Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 23, 1955, p. 13

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garbage notice industrial and commercial garbage may m dumped at the georgetown disposal kant m 0m days to fridays blhn tha hour ol x pm and 4 pm and saturday mornings ram 9 am to 1 1 am no dumping permitted s at any other time by order of georgetown municipal counctt lanes haulage or excavating and grading ponts cellars etc top soil sand gravel call tr 72521 plumbing water systems new bathrooms installed or remodelled repair of all kindt ken charlie nash mcdowell 5 kino street east triingu 7242 for plain and rock face concrete blocks also chimney blocks ifa oriole concrete block co w j mcgowan 9th uu gun williams trlan 73471 outof town callers please reverie charges var24 i cant werk until hvt through with my hftrtsl we have what you need in lumber and builders supplies frame sash door ay esouesinc coumcil oppose selling milton high for public school the georfibtown herald wednesday evening march 23 ibm page s housewives don i mawo a habit o placing window drapes on electric elements while they boil water but here joan sooler jtiowi that it can be done with thole made of fibergla a pure gla product that is fireproof wade by relin tex in st calhar inel ontario the drapery naturally has the norvtellular propertied of glass and is therelore not damaged by mildew invecti damp nesi heat or cold these beautiful draperies have a soil hand but because tfiey are glais dirt can t penetrate and the drape are wathed a easily ai the family duties they can bo laundered in the morning and hung in the afternoon without ironing arid they will not illthonhrinlc ihu remarkable drapery developed after ten ycarvrmeetth comes in many lovoly print as well as boucle in a variety of rich colours and pastels it has been introduced in toronto and will soon be available across canada 400 new telephones this fall in georgetown to provide for georgetowns rsp- idly expand ing telephone needs en ough dial equipment to lervc ano ther 1000 telephone will be added to the hell telephone exchange on main street it u announced thu week w o mnener bell telephone manager for this area says that the equipment which will almost double the exchange facilities will be added in two stages kquipmant to serve another 400 telephone usen will be added this fall while facilities to serve j5o0 more will be added in the summer of 1050 there are now 2 015 telephone in georgetown and 60 unfilled orders for service are on file with the hell company the equipment to be added will provide telephone sir ice for these applicants and is also expected to tc sufficient to scre all persona appl ing before it goes inlo utc the rapid growth in telephone use in recent years indicates the i rem eh doua expansion of the community in the last few years there were fewer than 000 telephones in georgetown at this time 10 years ago cooperative sponsors cyanamid movies talk a group of district farmers heard a talk on soil building and manage ment last week when halton coop crativc supplies sponsored an after noon presented by north american cyanamid co dr cooper from the companys recsarch department was the spca kcr and he illustrated his talk with movies bill mcmillan field man for the company arranged the after noon in hornby orange hall coop manager w 11 smclho was chair man and don moffat assist manager of the fertilizer dept of united co operatives of ontario was also pre sent coffee and doughnuts were served to those attending and there was a door prize a salad set made from a company by product which waa won by denncy charles club midtown report by gfprvall well kid how goes national twirp week judging by our find ings n t w is going over like a cem ent cloud but at urn of writing it is only two days old maybe thingi will liven up after the girls get their allowance after a few gentle hints in their general direction the executive of c m held their first meeting heres what happened desperate for some news wc buttonholed the sunnucks bros for some inside info on the doings of the council they didn t hove any handy so the called a meeting of the executive at lam saturday mor nmg kour members attended of which two stayed for approximately iic minutus and then adjourned leaving u once again with the sun nucks bros still without any idea of ihrir intentions don t get us wrong there will be a dance this friday night but your guess is as good as ours as to the special attractions in cnted by our alert aware and per bpicacious council what a crew they use more weasel wordi than a convention of witch doctors and leave ou more confused than when you started theyd be naturals in a dis cussion of the pros and cons of fus ion actually they arent that bad and if given cooperation by all the other kids they should do all right in fact wc would like to say here that if donna bennett and judy mccum- bcr put as much effort into direct ing the destiny of cm as they did in their acting at the high school com mencement we could pension the rest of them off by the way a little suggestion was dropped actually it fell during the nocturnal meeting regarding a possible hard times dance n the near future dress optional wc should know more about that next week until then a very merry twirp week to you all ksquesing council met twice last week on monday for a court of re- vision followed by a council meeting and aain on wednesday council went on record as opposing any idea of selling milton high school to the public school until such tune as the present school with proposed additions proves inadequate and until such time as an increased assessment in milton makes such an undertaking more feasible than it is ar the pre ent time the motion tt prompted by press accounts that the ijtgh school district board is considering thu there was considerable discussion alxout the advisability of passing a by law to pcuhibft parking on town ship roads during the winter a great deal of annoytncc has been caused to township employe this winter by hunters parking an township roads a nquest to discontinue the grant to the federation qf agriculture was filed council feels that a municipally w ned truck l satisfactory to renting one and has permission from tb highways department to purchase a 3 ton dump truck tender of w jt creenly and son for supplying 15 000 yards of gravel for township roads was accepted price is 80c a yard up to 5 miles and over that distance 7c a yard mile meeting with representatives of nauagawcya and krin township an offer will be made to acton on behalf of acton kirc area no 2 to pay 100 a year standby time and 100 a fire call and to purchase certain equip ment including a scott airpack a 75 claim was paid to dr ii a mccullough for 3 sheep destroyed by dogs and 12 valuator fees to a n stark srnnc s foxes were willed in d township and bounty of 3 a fox was paid to hunters thirty dollar pay ments went to bob klwood and mel whitney 24 to angelo basso 33 to wm shrppard acton 18 to lin tun nayler 15 to charles sheppard 0 each to john ch is holm mervtn nessct fred clow john verlis wllf duval 0 each to william thompson walter newman theo iapillon liar ry hilton cliff stover john haynes 3 each to a wensley thomas mil ler albert willis john ituddell gordon shcppsrd bob klwood keith sprnce reeve wilfrid bird councillor george currie and road superintend ent william townsend were delegated to attend a meeting of the urban and rural municipalities association in hamilton april 1st at the court of revision 001 in taxes was written off a large share of this being on property in glen williams owned by glen feather in dustries and murray kohcn which was burned 63 was refunded to a number of ratepacrs for buildings burned and for a wrong assessment on one property d 4f motor truck i find that the great thing in the world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving g w holmes irtje jwentonal steal a rnonument built of enduring granite or marble symbolic in design and reverent in purpose resting in surroundings of peace and beauty a tribute of respect and honor to the dead a constant source of inspiration to the living we do not employ salesmen ob canvassers 1 you pay no commissions manufacturers end designers of the finest monuments available anywhere cemetery lettering designs on request oakyille monttment wotks 90 colb0rne street w itt vi 44243 wiring commercial and domestic at leos electric service mill street beatty pumps liberal tradeins tr7r29q1 34hour snavici service clubs promoted crippled children funds bcrausc ten men with a conviction met together to study a serious prob lem thirty two years ago more than nineteen thousand children over the cara since that time have been given a belter chance in life it was november 28lh 1022 when the ten each a member of an ontario service club in southwestern ontario met to discuss a better way of prox idtng a service which each of their clubs was attempting in its own community each club was seeking to help youngsters who had been strick en by disease or handicapped from birth hy crippling deformities out of their representatives discussion grew the ontario society for crippled children as a central organization function ing in close liaison with todays two hundred service clubs the society is maintained by the funds from the annual sale of faster seals it pro vides coordination of the benefits jointly offered by the clubs and the society it operates five specially equipped camps where handicapped youngsters can enjoy full camp life it arranges clinics at which topflight specialists donate their skills it car ries out a broad program of services all aimed at giving handicappcdkids a better chance such as more than a score of train itl orthopedic nurses who work in close alliance with local doctors and pi ovule treatment right in chilrtrt ns home or direct them to hospital for treatment today there arc more than nine thousand young tors on the societys records all active cases who do not lock for braces or other corrcctivo appliances who get treatment that might otherwise bo lacking and who get a chance to triumph over the in firmities that once doomed many a youngster to a life of frustration and complete dependence on others and they depend now on the sale of east er seals to sec that these benefits continue the campaign lasts until april 10 and has an objective of 550000 ail sensational new moaeb outstanding new drop in see whafs newlt maveal motor sales triingle 7311 main st monuments brampton monument worki daslgns submittal cemetery lattirlng cornar pasts and markers a goodtmsplay in stock wm c allan prop os quaan st wast brampton shopi 1410j phonal rat 313 rep tom nicol phone brampton tosw school supply exhibit during education week purine education week a book display proparod by jack hood stratford supplier was featured in wrrsslcsworth school auditorium teachers from tho two local schools j and a number 61 public school teach- era in tho district visited tho school to soo new text and library books mips rlobea and otter equipment which can ba used fortshini mlmanhhjinhnmihiim oil and coal bj furnaces ml installed sil qsa sheet metal woiucip bonded roofs 1l v twioitnsmuwj g

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