toronto oevrnl m44 feel conservatory of music 1jj1 danforyh avehub instruction in violin accordion hawaiian and spanish guitar georgetown branch loo f hau for further infomuhmi cll mrs golden trianel 75435 instruments supplied cash on hand 233 accounts payable 37704104 page 3 thr oeoftoeyowm hrrald wedneeday evening march m mm for plain and bock face concrete blocks a1so chimney mocks oriole concrete block co w 1 ucgowaw wi uim oun william tbungu 7h71 outot town caller pltuc rrvrne charifee ar24p at y0 utn nol gl up fwlt we have what you need in lumber and builders supplies frame sub door caere cwa0h irt tk ouritam cfirul thu u the story of a young ac coununt who almost became a mil lion aire but ended up with debts of 377 041 04 and nil main assets a roomful of baby dolls the accountants name was morris holiff and he lived id toronto with his wife and two small children he had eijjht years experience a auditing but had not completed his fmrfl papers s a chartered accoun taut in u52 he became interested in certain books he was auditing and decided there was money to be made in the mail order business 1u befiantbe nest year wuh 1 000 u capital the business prospered and he soon had a staff of nine and was making money the next year he continued adver luting and the volume climbed to 200 s2 by thu time his htaft had climbed to 40 and he had an advertising man ager from sew york who drew j14 000 in salary the ad mart did the work on catalogue and radio and even went into tv but that uu a total lum and thu volume con tinurd to grow the volume of buinrs in 10m rrarhed 344 721 and mr lloliff op ened five retail atorea in toronto and waa doing a kluptndou bus nei according to the information brought out at the bankruptcy htar ing in toronto tuesday the busintie waa carelcaly operated aa far as records were concerned ror example at the five atores thrre were no tills no talis alipa nd mr holiff or mr darker adver tiling man would rail and pick up bundles of caah at the nd of each day no totals were made or known aiked if he didn t want to check on hu staff mr lloliff said you ve jot to trust thim christmas a busy season and he laid there was no tinu to count momy or write it down in ia cast mr lloliff had bor rowed monty and hi was pumt off om man at th rati of 400 00 j dj from thi mail ordt r rictipu as tin rami in 1 hi n h nwi i an ackirtimni aien c 14 0h and thi placid a kirl in lis oilict und slu took 15 pi r ci nt of each da retoiptt ind in a unv i r two thi dll a n dun d t 1 4h rwdtntl mr holiff and mr hir kcr miri drauink mibstantul am tunls for the ir own n in ami to pi p up thi bmlni is thi y ui nt on a ttupi ndou mdbile chest clinic possible for halton sale of tb seals at christmastime 1m4was repoxi to be a 15 per cent increase over the previous year when members of the executive of the hal ton county tuberculosis association met in milton at the ume meeting the officers of the association planned the annual meeting to be held in trafalgar hall in april plans were considered lo inveatl gate possibility of a mobile chest a rsv clinic to service the northern part of jlajton county such a clin ic would extend cheat a ray facilit lei apd ajlow district medical prac ticioners it more convenient means to have patients x rayed it wax- pointed out ur a hull halton medical ftffi ctr of htalth reported that over one half the school children in the cuun ty havi had tit testa this winter the patch tt are madi to dur mint more directly if a child has vi r be n in contact with tit it was noted that only about two per c nt of thi trsti reacted xjitivt ly and that no active cases have be n dis cut i rt d to fur r dont leave it till the last minutei bill bailey give a cau at the oil man triangle 72888 for service a n d s a t i s f a c t i o n all year roundi tlht memorial 3foeal a monument built of enduring granite or marble symbolic in design and reverent in purpose resting in surroundings of peace and beauty a tribute of respect and honor to the dead a constant source of inspiration to the living we do not employ salesmen or canvassers you pay no commissions manufacturers and designers of the finest monuments available anywhar cemetery lettering designs on request oakville monument works 90 colborne street w vi 46243 call til 73271 tr 72674 for your construction needs concrete work footings cellar floors sidewalks block work brick laying carpentry homes kitchens remodeling garages bathrooms modernizing mcnally construction elgihs street near cnr station g8l3llfr p -hvrv-v- adwrtuint binwe in decnnber of i dm i his was whrre the durham chron icli and hundreds of other niwipa per and radio stations all across ca nada wire drawn into the whirlpool t whin we got the ordt n for two full pat of advertising we chtiktd the credit rating from thi hanks as of december it was a 1 and supphtrs had checked with dun and hradstreet and they wt re suf ficiently convinced to advance end it up lo j1wjq20 03 hor thrci years all tradi und ad vt rtismg accounts had been paid fairly promptly hut mr lloliff had not kept up his obligations on small chattt i mort uali i and u coupli of creditor slip id in thi dj jfttr chntnus i hi fii ntail talon utrt duiid and thi i irk mail ordi r offirt rint xj a tuontli uus padhxktd mr llthff itclan d hinim if bank rupt lhin tlu tor optmd tin i- f a i it bf p pli mraniiu i n m h th firm which tpr itr 1 undi r tin n uni mratt n manuf jt turmi t ompjtn had tons un 1 tuns t dills and olht r ti hi tail valui uas lt0t00 and thi uholi sal alm hstui as 19 5m 71 in thi oftiti on thi day of rloiin kin hkm unfillid onli rs for uhich piuph had sml tn 30 w3 44 hut there was no 30 043 44 then was nothing in thi bank and only 2 33 in the mall ordtr till the trustei in bankruptcy had no authority to fill the orders and in fact had no authont to carry on the business in the next couple of das bags of mall orders arrived in rtponsc to the advertising and the trustee simply sent thest onkrs four large truck loads hack lo the post of fice for return to the senders incidentally it was brought out during the hearing that a dollar s worth of advertising had usually brought in four dollars worth of bus mess and the mark up on goods was about 100 per cent w hen bankruptcy papers were made out it was seen the liabilities totalled 377 041 04 and assets were listed at 70 554 71 for stock and equipment af 7 268 00 this left a debit of 200 217 43 the bankruptcy met ting was cal led for tuesday afternoon in the hoof garden of the koyal york hot l some 400 daily and weekly news papers were involved to tht extent ot 03 500 04 and 83 radio stations to the tunc of 55 700 76 practical ly all this advertising had been don during december in a final frenzy that brought in trucklonds of orders tho durham chronicle and the agmcourt news were the only two of 460 newspapers personally rcpre senlid ui went not with any hope ot collecting a cent of the money owed but out ot curiosity we were won denog how a man could start with 1 000 in 1052 and end up with debts of more than a third of a million dollars three years later n trade creditors were represented and the largest amount owing was 22 000 to a toronto firm mr hoi if j sot with his lawyer nt n raised table and ans wired questions over a microphone he was a bin man with a fleshy focc and very smull eyes he wore a imart blue suit and answered questions quicklj however spme of those at the meeting were not satisfied with the answers and they felt there must hove been large amounts of money taken out of the business in the last few weeks a committee was appointed to make a financial investigation but it is not likely mush will be done because there is no money to pay for it while assets appear to be 00823- 01 the official trustee said the bankruptcy tariff in this case would b6 57300 this is because there are so many hundreds of creditors tho hoyal york roof garden was a sumptuous sotting for such a grand wako but tho mooting was not with out its humour thoro was one roar of laughter when tho man who piled up debts of more than a third of a million dollars said thoro was money to bo mado in the mall order btulnosa and ho could make it again v tt i tt l l bigtmings are happening motor trucks sensational new models for all classifications outstanding tquj for allout performance prop in see whats new at maveal motor sales main street triangi 7361 1 lanes haulage for excavating and grading ponds cellars etc top soil sand gravel call tr 72521 hamilton construction 160 ouelph street tr 73480 homes oaraoes concrete work industrial requirements renovations building supplies every building need win exciting trips around the world british columbia quebec the telegram invltci very toy and slrl bo- tweon the age o 0 and 18 aa of july 1 1053 to join the tcly clipper dub to tea and know canada and the world on telj clipper club member will fly s81ss muei around the world in 30 days four tely clipper ouh member will fly to vancouver or oneweek vacation lo british columbia our tely clipper club mem ber will drive to quebes city for a oneweek vaca tion in f r e n ml canada sea detail dally in the telegram v toronto 1 c mar n tth now imm aiaii tea w eltwl v n lilae tai i