Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1955, p. 12

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w thk geoftcitrown herald wedttmdiy evening fh oth lt5 page 12 lath wkftht get donald gordon chairman and preldentbf the canadian national railways recently announced the appointments of george herbert lain as assistant to president and oi william richard wright as di rector of public relations the appointments beame effective nov 1st i of 5 68 percent several two year heifers are on test there are 35 classified animals and they hive the very high average of 8736 the high est rated constructive breeder in canada donnx the past years mr beaty has hated his former stnroriierd sire llndale beacon baal as a tested sire and is the breeder of the silver medal and superior sre lindale aidna lad wth th highst milk production rating of all su prior sires in canada 10 860 lbs of milk on his first ten tested dsushters the update hcrrd created a won derful impression on the world jer sey bureau delegates whtn they visi ted ha ion county m july in act all farm herds were hi a hi y praised a former newspaper man ifirb lath brings to hit ntm jxt a wide end intimate knim ifdr of carui dlan affairs liorn in si john nfld in 1804 he interrupted a journalistic career in toronto to tvi oversee 3 in 1d13 in world war 11 mr lash srrved in ottawa o mmullva assistant to the censor ship coordinating commit tco and in i40 became director of public information for canada to organize and develop this branch of the countrys war effort he handled press arrangements for he lloyal tour early in 1030 mr wright was born in montreal in 1010 and educated at selwyn home school westmount high school and mcglll university lit studied lav for two years et me ant where he won the graduates piixe for highest standing in hli first year and a university schofttr- ahlp after a distinguished naval car eer mr wright was appointed pri vate accrelury to the mlnlsttr of national defence in jm7 during his service with notional defence he was closely amclaud with the public rtlutlons activities of the dtpartmmt lit j int 1 1h cana dian nutl rial jmllvvuys arly tills ur us simiiil issutui t in hit ufllcc f the 1 n i1 tit tit li u tin riitx r f iht hldtuu club of ottawa ito ul st lawn nee naist club naval ofltcira club of mintnul sir arthur c urrlt branch of the canadian la glun and u10 mcglll graduatts society lindale jerseys high for canada for thr second time maurice c tleat ljndale jersey i- arm mlltun ontario has qualified as a construe tivt breeder r vi r cow in the herd t set pi 2 are hiimi bred and lh thirty two cows jwram 8 079 lbs of milk and 310 lta of fat with in avtrah test inhaling immunity a aewjsetlied el ibceauuos fowl avialnet newcastle slstaae intltea use arcalien f a klbf bu majeatt kluf rhamlnol adnldej at thajlaad rlxht wilibu u the vaeewa i lv lntranmamllj the vaccine ni developed tram virus brent ht la thailand by dr john laueaater aeeaad tram rifbt a vjn peed and afttenkare orrv- intlu expert tram tha tjajlad klardeaa tha new autbod f raid feasible rawwrliil bum bald teeta la aa effort ta wlaa ontjjia dii- aaja which u a aeoorfe of tba eoantrya panltrr industry the aaaarauaa ef tlul farmers wha fraw vary land at their bara ni lined whaa use palalaas laaealauoa waa introduced farnells beehive or crown corn syrup no 2 tin 28c no 1 white honey 2 lb carton 55c mitchells apple sauce 20 oz tin 2 tint 35c rite brand aluminum foil 25 ft roll 23c free cake plate with each 1 lb tea cup vaw tea 1 lb pkg 125 gift department featukit am chl cupssaucers values to 2 75 eacn 3 for 400 n farne ll xr1 hvy geographer world travelled bqolced for knox lecture philip kabertshn fortay who will give an illustrated talk oh how to sec- t urope next monday id knox pracbytrrian church is a man iiah fud for the job a professional tfrokraphpr iree lunct journalist and photographer he i a canadian educated at upper can ads olwae oxford and mcu lie bas st rved with the lloyal navy and hoysl canadian navy in many thia tr 1 of war and achitved a reputation ft r tut trip throukh 1- urope and afn an kafans he is a f llow of tht itoul and anuncan kjotriphlcal o- t h in h will how c iour d slxtt luring hi talk which mill tx fllow1 with j qurmu n pt riiml 1 hi youni latins auxiliary t f lu church i ponionnk hi jj pi jrann church news st george t anotlcan churth llrctof hcv kcnrnth hichartlkon sxanrtima sunday 8 00 am holy ummunion 10 00 a m sunday school 11 00 am malms 7 00 pm i- vpruonc st albant church clan wllllamt 10 30 am sunday s hool 300 pm hl communion flrtt baptttt chwrch itrv a j llarkr ii a 11 i 10 t in church vhoi 1 r tin 1- aiml 11 00 a m 1tth lak sk ptici 7 ikl i m rxi dint 1 ni ukh hi in i st john unttad church 111 m i nuiarlan ii a norman laird lnanlst an i choir dirrctor 10 im a in sun la schoi i 1100 am srh ol worihlp i lor mirti ry childrin while parnti alii nil the smiif of worihip 7 00 pm jimnini worship knot and limahouta praabytarlan church rev alix j caldir ii a 111 mr llirnict owlanl orkanikt mr josiph vouni canllomur knon hurch school worship service llmahouta churth school m m 11am i 10 p m 210 pm worship service norval and union praabytarlan churchat llcv lockhart royal 11 a union 10 a m sunday school ii am divine worihlp norval 1 30 p m sunday school 2 30 pm divine vtonhip j norval charo unltacl church off canada norval rev a r mulr r a 130pm sjhday school and illble clais 2 30 p m public wonhip olan wllllamt 10 30 a m sunday school 7 00 p m public worship horn church 10 a m sunday school u em public worship holy croaa ko ohnreli rev fr v j morgan mast at 11 am tat 3rd 5th sundaya man at b ooa m 2nd and 4ui sundaya oraca baptist sunday school associated with tha fellowship of evansellcal baptists of canada rev glen wordell minister oddfellows hall 3pm coming events dane with the modern aires every saturday in the roso room georgetown arena baby clime in session 130 to 3 30 monday tebriiary 14th at georgetown legion i tail soccer league don t forget the meeting on sunday tebruary 20th at 2 30 in the legion hall friday april 8h the knox church choir will present a program of baiter music watch for further information valentine euchre at lime ho use memorial hall on saturday rebruary 12th at 830t under the auspices of the wa good prizes lunch ad miuion 40c minstrel show from cbenexer church to be held in baoinsiait hall tuesday february is at 8 so pon sored by baltlnafad w 1 admission 50c children 25c 29 lvmt miss the valentine euchre and dance ta stewarttown hall on friday february 25th sponsored by kmuet1ng agricultural society cards bju doris hulls urchtatra lunch admission 50c halton junior farmers 3rd an nual drama festival will be held fri day fcctiruary 18th in oakvillc hlkh school auditorium it pm ftatur tni four 1 act plaa admiasion 50c valentini euchre and dance to ix htld at sttuarttuwn hall 1rlday rthruary 11th at 8 jo pm rrfrtsh nxjita and omi pruia iuria hull orthtbtra ioiisurttl by hornby 1u11 club adinision boc m it uur litktls nuw fur thi c anada i ak r m k iiik s hool in st john k hall ehjnnrtd ly tht lad it i of rkjuiiil akricullviral socitty t n march uth ami 10th i rtxttda fur building fund youu har fun at the iodl valentine dance ihu fyulay in thr arena hnc room irt uptln your best antl dance with the modern aires you may win tht door pruc dinmr for two at the siin o iht steer couple 250 st alban a ijiiiu guild annual shrove tuesday bazaar and hot im if dinner february nd in tht parish hall ilen u ilharm llazaar opt a at 1pm suppt r krrtl from 5 to 7 adult 100 children under 12 50c heronc is invitt d 2 1b the annual st ah ntint n day t u and uak salr uill bt hi id in st i a ill i lariii hall noital n satur da ibruarv lth at j in it a an 1 tla 1 ui mill u s t 1 during tht sale tv then mil i ji lutk lra i ir the it a rt urn r nji an ivininj f c l in i movioi and kli li il ntw talanl an i r londa bj mr and mr koim rt hut loronto lit ttu sunt scrj i no 7 llikhwa h is p in saturda htbruar lflth itefrt hments aus i lets stont school association adult soc chillnn free 2 1b ii tlton ii k irxluurk annual nuttini in ijipirlmtnt of akncul luri hill milt n n tut sda 1 t b ruar 5th it 2 p in c harles mi in nis onlaru pr sidt nt and charlts niuton dirtctur ill addrtsi tht met tink futhri ind tlinct in vvjuesink t ommunitv hall slrwarttown h ri tra hcbruar ltlth at 8 30 jdotl prit s rt frcshnu nts doris hulls orchtstn 1 uckv tlraus 1st prize tabu lamp jnd canura 3rd has kit of ttnctriti ausputs st johns hurch mid proctitis in aid of hurch improxcmt nt fund adm sion 50c 2 lb anniversary mr and mrs james scddon will be atlhomc to their friends and neigh hours on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary on friday feb ruary 18th at their home 18 academy road from two to four in the after noon and sevtn to nine in the even ing sfatimg georgetown arena fevery saturday afternoons and fvcnlngs adults soc children 25c its never too late to enroll at the brampton business college 21 main st south for free catalogue phone brampton 1114 tf typawrltertfor jcent nerval hornby ctawarttown church of england ilcv j e maxwell b a lth st stephens church hornby 11 00 a m morning service except lat sunday in thq month j 3 00 p m evening service st johns church stewarttewn 10 a m chlldrenaaervlco 3 00 p m evening service except flrat sunday in the month 7j0 p m evenapng stt pauls church nerval 750 p m- evensong except lat sunday in the month 11 00 a m holy communion rw zlen tabernacle rev f hrfletcher sunday school rns am service each sunday it 11 00 aju i jrant7a0 pj1 v friday ks grill will fawtura fish chips baby halibut with lots of french fries roll and buhar 40 trianple 73m6 af rakerlomb orders its quality that counts its selection that counts its value that counts silvers complete closeout or all winter lilies s tremendous savings on fine quality apparel how to see europe a travel lccture with coloured slides by philip robertson fortay ma sjxj i o d by your f lad li au i dry knox presbyterian church monday february 14th tl e speaker is a profess onal geographer free lance olrn6 i and pholograprier a carta inn educated at upper canada mcg ii 1 el oxford he has served with the navy traclcd etrns vrly in europe oncf africa 800 pm adults soc free free friday and saturday 1 24oz loaf of homfmade sliced bread or 1 doz homemade cookies free with purchase ef a delicious white cake only sc or 1 doz of our delicious 8amberry squares only sc for real economy its the 0venette bakery centre main stfceet trijoqu 73531 order your vauntin cookict and ckt now oirl wanted for pari lima work immadiataly for your valentine pearls earrings pins bracelets necklets from 100 valentine embroidered handkies to enclose in your card 75c chinaware salts peppers novelties from 59c valentine cards l three large racks tienrljr200 designs choose now watches for that extra special valentine gift choose from our large selection of fine watches and save up to3000 by trading in an old watch any old watch but act now as the day is nearly herei it a li til d g diamond watchss j5xvjvdlllv o jiwiuwv- orr45

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