Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 9, 1955, p. 11

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z th georgetown herald f georgetown ontario wednesday marcb 9 1955 four pages cash cheques stolen milton cp robhety thieve demolished a 700 pound taia mad escaped with an estimated moo about onethird of it in tilt and the balance in cheques from llalton cooperative supplies lait week bob mcdowell mill foreman dicv- ered ih sale when he arrived for waft on llonday morning uarlu in dicaled in aafe had been removed from ill customary location in the front oriee wheeled the full liiuilb of the 100 foot building to the north loading door then wheeled back to the location in which ll vm found a aledge hammer and crow bar lo- len from the nearby cnil were uenl to force the lock an inner compart ment in which the cah and cheques were ttored was completely removed from tile safe the robbery it i believed look place saturday night during the in lenae fog that blanketed the area homb from england mr and urallarry kerry who have been making an extended visit in kngland returned to canada by plane last week they are now in hrampton at the home of their daugh ter mra gordon copland highway minister announces plans on highways for halton jcven driven at georgetown gall guelph and preton brewers relml stores received ontario sahjty league medal awards and j5 licmui clerks ficjin br wers wareliousing company at llieir annual districl awards meetinrj in guelpli tins week billing i to r ore j mar tin gait i year medal p osborn preston a hardy guelph j standing j guest guelpli 3 w mabcy guelpli i j crawford giorg town 7 j atkinson guelph 4 nortk halton esquesing music festival planned kxamhxs or loamft cah vm cut tf ha t4 ha mm 1s41 swj 7su4 umiut 12 28 40 1 r as jc 1 phomgettjoml on ftrst mstt a giva a ftrwqulclr tiictwbout your tu on phon upon ipyovil corn in to tt h your wy mnd ttxtt phona or 1vitit ur wnif for loan by ml or com in todmy umtsoinoo reiacrncpl finance co 51 main street worth brampton 2nd fw ovtr chippus htni 1x74 orw rvtningi by awolntuimt fhoni rqt tvining hou imm mm m twwan m an i mwm fanaa futxa i l ltipitl imwth of dunu pulilx m tnk ha- i i ii 111 iniifivatiuli in tin imlmi slijl t in ur 1ii1 uu tuuiit f sa y ttin uni lilv ms o hi km i rimn ih r rit i nis iu ui it i iss it hi ik l fi ill i kli it tu h ivi mint i m tin funis iml 1 n nnil mil ti 11 i tnttll m i ik k lilliil lil ti stu ll hi ii u n i his mill im hi lit mi linh 2iu ni tin in ili siilh iu 1 itiiiium h 1 1 ui ill hi i ihm ii in i h i i ii ihiv in l nn to tin i mlit ut ji tilli n n pnl mis 1mh i sliv hi who u l uljmlll ilul ll till isiiuimii d1uil iu1 m ir hill l i for in i mimlir task fur the j hi i si ui mill fistiwl for thr hul mi ul sthools in thi township will is l tu hi in h urrrtuwn this m t ml i hi itjti h is tm n s t is apul ih picket new secftetary of holstein breeoers il ii liki u li im i iji1s ji ar fnr htin w ik wit riurnl in oilil imti t htjihn up thi halton jun ni i- mints tu us nrtntl uppoin til mwith- tnasunr of tht llaltun lhliiin hntilirs lull fdllowinj tin ii sit nation of j lawrmri so big and beautiful- 55 plymouth brings you fresh new high styie with fhe forward look longest lowest smartest ever with new motiondesign styling todays best value thriftiest ril fho long run mew corburetion in tha thrifty plymouth paworflow six engine roakea your fuel last 1ongor ensures more power under all driving conditions ruggod oonntruotion moana long engiiio ufo and low mnin- tononoo costs too undor tha plymouth beauty you will find solid value manufactured in canajq ay chrytlur corporation of canada limited wherever you go you sea more and more new 55 plymouth whenever one cruises by you notice people glance admiringly at its impressive now length and brilliant new beauty i already it has influenced the entire industrys stylists modem at tomorrow i everyone likes tho look of action in each rakish angle tho slock now plymouth is so long and low more than ten inches longer this year and barely fivo feet from roof to road adraamtodrlvalmotoristsoverywhorearoapplaud- ing tho increased visibility you get through the big now horizon awoptbaok windshield its the first true wraparound with posts that slant hack to give you extra gloss anuuat top as well as at bottom for roadihugging stability plymouth for 65 is actually wider than it is high front tiros arc spaced wider apart roar springs are wider too llvallar powarl youll hear many comments on the added horsepower- provided this year in tho new highperformance poworflow six ongino of tho plaza club sedan shown- abbvo plymouth also has now v8 medals for flashing performance yotwith all its bortfty bigness and ortrarrunlity features plymouth is priced uuh the lowest look it over chock its value and youll boo wby the big awing la to plymouth this year mywuth is lh cor to majtuur aaaliul thu yur it now at your cbryslarplymouthrariio dealers ttiangle 72461 an addreu last yedt by uie 11 mi ster of hibwayt for otiuno it tbe annual mpuni of the good roads conveouodxonuinedsome irnportxtit bigbhhlj qeaunje with run j too- trurtlcn in halton county com pi en i dealt with highway 401 por tlu of thr quern ktiubhh in luuon burlington beach skywi ant conktxuclion of the hreniin cutoff mr allan ait ilans fur hnkint up toronto is pa portmn of hikh way 401 anil the somuukw lmilon krrtioii rt wt 11 umltruai a line has ttn uirvfttl ftoni u point whru- hirtiwa 7 tm rn mlu tin 11 pan through tht ouuluru of hrampton and tht alt irt bton ut iph ami kitt h ru r areas link 401 ilns muliiii mtlkati- constructiun north ol wilton roimhtf n hinlij lussini through njssaj uiyj i sijui ifu anil irafalar lon s-hip- in this itnkitu prokram mi allan also ljrl i lir ii pjrlim lit mumlitt to rtmo dan i rout mli i m t turns on tht jin i n klliahtth s a ikuhii liainilton and lot onto ihrti in w tmflir in lrthatimi an lo l huilt in 1 r a fallnr liiwiihlnp iu ar the civi hunt plant otlurs iiiiiliil ati hi hi lit mi mil frttmin cufofl w in u tin llui hiuton skwviv ii utll uikiiiujn wl piopoi to tuilhl a m w ontiolhtl ukis huhwdj mi turn to in kixiun p rhjps 11 tin irionan 1 ui oil it uill xtinil or minn fii iutli- ibniit out hall milt north o mnh no j fnnii a point just tasl of liuilirutoii to tin wulfi islun i inh r ulion i llihus o in i l t mill n im m ti illu lifh iiilti on tin ii m nt tom i uu lh o h imiiixkiki poilion l mil h mi j hitvnn ampin ii s i oriu is im 11 j im i ion susliin nt i am hi st tl on of the world largrit mi allan also npoitnl bis dipt of llijhuis hopttl iu iiimphtc an atn i im ni shortlv milh i hi dipt of puhlic unrki at mtaj whirh will i nahu tin i pt o iliihwajs in lh njht of thi lroint of ntano to initial tin project il ilurlinilloii lt at h sku i m vi hat our plans for an i arlv sttrt hivt hi i n compli trtl hi iixhtatt il whin thai en at sriktiin is tr itttil it vk ill stiml as oni of llu worlds knattst hndf ll should prow of itimndous vilui to tril ir pl inj t un n toronto llamil ton the inlire niagara pininsula and tin united stales four ln dridoe our hrnlke t nknet ra tell me that the new skway will le er m pressie whether viewed from a distance or close at band tenia live figure show that it will bo over h000 feet in length the width will be 54 feet providing for four trof fie lanes two in cither direction leparatcd bj meshed median atrip five feet wide there will be three foot sidewalk on either aide mod ern fluorescent uflbtinjf will be era- ployed alonti the entire ri- intf t the rate of three per cent to the centre ipan crown that cenve span more than 1000 feet in length wll give 1 feet clearanre over the channel between iako ontario and hamilton harbour in a few years we may exptct great ocean ifolng rjrntr a well a oreat ijikea ve- m ii will u- usinif that port which la fo ru h in h ii tune interest aa well as industrial developmetll not ontarios fault loo ftw people realize that the viaatious and danprous bottleneck fur traffic which now exiata on hur- luilton hi acb is nut ontarios re sponsibility it u a holdover from horse and buy days which this province lxian to ontrow in ibm anhuw hut the new skyway will be a credit to all the people of this protinct and tbtiae having to do with its drikn and construction many may feel that there is soinithing quit- appropriate in the recti on of the burlington skyway al ihis time that is in a few years we wtll be marking 1r0 years of frati rnal pi at e im tween canada and i in l nit i d male i be minister i out luded mean vlule in ottawa announcv- ni lit has hi n made thai tbe basis and xti nt of fidirul government partu ipalion in the lturhngton hi uh mtwa an clearly under- stoiml bv tin ontario government mauru i ltnurm t parliamt ntary as- sisuni to works minister s inters told tin commons winn llu ontario are prepar- i j to protiid thin would seem to in no rijmhi wh an early agrce mm til mnot ih nached be added mr houri t was onked by sybil 1inmtt i llalton fur a statement on tin positions of negotiation bc- iwiin thi ontario and federal gov- i rnnn nts n garding ottawa s share in the skwa county ccfers here ounly ccf member will gather here saturday to elect officers and bear karnon park president of the ontario t cf ii mini iinitniiiniunurniu jimuruiimumirtmif nm eavestroughing plumbing heating don houston tr 72506 insurance travel real estate walter t evans co triangle 72512 mill street serving your community for over- 30 yeafa ifif ksssisfiar win exciting trips around the world british columbia quebec his l tslagram invltci vary hey and girl b twaan tha aces at 0 and 18 aa of july 1 1058 to join tha taly clipper dob to sm and know canada and tha world one tely clipper club member will ly 88168 miles abound ttle w0ru in so days v four tely clipper club members will ny tq vancouver tor s oneweek vacation in brltlsn columbia lour tely clipper club mem- ben will drive to quebee sty for a one- week vice- lion to rilnoh canada set detalli daily la theteleoram tommto i rw mr now sm rta w tu i

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