Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 27, 1955, p. 14

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r thb oaoatosttovta hmultt wednesd evening april it ibm- pace 4 high tales published by students of georgetown high school volume 3 nuiiber 11 wednesday evening april w 195 georgetown ontario previewing the music festival u cramf well festival time tus arrived once again and u usual tv try oat u run- iliac around at the lut minut dactd tag they donl know their number or that their voire just un t suited to the ong weji only time will tell how every thins turn out but i am sure every one is behind them all the way and wishes them lot of luck when they compete oo april 28 tb at llillon just to give you an idra who thr warbling canarie are 10 the rh o here if a list of the pupili taking part al the festival girls solos under 17 thr rsiry pipers u the number and hetty jtan anderson jean knglcby and apnes nelson are competing 17 and ovrr sweet chance that led uy step wtll be sung by 1at willson sandra srott and call uht- ler irls dueu undrr 17 sky urn music with betty jean anderson and marilyn souther aa one set and shir ley fend ley and dianne harrison ibe other 17 and over barcarolle leanne darou and sandra scott one entry with gail wheeler and sue crabtree the other for the boys bob trarry and dave carter are competing in the boys bar tone claaa their number is called linden lee bob jleaa taking a chance at the ass section is prepar ing to sing shipmates o mine we have decided to have only one double trio this year it u composed of sopranos sandra scott and gail wheeler mexzoa pat wllbon and pat carney alloa leanne darou and sue crabtree god so loved the world la the number and if i may add a tricky one at least we think so the mixed choir la again competing this year and also hoping to bring borne the cup for the second conseou live year with their version of ker ry dance my johann is the number that has been picked for the girl s choir we also are hoping to bring home the cup which we so proudly receiv ed last year but somehow the song just doesnt appeal to us well that sums up our part in thr halton festival good luck every one results of the festival uill be in the next usue of the high tales fiee ou then gtfance is heeded in middle sow la sum daru ln gh grade nine i the only grad which u fllven a guidance course this if very valuable at the time but three years later when the students are completing grade 12 murb of this guidanaehai been for gotten as a result many students in middle school have absolutely no goal beyond high school unless tbey have had the good fortune of want ing only one carver since childhood their future seems bewildering and indefinite until a student reaches upper school there u not too wide a choice of subjects so he or she just accepts the fact that the work must be done whether he finds it interesting or olh erwisr but un dreaming of upper school the student can choose from a much wider selection of subjects what subjects should be chosen the thrifty student would naturally choose those subjects involving the least work the carefree student simply would choose those subjects which he actually enjoys if everyone did this some fifth formers would be tak ing pt only the ambitious student would take every subjects available what would the wise student take he would take the subjects that he would find most useful in his future life but for the many who know nothing about their future this choice of upper school subjects is a big problem we realize there are many fields of work available for young people but what we dont know is whether we are auited to any of these fields if we have no great yearning for any particular vocation then we shall have to choose a career on the basis of what we hope we are suited for this suitability produces another problem into what type of job do we fit the surest way to a successful ca rccr la to enter it with a feeling of enthusiasm and sincere interest this rsnnot be had of something we know little about how are we to rrceie a thorough knowledge of the many fields of occupation k cry one of these problems men t toned could be solved in guidance classes and counselling we could first of all learn about the occupa tions then find out for which one we are qualified and finally we could choose fifth form suhjects mmrl and have a coal to keep us interested in succefctfullv completing high school the teens have hern called the merriest time of life this may he so but hey are also the most mud died mstenous and misledcars why not daug wrlitu although commencement has been over for only tlighuy more than a month we are uurtking of next years already always of coursein ways to have a stiu better and more inter esting show one ides concerns the academic end of it and the remembrance of for mer graduates why not have one of the particularly successful ones come and give short belated but sincere we hope valedictory ad drew we have 1 am sure some good spea kers in jim kirk wood kjling berg andrew lloluzzi or michael beer and a few years further back gordon al colt jim kmmerioo and don kits ii mayor of new toronto this would we are sure be interes ting even from the point of view of learning some of the goings on ar ound alls in former years it might even give ui some new ideas fur our rapidly diminishing stock pjile of pranks although the speeches might be censored by some farsighted tea cher or principal this would be at least a new and different idea apart from our usual round of plays presentations displays etc and perhaps bring back some nos lalgic memories for the members of the audience if any reader of this column stud ent or otherwise has any why not s please tell them to the editor or yours truly for consideration and possible publication forestry dub will help laiuftttatlpms shaila carttay lcrary the 4 ii forestry club meeting came to order at 1215 pm on april 10 in georgetown high school the minutes on the previous meet ing were read and adopted mr armstrong told the members of the plsn for landscaping the front lawn of the new addition to the school the 4 ii members will be planting the trees mr groves spoke about our trip to st williams on april 16 as well ai having a most enjoyable time the in formation gathered on this trip will help the members greatly in their stu d of forestry mr tovrs then talked on the plan ting of trees in which he explained the steps to be taken in planting trees the different uses of these trees the kinds and how and when to plant them v k lvh ring one foecehnuu provided much amutamant aa this cait of hig sch players per formed at the commencement a faw weakt ago donna bennett who ilorrod altondt to her knit ting while judy mccumbar looks on behind donna it bob hooper while centre stefla sharif bob tracey certainly gat he nod for th moat original cottume of the year ken beam the other mem ber of tha cast was not on the stage when this picture was snapped my favourite season nail wallace lly favourite aeaion i think is tha mostchosen season of the year spring i have chosen this season be cause i thuilrthat by the time the ion cold winter his drawn to a close i and many others hive become bor ed stiff with winter pd its dull grays browns blacks and whites it is a change to have the pale green and tha bright colours of the spring trees bind flowers of the lattar the bulbs land out most of all because they ht essentially spring flowers witfi their gay dashes of red and yellow taong tna old leaves nd the remain- 14 tw patches of snow which seenf iijwrtwtlffh i to walk alone 1 rmda ot our eoitn- ethrld green of their warm rd brown and to k preparing their v4 4eiul leif gay singing in the trees and bushes during the winter the only birds we ice around are the dirty noisy little sparrows and maybe a cardinal or a bluejay the animals too are out and about running to and fro gathering food for after their long winter hibernation they are very hungry the first sign ot spring in the animal world is the appearance of a ground hog this strange animal spend his winter un derground in a warm snug chamber lined with soft grasses he la a sen sible fellow he doesnt have to put up with the cold and snow the weather top is a welcome change nice warm sunny days instead of plain snow snow snow and more snow of course one has to put up with thft mud and water while tha snow and lea melt but that is easy to htu when una knows the reward that la waiting at the end slimmer is too hot and dusty and tha grass and trees have all shrivelled up jid one brown under tha suns not- rays mosquitoes are waiting in t distraction- the mrdf have stopped singing and are too busy feeding their young on countless insects to hap merrily from twig to twig singing their merry ditties spring is cool the trees and grsss are green and it is too early for mosquitoes i think that spring really is the best sesson of the year exams in sight tarry harlay it u like rounding the clubhouse turn and heading into the home atretch u we plunge into the few remaining weeks of the school year everything seems normal ai the ex aminations loom up like a black cloud on the horizon and the students begin reviewing the work in hope that they can iind cover to keep from becoming drenchtvl the teachers hfve already been trying ui out on a few choice ques tion- tisually saved for the tidal papers in order to get a alight idea of how we will do in the grand fin ale some of the conclusions which the proturn tests have prod tabad have a look into am future tews yocsjr will television and radio survive the storm of triticisn from tno erio ica of the socalled childrens pro grammes some of which have- bn tiamd as the cause of tuany acciden tal deaths among children comedy proaaniuas are becoming more and more popular as well as variety pro grammes such as ed sullivans toast of the town but moat popular on both radio and tv are the quiz programs uany companies such as rca vic tor philips and wuunghoute are turning or have turned from mainly radio to television manufacturing the radios of people who always have had them biasing into the mid die of the night are now silent and hardly ever used unless there is some prvgraanmy on brampton radip station that deals with georgetown televj- sion is certainly creeping tyvery quickly behind the radio ilut then there is the story against television it is believed that tv is the cause of the monday blues in schools because parents have al lowtd their children to stay up late friday saturday and sunday eveniffv to watch the best programs of the week k alto there is the argument that ev en though there are some educational programmes on television it teaches the younger generation hoodlum ism and how to do such things as rob banks hang people or shooting them however television is becoming the favourite in spite of very severe crit irisms against it and the prediction has been made that by the year 2055 just one century from now your chil dren will be turning on wallsized tel e visions controlled from an ash tray by their aide while the radio except for defense will be a thing of the past and they will look on television as s necessity instead of a luxury do ou agree high school group visit st wilham members of halton county 4 ii for estry clubs spent an enjoyable day on saturday april 10th 1055 when they made a tour of the provincial forestry station at st williams ont the group left hilton shortly after 10 m and arrived at the statoln ab out 1230 pm following lunch in the park on the station the group met the superintendent of the station mr j s ball who explained the history of production of nursery stock which has been a practice of the department of lands and forests for the past fif ty years mr u ucdonald v ho has worked st all phases of nursery stock produc tion for many years took the group to the various pi sees where they could see the many steps in production of the young trees included were newly laid out seed beds beds of two year old stock ready for transplanting the lifting and transplanting machines and final the beds of four car old trees which were to be shipped to var loin parts of the province this spring for reforestation purposes the group also had an opportun it to cc how the trees are prrpar ed and packed for shipment mem tiers showed keen interest in all they saw and were impressed b the man details of nurscr stock production included in the group were ten georgetown high school forestry club members and their leader mr b armstrong seven milton high school forestry club members and their leader mr c wilson the assis lant agricultural representative for halton county art bennett mr c r groves rone forester and mr a vivian and mr v dennis members of the kiwanis club king way the orgsmzation which sponsors the forestry clubs in h si ton county been not too pleasing or as they say in the more intelligent circles its enough to give gopher the heart bum small wonder when the com plctetf papers usually read something like this question why do they say that cloves was the first true ruler of the french answer why do who say that cloves was the first true ruler of the french- question was octavian the son of the great caesar answer it is beginning to look that way question describe in your own words the roman government from nero to augustus answer no cbmment what is c day ill uarjau hear ye hear ye the grand day ap proaches what day asks some unsuspecting first former c day is the famou answer thatachoaa a- ry spriagun tha hallowed halb of ghs when u c day this year whan asked this question our famous pt health algebra geography history and csdt instructor brought out us little black book leafed through a few pages returned the encyclope dia to his pocket and signed the 31st of lisy that is if ccntrsl com- msnd doesnt change it what is c dsy well every year in the spring an officer comas from ontral command in oskvtllf to in spect the cadet corps c day stands for cadet inspection day there is a ceremonial jlrtll laid down by the army where the company or battalion has to d the basic drill movements on which they sre in spected sad parked following tbc impaction sand march past the cad- ts put o aenipqstrations of vsfious weapons they hsvben isught dur mil the year following- up the de- nionttratloiu the corps form up in the armourias far awsrds the whole inspection is very colourful snd in the psst has proved interesting to the msny onlookers to any parents make it s point to be st the rupee hon this yesr that s right the 31st of may prepsrstlons for the big dsy hsvc jut begun sround cms snd soon sll rsdela sre going to sscriflce lhair pts for drill periods snd their baseball bats for rifles thia yesr there u s shortage of of fleers and nco i in the corps the of fleers snd nco a therefore will have to be picked from the senior cadets in the rank snd file how about you only esdeta thst attend parades at the armories from now to the inspec tion will be considered hoar about h get on the ball snd help ghs roll we hsve come second for the last few years this year wltm your help and only your help can we finally cap ture the iord strslheons cup farm miws wiring comrffirtul and domestic a leos electric service muxattuxt beatty pumps ubval traaaua t87290 14440ur upvic monument atrampaati momumatti wetfcs daslons submitted camatary hariri cerfcar teats and hlhian a good dijsllay in stock wm c auan rm aa ouaaai si waal brampton utaa m10j muuoa ras 313 tar tom ntcot ffcem brampton t03w soil crop booklet valuable to farmer the report of the annual con v en tion of the ontario soil and crop improvement association which was held in toronto irj lste january is now available at the milton office of the ontario department of agricul ture it is a very attractive booklet sui tably illustrated and covers the gen eral sessions as well aa the special sessions of the potato turnip and registered seed growers every far mer will welcome the opportunity to read the papers or addresses prcsen ted by same of the following dr w e tnssell on grass and i egume combinations to meet the needs of the ontario farmer dr e s hopkins on a trip to the ussr agricultural exhibition in moscow harry smallfield on tak ing he pasture to the cows or w p watson on the agricultural out look for 10m and in addition there are man other articles on specific topics farmers may pick up a copy at the milton agricultural office flowers for all occasions wedding work coraagea a apecialty cut flowers and funeral designs we wire flower rosedale floral 32 albert st tr 72952 iikraid adikts sre a chesp sure way of setting results they of fer s great vsriety of services for saye for rent wanted real estate lost anil found read them snd use them theyre s msrket plsce where buyer snd seller meet rfgoodrieh footwear in oaargatawn kxelaaltely at silvers sssasai have more cash 6y eonsolidarhng wof reducing payments with m esshih hant xamhjtj t loam cua if a mb si he 1 1mh jrtjt tilu v 13 40 aam mf ffutl a hfmis u lamwaaa- i oat a araan stmrt with a and wwmaa wslcaaaa pfaona i loan huuffauarsd loan on ftnc visit writs for loan to nocr needs all employsd man by mall of came in r uaae ho sa tlaofl aa ihsaiu t a aass hnonal finnci co si main street north brampton irul i tea- over ckaealae mtaasai la7 open friday evenings till 8 pm other evenings by appointment laam bus to mhuasi at sff mum nil toaw nmafel vtoaaa t l twin besrsaajkiffmvabjfflbkbmafiotee readymixed concrete ail materials supplied and mixep by beaver hydraloader on your pttopmty 2poo lb concrete 1 275 cu yd 2500 lb concrete 132s eu yd mcnally construction msk v i til wtmwwimmaaaaaatsi mwm

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