Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 4, 1955, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixteen pages georgetown ontario wedamy eweaaitsg may 4tb first secnon i electronics firm plans production in mcnally construction has contract for new modern building and houses goodwill expression georgetown to india what council did provincials can stay when professor john halla men- tioned during a visit here hit great iflgsuflr i i fin i staa desire to purchase a radio to take stcw i ww ww home with hun to india be did not resiiie that his wishes would be more than fulfilled construction has started on a new addition to the georgetown indus trial scene varian associates of cansda ltd subsidiary of a california electronic bojnpany is building a onestorey 10000 fool floor space fsrlory on property at the uountsinvlew lid river drive corner which was pure ased from alex uaclaren a locsl contracting firm mcnslly construc tion has the conlrsct varian eipccts to be in produc tion by early fall in this its first plant in canada at least four ei ecutlvee are planning lajnove to town including wesley csrnahan who will be general manager the mcnally firm has also contracted to build four house for them in the park district head office of the company is in palo aho california the building will be of modem design finished in buff brick in an lrthape there is possibility that the floor spkce will be inrressed by an addition at a later date gordon s adamson toronto is architect what council did seek town engineer offer 6000 salary with deputy hoove allan norton and cr carfteld mcgllvrsy strongly srguing against it council last wed nesdsy decided to advertise further for a town engineer ununified with previous sppllcations for a 13100 position the sslsry has now been boosted to 8000 its too much money to psy when were getting the same work done now for the town foremans sa lsry and a lot else besides said ur ucgllvrsy as be sided with the dep uty who ssked for a recorded vote the msyor and six other council members favoured advertising usyor armstrong said he favoured advertising to see whst is avsilable 1 m not saying i favour hiring a man until ive interviewed them be said- it will be useful information for record purposes at least reeve stan allen criticised the two opposing voters its nice to see them so budget conscious now he said we have spent 1000 on snnexstion thousands on town plsnning and will need more when dr paludl sets up this plan this isnt throwing 0000 swsy wc ii save 8 to 10 thousand over sn engin cer s sslsry if we vote this out we 11 do without sn engineer snd wc 11 rue the dsy cr wslter grsy also spoke strongly in fsvour of getting an engineer pro viding one la hired who can do the job there was disagreement also in s mstter involving some houars in clo- verdele heights bollt too dose to the side property line in contravention of the building by law lawyer robert watson appeared for odorlcco construction to ask councils oksy on the houses which hsve alrea dy been built he received it with keeve allen crs sargent snd lona opposing reeve allen said this gave a blan ket clearance to any infractions of the by law and builders should be fined when they bresk the lsw deputy reeve norton ssld council should get tougher in future though he would not oppose the present case we cant espect them to tear the houses down and i dont aee how we can do anything but okay it in this case aald cr mccllvray the legion w a wss given dermis sion to bold a navy league tag day may hth and the scout auxiliary a mile of pennies for the swimming pool june 17th and 18th theweathgr ur cditor during the month of april this year there were 6 daya registering over 10 degrees which brought the msximum average for the month to 0 which ia 0 degree above normal the minimum aventge wss 38 being s degrees above narasai with rain on 18 days during the month the total rainfall was sob in ches which is almost three quarters of an inch above normal guess we wont have any complalnte about the way sunday started the month of may em batldn dste uai min rain april 23 48 0 32 april 28 40 30 trace april 27 m 34 april 28 88 33 april 20 77 38 april 30 71 40 may 1 18 40 one of these is a movie star average stresses need for bible distribution rev g t parsons field secrctsry of the upper canada bible society gave an outline of the work of the bible society when he spoke last wednesday at the annual meeting of the georgetown branch rev kenneth richardson rector of sl georges anglican church opened the meeting with a devotional period it was held this year iq that church j d godfrey president spoke briefly and introduced mr parsons the society contributed 40000 ov er its objective last year which ai lows a greater opportunity to diatrlb- ute the scripture to all corners of the world fifty million koreans slone have recently been able to read ssld mr parsons but tfcey mostly receive communist propaganda this is our opportunity we who are so greatly entrusted by god with his word to get the bible to these people and millions more like them the task is imperative he ssld before destructive propsgsnda rea ches them these sre the kind of people who on their first contact with the scriptures become eager to learti of the saviour become de vout christians and then tell many others about it the bible society must not be con fused he said with other groups of somewhat aimllar name who have changed many phrases and mean ings of the truth of gods holy word there are many difficulties in translating the bible into many ian- guages a alight tone changed in a vowel can bring a near opposite m society u not a profit making sciieftzl mcw pi3v organisation and supplies bibles anywhere regardless of ability to nay for them the film 43 tioga street was presented it waa the story of a young boy in a big city who waa ve ry eager and willing to read the bi ble and learn of its great message even though his father forbid the book in the house in one instance the bible waa torn to pieces and thrown into the streets below but this only resulted in sprea ding the gospel to other interested persons through time the father consented to the use of the bible in his home after seeing the work of the lord officers elected for another year al the meeting were j d godfrey pres ident and watson wlnfleld seeretary- treuitrer engage two teachers for georgetown high school staff of georgetown high school has now been engaged for the sep tember term north helton ugh school board has engaged two new teachers mrs 8 hardie of norval and ur damon ro berta who will come tram louth lincolnshire england to join the staff hiss dorothy parkinson u leav ing the staff in june and mr hardie will replace her ur roberts will be a new staff edition necessitated r trowing enrolment which will we three grade u at the school alf other members of the teach 83 41 33 in hockey olympics a norval farmer may be playing hockey in the iob0 olympics joe schercxl is one of the star de- fencemen for kitchener waterloo dutchmen who last thursday won the canadian senior hockey title they defeated fort william beav ers 4 games to 1 to become canadas top amateur hockey team and posses sor of the allan cup now talks are going on between kitchener officials and the ca1ia to see if the team 1 acceptable to repre sent canada at the olympics next win ter if so they will be trying to re tain the world championship won tor cansds by a team from pentleton bc in this years winter olympics limehouse farmer was former taxh operator a limehouse farmer and former proprietor of a taxi business in geor getown james russell thompson 38 died st his home on friday he had been ill for several months son of mrs- wesley thompson or- sngeville snd the late mr thompson he wss born near grand valley where his father farmed he attended grand valley high school then csme to the georgetown district twenty years sgo ha waa employed at col mason s farm on the check line with john smith at stewarttown and at smith i slone before establishing a taxi bust ncss which he operated in the oneill block on main street he married ma rion lorlne leslie daughter of ex warden george leslie in june 1041 they have been farming at limehouse for the psst ten yesra surviving are his wife his mother and seven brothers snd sisters mrs alex henderson mse ross snd ralph of orangeville walter and dorothy of georgetown mrs roy kelly ruth of toronto snd mrs ai bert allen rose of laurel he attended georgetown presbyter- isn church and rev alex calder con ducted the funeral aervlce on monday st the mcclure funeral home geor getown with interment following in greenwood cemetery pallbearers were britton curry dundss harvey blscklock csmpbell ville harold bennett normsn felk cr lloyd dsvlson and ernie arm strong flower bearers were wslter grsy rudolph thuler brock miller august spiuer paul spitier elmer blscklock brisn mccusworth donsld lindsay stanley thompson roy thompson dr ben young stsnley sinclair george eason walter hyde and gordon avlson people from several towns were in eluded in the large number of rela uvea and friends st the funeral scrv ice they came from orangeville laurel grand valley toronto ingle- wood dundss campbellvllle milton acton and the surrounding district mt halla a professor st indore christian college has been taking postgrsduater work st the university of toronto during his time in csn sda be hss spoken to msny church groups including the sundsy school and local st john s united congrega tion j ssupexinlendrnt ernest korgrave and uthir membtrs of the church school stsff thought it would be nice if the children presented s rs dlo to mr italia the plan took form and tonight at a social hour ift the church he will receive a hand some mantel model cansdlsn money when converted into the lndlsn currency is worth sbout jvc limes more snd the cfit girls grouped together to provide 10 this will be srnt to indls to provide s acholsrahlp furs deserving young kir to continue her studies these two gifts will certslnly be one of the brightest memories of the professor s sia in csnsds i teaching two smiling gentlemen one known personslly in town the ether aa a movie star were at a meeting of the atre owners sponsored by mgm stu dies in buffalo n y in the foreground is bui leslie ow ner of the georgetown roxy with him movie fsns particularly those of a few seasons back will recognise george murphy who wss st the meet tng on the compsnys behalf the donsld oconnor of his dsy george murphy plsyed dsneing roles in scores of pictures brosdwsy mel odj snd me l my gsl being smong them he still sppears in featured roles on occssion some of bis recent movlrsbelng battleground and walk east on beacon what council did terra cotta there waa a grand attendance laat night when mr and mrs jack mcdon ald were hosts to members of the terra cotta farmers club for the may meeting the joint meeting waa brought to order by the president wilfrid leslie and opened by singing o canada mr archie kerr and family of ac ton provided aeveral musical numbera throughout the evening and these were thoroughly enjoyed by everyone mrs leslie young prepared and read a very integrating paper entitled adopt group insurance m town employees all town emploccs sre now protec ted by a group health and accident policy which came into effect this week council sfter reviewing a plan sub mitted b mutual life the onlj com pan contacted which will thai with a limited numtitr of participants ad opted it at ukt lcdmsda s meeting town and emploeis will share costs on a 3030 baus two more men will be hired for the town maintf nance crew road chairman norton explained that it is impossible for the town men to keep on with major construction and also do all the maintenance work neceassry cr sargent was opposed to hiring more employees light chairman walter gray sua gested thst codhcll shelve s 3300 ex penditure on traffic lights at two lo cations until the hydro decided wheth er they wil proceed with a new light ing system on msin street he will ask police to act as traffic regulators at busy times until lights are possible garbage disposal was discussed and members agreed that the new landfill machine should be at the disposal site at all time when garbage is there to be covered and not used for other town work until this la done the county road committee has ag reed to pave river drive this year re ported reeve allen who la a commit tee member slight damage fires at meadowglen arena serious low was avoided in two weekend firts by prompt action of the fire department in both cases there was danger of a urge conflag ration there wu some fire damage al the friday supper hour when a fire occur rid in tht boiler room of mcadowglcn growers ltd a large muihroom pro duct ufirm adjoining the smith and stone property the boiler had been ihut down ab out 4 30 p m that day and the fire occurred an hour or two later the boiler room in a aeparatc building adjoining one of the mushroom hous cs and firemen had to take off a small porttonol the roof of tht mush room house otherwise the fire waa confined to the boiler room saturday af u rnoon residents of john street were alarmed by smoke pouring out of the arena the fire originated in a rubbish fil led hole in the ground beside the bull ding and when firemen arrived flames had reached the eaves of the building the arena was filled with dense smoke which escaped through the ven tklators but there was no damage to the buiming council has rexuwd to cooperate in a cam of have and have not vftii the attorney generals department about provincial policing monday night a letteff from the opp cotjimusiooer said that in original decision to pull provincial out of towns over 2000 has been reverted at the same meeting a letter of ac ceptance waa received from hoy 111 ey east york georgetown new pol ice chief who begin his dotieft june t 1st aa well aa letters from three un successful applicants who would take positions on the- force before ttuave applications were op ened said the mayor i had the town chrk contact the commissioner as 1 had heard rumours of a change wc were told that there was no que lion of leaving the oit in towns of awo or over council decided it would be unfair to the new chief to change plans now and that a department which chan gea its mind once can do so again the new chief will be consulted ab out the possibility of engaging the men applying for positions as con stables t drainage problems which bill lee- he main st s claims are responal ble for erosion on his property are due to poor ditching and this will be corrected as soon as possible aald road chairman allan norton william hay ward would like to buy ann street a short deadend adjoining his home on george st the property committee will inves tigate and report at neat mondays mreting j i election june 9th premier frost haa called a provin cial election for thursday june 0th first since 1001 urges support for northern missions a plea for support of anglican mis sionaries in canadas northland was made sunday morning when canon a ii davis spoke to congregations of st george s and st a i bans churches field secretary of the churchs mis sionary society he u soon leaving on s visit to the church in japan canon davis spokt of miss ion aris- in northern canada who work uncom plainingly with tittle funds and ma- grc aalariear their only regret he said la that hc do not provide them with more equipment ao they can work even harder and do a better job for christ he asked churchgoers to examine their mltuion giving in the light of what he said and increase contribu tions fo rthis important missionary ac tivity what council did three now seeking a natural gas franchise norval cpl arnie ha2ell home from korea bert haines succeeds dewhurst as ddgm completing his year aa district dep uty grand maater of credit district ioop harvey dewhurst presided at the annual meeting in georgetown odd fellows 1u11 laat wednesday he wu assisted by gordon spence ahaplein and harry savings dis trict secretary bert haines of golden star lodge brampton waa elected to succeed mr dewhurst la the office louis samson ot milton lodge 1 the new d d grand warden and gordon preston brampton secretary new of ficers will take office june 15th representative from orsugevllle i iim corporal arnold haiell son of mr what hast thou done with the land and mrs victor hasell r r 1 nor- fltts for visit in scottish homeiand off for a month visit in scot land lire harvey armstrong king st and her aunt mr lean mckerral toronto flew from malton yesterday they an bound lor prestwlck and glasgow where they will visit with relative although mr armitrong is nat ive of that country ahe will be seeing 4t for the first time to remember she i gave thee ur jack fraaer provi ded excellent entertainment with his beautiful coloured elide taken in the many eountrle he visited on hlsouth american tour ur p 8 thompson on behalf of the club member than ked those who had contributed to making such a splendid evenlngvpro- gram the committee was made up of ur herbert dolson and ur wil frid leslie the june meeting will be held on the usual data at the home of ur and mr lloyd crlehton the meeting closed with the queen and was followed by the usual social hour val hss just arrived home from ko rea corporal haiell wu atatloned staff wui continue in their duties in wu only a yearaadahalf old when september mss hardie ha been her parent brought he to canada sudoiv teacher at the schoolthl year and her memories of scotland are only wsasjjjfjjj school r she jearned trom listening to wins 15m in lucky draw in brampton p h dfenter king 8t wu happy yesterday to learn he had won 2b mr drenten bought a car in brampton some una ago and the firm wu giving all- purchasers a chance on a 2b draw at mat time yesterday when the wjnner wu drawn itproved to- be the george- tawttman j jt vi in korea for is month after a 80 day leave he will go to gordon head b c lionel- haiell hie broths is still serving in germany with the princess pate on tuesday the regulsr monthly meeting of the norval presbyterian wms wu held at the borne of ur and ur tom uegee there wu an attendance of about so members mrs w reed presided the scrip ture lesson wu read by mr e pet erson mr g l royal led the meet ing in prayer and mr a hunter gave the dedicatory prayer the study book dealing with the health situs- tionln india wu taken by mrs s hardie assisted by mr r crawford mrs lindner and mr wilson plans were discussed for the holdlngof the annual sectional meeting in norval early in may the meeting dosed with a prayer by mrs wlshart and lunchwu served by- mr p brown and mr m mcnabb mrs v gollop and mrs claude armitrong from jlanover were visit ing with relatives here last weekend harvby biwaurst several companies may be vying for a natural gu franchise in georgetown with two already applying by let ter in the put month another north ern gu co ltd sent ur besley to represent it monday at council the new company he uld would lay 14 miles of pipe from an existing supply source bringing in gu from tennessee and promised e reasonable price which will be revealed at a la ter date when the company make formal application for a franchise some eleven people would be em ployed locally with the company han dling its own servicing and billing no decision wu made by council a review of the downtown parking situation wu prompted by a letter from the chamber of commerce poin ting out the danger ot blind spots by allowing parking too dose to intersec tions at the 4 corner and at guelph and john streets the police and road chairmen will make a check of all danger points bob barber asked permission to build on a lot on elgin street which hu only 38 feet frontage entailer than the building bylaw allow it is the lut remaining property own ed by the old barber moral co he explained the planning committee will look over the land and make a decision tenders have been called for pur- chaa ot a police cruiser for the town uniform revolver and other neces sary equipment for the new chief is also being orderetl cr hale said bulldoilng is in pro gress at the paritto level more land for soccer- and baseball the old dump is covered over now he said aqd the rat eradicate has successful ly rid ihe dump of these pests council has written national hous ing regarding peoreondltion of toads in cloverdale heights pointing out that glattjyo ocjurtructlc has not fulfilled agreement as yet and that alton milton brampton and -geor- getown lodges were present also some put grands representing georgetown lodge werejsrot gor don spenee and vred johnson tunch was provided by the local group the town expect thur to be done

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