as well as a good judge of weight and distance it would amaze some of the adult curlers of the georgetown club to seo how these young boys and girls ranging in age from 12 to 17 are mastering the in turns and outturns and draw shots if the interest in curling continues and conditions- certainly point that way gjis may enter rinks in the mhoolboy or school gfrl bonsplels next year enthusiasm skill and a willingness to practise looks like winning esmblnauon idtmy sport soccer a la femme by lynn treleaven the girls have prltty wtll taken ov r the boy h game of soccer wi girls find it fun to play soccer m our own inimitabc style our game isnt quite as rough as the boy it is even more fun when miss plcrcey or miss parkinson joins in or the girls from grades ten and eleven join us in our combined pt period so far we have been fortunate in having no mishaps except an over shoe full of snow wc hope in our future games wc will be just as for tunate eastroughing plumbing heating don houston aaaiotiawatawassaussaniitiihahiacaaaa scholastic interlude how students obt that way 645 amrphone rings in princi pal s home lie crawls out of bed picks it up growls yea a very timid voice answers please sir is there any schoel today anolher fftowl go hack to bed this u sunday hangs up 8m am a little blue rar chuggslnto the school yard it u hidden behind the ou building that back door comet in bandy on theae occasion 000 am amajod student stands in the hall wondering if school is out for the day as he has heard enough bells in five ininutos to awak rn confucius 0 01 am principal just reaching his office bowls at poor defenceless student why aren t you in your room 0 02 am hells ring again as stu dent is carried out by stretcht r be arm 0 03 am principal i ovtrworkid phone relit f teacher 0 is am htllef teachi r arnt juki aa building fchjtke i hi rt riot in ctll hlock 7 dib a in ixtri tuard ruih i in loo bad r aut alarm just j ti arhi r hlouin of tit am stunt ht ipli s btuj nt did not luvi hii tuimt work tlont hi hail ybrkoltt n hih book ni hii itmki r mix hjl tlra kul hiinsi if up tin hthol at mid m but nobody uas iht n to itt in rn in tf wm tirrd wverw -rtn- di nl wjindi rs into tht uffiti m dog at market 0 31 am what do you mean by coming in at ylhis time please sir you toldjpe that this u suviday bul my nmther says its friday 0 47 a m the bells and buzzers go again one to wake the students up and one for ijjem to tnove jp jn other room and one to go back to sleep on 0 48 am riot jigajji this time in cell block 8 because teacher was caught putting disappearing ink in ink bottles before a stiff exam 0 40 am principal rushes to the scene dog catctier quietly sneaks off to his room 9 50 am principal arrives at lab can t tx fur the gas ihafcradc xiii have produced in chemistry period 10 00 am student u seen walk ing away from- pvncii sharpener and i given an essay of 500 words to write by 4 a clock fubversive in6u ence 10 07 am teacher staggers in and explains to class her absence i was too loaded coming up the hill students look 11 condition of teacher and believe it 10 40 ajn teachrr in western pants and western boots western lingo 22 4jm gallot hat finishes his story fur the day and tirginj phyue tlask student put away their mm t and six shooters 1105 am jrd pt nod of morning ixti amid confusion 20 kids in hall lomront rlu teacher com ing vtrihxl dutkft in tht ir lock t rn 11 07 a tn ii kid fctotk in th r litiktrtt runt ik rtinowd art all i iv t n rt dut in jnll 111 a in iijihrr app ars all lp hljtk bun drtnkini dupluatiin mat turn ihnd on a tlatltip habit mildn i find drinking fountain 1 1 jl a in t hit f iitrtr ut lor rn it ir turn k as in pushi s through tht n inainmi 5jj t xatninatiim papt rs t to 1m markitl to hpot two bob naltnie twit bmrit tinrtr of reboot uith skatis ami hot k fetukt jtxw hlda i vrtai 1 bears through the hall shouting youre not supposed to be out here yt get back get back 1 144 am scene of desolation the hall 200 open locker doors books pencils bottles clothes strewn throughout after principal explosion 11 46 am tieedatarvinj xtnd ents head fox home 125ft pun teacher with stop watch snides students freeze out side locked door 12 60 pm student sneaks in through keyhole is thrown out 1 00 p m students axe let in one by one after being checked for guns and muddy boots 103 pm locker raided empty bottles picture of ktalus 2 packages of gum pair of roller akatea and skipping rope red flag seized by chief rtider j w p m sniff wttatj that grade xiii again student repue after saluting no sir its jut th girls in home economics burning th toast rest of afternoon passu without incident students too weak to fight hack 3 55 p m town students stagger home as rural students arc packed one on top of the other in the bus wary teachers have their 4 o clock teawbal no crumpets tvr fear of persecution heond our control the writers will remain anonymous v ith qurlrc the only province it ill uimid in the traiuanada high way aprttment somi 4300 miles of tht trans canada highway re curui dt rrd pusiahle to traffic high tost havi pushed rnoit impor u1 wihii t loths into the socalled opt ctal brack v when by thty inter canada until r greatly reduced duty tumufit to tlw dulxunooi of 4h an- jidun t xttli industry vacation lures for canadians late f inter vacation are becoming a must with many canadian who wish to eicnpe the bitter cold of late winter or the slushy snows of ealy sprirvq canadian pacific air ucs new service to mexico and south america offers a quick escape from old man winter s last cold clutches to the sunnier cltmes of the south a direct service from van couvcr lo mexico puts that charming latin land within 10 hours of canada equally quick flights by giant new dc 6b aircraft also put the alluring hawaiian islands within easy reach special tours in moxico have been arranged including visits to famed acapulco- upper right america s own riviera where native divers defy deathy daily sec circle plunging from towering heights into the broiling waters of the pacific at mexico city visits to the new university library of which is shown here lower lefl and to the famed floating gardens are musts for vacationists sunbathed hawaii offers among other attractions diamond head and one of the world s best known beaches waikiki lower right th bowk family 4n tha uu eabtaru luft toral twwl 11 toll twlnf montiwal h w tokpmtar mmiimiiwi ir thnattnhi mantntal swy ss ctuitnl offik bi lamlwt puutt iwum so bunatraphar manlrml oauaw si tall iwlns mantraat the bourkes all work at the bell awny back in 1022 n young innn by tho nnme of arthur bourke joinod our company littlo did ho roullzo that his chdtiran all aix of thorn would follow in his footatapa to camera at tho dell todoy mr bourko would be mora than proud jf h handsome family we know uw are i t the bourkos like all telophomi people know from their own experience that tho boll is a food place to wovk they have found ploaaant associate and interesting work at good wapoa thoy have also found aatufifctlon and opportunity in serving uurpubllc in an oaaential buainaaa aad this la aa it should be for good tele- phono aorvlce depends upon people who like tholr jobs and convoy this feeling to our custofnqrs this is tho feeling that is largely responsible for the spirit or aorvlce you find in ball employees wnenveryou meet thou yhm biu telephone company op canada

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