Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1955, p. 10

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tm mormtowm rtllald wednesday jvtoung karen j 1b60 fxsb 10 for lifetime convenibnce and beauty and at direct to you regent combination ajjuminum storm and screen jvindows and doors jf quatltv ouht paevonelly suparvusd installation choice of 1 colour 2 years to pay union church building now seventy years old flee estimates and demonstration just phone tr 73818 a no ssonsl chanp or storao problems ci no painting colli sj yoar round scroon and storm protation we pay no saletmtn commiilioni you enjoy these big savings for plain and rock face concrete blocks also chimney blocks ifa oriole concrete block co j migovtas oih lina glan williams trianou 7 3471 outof town callt rs pkast ristrsi charfil lanes haulage for excavating and grading ponds cellars etc top soil sand gravel call tr 72521 farm news grade 70 as test station hogs during ibm 054 hogs were market ed from tho ontario advanced regit travel notes easter in fabulous new york by spatial train ja ca from toronto 90himov up bvar 6250 up including hotel of your choicer- transfers etc t 7150 up consult rber er agency wml ibbt try swine testing station the aver age age of the pigs when marketed was 183 2 days and 70 1 per cent made grade a carcasses of the 9 078 715 hoga marketed in canada in 10m only 25 03 per cent made grade a here in ontario the per centage of aa was down to 20 07 per cent and in llalton county where there waa 41 per cent of a hoga in 1051 the percentage of a hoga haa dropped 11 per cent in three yean all hoga at the teat nation are self fed and on the average they accured 1 pound of gain live weight with 3 8 lbs of feed in all 240 groups or litters were tested 4n on tarlo in 1054 it is interesting to note when comparing the 15 highest groups with the 15 loweat groups that the percentage aa in tho 15 highest groups waa 083 and tho av erage advanced reglatry scoro waa 87 5 in the can of the 15 lowest groups the percentage as was 23 3 pcf cent and the average advanced registry scare waa 53 5 aa all hogs at the test station ire fed the same raton and furthermore are market ed at the propor weight it indlcatca that there la much in breeding mr 8 hardly seventy years of history seventy years of change in halton county from the memorable sabbath day of february 22 1885 when loyal presbyterians came to the first diet of worship in their new church of union to sunday febru ary 2fllh 1s55 when descendants- of these early worshippers arrived at union church to commemorate se- venty years of service in the church which is in llaelf a monument to the determination and devouon of their forefather the teams of horses outside- toe church the don nets of the women and the side- burna of the men the sleighs with their fresh clean straw ihae sym bols of another century were no longer in evidence in february 1055 but sorely he large number of cars outaide union cwurch testi tied to the same spirit of faith and loyally the service tuelf conducted by the itev c t royal was an appro priate tribute tu the history of the little rural church mrs rrancu thompson a former member of tlit rholr gave a fitting rendition of uliss this house and the eon gregation jouiod in tbe singing of i joyed when tq the house of od the church s one rounds tiun sntl all hall the power of jeaxia fiame mr jluyal s theme itrasons for iteing lad wu based on his test the ucll known n rse from isalm 122 1 was ylal whin they said unto me lit us o into tht ifoust of thi iord mr itoal dwtlt lint umn tht srcial retook for rtjoitini in h lloust of od on this particular similar upon tlu prisiltkt tnjoiitl of 1m in in i hi prt st iiu of o1 and upon the trut ptrsptttivt which onl lln act of worship t aji jist lit tjuottl liir vttmlill holmi s who saul thai thin is in tht tormr of nn in irl 1 lull pi nit t 11 i 11 m 11 in uhlth w nils to lit wattrttl at it ast oiitt a isttk ml 11 a i ll ii 1 to ii llll jim of till hrli in il stout 11 in lilt lilt of hi hinth hi i is il 1 ih ill ir i tin i i h llltlslhl must ll ih in hi tht n st altxjlilt r mr a pictiin of iht of si i ml hiisli an i in 11 1 11 i i 111 1 will ii prt st ih t of 1 slrt in iht 1 n i u- l tht iptistlts 11 i hit f 111 of tilt lllall w tl i pillpil his jost i ll lto al also i sokt tl mi n w ho hat ik t n sponsihlt or tht btiiltlinx iif th t hurt h inspirttl h ristrtnti an i tmphasirrtl iht it h hi h rst 11 tll uk tht tlisur i tht until rstati i f more rt molt flirt lit rant t of iht drinkine tif knuuilttlm of all sourris of hoal had found parenti attend open night at wriffgleswordt parents of pupils attending how ard wrlggleswbrth public school vlslteo- elauroflrru- to view their childrena work and discuss their progress with teachers last tuesday each teacher waa in tho classroom as well aa a grade mother appointed by tho home school association ii waa tho first opportunity for mosf parents to toe tho now school wing which was openod in january principal william klnrado and tho teaching staff woro served re freshments later in the ovcnlng by tho home- school association cash tnlos accounted for 88 b cents of the average canadjaiuretall con sumer dollar in tho 1st quarter of 54 faith mr l spirit 1 i st 1 11 1 w h h il f 1111i ill his w i t his nt i hi our mi f hit nit is loiiimiinllit s tht hrlsl s woi k jnl othtrs to a tmtttr hnst thi st wt n rtjolcini which mr in ootl s housi hut perhaps tin lrtatbt satisfaction was tht ftclini of siturils that spriiili from chris tlan fallh tht shall prosper that imi tint an unusual ftature of the struct was tht ii ri laluahlt contribution made bj mr llirt tajlor of ciirl tenhain a former ilturr in union church the two speeches of tht dai could well be intirpreted as a fusion of the past anil present if mr roial with his vigorous dehv cry stood for the present strength of the rural church then surely mr taylor with his heart warming mem ones was the fitting champion of the past mr taylors addreaa with its abundance of significant detail evoked the past in a vivid and reall stic fashion he recalled hia carl est glimpse of union church when as a child of four he travelled from his home on a cold winter nigit nestled in the straw at the rear of the cutter and saw the lights of the church as they made their way along 22 sidcroad he remembered how as a child in church he had measured the length of the service by watching the sunligbt move across the bonnet of tho lady in front of him he reminded the congregation of names familiar in the church a history anderson rutledge leslie frazer mullins starrett thompson watkini mcglli sloan mckanca- mcdonald campbell and iloare and indicated the pews where they had once listened to tho word of god in theso easy days of bulldozers it is worth remembering the effort in volvcd by the hauling of stono for the church up the terra cotta tnen salmonvllle hill by doublo teams of horses tho very atone itself was of presbyterian origin as it came from tho townsend property in those days payment by time was considered highly unworthy and the slowly built church waa opcmrl fobruary 1885freo of debt in spito of tho architects exorbitant fee of 600 thla in itself is greatly to the credit of the determined and loyal men and women who woro but one generation rcmovod from hie pione a7ler iho service an hour of fcl lowshipwiis enjoyod in tho sundiw school hall during which tea was served by tho ladles of tho con gtegatlon tho company thpn had tho pleasure of viewing an lntcrcit- ing historical item viz tho poster which advertised tho original ser vice of 188a in tho longuago of tho times diet of worship sabbath day and solroo another notc- worthy fenluro was surely tho rep- rcsontativo noturo of tho gathorlng along with mombora of norval and union woro many pronllnent fami lies in tho community vho woro ablo to- find within tho walls of this mm jpb morgan 79 holy cow pewter kin rev fr v j morgan pastor of the georgetown and acton roman cath olic churches suffered family be reavement last week when his broth er john joseph morgan died in st josephs hospital hamilton mr morgan whose home was at 64 kurade ave was 70 he baa two other brothers in hamilton francis and joseph a hamilton resident 45 years he moved there from cnalliugwood where he had come as a child with h par ents from irelsnd retired ten years he had worked with v w fefrtnah and john puff and sons meat paejting company s u3 frost steel ir wire co he belonged ip ste anne s roman catholic parish an waj the oldest member of the st vincent de paul society holy name society and tbe league of the sacred heart there was a requiem mmtt fur the deceased on monday morning in st xfar s church collingwood followed h burial tn st marys cmetir there his brother officiated with a nephew rev francis morgan of kitchener as deacon and fr kuard collingwood pastor subdeacon farm news offer specials for bacon shojv at the bacon fcliov to ik h id in milton on march joth vm until rslanil from lislon mti in mit nt of tin helton lun inxliuiri asstx mi iun thdt his iainx latum i tits i ur ill of fir spiduk of jj isiih for all tu s i t first sin 1 m on 1 ijiijl it in in u in nint tuunslnp uli j i rh will uimi hi i um h in tin nliip j roup ihlm sln m itl tl to tho i it i i f ikllitlll i itl an v ih 1 ti sitsini fnvl cjii iht i is f s n 1 it n i in is t th i i vh on ih si f m r ill h i nil r h mirth 1st pit it hjw it s r this tun shoiihl o nt t liitirs t f tht haaltori pi i uls arditl to s ml i rit ins t h tin ih v in n ill it m ml n i i l ih miidiu th qu iht n f i ih i r si iiniii t iml in i i iiu 1 i n biggest jfvorking dollar on your fam implah delivered prise 1640 odjutioble front axle au temoiic traction booswr kto twoclutch power control powershllt whmii snapcoupler ond freeswing imple- mentt a vjolur cs do lot rrvort warl when itt lnvtd in m auii chjiiflw ca trsvctas he t tvew eaidtveerithf in two- plow tractor power lem bulk mora brawn at lower cott plus foatumf thit etttbls you to haficue more kinds of workiouier fatter we will gladly demonstrate tbe ca on your touehcet job any thing from deep ullage or subsoil tng to cloae precision planting and cultivating let us show you toon smrcoomft b auuaadssm tnitmt v sam sie navies j reid equipment supply co g lo t fl e t o w n j h reid irri t it i f ih slunl stt m tnnl titii si mi su t nit link uith thi past in com iiuion t us m if thi iml of hlnur lbhi niimorhli dj thin mini d is li hruii 11 mill h mrmhrrol jtit i warm i h mimtxni o this historic lunk tion of lltiltun ount garbage notice industrial and commercial garbage may be dumped at the georgetown disposal plant mondays to fridays between the hours of i pm and 4pm no dumping permitted at any other time by order of georgetown municipal council rt deas can be planted too paim imtoviuimt loans or avouobu far many wful purfmsw alk fw our beeltlst on tfsa ubjmt al your moresl layar bfgiidi you dont have to teach that ion of yours that to reap a harvest he must sow tbe seed it may not be so easy to eonvlnoe him that saving money eaa also bring a rich harvest of inner satisfaction and peace of mind teach him to manage us own financial affairs while he is still young ptahrth his fertile mind the idea that the uotuf ktui is one of the surest roads to suooess encourage him to open his i own personal aocount with the royal bank of canada we welcome his aooount no matter how small fiumuui tnluluf fur yr u dsutkur m lit tltli a a istlur aaucaj atturttss ssnsehmf pntttmm tr uukht vstir murtm a ts mntf tktlr saw fttutut tftlfi rva0 jlml ii luurtihh tuluufut mjhymrfm y rnyiesiui tke royal bank of canada oeoroetown branch r w daroumsnaoer ii ffisaa

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