Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 30, 1955, p. 12

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tub ceorsbtowh herald wednesday evening march 30 1b33 page 2 116m itmu ruodacut hi aw teacher shortage lowers standards tu u v eo bmu tl vwulfwh wual ba teuth g haul way- trumac tablets iiuk rwotm ouwin ww mac cor macks drug store main street travel notes easter in fabulous new york by special train trom toronto by air 3450 up 6250 up including hoti i of our choice transfirs etc wr 7l5 john r barber travel advisor john r barber agency insurance travel trlanola 73521 mill street by ah sotce in rhe toronto telegram there we children who will gradu att in tht nixt ftw yean from onta no public schools who will nevtr have had a qualified teacher this gnm fact more than any mountain of figures point up the real tragedy of tht cruu this province u facing in education the minister of education has a- sued the public the uactur shortake has tmtn nu thoulh he admitted some utlirs of permission had to be issued this year despite graduation ef 000 extra uachers by emertiafy sumjntr training programs hi ha evtn conceded a short at i of secondary school tt seller whuh has ixtn partially relieved by jranl trig titters of standing tu suitably iujlifud uarht rs from ouuide on 1il flits are not so n assuring a uf st pl mbrr of last jiar tht ii purliix fit of hducatmn blut bnok listed uj2 public school teachers on litters of p rmit fhist an teachers with no trauuiu or only partial trajn ink 1 hi isiuihg f some letti rt of i rnntt for public si hools ha bi n trnittid i hit k will niim as a dls tun i burprim to many to learn thtn arc already j 10 equally unqualified tiachtr in secondary schools lityond that there are some boo setonlary lischtrs who have qualifit jtit na onl fur public school uachiru who havt ntvir attended univerit not only hje these facta im n ijo s 1 iwr or ilniue4 but tht public htih hi n assured that measures now in ink takin will in a short unit satis factorily met t tht inurkincy f- ikuns again till a different story iwtwttn now and 1003 we will ni til 10 000 additional secondary tiachi rs tht ontario college of t- luution kradujlcs 400 i ach yt ar hit ntw e mt rt ncy summtr train ink program is nartd to turn out 00 mt rt simplt an ihiiu tic it avis us 4 0o0 tiachirs short by 1945 jklori to the point ptrhaps is thi fact that tht shurtakt will fall heavily on set inti tuatht matics shopworlt and oth ir specialties whtn permit ttachers cannot possibly lx- used those are the simple statistics thi till only a part of the story ractd with short supply and heavy demand lht department of hduca tion has takt n tht only course it could find to ketp the classrooms op m it has made it taster and ctua p r to become a tt achcr ror both public and secondary school it ha substituted summer count s for full jnr at tiachm training colli ki and ocr in the case of the public schools it has elim inated lht trade 13 barrier by tajiink slu itnts directly from dradc 2 who lake a twtear course tin se moves were necessary ami so wen ncolniztd by the various tiachi r fidtrations di spite the im pact on thtir zcalousl guarded stan dards hut the teachers who know so well the damage a poorly trained teacher can do wanted safeguards it s not enough simply to keep classrooms open the federations in plumbing water systems ken charlie nash mcdowell new bathrooms installed or remodelled repair of all kinds 5 kino street east triangu 72842 for plain and rock face concrete blocks also chimney blocks if j oriole concrete block co w 1 mcg0van mt line oun williams triingu 73471 outof town callers picascuvcrsc charges u for your excavating jobs cellars ponds loading etc sand gravel and fill call barclay haulage tr 7891 i jk legion notes l m c lut thursday evenidfi was theo ular monthly mettinif with preidtnt jiarvey garvin in the chair with sec retary bob muir and tnasurir aa lace thompson in their respective pla cv f vanoaib reports wtru givtn aoclud ttiit trtasurtr s ryktri stekrepprt n tertaimrunt bin to and sports under lintrm buainebs various af fain wtrt jiitnaliul dtc wen pirktd fwmhoapprujchiiifi runt im i tintf and plans or the contlinpluud air conditiuninu were ditcusud 1 he projeitrtl forced alu of the ltjrij ary to thi rmmbern was rritixid in one family alom it was pomttd out four mi in hi rs will rt ct ive it uih lainj thi substription pnci of 100 it was it ft up to tht distrrtion of the i xccullvc to drtide wiat to do a ut air tonditn ninj i in pnsldi nt thtn callttl iiu clark forward and pnsented him with his past pfibuhnls jiwl and pin he thin askitl i omradt clark to prestnt the fonm r tnasunr hill kont y with a life mtmbtrship fur his splindld work as treaun r diwn through tht years itoth mi n riplut suitably mri tinv 1 1 im i at 0 15 wilh s nj in thi qui i n round the rooms tin wnti r ctiujhl h from hocky last saturday and lit was quiti rikhl too some time oko inhis col umn we said that dutch met artni y and gord jamieson wire looking afti r ilart an 1 crib in the branch had w im un thinkinj wt d havt known that it was lit industrial itahut and that hocky has im t n chuf cook and txittli waahtr an will as primi oriantir of lht dranch tnd of it lht indust rial crib and dart li ahue ha 1 a nal dinner in thi auditorium on saturda last this uat a wry nlct aflair and thi bos dtsirvt creilit for a i h1 season trophies wtrt prtstnttd lo wlnn rs jrd runntrsup thi i i li n now lias anothi r buslni ti man n thi main stre t among tht ir ranks in ihi pirson of maurict manltrson who nctntl optnul up a law prar tict over tht cotton stort if y u look down tht main strut thtn s quiti an array of 1etion mi mlrirs itart mi at oni ml ou havi dr t williams walter hiehn walkir t leave harold mcclurt maurici mandenton mt rv cook joe mcclin lock rred mavtal kay thompson slu vaunt i t ol john it ilarbc r jim hitchie r lmer stitf ami the wti ttr and ii e hroomhead off main st but still down town are ken naih and charlie mciowrii and also in thi plumbing busintss on mill strrtt peel manor head resigns may lt the resignation of mm w yarran ton superintendent oi peel manor was acctpud by peel county council durinjf ils march session mrs yar ranton s resignation wih take effect ma 1st v the resignation announcement was madi in tht pitt manor report sub mitted by hetvt w c arch strctts ville in htr utter of resignation mrs yarran ton stated pitase con vty my tjianks to the county board and commissioners who havt coopv atd i splendid hit petl manor n port rnommin ded that the ru nation be atcipted and that thanks tobt conveyed to mrs yttrtantoi for bir 23 ytars of faithful service ouncil m pro id a tunus for mm yarranton of 075 to im paid oo rt ttrimint and a pinion paid to hr of 50 monthly coiiuih nctnii autfuit 1st immiibate slips will be tuk n to flit tht ocanty jack muckart nd wt just rt tin iu im rul auotlii r i m john 1 ki lly ittiniwtd anpjaintanci somt turn alo with an attivt lkion iiumlnr in hurling tun hob shannon hob is the reevi of hurhnrton a post he has hi id for a nurntwr of years and is tin cum nt wardt n of halton county all at the atft of 3j ears the ntw wardi n hasn t ixtn to any of our af fairs rl but we i xpect tht txecutivi will hat him up to onn thintf in tht futurt air conditioning has dtv tl pi d into quite a prohli in lht or linai uijiion winiow units has provtd not praitual and prices arc im inj reciivid b tht txecutive for a larti tin unit we think that air comjidont nu mm id a providing u can be workid out to uvi it to the downstairs as will as the auditorium wt ih in vi that lht ptoplt that kitp tht plait runninc you can tutss who wi imaru an t ndtleil to thi timi comforts as thosi who uttint thi bin os dancei banqui is t tc and every i tort should im madt to incorporati this into plans tht cost will he hith hjat lch s with ut sayjni and that s just anolhtr rtascn why thi part of the buildinh that supplies the major part of our nunui should im livi p thi saint consult ration at the audi tor m m i- rum various plans we have hi ard in tht past couple of ears we think a rt asonabli compromise can im workid out where the one plant can tm used for toth placts merely by duertinjl it when needed to ex plain thin is no reason why tht coolinh plant cannot be used in the btvcrakc room during the day and tht tanous nikhts when the auditor urn is not in usu then say on binko or dance nights the plant could be diverted b meancof a damper to the auditorium and we waer that with tht stone wall we have in the ualls of the downstairs all 22 inches of thi m the plact will still im cim1 a omi man hours after the air han been diwrtcd upstairs d tat i lm ej 9mm ha forest fires turned this beautiful scene at kwinkwan lake in the while kiver district of ontano into ufily deaolauon last june uo careful with fire in the woods this year ui the onl dept of lands and horests wr2t how high do you intend to buim we have what you need in lumber and builders supplies frames sasb doors their desire to keep educational stan dards up have sought and are still sicking some form of supervision over thest student teachers hut the teachers were not consul tetl penod to the organization of imcr m ncy training prorann and tht ir subsequent requests for supervision have falttn on deaf ears thus we have the picture of the toughest jobs in education the un graded rural schoou and the small hih school where experienced col itakuts are not available for guidance be ink handtd over to the teachert with a minimum of training and no lxpintnce the public school fide rations want a staff of top teachers assigned to ru ral arras to move fnm school to school helping to advise these tiach trs the secondary federation wants summer school graduates to bo taken in hy large boards where they can im supervised instead under rtgula tions covering this new course grad uates of summer school can take jolw only with boards which have tried and failed to get qualified staff much damage has been done tu public school education in the sec ondary field the situation has alrca dy reached the point where one high school south mountain near iro quois has six unqualified teachers in a staff of seven the seventh the principal has not yet earned his tpe a certificate any program which produced tea chers with tendencies to harm iheir pupils physically would never be tolerated yet a program which cannot help hut dnmngo the educa tional future of thousands of chil drcn is accepted no one has the magic answer to the next ten years in ontario schools butconvereelv no one in the teach rng profession is convinced much more could not be done 6ne answer is obvious more mo ney it is a puzxllna fact that des pito the acknowledged need for gov ernment aid the province is now al lotting two per cent less of its bud get to education than it did in 147 increased grants could help rural areas to raise salaries to compete tive levels and would support supervisory program for summer trainees elimination of the 238 or ocr fee and an increased program of bursaries and scholarships would also help attract more teachers perhaps more basically- there la nced for public recognition of the danger and cooperauvo efforts of all groups concerned business iri- d us try parents teachers and govern ment expedi- efce iwemorial 3beal a monumeql built of enduring granite or marble symbolic in design and reverent in purpose resting in surroundipgs of peace and beauty a tribute of respect and honor to the dead a constant source of inspiration to the living we do not employ salesmen or canvassers you pay no commissions manufacturers and designers of the finest monuments available anywhero cemetery t ottering designs on request oakville monument works 90 colborne street w vi 46243 etopatsp nuutou ww were proud x to show you our oil storage tanks and invite you to see them for yourself across from our king 1 street office 20000 gallon storage capacity and our green and lemon truck alway available to bring you on the spot fuel oil service and of couwe were in the coal business too whkeilllcrsol ifttesh l i ut to your dor triatigle 72851

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