Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 4, 1955, p. 15

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ncbofrrotes hamilton construction 140 ouciph sttteft tr 73480 homes oarages concrete wobk industrial uquiiemeim renovations v building supplies every building need seewliats maveal motor sales nuun street ttiaoflu y3n y mrs james laidlaw named brampton west womens institute head the annual meeting of brampton wnl wj was held at the home of un j eccles the preeident un george leslie was in the chair the roll call was answered by naming a tree that vus planted ibis year some think you notes were read and a letter from cheltenham and sncigrotc institute in which they ac cepted the invitation to the june mee ting at snelgrove 1u11 mrs tucker will apeak at this meeting a profit of 14203 was reported from march banquet catering a farewell letter was read from an na p lewis also an article from the home and country by mra j doanne the james eccles rug was on display which is nearing completion mrs norman cameron gave an ex cellent motto make good members better and non members interested kach member was asked for sugges- tions for next yeara programme kv- eryone enjoyed a current event con test conducted by mrs w j reed mrs andrew mcclurc reported on the lecture she had attended on in surance planning mrs 11 camer on reported on estate planning while mrs ii herd and mrs w j iteed re ported on investments and real estate the yearly reports of the conveners were presented mrs norman cam eron conducted the installation of officers for 1055m mrs ii c mo gcc was presented with a cup and saucer for making the most motions in the past year mrs j doanne moved a hearty vote of appreciation t the retiring presi dent mrs lcalict the new president mrs james laidlaw took the chair for the remainder of the meeting box plants all kind el flowers vegetables theie plants are finished in cold frames so are very hardy ralph miller huttonvllle for this district you will be i able to get them at j brahdford 28 queen st georgetown i will b home mondays wednesdays and fridays and after 6pjyjevaty evening lunch was aerved by the hostess assisted by mrs garfield mcclurc and mrs w j mcclure mrs alex ixilson movru- a vote of thanks to the huktess and all who bad taken part in the mrrlinr ofticrrs for lowm arc past pres ident mrs g 1l icalie president mrs jas laidlaw first vicrr president mrs hartley cameron secretary treasurer mrs dixon krascr assist ant secretarytreasurer mrs clure archdekin dist director mrs ilsrtley cameron directors first line mrs a rreadner second line mrs jas king dom third line mra joe brownridge fourth line mrs alex dolson fifth line mrs percy laidlaw pianist mrs john mcclurc assistant pianist mrs harold rml convener of standing committees agriculture and canadian industries mrs w j mckinney his torical research and current events mrs g h ieslie mrs herb anthony mrs a mcmcckin mrs alex mckin ney mrs weir heid federated news mrs j ii mccullocb public relations and community activities mrs w j iteed mrs hyatt mcclure home eco nomics and health mrs doug mc clure mr a mckinney peel medi cal mrs jno doanr childrens aid mrs wm salisbury hospital auxil iary representative mrs v j mckin ney sunshine convener mrs john williamson auditors mrs andrew mcclure and mrs don dolsnn cancer dressings mrs ii mcgee eii orange lodge hosts at euchre party saturday night loyal orange lodne 68 held a euchre in the esqucsing township hall stewarttown winners of the womens prizes were 1st mrs jack murray 2nd mrs thomas brownridge 3rd mrs nettie wilaon the mens prise winners were 1st george greig 2nd george fountain 3rd s robin a bouquet of flowers donated by norton floral was auctioned off with mrs harvey lusty winning the bid ding mr harvey lusty convened the euchre and mrs lusty was in charge of the lunch served at the conclusion of the evenings euchre lee clark last thursday evening was the reg ular monthly meeting of the branch with the president harvey garvin la the chair treasurer wallace thomp son and secretary bob ituir in their respective chain after the usual opening ceremonies the various reports were given those of the sick bingo sports entertain- ment and f report was given bylhetreasurer all reports were well given and good ones initiations then took place under the direction of fred mccartney with bis degree team quite a number new members were initiated the pre- sident welcomed them on behalf of the branch under general business it waa an- fiouneed that what was considered by the executive a very good tender for a tyjte of air conditioning had been received and accepted by them sub ject o branch approval it was deci ded to go ahead with the job immed iately and the meeting voiced ibenv selves in favour of this a number of small items were brought up and com dutch mccartney gave a report on the forthcoming nlart tournament for the province to be held on saturday may 7th com t grieve gave a re port on the vimy lght which way held a few weeks ago it was decided not to accept the rent for the rooms from the lodk for their evening for the new canadians it was decided in view of such a worthy project that this be the branch donation it was decided to approach georgetown town council and see if they would be in terested in the same arrangement as last year for the 24 ih of may when council and legion went- together to finance a fireworks display in the park this was considered lo be very worthwhile and was agreed to subject to councils agreement of course harry savings then introduced the trench padre rev ken richardson to the members padre richardson replied briefly and thanked members for appointing him their chaplain meeting adjourned ato 20 with the singing of the queen refreshments were served afterwards by tuitertain ment chairmrn norm mcdonald and jim murphy round the rooms all dart players on the teams for saturday attention dont forget the big tournament if you do as well provinciatly a you did in the zone tournament all the championship will be com inn back to the branch the boys were very successful with taking firsts in everything we un derstand gord jamicson fred gilmer and henry shepherd were the big kum in winning hope they repeat their success dont know how true it is but we hear that they are in training for the event with bill kn- gleby coaching with the amount of darts played i ho we shouldnt think they needed any practice have you heard or rather seen the the latest one regarding the member who received a faa letter muring hockey season last year we seem to have missed that one hope our usual sources of information are not falling down on the job at any rate the letters a beauty and must have taken considerable work on the authors part what say totty for any information or a look at it possibly see john f pat terson a tone sports meeting was held here a couple of weeks ago and quite a number attended from about the zone georgetown is def initely entering a so ft ball team this year we understand they not spec ial dispensation from the zone to use wheelbarrows for some of the fatter players and will he headed by scotty swivel hips patterson he sez that theres still life in the old boys and expects to have them out in the park at 6 30 each morning for training it seems theres a num ber of horses out there now that he intends to use to pace the boys yes we wondered that ourselves who will pace who softball and golf wcro the two main sports dealt with sports officers of each branch will settle their own playing dates for softball brampton port credit and georgetown are in b class acton streestviuo and milton are lnc class the use qf pros in the provincial tournament warsevere ly criticized and will be dealt with ag ain at the next meeting in milton to be held the end of may horseshoe enthusiasts put their names on the list in the rooms or see bill collier or joe stamp softball players who wish to mako the team please put their names on the sports bulle tin in the rooms also four players for snooker tournament to play in that oskwoattowm fcsutald- wednesday iwing tstey 4zh lm face t port credit uay 15 the players went over to milton est friday evening us air eoaditkwiua is to become a reality by the uh of uay too bad liquor nd bees ad- vertislng is illegal in ontario we eould stick out a sign first with air conditioning in the ilistjrieu all joking aside it should be quite a decided improvement bruce harding pianist j teacher l mail mala st best tr 7t mnmniinniibm rvn i mil oil ana coal furnaces sheet metal work 5 bonded roofs 5 spring cleaniirg time is adlet time f watson at b tywramjim m tkasthih te4 m akevhevmabhbrsflsfts w pa kja uifeljffi motorists driving from here to milton are hoping that the county will soon get perking on repairing the large potholes where frost has heaved the pavement notice to creditors in thb rstatb op ray john henry huh kiln tender deceased all persona having elalma against the estate of roy john henry huta late ol the village el glen williams kiln tender who died en or about the 12th day of february 1085 are here by notified to and particular of aarae to the undersigned en or before the slit day of uay ims after which date the aetata will be distributed with regard only to the elalma et which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable te any peraorr of whose claim aheldull not then hive notice datebet georgetown this 18th day of april aj ibm katharine wilma iu1u admlnhv trerrixol the ettate of hoy john henry hilt by her solid- tot dale and bennett geor getown oat m have your ess0 oil burner i all conditloninp unit installed now 25 down 5 years to pay let instalment in september bill spr0ule 4 elizabeth street brampton phonjih77 i x reverts charges i margaret bradley harding planiat teacher steele mala 8u beeiit tr 7m03 heres the slogan for your holidays this year know ontario better there are fascinating sections of ontario youve probably never seen plan now to visit some of these with your family you can make a circle tour arranging to stop in a resort area where family fun is king side trips off the main highways will lead you to historic sites quaint countryside excellent fishing spots and all along your way youll find hospitable hosts who offer splendid accommodation at reasonable rates avoid disappointment by making reservations now if you plan a resort holiday if know ofifolfo i omnubo tbuivau soom ih j o ceuia ar reaoine et rususeaeinaraueouusrue j tavist wroeiunea ssout eanuia j ififh ttuxircssssr ww tiauu jwustmafcr m

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