Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 9, 1955, p. 12

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twb ccoiterroww hbhalb wednesday evening march wh ims page 2 higfh tales published by students of georgetown high school vol 3 no 8 wednesday evening march 23 1035 georgetown ontario the epic of high tales fourth form happiest of all lmaiw darou i turv beard several people a that they found tb form the hap piest of atl their iugh school year this ear trtrui to be no exception because- the munbirt of trui year adapted undt r th suggestion of 4th form are seldom en frowping but most often with tar wide smiles why should this be so kij1 furm u il first a ar of slight bwildtrnu nt while in fir it form wi fell insecure and u it ss we found oursdvts with u new if roup of classmate from fhi various jous puhjii uhuul tin- prt vt iltl thr form from becoming su h a fat riotir union another difficulty un due to our huuun nature at that age we were not too rrsponsihlt as far as doing homework was con cerned to as a rrsult were were hotiu dad runtinuill ly tht ttachtrs hit change from public school to hijh school is a hit one for all students we in the higher forms should tr harder to make our first form real ixe iti importance in the school as it really is second form is much umi r av far mm fitting tn is concerned hut this ear is it ill affected by homt work hounding and tho division cau scd by the larger nuinlw r of stud enta from many diltinnt icwiil it i s this is one sjt p on tht wjy to hliss ful babbling 4th furm thinl form lose suim of the houndiiu hut still ha division im cause of tht largrnev of the cla third formers are subjected to hard work for tht first turn an i xam pie of this is the bewildering ph ics the teathtrs im kin at this per lod to make sun that ouri m w r without a plintiful supplv of hoim work ihinjt ami mt nations jr definitcl improving thoukh then up pops 4th form dye to the available minim rtial cmitst tht sue of tht class is drminishtd sintt we have been a class for four tars we know eviryom wtll t nmikh l prevent any clxjuts or slron holds wo hae become used to thi home work and haw found many was to dodge it hue to union n kulations these shortcuts cannot lm it t out the teacht n stop tht ir houndnik almost and i be kin to st t that even a teacht r is a human our mis chief is somctiims takt n kod nat urcelly somt tinus it isn t too hid ing books throwing think nd other unmentionable antics due tu a penalty issued known as lines are only natural and necessary cuts we have found no urgent necessity for driving ourselves too hard and so our eyes are open to the nicer thing in a school curriculum inci dentally the nixt time you lose something don t go to the lost and found but ask sandra scott or jack livingstone they ii know if ihiy wpnt tell you either heat it out of them or tickle thtir feet the lat tcr is not recommcndablc since the aromas rendered from the removal of shoes might he disastrous perhaps fifth iorm shall be better than fourth the only obstacle that i can sec which would prevent such a happening would be if some people decided to work so hard that they found no time for mischief in our class this would be quite unlikely the way the situation looks now we 11 im lucky if we make it lo fifth so we had better not count your chirki ns before they are hatchet the school motto says that study builds character our 4lh form motto says that characters build studies vocational guidance helpful to students by liar it has been brought to my atten tion that a large number of pupil of this school bavc made no plans for their future after they finish high school when questioned ab out it they usually answer who knows or dont know what i m suited for so why make any defin ite pjans it is this last stalenunt fiiat worries me high school is the changing point from childhood to youth lo manhood it also is the decision point what am 1 plan- nine to be or do theao arc major decisions and should he made only atfer long and careful consultation and deliberation if apupil is not helped he may pick- his profession unwisely and in- teed of a success becomes a failure this help can some only thoush a wallbalanced and welloperated guid ance program which many of us feel la lacking here at g1is our principal has not only a school to run but also many classes to teach in addluoa te loeldac after tho thou- ratd vridch keep aajjsrlaeinl constantly busy the hawu a u thte ether teachers wen b1bp the high ly atnatt ajfsdl uine fluid fvhiniaoafie but next aedenrojlment will llko- iijaaof the ijur dale tost tnd cord trt g tu tht islie which followed i tu original u1a out of which lljiil talis tji dt v eloped cjuit to thi fort ground a unit 10j3 wht n iis put out uo e net pdmuilly fine ytur ixtk unth r the direftjod of mr ii j lltldinan with jack i hompsnn 1sther ltnl ortl altou and jim 1- ans on thu staff i his tllort mltrtstd w altt r hit hn tht tdilor of tht iltrald who is im hind hilh lalts full and ks it fn t apait 111 tht lit raid our prei nt pap r llih talts slartetl out with tht idt a of a t ar txxtlt as tht tost and work win al most prohibits it wab deculttt on tht adir of mr hit hn to put it out as a hi wt t kly pap r cur ssttin runs on thr principlt that each individual n portt r works on his or hi r assi nmt nt and hands ll in on the wtdmitday bt furt the tit kion u put out iach assignment is proof rad by mtw 1arkiniton and lyp- td out by the tommirtial class bo tht iltrald staff tan n ad it t thin l o s to tht iltrahl oltut fur print ink our staff for this tar is as follows fditor ion stiuthtr assistant iditor kit hartl sunlm hoir hi portt r sue rabtrtt adt fit portt r mill hard man commtrcial hi portt r iat will son lifth rtirm trr scott rourth rorrn i t annt darou ihirtl ft- orm it rr harlt st t ond iorm ihnu w ri i it s worth hirst rurm until hnstiuas ijoh mill ihh i nn i r itavtn stall ihottikrapht t iat ar ttr our thai ks m t i ur i i n al editor mr ii im f r p ihl shu k tl t hs rut hi sh w rt a mi nth many students have foreign pen pals lynn trataavan it is virj inttresting and lots of fun lo havt furcikn penpals quite dw pupils of orgt town llikh school havt pen pals from all ovtr the world thty are mainly from france misi 1 uke has tlone a grtat tteal to htlp us gtt these pen pals some pupils from arade t leven a who have thtm are diane harrison carolyn copland and pete point roy from grade elev en 11 tht re are c laire and sandra bradley myrna wilson ann tidltr allan ueeney and rant cascle from grade twelve there arc sue crah- tree atanlyn cleave and brian good let frpm the lower grades there are tom rorgrave doug wngglesworth danny martin n wallace philip wade marilyn souther j ottawav judy mccumber hetsy willson i- ward muriel davison and jean im rice one of the easiest and most pitas ant ways to learn about otht r peoples and places is through this method writing to a penpal in a forugn land and still champions douo wrjqgffiworth high tales such as we know it now originatt d on or r 8 1d3z as chs for want of a bttttr n a 1141 m the name high tains was tarry marly iur the last three years we havt utn listening to teachirs usually just returned from a convention tunpjre our class lo some otht r which they olnserveti while a jtsson was in progrtss tumi classi s are nearly always toronto products am judging by some of tht flattering rt ft rt nets tht are perfect example of mannerly oimniii nt and mltlligmit 1 rxnips of studt nts supkisi wt let our inrak inalion run wild and matt h 1htst nitnlal rolxits with our own ha tn a to to t t baltlt of brains and condm t tn ilttern which tm of t lass tin itjtl would rather teach idi at lass i ht pupil art jll sit tiii t rt 1 1 book opt n to ornt t pj hands clasped rows straight all is juitl as the it at hi r tontinuts oral qui stioninf ft at hi r lit rnun stati urn im port ant fat t atmit man us llirmati lit was the hrt itomali in hav 1 a standing ami liarhir vi r kmkl ht rnun vi 1 ikk air at xero deerees centigrade and another man four thousand three hundred and iixty feet away fired 1 rifle why would the first man not rnear the shot immediately hex ter dexter the velocity of sound when the temperature is at zero deflrees centigrade travels at one thousand and ninety feet a oc ond therefore the second man would not sear the shot until four ecand after the rifle was fired teacher well bully bully for you ii a the subject is the same windows are being broken by flying test tubes acids have been taken from thtir shelve and arc being poured over the desks which hive not alnady been liquidated a group at the back are using tha apparatus like tinker tos a quartet climbing th1tmusic part of the comlklencement sue crabfree welcome once again well as you already know the commencement u earning up very shortly search 17 and 18 to be exact as usual our choir is participating m it both nights 1 coujdnt get aji the de tails but as far as i know both the boys choir and the girls choir are singing separate numbers and also one together the girls are singing the famous nursery wiythmv that i was tell ing you about earlier in the season it is really quite a sdhg with every thine from loodon bridge la fall ing down to the farroirs wife catching up with the rata the boysare serenading us with a num preparations for the festival in uiltn aire well under way and very soon ha the future i will let you know who all is singing solos duets and who are in the double trios just got a flash for the scots in the crowd we are signing m banks and bonnie braes t the eommenee- ment also tht muted choir is sing ing louisiana llayride dont miss that one its got lots of pep to it see ou at the commencement around the light fixtures brinks into ur called the itiff iiong i haven t tho buth thorus of young and 1oojisb as the ttafhtr continues oral qu siioning leachtr rntats ubove quimtion w hy would the second man not her tht shot immtdiauiy sain sum rt mov in laat it g from lab chair it was a dud mayh hi was hulking down tht bartl jit had i ar muffs 00 ihiy wi i- in u hiirru am ma i it jvt tht room iiathil im itlil k i j juinr hlraihl to in offnt iht nst of thi pi nods follow th samt pattt rn i hi vott s uft ast and i 1 wins tht conti st 1 1 arhem tall not stand ii for a wholt da without i ivuik out inn s lh forestry club pri kidt nt bob rawford tht uristr itttnik to or rat ll 11 tht suhjit t is tht sail 1 desk s art vt r lurnetl ink ov 1 iho ilimr a brawl is in pro- kr is h inn t tht piantf tht air is full i ffwiik tnmiks thalk shot rublx r ahd ink toltlis a tfuartit silting u on lop of thi uplxiartl starts into hit third t horns of hokomo as tht ttaihtr tontinuts oral iut slionuik 1 1 i ht r ii tt state ont imjxir t mil fatt a ix mt manus it ti r l is 1 iik a douhhli rt v rsi sti p nur roll mu t hokt hold lit knockt d out n irt ws in tht t u hth 1 think ti at hi 1 writi out tht chapter iim tifin s an i hjn f it in nt st pi no 1 lilt il 1 ss ihi mud nts hivi thi tr hauls up n ids lo ansuir th lit xt qui s tn n n inaltt r w hat it imv im ill is in ordi r is thi tt arhi r i n linoi s w ith tht ir j1 qui st toning rtjdn r if j man was standi nj in 1 tu id with hi ti nipt rattin id tht the hroiikht dir mr cruvis announced that a r it id trip through tht papt r mill would tu schtdulttl for march mlh it wilt start at 2 oo p m tiuuh to tin joy of the nilinblra mr drovi n n virwttl the ruwth of in is and thtir valut in thi i- arm wikmllot tn t s art list d for ll fin 12 shtititik for thi barn tit ji kidd to lumtmr mills for pro fit 4i also sap fioin tht maple tries fur inaplt siup wirudlots uunasi thi valut of 1 farm allhoiikh somt farmt r tfn nut mtiu to nalii it tht wottllul is ji insurant t an i an inv tstim nt fur as tuts ini n isi in sia m dots thtir dm ii ilsu strvts as a prutt t tor t thi valoimt lop miii h pi x nts 10mmi1 hv umd and w it r i in ri ton on si tnis should im prntittid fn in th in 1 11 lilting jll 1 ah 1 is all ir ir 1- ev so i can tf give you my opinion of it arvd knowing the hoyv it could bv almost anything st n ouly though i expct rt wtll be prtt l tuotl with all those booming and i empbasue hootiung vol rib arne to tht jair a son i think twrvoru knows is the nuinlxr that has bet n rhostn for the mixud rhmr as far as i am concerned i thmk it is out of tht nicest pieces icing its ivin htttir wht n ouve 1 ut lth malt and femalt s vottes hli nding i hopt t p to now thtrt has ihtn no oni pit kill t siiii a solo hut don i bt sur prist d if a suluist appears on the stage that iiikm imtjuai unlhing can hap p n in c ur choir and with both males and fi males practicing their solos for tht ftstival thin s liable to bt somt ont n ad to 6i in ihtirs at cum mi nee im nl barcarolli thi girls senior dut t for the ftstival will he heard both nikhts 1 lu rt art two sc ts singing it so om ml will sing one night and tht other one tht nut night as of tt it hasn i tntn announced which sit will king which niht but the kirls singing an uinm darou and sandra stolt and sui crabtrte and ail wht eh r si ftime one ronn all to our an nuu toinini tut merit and hear tin volt ts of tomorrow will throw h a womlliit tht will di stiiv il in a vlrv short limi bs tramp tins the jtmng tnts into tht rarth trq pink thi liavin which is tht tit is farlorv fur collet tin ftmnl and luhhmk iht bark from tht trunk whith allows disiasi to kill iht tnts s timi did not ptrunt furtht r dis tiinnitn n ihis inttnstink topic tht 1111 t tin was dost d 7 for expert eye care conjult o t walker optomaf rltt 3 auln st north brampton over abelts drug biore ihonr off fee 500 raa 830 hours 0 am to 6 p m daily evnliia by appotntnwni rusco stustoiiho com1ination screen i storm door a acreen door and a storm door ell in onel just ran lower glass for venlilition call for fret drhhtf ailon georgetown lumber company tr 73211 11 water si new sign identifies georgetown armory dill hardman rmally the armory ieini iden tifud hy a bright new mkn hankinc over the main doors ii is wider than lis predecessors but docs not com pletcly cover the grey square left hy the lome scots recruitlnji sign the recruiting sign will be moved to a new position beside the doors now many people will know that georgetown does have aji armory it may itctm strange but tftuny people do not know that the militia is ac live around tccl duffcfln and hal ton counties i have often bcn ask- od where do the cadets take their training the armory is the unswer which usually brings another question where is that it is amazing some people think the armory is used for the strangist things the lornc scots und the ca dcts arc allowed to uc it between fall fairs according to some people others have wondered what was kept in that green born in the pork the green barn however belongs to the department of national defence for the use of military training the cadets occupy tho armory three days a week tuesday wednesday and thursday on wednesdays the cod ct have their regular parade 7pm to 0 pm and recreational shooting at 9 p m tuesdays and thursdays there la recreational slooting from 4 to sso pm tho new sign may help to clear up a tew doubts yet it nay create a tew the armory is a public build- ins and always open to the public the militia parade every tuesday end thursday and the cadets parade every wednesday ovonintfv that both pupils and staff -will- ben efit since pupils can learn for what they are beat julfed and will not major blundejt in picking to young men of 16 yaan of age the soldier apprentice training plon offers mott valuable training and career opportunities it provides formal schooling military training trades apprenticeship and an opportunity to become o leader soldier apprentices receive half pay of a private soldier recruit while 16 and on their 1 7th birthday they draw full pay to many young men from coasttocoast soldier apprentice training has proved a wonderful experience and the starting point for excellent careers in the words of a young soldier apprentice the soldier apprentice plon is a once in a lifetime opportunity ferasel edaeatlea chilton fsncfiari ere ufd for ocodamic frolnino lnsucfi subaefs as clfmlilry pjiyiici mofftamaffcs enofttji trsidm baifdas oating e groundno in elf voyt pf tha army tfiay ara oivan the op portunity fo learn one of 19 different trades spews ff isnt aft work theres pfanty of recreation bowling swimming baisafbaif soccer fiocssy dapenaino on the season to be effoltvie yeuntf asea must be 16 years ef oae bur ear yel it oneu fsave a minimum ef crade edimatleifiner hit larereslina beeltfel ee f fie sefdfar japprsaflce plan write leleplieise er jvlsl the army ftecrulfiaa centre neefresi your some no 13 rt0iiml csspet wolll hwih wmii t chorlsha sis ottawa out taupliau 04107 canadian amy taemlllae sfcsllon 164 wsulngka ic klnoilon oat isupkon 4731 canadlaa arajy aacfaabwj csnlr ikkauiiul si w toronto out taupkaaa lu 634l local j7s no 7 aanaiiml dsmt wolutay aenetks onford a cltinull sis laadaa out taaplumia 410i laeal 13j anay lacrumaa csvbe 130 mala stnal vast nartklayoal tauakaaa 454 c anay awniklse sielkta 11 hat fml uistt ur fo vole of raey ttrtietty twif thuhduy veiat vfr ft doa7tafr m i unj u j v w

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