Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 16, 1955, p. 12

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vh eeoasrrbwn herald wednesday evtajng hardi 18 1b5s page 2 hurricane hazel insurance total three hundred million- dollars building sand concrete gravel road gravel fill top soil tom haines glen william triinrfe 73302 insurance companies lifbuaed th financial 6low of three disastrous i i si nortli american hurrieances list turn- lttltts ftotft india pom mer by paying claims totalling close a m ka to t3oooooooo on both lidei of the problem for paper readers international boundary w f spry flowers for every occasion design work spclalryl flower by wire anywhere in the world norton floral triangle 71512 gwralw regoodrieh footwear fits eerren la grfetwb exclusively at silvers cmt plumber il i quickly too- s- amd at ah woutstcost l billgarbutt sarah street jw triangle 73638 s investigate before you invest phone for our free 5pg food pric list we carry all popular makes of home freezers phone harold skilling 306 j acton tit 72757 georgetown representing chambers fool club 1570 kingston mr t0rctnto told the toronto insurance agents as- saciation at a recent meeting in tor onto llr spry vice president of the all- canada insurance federation said in total the three hurricane made up the greatest catastrophevin north american history far surpassing such disasters- as the chicago fire and ihe san francisco 4arthquak as far as dollar low is concerned- the first two hurricanes carol and edna coat insurance companies some 140000000 in clalmt with virtually all tlu loss concept rated in the united state hurricane hatel last and worst of the trio did as much damage as the other two combined and extended into canada to cause insurance losses eiceediog 3000000 in the toronto area alone in must cases the tame fire and casualty in surance companies were involved on eacb side of he border in the unitfd states most of the dajiiagc wms caused directly by high winds so juues were paid under the supplemental contracts which go with many fire insurance policies he said hy the time the hurricane had reached canada the wind had mod erated to a considerable extent and wind damage as such was riot cxtrn- sivv the real trouble carne from flooding caused by the heavy rainfall which preceded the hurricane katnsj avfth thti kituation insur ance companies in canada went be yond the letter of their contracts and paid off on claims which in many cases as in the case of overflows from sump pump were not techni cally covered in casoa such vs thu the insur ance companion do the best they can to find ways and means of paying claims but must also bear in mind that insurance rates are set by the volume of claims and overpayment of claims in general leads to higher rale which would he unfair to those insureds who suffered no lone some people do not appreciate the fact that insurance is written to cov er certain specific perils and that it can alwj in- bnjdeiud to rover other i hi no if phic holders want to pay the extra price flood damage has never been a major peril in can adu and so inosl no not want to pay for insurance protection reports from the united status in dicated that rates m many areas there would have to go up ixcauso of the heavy losses incurred mr spry said but added that in all probability da zel claims would not mean any up ward rate revisions in canada because the claims total was small in relation to the volume of claims in this coun- try after all he observed the fire automobile and casualty companies in canada pay out an average of 578000 per day every day in the year legion notes l m c the rooms are albeit a little on the quiet side these days with most of the bods following the hockey avid ly theae days certainly it seemed like shades of yesteryear about 1048- 4030 wed say to see that game last thursday night at the arena and see the fairly good crowd in attendance as we mentioned some time ago we couldnt figure out where chub had got to these days but now we know just take a gander down the right corner of the arena and if you cant sec him youll surely be able to hear him lie ought to syndicate that stuff he pulls on the poor defenceless goal ies he probably could sell it to the society for the baiting of goalkeep ers we thought his best effort of the evening was when he leadovcr to the goalie and yelled i ley bud whered ducko get you ottawa and tils just after the sixth goal had gone by ah well boys will be boys air conditioning seems to be the main problem of the executive these days as our readers arc well aware some months ago the branch empow ered the executive to go ahead and get tenders for air conditioning and have it installed this was held up due to hydro conversion but seems to be progressing quite well now it is something that is badly heeded and h will certainly add to the value of the rooms as well as jrnakc it immeasur ably more comfortauv in the upstairs for bingo fans dancers banquctcers etc we hope that the job will get under way for the warm weather that is coming soon we hope we hope had or offer the other day from some of the sports minded actonitcs you know residents of the small village west of here it seems they want to have an inter branch golf tournament as soon as the weather is good enough swell boys george towns always glad to take you on and give you a lesson in almost anything gord beatty actons president also was asking about the possibilities of of having a crtbbagc or dart visit on thb way ono of these fine nights what aboutit dutch and gord thats in your department j v kid hockey uas the themo at the georgetown arena last saturday ag ain with georgetown playing host to a number of other toams tho tourn- unusual charity appeals are coming out of india according to the family herald and weekly star these ap peals take the form of begging letters addressed personally to people whose names with addresses have appeared in some canadian i publication the famuy herald with over 400000 sub scribers reacbea india more frequent ly than many publications and lias had ui especially good opportunity to observe these letters individuals in india jacking char ity apparently obtain copies of the family herald either by direct sub scription or by havmg it sent to them by friends and use it to compile a jjat of names and addrosses of cant diani to whom they send appeals the family herald hi a rich source of names because of its unusually wide coverage of newt events ita popular voice of the farm readers foruiu and the many confutation services and other service il has always pro vided fur its readers the begging lettttrs are often repor ted and sent to the kdjtors attention by family herald readers and invari ably descntw the writer of the letter as being n dire straits of poverty usually the writer describe himself or herself as being a deeply religious christian doing mission work or at tempting to raise a large family some times the letter contains a piece of cheap fancywork of inferior work manshlp which they beg the add res see to buy or to sell for them often these letters are mailed directly to the editor with the request that the fancywork be sold to some memlmr phiis staff there seems to be considerable doubt as to the sincerity of these ap peajs the family herald states be cause they are almost always prin ted on a press of some sort take the same general form and always orig inate from the same district in india fast god a van the town is usu ally amalapurain the number of these letters being received has caused the family her aid some concern family herald subscribers are inclined to be gerr erous to people who are in need and often write for advice on htrw to deal with helium letters from india although not wishing l inti ore with any kcntnne appeal for chanty the family herald and weekl star has felt justified in adviing read ers to ignore the appeals 4h membership grows now numbers 70000 letter citizens for canada is the prime objective of 411 club work and with 0000 community minded ciliz ens giving voluntary assistance and increased parent interest during the past year the annual report presen ted at the twentyfourth annual con vention of the canadian council on 4 ii clubs in toronto indicates con siderable progress towards this goal since the council was formed in 1031 membership in 411 clubs in canadas ten provinces has more than trebled until it now stands close to 70000 ilural boys and girls up to the age of 21 who are able to un dertake a definite project of their own either on the farm or in the farm home can become a member and while the 4h motto learn to do by doing has not changed more emphasis is being placed on train ing for citizenship hy purchasing by buying certified seed and raising an acre of grain or garden produce by accepting responsibility at home and by club memberparent partner ships these young people arc acquir ing technical skills and knowledge that will equip them to be of grea ter service to agriculture but more than that because of the greater em phasis on other things and the vari ety of trained leaders most of them voluntary these rural youth are developing the special talents and abilities that will make them leaders in all walks of life in canada al though the council is only entering its twentyfifth year former 4h club members can already be found as successful business and professional men opd women and leaders in their communities the annual report also indicates the canadian council on 4h clubs is in a healthy situation financially revenue comes from the canada and the ten provincial departments of agriculture approximately one half of its annual income from govern ments from 32 business companies and 12 national farm organizations a large portion of the councils bud get approximately onequarter goes t6 finance national 4h club week held in toronto at the time of the royal agricultural winter fair in 1034 there were 110 young people competing in national judging con- testa and the many other varied ac tivities that pack the week it is impossible to mcasuro the value of this experience but as shirley brown of newfoundland who won the es say contest following the trip puts ifc by meeting and exchanging id eas with fellow- 4h club raombcrs all across canada i have gained a much broader view of the country in which i live rattm news dt pheroa speak to group in haltori better farm business uanage- roent offers much to the individual farm operator vbo fj desirous of improving his farm income stated dr ii u patterson head of the farm economics branch of the on tario department of agriculture when addressing the fifth and final meeting of the series on farm bus iness management sponsored by the halton soil and crop improvement association previously meetings had been held at uiitofl stewarttown broolfville and nelson where agricultural rep resentative j k whitelock had dem onstrated how to detect the weak and strong features of a farm enterprise with the aid of the farm business analysis short yoan following a visit to the farm the business of which had been used fdr demonstra tion purposes at the preliminary meetings dr patterson on march 7th led a diarujbion on adjusting thr farm business ic orjler to im prove die farm income certainly those who attendedthese meetings found the subject a most interesting otie and judging by the comments heard to date a goodly percentage of those who attended are considering ways and means of ad justing their own respective farm bu sincsscs in order to meet l he cost price squeeze high costs hovo pushed most impor ted wool cloths into the socalled spo- p ciol bracket whereby they ontor can- jurient fastod all day and- the lads jj under grtaatly reduced duty bon- rtore fed at noon day lntbo legion j cnv sail diajitokuieinduanfv i i i v w wster systems ken newbathkooms instaueo 6ttmopaih repair of all kiai charlie nash mcdowell s kino stiect east ykuaou 7ss4 x insurance travel real estate walter t evans co triangle 72512 mill street serving your community or over 30 yeej saaaaaa a aa iiamaiiaabamhab king street couple 4 years married jut wirk mr and mr w ii ta lor who live at 35 klnj strrrt k crt- sjjralnl thr 40th annlvrrkary of tknr marriage mrmbcri of thrlr family and a frur cloar frirndt joined willi thim and ritrndcd congratulations a concrete exampte op oepenlwautv is tub fast and reliable service of my future boss s for your excavating jobs g cellars ponds loading etc 1 sand gravel and fill a s call a barclay haulage hhmj h a a a a a a a a a a a tr 73891 a a a a a we ye proud to show you our oil storage tanks and invite you to see them for yourself across from our king street office 20000 gallon storage capacity and our green and lemon truck always available to bring you w the spot fuel oil service j andof curie wew in the coalbuslneitoo w hvkentiier sott r- door uie iai

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