Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1955, p. 5

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page b we oaaday embuuc uaren 2 ims ym cettftcrrowm hulalo prompt satisfactory jstervice crystal hhjjwtilu yu wait dui nhituuha ttttptnilea breulat rstlr draft la tfcyeute wu ttudty check your ritj ttwj the crystal lvd check the b en ytr watch r ckwe of own watch and jewellery repairs mchamara jewellers main rnrm jr7li punters ai better off tia itser city brodstr m j ftrtwn tdc at old question of which is better off the city worker or the farmer u use farm forum tubject of dueusaloa february 21 the re ports ratt tree halton coun ty forums showed great deal of thoutkt hd been ivea to tie dl- cuuloa so much depend on the individual worker it wu difficult to readi ttny definite conclusion however many comparisons were made borne group thought the ur ban worker enjoyed more conveo lencee mere recreational facilities lest seed f capital investment a more steady income when limes are itood but little to fall back on in hard time on the other hand not all but some farmers have many home convenience they live close to nature in healthier aliiuianhero than the city workers end have a better place to raise a family tht farmer is very dependent on nature but is more or less his own boss the farmer require more capital to run arm of hi own but there is never a layoff from lack of work or strike the majority of use croup felt the farmer wu better off a be enjoy a certain feeling of security and his pride and satisfac tion in hi acconjpuihjnwnji many croup considered an inter change of visits for city sad country children and elder a better un derstanding of problems by attend ance at each other group meeting would lead to better understand his of each other viewpoint- painting millinery crafts show night school diversity piri closes ajtkfna mil ton arena hid an early float nu whn ur damaged the building last wrtk juvenile and intermediate ho ekey fairies have teen thifted to ceor ifetown a welj u rural hockey play olts the ftre burned two tectum of eatlnt and a centre leel truu was twuted damige wu rsttmated aa hlich ai 23 000 the building wai tekleil off pending invtaugatiun by thi rire uanbal ohice the lire oceurretl a week iko sunday morning tba audiuhuu at tfc- howard whjuuwertb sehrtt irnwftr- md into a th6rbe tar bancucrtfls by lot ptofiu utt tbircday even ing keo oil painting- millinery aluminum crafts and etching tailor inc ctramtei ajd wtditag dona dur iag their recently eampleted 12 week course were duplayed lloyd uiruhall oak v tile duuru direr tor ot the programs branch of the u patweitl m kducatioa which irxnv tor the night classes ia handicraft waa preaeot he congratulated both pupils and teacher on such a high ly gratifing dliplay of work keith uarber chairman of the llallon com roihec of the programs branch in trodwed ur it in halt to the urn number of people who had pathir rd in the auditorium to view the ex hibit the display of oil paintings uaa tv trouble dial triangle 73376 wigo gives you the finest fastest possible service oni call will convince you this is it marconi tv 21 with aluminized picture tube beautiful mastercraft cabinet in walnut mahogany or limed oak exactly as illustrated wigcvs price 229 for as little as 3 so a week ft or if you prefer a smaller set 17 with all the above features wigos price 17995 for as little as 3 75 a week 31 main st trianol 73376 and of course your 90 days free service wig0rad0 television tore tv specialty not a sideline wigo has a beautiful selection of record players arid changers ifa stock priced from 2495 up only 69c 33 rpm records only 99c philips t 78 rpm records v jr c t wigo ia tpedaljged in rotating mjj normal amala from 3750 ufc inpreialve and lpdtjded work done by um deueatary and advanced ruu uiu dortmby siooe uutriae- jed tha vlemcfitary claaa k food many of tiwir pisilnhs vera daac from colour photoeraplia in tit work displayed by the advaaeed cltii usdar the ittstxueuon of ur frank black the majority of paint- inhi ere original and included miny ruril winter tttiu tnsplrd by the icenery near caorfetown whili uthtni painted were from hltilrhe done in the iilmmrr there was juit one imprestionlalic paint hl in the coup ltry imaginable atyle of hat was iru luiltd in the millinery duplay nutn from uilorcd clocbea aail rb ami hat and uarf rnaamblca to mktai hau picture hats and the idlest ktylr fur our tpxlnu outfit luta ii i ad t of tttraw fabrica frath n and crocheted braid were iirn in hi collection un i- rank ltlack instrurtcd the ladiea in the millin r clair t otnpleiiuntinc thr hat display an 1 placttl rlht ni xt to it was the isiijj of tailorrtl iuiu and drras nuur kuiu tik ladic attending tin c ijsms in tailoring receivetl t ir ntructiun from mils carttr c f iidpb mib jibi wyalt held rlaic in pttr making at h r homi durint tht conn pnulurinl many prttt jihi 4rilma1 howl ash trays orna un nul tuwiris tht y madt a col out f ul diplu in tht exhibit m ttf thi lariist displays was itut f tht clasi in aluininuincratt and h litnj mr harlet austin it it millnn inmrut led this jtoup man kautiful trah of all ahapes sii s an 1 dtsitns ut will u- sttrvittti li il 1 rs roaatt is and ntht r nu 1 1 iti tns m rt in ihi ir t xbihil 1 hi n uas an tlttctivi display of ri in i r foil uork otii of whlfh was tiitnluttd b an artun cla thtbt i duits wire itiiit stnkjni u ht n run i on di pla alt win sttmr t am i it s f mtldiiil tl nt li a class un d t tin hui risioi if al ra it i ht ut 1 inil tlass mas a ik w a billion tht nit hi clash turricuhini this t ar in i lili in to thr handicraft clas m s tht t was a lark clas attt nd in tin litturis m i ubhc sptakmk h id t 1ioftssor hakr of thi o cnelph iht comph li n m k 1 i s c unprim ii i n 1 ti v si it utl thi 1 i w tin i i ct ii li 1 i v i i 1 ii t i v mn i- x t j t i r ii in t s it mm th ili i w r i i i in th hiui si hi i i and i h rt n s i i i d is pupils thi i irtm nt tihitalion uorkini thr i h i hi north llalton hiih si h wl thiard his made iht program a nlahli hiith harbor is commit ttt chairman ftr the county ion hurraktr is local chairman and mrs renoldi is secntary of the local committee j i ijimbert hirh school principal was also pnn cipal of the ntfihl school classes top price 950 at holstein auction top price of 050 at the sale of thr purt bred holstcln herd of george t mckay sehombcrr ontaup was paid by m k healop iturlintfton for ahc shamrock mary t daufthter of the noted ahc reflection sovereign mary is classified as very good in sel eclivc kcristralion as ia her dam the dam also has a yearly record of 200b lbs milk containing 1007 lbs fat the sale took place february 3rd at the oakvillc sales arena second hi khett price of the day was 523 paid by sheffield farms st georjie for a very good daughter of the xlx bull paul tesal rag apple the big buyer of the day was ce cil atkinson schomborg who secured five head for a total of 1000 these included milking females at 400 450 300 and 300 in addition mr atkinson paid 410 for abrcd heifer this bclnji the highest prlcfo in this hssh for lmat kraft iuauuan no rata dinner ir sv pse2ssi ildi at sual la 1 adsak jtlsilchit jmbtaut potatoes 31c mow jvu can pnpan rllim mjlbucd fotatoeb in slssast uss blue a gold fah0t usoajlded peas 2 ss 29c extra special ooilvte b b1xvee cake mix 23c aylmer hw pack gold label seville orange marmalade 2 29c efctra low pnce borden b in8tant coffee s 145 weston s jumbo gum drops 25c quaker whole wheat cereal muffets 2 29e toilet tissue niterijlke roll loc free j lb peg of doo ovals with dog food masters 15oz tins tomatoes florida no 1 cello tube 21c celery spinach turnips grapefruit apples stalk w tor 27c quern victoria r cello pkg or 33t wsj canada no j lb tsu 10 for 49c fancy macintosh yju catritory the top open heifer brought 335 on the bid ol d c hope keene other rood prices included 150 00 psld by fred hutchinson malton 325 paid by jo g crawford hamp ton 300 paid by j a horner brad ford 335 paid by a hansen ltd of bogota colombia 325 paid by glenn w atkinson schomberu 300 paid by a hayc indian river twenty nine mllklnn female aver aged 310 three cow with eahret it foot 2fo four bred heifer t2ft2 nln open heifer 157 and six heif er calves 111 the fiftyone head sold realised 13005 for a general av erage of 250 government liquor authorities operate some 650 retail outlet in this country cjc memorial 3tocal a monument built of enduring granite or marble symbolic in design and reverent in purpose resting in surroundings of poace and beauty a tribute of respect and honor to the dead a constant source of inspiration to the living we donot employsalesmen or canvassers you pay no commissions manufacturer and designer of the vlrwil monument available anywhere cemetery lettering designs on request oakville monument r works 90 coiborne street w vi 46343 frk

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