Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 23, 1955, p. 8

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thst georgetown herald wednctdsy evening march 23 ibm pagb attend show day at guelph oac gsrald sceh volume 3 number 0 pu by students of georgetown high school georgetown ontario yp ednetday evening march 23 1055 will semester em work systc richard sunke an article in the herald two weeks 0 was brought to ray t attention by tbe editor and i was aaked to comm it eat ob t- th article was entitled oblario ladies college education priraent here is a brief review ml uoa article a new method fur lludant educa tion for grades ix xi and xii will be tried out next year at ontario ijtd- iea college known as the semev ter system it ha been ued in the jprovlnce of alberta for four years and in many v s schools especially in california for some tune hy this system the student will take six or more subject per year lie will take three full subjects the fint srtnetter ot half temi and with a final exam at the end of the semester- the remain ing three are taken the second sem ester or laht ha of the year if any of the subjects were failed in the first semester they could be written over again in the final semetcr it is obvious from this that the stu dent would likely gain more by con centrating on three or fuur subjects at once than hy spreading attention and comprehension over eight or nine as is the case at present ow oils syslemhas many brtvirn tages it would eliminate the piling up of examinations in eight or nine subjects at the end of the year as how happens a doctor friend told me recently that an educational sys tem is wonderful but they have no consideration or the human mind and what it can take before it breaks this splitting of the course llterally in two would be very ben eficial a 5th form student could in his first semester take the fivp hardest subjects in his course he would write oft his eiams at the end of the semester and have half his course finished if though he mis ted french or english he could add this subject to his second semester course and try the exam again at the semesters end this might save him repeating a year because he missed one subject also this means that the student has the complete course placed be fore him in a shorter length of time enabling him to remember the work better and save him many hours of review which he would have to do if the course was spread over the years the tension resulting from eight or nine final exams at the end of or nine final exams at the end of the year is eliminated one could con centrate on 4 or 3 subjects twice a year or 8 or 0 all at once these are some of the advantages of this system but it has its disad vantages too it might mean a drop in our stan dard of education which at present student meetings qualified musician directs our choir iua crab what kind of a music education is georgetown high school receiving are wa getting it from a man whp knows his tnusic i am sure that st one time everyone wonders about this thanks to mr harrison choir dir ector at our school i can supply you with information about his education to yet off oft the right foot i am pi ad to be able to say that mr hsrr- iion had all his schooling right in georgetown ami that he graduated from georgetown ulgh school he has his a rct degree in piano and is working for this degree in tinging as well which he hopes to obtain this coming june he had been very for tunate in being able to study at the conservatory in toronto not only has he vocal and piano ability but he has taken organ lessons also mr harrison at the present is teaching am three schools in george town and also the public school in milton besides this be a choir or ganlst at one of the churches in guelph and of course has his regular singing and piano pupils this is mr the college harrisons third year teaching at the high school as to the very good work hu is do ing dont take my word for it judge for yourself come and hear his choirs at their beht when they pre- ent their crhhs concert for yuur ttv joyment on wednesday march 0th the ontario agricultural college opened its doors at this time the stuuents of th collage displayed their skills which varied from the raising of worms to the art and fashions or paris this day paralleled the royal winter fair the idea being to show outsiders the multiple courses studi ed and the students significant pro gress in the main the college provided a guided tour for visitors in the morning this morning tour was for display purpose and was the col leges way of reaching visitors in the afternoon all were welcome to inspect any building on the premise except the girls dormitory this was the visitors- opportunity to learn kor any who took advantage of the latter opportunity im sure it well repaid his curisolty the editor of this paper high tsles and the wrlteralong with two members of the opposite sex toek this latter opportunity hut at 2 00 oclock our two interested opposiies wound up in the guelph general photo b ctcjei editor don souther and mama mackenzie while attending the sportsmens show in toronto view one of the prizewinning entries in the okeefes amateur photographic contest pic tures submitted by photographers from all parts of canada were one of the main attractions at the show is one of the highest in the world this in turn would result in a lower standard of living our leaders be cause of poor educations could not cope with the major issues of the day if this plan is adopted our high educational standards must be kept it would mean teaching the same material twice a year instead of once since the students would each want to take different options each semester all the options would have to be taught both semesters this would mean an added burden to our already understaffed school personnel another disadvantage is suppose a student took algebra in third form in the first semester and in fourth form geometry in the first semester when he came to fifth if he waited until the last semester to take alge- the small serene chape the ice cube maker the product of which was sampled and approved the oc cupational and physio- therapy rooms and of course the nursery the chapel is on the ground floor and was opened just recently it has an altar and the pews are in blond wood the rugs and draperies it sacred are wine which gives appearance the icecube maker is a metal machine into which water is poured when it is turned on icecubes with holes in the center arc produced and stored in a bin below it when wc arrived at the nursery the chorus of ahs was as good as hospital not patients strictly vi- si tors they tell us our morning tour included such buildings as the following the mas- toy hall where all industrial and commercial art and photography were displayed the horticulture building whereprized displays of flowers including corsages fruits and many vegetables from carrots to celery were shown the horticulture build ings laying out before us all veter inary equipment especially for farm use the manifold kinds of sketches used in animal surgery contour maps for drainage problems on farms farm architecture both house and farm and an exquisite display of insects and butterflies the macdon- ald institute where the home econo mics course for girls was also open for inspection in the afternoon the editor and writer covered many acres we never knew the college was so big we visited the green hdoses first fix our delight we thought we were in the tropics palm trees hanging ferns banana trees cactus and such varieties of vegetation linrd the aisles from here we entered the chemis try building we eicountrrcd a student doing an experiment and soon found out he was from holland we witnessed an cxjwrment where 140 lb of spinach was undergoing decomposition into its rlenients in order to isolate gram of bacteria a very friendly professor appeared and for one hour we talked of the student work and chemistry in gtneral from lirre we passed to the soils building quite unexpectedly we witnessed the analysis of some soil by very complicated equipment we interrupted a profrossor who was about to begin an experiment but he stopped and talked to us he explained how he was engaged in research on irrigation a relativrly new field not wishing to delay him longer than was necessary wc moved to tmenacterifltocynunciinr to one who knows little of this field we were simply astounded by what we learned this was the apex of our visit a very friendly pro- ftssor was there and appeared very eager to tell us about the subject he covered the field of bacteria in relation to industry especially food canning and brewery industries wa- any festival choir ever was any one of us would have been glsd to stay in that spot much longer but on we moved from the hospital we went through the tunnel to the two residences the nurses have a we 1 1 equipped re creation room with a pingpong table a television and many other enter tainments we saw a film and since by this time we were ravenous we were fed we chatted with the juni or nurses and everyone was happy to see beverly hyde again after a full days excitement we were chauffered to the bus terminal by mr baxter where we piled into the school bus for the usual noisy trip home bruce harding pianist teacher stadia hals 81 saus tk 7m78 margaret bradley harding pianist tetacher bttulle main st bauua til 7sjoj ji tuw ttxlu h4kui la lb doauwl swat l skm ww u uumal by taua tuu tafaws as all aa la w bmim al weaavaw sally mai luw tablafc dal a ketiw foaoy trumac tablets sthe ihikt1 aufw tudm i maccormacks drug store main 5tr8it tarry harlay parcntleachcr or trachcrparcnt it docs not matter which way you ay the name of this organization for there still seems to be something missing of course all of us know that the school could operate very well without the pupil but surely someone will feel put out and sug gest a put the student back in school campaign this would also counter act the help the student get out of school ides which seems to bo catching like wild fire perhaps s student student meeting could be arranged it could be the greatest thing since the dsys when we used to tie two coke bottles together pslnt them black and sell them for blnocu- lsrs i can see it now a dimly lit smokefilled room it is lust s leak in the furnace pipe the chairman glances over the representatives snd rises to speak all right you crumbs shut up the room becomes silent we are gathered here we are here to we we are here wo are somc- one- at the back of the room stands and pounds his desk ss re shouts point of order point of order the chairman acknowledges yes what is it student examining his ma perkins atomic ray gun i dont know i heard a guy say that on tv the chairman glsnces once more around the room and seems to be ig- norantof the procedure ho turns to his associates and mutters what do i say now his nervous partner leav es biting his toe nails for a second to scream anything anything but i keep the meeting going chairman r ellmoing up on the desk pour score and seven years sgo our forefathers voice from back of room i ob ject 1 object i object chairman why voice dm do you have to have k reason it is already evident that any contlh- fuuon of the meeting would load to greater confusion sithls little tfchemo p topped before a starts eleven a lis nbw worklrlf on a system where fcthe student receive a train ticket i each report card wittway wlf 11 itlasye home u hlsurks ere bra ogam he would be hampered by a year and a halfs absence from algebra and would need a concen trated review for a subject which is not an easy one at any time so here wc have added some pros and cons for the system which will be trsted at 01c this fall i do not back the plan nor do i oppose it until the results have been pub lished then will 1 commit myself cither way what is your opinion on the semester system high school girls tour guelph hospital leanne derou part of our guelph trip was s tour of the gcnersl hospital this was enjoyed by fifteen girls from grsdes 11 12 snd 13 sccompanied by miss piercey at 140 pm we mobbed the wait ing room of the hospital and found for ourselves perching plsces until 200 when we were to be received by miss brant wc amused oursel ves during this interval by trying to distinguish the ailing from the visit ing among tho poople who were in the room with us the only ones who seemed sick to us were oursel ves snd since our illnesses were not of a physical nature but rather men tal this hospitsl could do nothing for us at 200 we were presented to three girls in their first year of training we were divided into 3 groups of five and thus we began our excur sion the first port of call was the main kitchen we saw tho food for tho whole hospitsl being prepared the meals looked very appetising but thanks to the plentiful supply of food which we hid guzzled at the oac we weie not tempted to do more than stare and smell we wore i shown the csfoterla and the xray rooms tho nurses cafeteria is very handsomely furnuhod h blond wood with matching drspes and rugs in this room jjjere is aemall organ that the girls of the third- year dedicated to one of their classmates janet illiot of bttton who passej away e other floors were visited la succession poitu of interest were pri nting of distinction let our new printing equipment do a better job for you and give youprinting satisfaction wedding stationery letterheads envelopes statements ruled forms tickets posters folders cheque forms catalogues the georgetown herald printers and publishers telephone tr 72631 main street ter worlu for citiet and air condi tioning he told ui the story of peni cillin and of the bacteria called moulds which are used to make it and how moulds and other bacteria grow in bread oranges and condi tions suitable for growth also a method of determining the pollution of water by harmul bacteria was illustrated after in hour we were thoroughly fascinated but we moved on to the engineering department if one never knew how the motor of a car tractor or truck ran he found out here cut away parts of motors gear boxes wheel bases of cars were displayed in detail the student learns how to draft plans for construction of farm machinery and for new parts they even had aero plane engines there we crossed to the administration building and there were promptly reprimanded for pushing a button of an elevator that was out of order the elevator dropped a few feet and wouldnt move so we left nothing we could do about it however wc soon disappeared into the nearest room it was a room where they were developing alms taken on the grounds for television we examined their equipment and had a sample film demonstrated ilul as the sup ervisor was leaving shortly wc had to also by this time all our available time had vanished we had fully intend ed to attend the fashion show but somehow wc rot sidetracked in the ilactcriology building it could only happen to us we had wished to see the dog show we understand a certain giis science teacher stood all afternoon watchlnfl the contest hoping to gee the do term an pincers but they never showed up doe his wife know about this 7 that enda our little visit to the oac it certainly was worth all the energy expended in obtaining the corns we now poaaeaa may visit museum and toronto u h is now definite the university of toronto hss offered us the oppor tunity of visiting the university sny time we wish the opportunity shall be open to grsde is 12 and some grsde lls at the same time it may be possible to visit the royal museum we hope this to be soon as msny students would like to visit this famous museum aiafeu lions honour goldham with life metntwthip bob qoldham ace detroit red wjngs- star has boen honoured by his home town lions club with ah honorary life membership v ho received his pin snd certificate from mayor jack armstrong who r presented them along with a movie camorata gift from the town at the recent night in his honour in- de- trplt bobs father harry gold- ham has been a member of the lo cal elub -r- rr- education it matter of provincial administration in canada ttakv

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